The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.17

However, at that moment, a loud noise of someone swinging a fist echoed. Before I could turn my head to see what happened, a black-haired boy flew over and crashed onto a pile of boxes.


“… … ?”


Wait, just now, wasn’t that someone I knew?


Baffled, I widened my eyes, and in an instant, the boy emerged from the broken boxes in perfect condition.


“Hey, that’s too much. After all, I am still a prince.”


“Shut up! You’re just a kid who hasn’t even become a warrior yet!”


“Violence is not good, especially against a delicate young boy like me.”


… … ? Did he just call himself a delicate young boy?


Although objectively accurate, it felt quite awkward. Ram Ainur rubbed his swollen cheek and gave a mischievous smile. The opponent, angry to the tip of his head, stomped as if he were going to break the spine of the little prince and fold it in half.


“I won’t let you make fun of me with your tongue.”


“Come on, that’s barbaric.”


“You little rat!”


The opponent seemed to be a Kun clan warrior from his appearance. He had enormous muscles on his body that didn’t look like they could hold a sword, so he was a bit slow. Ram Ainur skillfully dodged it like a mouse. It seemed like he intentionally took the hit earlier.


“Lashin, that… shouldn’t we intervene?”


On the surface, it was a fight between a boy and an adult. I couldn’t help but frown. However, Lacius only shrugged his shoulders lightly.


“Ram Ainur did that on purpose.”


“You mean he provoked him and got hit on purpose?”


“Yes. Now that Lakurum is near, it’s a way for him to show how strong he is before the warrior test.”




Before he could finish his explanation, onlookers gathered around.






Most of the onlookers seemed to be from the Ram clan, and they were shouting for the fight to continue.


So, this was what they meant by sporadic fights during the festival. They deliberately start fights to expand their influence within the clan.


‘If that helps him establish his position within the clan, then I guess he has to do it.’


I shook my head and tried to walk away. 


Watching such things is just a waste of time. Well then.


“Oh, there, red-haired beauty!”


However, just as I spotted him, Ainur also noticed me.


“I want to dedicate this victory to that beauty. If you just walk away, my heart—!”


Whip, swish! The Kun warrior threw his fist over Ram Ainur’s head. Ainur lowered himself to avoid it, landing a kick straight into the warrior’s chin.


“—will break, I’m telling you!”




“I’ll dedicate this bear-like bastard to you, so wait a moment!!”


Hahaha! Ambitious!


At Ram Ainur’s declaration, everyone around them burst into laughter.


“He really knows how to attract attention naturally.”


I muttered that with a sigh. He’s a guy similar to me. A rare fox among foxes.


‘But using me to attract attention? Quite audacious.’


I gave Lacius a look. It meant  ‘I’ll handle this.’ Lacius opened his arms politely as if he wanted me to do as much as I wanted.


“What, beauty? It’s dangerous here—!”


“That damn beauty, beauty. Princess Hertiti would love to hear you say that.”


“Huh? Why are you mentioning my sister all of a sudden—”


It was then.


Swish! The infuriated Kun warrior swung his massive fist indiscriminately. At the fist facing me, Ram Ainur quickly came forward and kicked the warrior in the arm. I watched it without blinking an eye, and I lifted the sword in my arms.








I used it as a club. 


Ainur, holding his head, quickly stepped back, and the Kun warrior struck right in the center of his body, trembled violently.


“While it’s true I’m pretty, who told you to call me ‘beauty,’ ‘beauty’ like that?”


“Ouch, stop, stop hitting me!”


“A child like you deserves another beating, and you should call people by their names if you know them.”


Thack! Spanking is probably the better word here. 


For a moment, Ainur and I exchanged glances. The corners of Ainur’s mouth twitched. Energetically, I slammed the club down on his skull once more. 




Of course, the onlookers burst into laughter.


“Awesome! Well done!”


“What is your name!”


“If being called a beauty is unpleasant, you should give us your name!!”


In the fighting arena set up to stimulate joy during the festival, any means to entertain, whether winning or losing, as long as it’s enjoyable, is acceptable. Understanding the essence of this festival, I could boldly step forward.


“My name is Titania Oberon. The dresses sold by Princess Ram Hertiti are contracted with my store. It’s what I’m wearing right now.”


I didn’t miss the timing and even smoothly added a tiny bit of promotion before returning triumphantly to Lacius’ side. The only ones left were Ainur, who had taken two blows to the head, and the Kun warrior, whose pride might hurt quite a bit.


“It was a good performance.”


“Was it?”


I was curious whether the sword would be too light, but believing in Trachian’s strength, I swung it without hesitation. And it worked! It seemed like it was light only for me; for the men, the weight of the sword remained the same.


“Now I’m thirsty …”


“They sell palm juice over there.”


“Let’s go!”


Various food carts were gathered at the place Lacius pointed to. The juice made by cutting and extracting the upper part of the palm right in front of you was excellent, not to mention you didn’t have to worry about poison.




Just as I was gulping down the juice, I noticed a rather peculiar pair.


“Lashin, look over there.”


“Lady Crisiona and the prince.”


“Didn’t you say that you were close with the prince the other day?”




“Then isn’t that dangerous? We should stop them…”


Perhaps it was because the lady sided with him yesterday, or maybe the prince had some feelings for Peridot from the beginning?


I wasn’t sure, but Prince Verty seemed quite shy now. He seemed like someone who fell in love at first sight, oblivious to anything else around him. But from what I knew about Peridot, she was not someone who would engage in love.


“The atmosphere between the two of them is suspicious.”


“So I’m not the only one who thinks so?”


At that time, the prince hesitated for a moment and gently took Peridot’s hand. Peridot didn’t try to pull her hand away and just stood there.


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