The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.16

Surprisingly Lacius knelt down on one knee in front of the old woman. After making eye contact, he bowed with respect. Realizing that ‘Meiru Trachian’ was no ordinary person, I quickly greeted her as well.


After all, she has the dragon’s name as her last name.


“Pleased to meet you. I’ve come to find a genuine sword, as other swords are simply unbearable.”


I’m not sure if this is the right phrase, but judging by the atmosphere, the owner of this stall was definitely not ordinary.


“What are you doing here? What need do you have for the Sword of Trachian?”


The old woman bellowed. Her tone was so rude that it was almost as if she was deliberately trying to make the other person feel bad. Lacius, however, didn’t bat an eye and smiled softly. 


“It’s not for me, it’s for a subordinate with great potential.”


“A subordinate? I don’t sell to mere subordinates, didn’t you know?”


“Yes, but she is a really good knight. She will bring no harm to the Thracian reputation.”


Saying that Lacius picked up a longsword. It was then that I noticed a round emblem on the handle covered in black leather.


‘Is it present in everything here?’


This must be the seal that represents the shop, like a family seal. Under the old woman’s watchful eye, I gingerly pulled one of the daggers closer and finally got a better look at what the seal was. 


‘It’s a dragon with three heads.’


There were even wings like sharp spears sticking out from the back. Just by vaguely looking at the emblem, I could feel its nasty temper.


“Trachian of the volcano…?”


I muttered that without even realizing it. As I did, the old woman’s eyes gleamed as if she had just woken up from a nap, and she firmly grasped my hand.


“Trachian will return. Isn’t that right?”


Is this dragon one of those mentioned among the dragons that existed in ancient times?


I’m not sure, but it seemed that way, so I nodded discreetly for now. At that, the old woman loosened her grip on my hand and laughed brightly.


“Yes, Trachian will return. There’s no way Trachian would abandon us.”


“Meiru, I’ll buy this longsword.”


“Forget it, just take it. We don’t make swords to make money.”


“I know. Then I will add some honey to the rations I will send this year.”


“Honey? Honey is good. Honey is very good.”


“Yes. Be healthy, Meiru.”


A little later, when we took about three steps with the sword in hand, I turned around out of curiosity. However, the earthen wall from earlier was completely empty.


“Wow. Is she there and we just can’t see her?”


“Right. They come here with their swords every time, but few people can get one. It has to coincide by chance.”


“How could I see it then?”


“Because you want the sword, but it’s not for you, And Meiru can never be found by a man. She hates men.”


It’s like a mirage in the desert. A fleeting dream. I stared at the sword in my hand.


“Is Meiru Thracian the guardian of the volcano?”


I remember reading such articles.


As ancient times approached their end, dragons each chose a place to sleep. Trachian, liking the volcano, made it his nest and selected the guardian clan from among those who followed him.


But it all seemed like reading an interesting novel, something that was just fiction. I can’t believe it really happened.


“Yes. They’ve been waiting for Trachian for a long time, making swords and selling them for a living.”


“Are you sending them some food?”


“Among the swords they make, only a few have that emblem. We receive regular shipments of ordinary swords for the Rentus Knights. It’s been a long time since I met Meiru, but she sends me every year without fail.”


“I see. Then Grandma Meiru is also a blacksmith?”


“When she was young. Meiru was the most talented of the volcano’s guardians.”


“It’s cool, she was a blacksmith.”


People always envy what they don’t have. I have always wanted a sturdy body with well-defined muscles.


“Thanks to you, I was able to meet Meiru again, whom I would have just passed by. Thank you.”


“No problem.”


“The first time we met was when I found Meiru, who had lost her strength and collapsed… I thought I would never see her again since I had no reason to go to the volcano.”


Well, that makes sense.


As I walked and admired for a while, I suddenly realized something. Isn’t this sword wrapped in a seemingly heavy cloth not heavy at all?


At first, it was a bit difficult to lift, of course. However, like carrying a doll, the weight seemed almost nonexistent after a while.


“Lacius, Lacius.”


I called Lacius because it was so strange.


“Why is it so light? I feel like it’s going to fly away.”


“The weight of the sword has not changed.”


“Really? Right now, I feel like I could swing this easily.”


“If the sword feels light to you, it’s because the sword knows that you won’t spill blood.”




“The sword with Trachian’s emblem feels heavier and heavier as you cut more people with it. That’s what characterizes it.”


“What? Then you can’t use it in real combat.”


“That’s why only those who want to have a sword but won’t use it can find Meiru.”


It’s confusing. So, they made the sword, but they didn’t want it to harm anyone.


“I don’t really get it. Then, doesn’t it mean this sword has no practical meaning?”


When I said it honestly because my head was aching from thinking, Lacius laughed lowly, shaking his head.


“That’s the essence of the sword. You should wield it as little as possible. Pulling out the sword rarely leads to a favorable outcome.”


“Well, would this help Ziontin’s progress?”


“Yes. Ziontin may seem rational on the surface, but her inner self is entirely different. This sword will help prevent Ziontin from getting swept by her emotions and getting into trouble with the authorities.”


With Lacius’ assurance, I felt relieved. I should express my gratitude later. Feeling in good spirits, I hummed a tune and looked around for something to drink. It was fine in the morning, but as noon approached, it got hotter.


“You bastard!”


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