The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.13



I wondered when he’d bring it up. I tried to get the words out before he asked one more time, but he was a beat faster. 


“You may be perfect, but if there’s someone who can accept you even in your moments of imperfection, I want that to be me.”




“Two Kun Geisha. Regardless of how that story unfolds, it means I will always trust you, Shay.”


Lacius’ eyes conveyed his words clearly. That was something I was really grateful for.


‘But I can’t say that this world is inside a book and that i’m just possessing this body that’s why I don’t know anything.’


I wasn’t sure, but it seemed fine for the original story to change. As long as Daphne remained the protagonist, it felt okay. But those are the words that will shake the foundations of this world. I had a strong conviction that I shouldn’t tell it.


“I told you there’s a lot I don’t remember.”


So, in the end, I have no choice but to use the amnesia card again. I told Lacius about the information I found out. As expected, he’s not surprised that the Kun Gaisha who’s been following us around is a fake. 


“It’s hard for a face to change that much in a short period of time.”


“He must have looked like that once upon a time.”




It seemed like he had become more mature since taking the position of leader.


We hadn’t decided how to deal with the fake Kun Geisha, but Lacius seemed more concerned about something else.


“Fata-Morgana, hmm… .”


“Do you know anything?”


“Actually, I met another painting wizard in the Terran Imperial Place.”




It’s the first time I’ve heard of it, Sir. I jumped up and grabbed Lacius.


“So? How was it?”


“I only knew that you were a much more special existence than the others. It occurs to me now that the timing of your escape from the Fata-Morgana overlaps with theirs.”


“Ah… Then they might know me.”




“I’ll have to be careful.”


Being known as a painting wizard wasn’t such a good idea. Even now, the princess is already unsatisfied that she can’t bring me to wrok in the imperial palace, what more if she find out that I have this kind of power?


‘… … uh I don’t even want to imagine.’


I shuddered out of genuine fear. It would be better to keep this unknown ability hidden and use it discreetly when truly necessary. I don’t want to become the target of everyone’s attention.


“Besides, this power seems to be linked to my lifespan.”


“… … Life span?”


“Huh, did I say something like that?”


…Did I say that out loud?


For an instant, Lacius’s mood sank heavily. His complexion sank as if thousands of lead weights were hanging from his limbs. I had never seen someone’s expression change so rapidly to despair. Even I, who had seen enough misfortune to know better, was speechless for a moment. 


“They said there were a limited number of powers.”


“Hm, I heard that too, but it seems to be somehow related to lifespan. I’m not exactly sure how… my memory is fuzzy.”


“… … .”


“Well, even if that’s the case, it’s not like I’m about to drop dead anytime soon. If I’m really so special, my lifespan should be longer than others. That’s what makes a solo wizard extraordinary, right?”


“I suppose you have a point.”


“Maybe I’ll live for about 200 years? Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in such good shape right now.”


I deliberately spoke louder and brighter.

Frankly, what’s the use of worrying about something I didn’t know until now?


Unless I grabbed God by the collar and told him to return it, there was no way that my lifespan scattered in the void would ever return to me. So, rather than being depressed, sad, or in despair, it’s better to enjoy life without being consumed by negative emotions.


‘Of course, since my mentality is several times stronger than others, I’m sure it’s possible to think like this.’


Silence passed. Lacius gritted his teeth. He must have realized. There was nothing he could do about it. 


“Keep it to yourself…”


But it seemed that Lasius wasn’t the only one angry. He was about to say something but paused for a moment. Then he took a breath and opened his mouth again.


“You were keeping it all to yourself? All the way from Terran to the desert.”


“Ah, that. Well, I also needed time to organize my thoughts.”


“… … .”


“It’s not because I couldn’t trust you. Don’t misunderstand.”


I reassured Lacius while emphasizing that I was really fine.


“Besides, if my lifespan was really cut off that much, I would have feel something. Those painting wizards seem to know how much time they have left, right?”




“Then I’ll know too. There’s no way I wouldn’t know if it’s a characteristic of a painting wizard.”


I paused here for a moment. Then, looking directly at Lacius, I added.


“But I’m perfectly fine, and I don’t even feel anything, so that means… .”


“You must have a lifespan of over two hundred years.”


“Yes! That’s exactly what I’m saying!”


Haa. Lacius sighed deeply, touching his forehead.


“First of all, Shay, the reason I was angry just now is not because you hid it from me.”


“Huh? Then?”


“I’m mad at myself for not realizing sooner that you had such an important concern.”


Lacius cupped my cheek again, this time in an affectionate manner. A wave of emotion washed over me and I laid my hand over his. 


“I’m fine. I won’t use my power from now on.”


“I should have hired bodyguards for you sooner. It would have reduced the toll on your lifespan by at least a day.”


“Shh, don’t say that. No one saw this coming, and it’s no one’s fault.”


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