The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.11

“I’ll explain about it later. After a while.”


“Okay. I’m never going to tell anyone.”


Daphne held up her hand and made a gesture of making a promise. I hugged her tightly once, half relieved, and then let go. It was then.


“Alaja, the chief would like to see you alone to thank you personally.”


“Ah, sister! I’ll go first!”


A Kun clan warrior came looking for Daphne. As I watched her run off with a wide grin on her face, I realized something, something I had vaguely sensed but wasn’t sure of.


‘The original story has changed.’


Not in a bad way, but in a good way.


Daphne didn’t follow her predestined fate but forged her own path. Considering that this was a novel. Rather than waiting for Lacius to save her while being discriminated against, she embarked on a new adventure on her own. It was an incredibly brave decision considering Daphne’s personality.


Considering that this was a novel, it was so cool and admirable, too. I don’t care if it was me or whatever that triggered it, it was Daphne who actually did it, so I couldn’t help but applaud her. I mean, it’s a hundred times better to be treated like an Alaja in the desert than to be stuck with that trashy house on Terran.


The princess might not easily let an Alaja go, but if she established a connection with Kun’s chieftain, the story would change. If the elements of the Kun chief appealed to Daphne, perhaps the novel’s male protagonist would change.


‘Does that mean it’s going to be a desert story?’


As I watched Daphne’s retreating figure, I suddenly realized something else.


… … Then, can I love him to the fullest now?



* * *




Lacius was casually dressed and reading through the documents he had brought with him. However, it is not the clothes he usually wears, but the traditional clothes of the desert country prepared by the desert people. The long top and pants were embroidered with olive leaves in green thread, and it matched him quite well.


Actually, it would be more accurate to say that there was no outfit that Lacius couldn’t pull off.


“Did you have a good talk?”




Pounding, pounding. My heart is tickling pleasantly. As I approached him, Lacius moved a bit to the side so I could sit down. Just in time, Cat disappeared somewhere, probably because the room was stuffy. I sat down next to him a little closer than usual and read the contents of the document he was reading.


“Hmm? This seems different from usual?”


“Right, it’s about the main estate.”


“I don’t think I’ve seen much about the estate. That’s interesting.”


Lacius usually read documents related to the court. I didn’t know much about the territories of Archduke Schweiden, so it was kind of interesting reading about it.


“Wow, a new gold vein was discovered in the mines?”


“That’s right.”


“That’s what it’s like to be really rich, you have a whole vein of gold.”


I stuck out my tongue and flipped through the papers, and Lacius didn’t stop me at all. Rather, he looked at me with warm eyes and turned over the back page to explain.


“There is a diamond mine in Hassa. Aweil has a large cotton farm. The cotton production there is the highest in Terran.”


“So each territory has its unique features?”


“Markarten can only survive on tourism and gambling. The ground is so weak that maintenance work is done every year, and it costs a lot of money. They have to use wizards.”


“Don’t the Scwheiden family have their own wizards?

“We did, but we fired them.”




Okay, let’s not ask more about this.


I swallowed, feeling his firm thigh against mine. Why is my heart pounding when we are having a conversation about such an important territory?  It was a mix of quietness without any music and a tingling excitement.


An excitement that made it difficult to breathe out loud. It reached its peak when Lacius explained the next part in a hoarse voice.


“There’s one thing missing here, and that’s the operating rights for the Markarten Casino. This was supposed to be for you, but you’ve been busy and haven’t seen it until now….”




“When we return to Terran from the desert, you should check it out.”


This is driving me crazy. Whether it was intentional or accidental, Lacius’s lips touched my earlobe. Every time he speaks, my hair stands on end. Getting greedy and sitting very close has led to our thighs pressing tightly against each other without any gap—a problematic situation.


‘Gasp, my heart.’


I think I’m going to have heart failure. How could I resist a handsome man with a sweet voice offering me the right to run a casino? I’m materialistic, so I didn’t mind at all.




Don’t give in. Don’t give in. Don’t— I can’t.


I end up calling out to him, my eyes flashing. He flutters his long lashes and looks at me as if to ask why. His blue-gray eyes are so gentle, I feel like they’re giving permission. I finally wrapped my hands around Lacius’ cheeks and pulled him towards me.


Chu. It was the first kiss I’d ever given him. But before our lips could part, he turned his head and his hot tongue slid in. It was like he’d been waiting for it. I was the first to attack, but why do I feel like I got deceived?


Lacius was no longer holding back. His teeth flicked across my teeth, stealing the delicate flesh of my cheek. It was tingly, but the feeling of floating on a cloud made me more aggressive.


Was it because we were pressed so closely together, or was it the aftermath of the duel earlier that had slightly unsettled his composure?


Lacius gently touched my thigh. With our tongues intertwined and our breaths mingling, his hand soon found its way higher, driving me to the brink of madness. Without realizing it, I wrapped my arms around his neck and climbed onto Lacius’ thighs.


“Shay, not here.”


He grabbed my waist in a panic, trying to stop me. But his eyes were already glazed with lust. I pressed my forehead against his hot forehead and smiled.


“My man. Mine.”


“…… I am.”


“I like you.”


“… … !”


It’s always fun to watch his eyes widen. It was a confession I had made before, but joy filled his eyes as if he had heard it for the first time.


“I like you more than you think.”


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