The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.10

“… … ?”


Why was she running so urgently to tell me something? Daphne came to a stop in front of me, her face flushed and her breath heavy.


“I’ll go in first so you can talk comfortably.”


“Thank you, Lashin.”


Lacius just glanced past Daphne. It was the same with Daphne. Daphne, who did not give Lacius the slightest glance, soon straightened her back and stared at me with serious eyes.


“I just wanted to thank you, sister.”


“Huh? For what?”


“For everything. It’s all thanks to sister. Because you stood up for me like that.”


What, what is she talking about?

I raised my eyebrows as I reevaluated Daphne. Then Daphne politely put her hands together and bowed her head.


“I’m really grateful. Thanks to you, my adoptive father made an effort to let me take various tests to discover what kind of talent I had.”




“Yes, to urgently find out what kind of talent I have… and I did, I discovered that I can use healing magic.”


“… … oh.”


Oh my god. It felt like I had completed some kind of hidden quest. Is this what they call a protagonist buff?


First of all, there were very few wizards in this world, and even among them, healers were rare. In addition to having the talent to sense mana, one needs to be intelligent, have quick thinking, and be adaptable. Memorizing spells was also essential, so a good memory was required.


‘Seems like she’s not as bland as I thought..’


I must have been biased because of the original. I nodded in deep reflection. Daphne then spoke up.


“That’s why my father was so desperate to get me on the desert delegation, to make an impression and revive the family name at all costs.”


Whether to consider it fortunate or to offer congratulations, was a bit ambiguous, but it certainly wasn’t a bad thing for Daphne. After all, she was a wizard, and among them, she possessed the rare talent of being a healer.


Daphne’s safety as well as her future life were guaranteed. If she were to enter Teran’s imperial magic department, she might receive significant rewards. It was something to celebrate.


“That’s great, Congratulations. I was actually a little surprised to witness it earlier.”


“Hehe, thank you. I really wanted to tell it to you and thank you, sister.”


She was kind-hearted. It was her own talent, so why should she thank me?


However, it was undeniably surprising. If the story had followed the original plot, none of this would have happened. It was a development I had never seen before. Daphne wiped away her sweat and then let out a sigh. She looked at me with eyes that sought advice.


“Actually, I want to live here forever, but… it won’t be easy, will it?”


“It will not be easy since it is a matter of changing citizenship. But why? Is there a reason?”


Daphne smiled slightly in response to my question, and her dimples were truly charming. She looked like a woman in love. But I couldn’t quite figure out why it wasn’t Lacius.


Surely she didn’t fall in love with him after seeing him briefly at the amusement park back then?


“… … Did you fall in love at first sight? To… the leader of Kun?”


“Hehe, did I get caught already?”


“Your face…”


“Oh, no. It’s a secret, for now. I’m going to actively woo him while I’m here. I heard earlier that it is common for women to propose first in the desert. If there’s a guy they like, they’ll mark him down and kidnap him.”


No, kidnapping is a crime.


When I was speechless, Daphne looked at me and smiled bashfully.


“I also want to be a person who helps the weak like sister one day! I wish I could train a lot more in the desert.”


“You don’t really want to go back to your dad’s house, do you?”


“Yeah, I don’t think that’s where I belong, and even though everyone is trying so hard to teach me, I don’t even know the basic manners…”


Daphne’s expression shifted from a smile to a hint of sadness. Then, she quickly changed the subject with enthusiasm.


“Anyway, I’ve fallen for Kun Geisha! Isn’t his name so cool? At first, it was just his appearance that caught my eye when I saw you two together, but now it’s more than that.”


Oh, she doesn’t know they’re two different beings.


“Those eyes with that strong desire……. I’ve never seen such deep, red eyes in my life, aren’t they mesmerizing?”


Most people would find it intimidating, but Daphne seemed to feel the opposite.


“Moreover, that strength… I didn’t know, but it seems I have a thing for feral men. I realized it when I saw Lord Kun Geisha.”


“… Feral men, indeed.”


Almost like a beast.


I wisely swallowed my mutterings to myself.


“Plus, I loved how he got knocked out at the end, but then he got up and laughed. He’s a great guy who can swallow his pride for the sake of his clan.”


“… … .”


“Ah, that doesn’t mean that your fiancé was at fault or anything like that, sister.”


Daphne showed a mixture of excitement and timidity, glancing at me. I grabbed Daphne’s hand, lowered my head, and whispered quickly in her ear.


“Daphne, there’s something you must promise to keep a secret.”




“You must never tell anyone that you saw Kun Geisha when you were with me.”


“Pardon? Why—”


“You must promise me you’ll do that for me. Do not talk about it, especially not in front of him. He will hate it.”


Daphne was sincere and heavy-mouthed. She seemed anxious, but there was nothing she could do about what she had already seen. She can only trust me and keep this promise. Daphne widened her eyes and then eagerly nodded her head.


“I understand, sister. I’m sure you have your reasons.”


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