The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

“I want to do something that will make someone happy.” 

There was a time when I walked out of a call centre exhausted and worn out after a day of dealing with angry customers, getting scolded left and right whenever I said something they didn’t want to hear. 

While I understood the customers’ point of view, there were days when it was simply too exhausting and difficult.

My dream has changed since that day. I wanted to do something can make people happy and see them smile because of me. I wished the customers were happy because of me.

This feeling may have solidified my desire to become a webtoon artist, as content could bring people joy.

“Ah, what is wrong with me?”

Tears welled up for no apparent reason. I wiped my eyes and looked up at the distant sky. The fireworks were still exploding and adorning the dark sky.

I stacked the blank papers and stuffed them into my handbag after staring at it for a while. Then I attempted to escape through the fence—


When someone suddenly grabbed my waist and flew away at breakneck speed.

“… … ?”

I was literally flying. I was at the aquarium before I knew it, far away from my original location, my insides squirming from the rapid movement. I felt sick to my stomach when I realized my kidnapper had run so fast that I was not able to see anything. 



“Get out of my way before I puke all over you.”

Wretch. When I realized the man’s skin was dark, I punched him in the chest and pushed him away, then grabbed my throat and retched. 

It’s Kun Geisha.

But he was not his usual self today. Geisha grabbed my shoulder and violently shook me before I could come to my senses.

“Are you crazy?”

“… … what?”

“Do you really want to die so badly that you go insane?”

This was a first. Geisha had never acted like this before, even if I had refused and pushed him away. He was genuinely angry right now.

“Explain so I understand what you are saying.”

So I became serious as well.

There was a hint of terror deep within Geisha’s red eyes, making it difficult to dismiss his outburst as an overreaction. 

It seemed like he wasn’t just talking nonsense.

“You can not use your powers like this, no matter how powerful a solo wizard you are, and especially not for such a pointless act…”

“… pointless?”

I tried to remain calm, but his criticism of my creations fueled my rage.

“Have you finished talking? Do you know how hard I worked to make these? Pointless?”

“Yeah, pointless. Was this what you wanted? No, Shay, this is not what you wanted. Remember, you have a mission to complete.”

“Sigh… you know I will not listen to you, so you kidnapped me and now—”

“A storm is brewing, and what you are doing is akin to facing it naked.”

“You are getting annoying; do not you think your story is getting too repetitive?”

I am completely sick of it now. 

“I said I did not want it. That mission, the paradise, whatever. I am done with it.”

He repeated the same words over and over again. How many times has it been now? Isn’t he tired of it?

However, Geisha maintained a serious expression as he stared at me.

“How much power did you use? How many are left?”

“… I don’t know how many are left.”

“Stop playing games; you said you had nineteen left when we moved, but with how you are using your power… You might only have ten left now.”

I am not sure what he is talking about.

I shook my head and furrowed my brows. This must be part of the setting for the ‘Painting Wizards,’ which only the author knows about.

‘Have I read anything about it before… … ?’

Is it during Shay’s monologue?

I don’t think there was a mention of it.

“They will find you if you continue to use your power recklessly,” Geisha warned gravely. “You have always been afraid of ‘them,’ Shay.”

Oh, he is now including fear in the mix? This is becoming absurd. I was still uneasy and queasy, but I tried to calm myself down by asking, “Who exactly are ‘them?'”

“Those who defy the gods, oppose them, and resist them,” he replied.

“… Enough with the descriptions; just tell me their exact name.”

According to Geisha’s response, ‘them’ would most likely refer to those who were pursuing the Painting Wizards. It could not hurt to know their name, so I asked.


“It is an unfamiliar name, and nothing comes to mind.”

“You crossed the desert to get away from them, and then you… me…”

“You? What about you?”

“… I…”

This seemed to be an important part of what he wanted to say.

I swallowed dryly and focused my attention on Geisha. I had never been so focused on him until now. However, Geisha’s words didn’t reach their conclusion.

Thack. Someone stepped on a tree branch. Geisha immediately pushed me back and growled ferociously, as if he was about to leap on that person.

“Come out.”

Will they come out just like that?

Eavesdropping rats deserved to be smacked with a broom. 

I pushed Geisha away, who was immobilizing me, and moved forward nervously. The moment I was about to break through the grass and grab hold of someone’s hair.

“… Daphne?”

Under the moonlight, I saw the face of someone I knew. Daphne looked very surprised.

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