The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

10. The Amusement Park’s Grand Opening Ceremony.

Yellow, blue, and pink.

Girls dressed in colorful dresses laughed as they hopped around the place.

Their billowing sleeves and long ribbons tied around their waists fluttered like butterfly wings, but no one pointed it out.

An actual orchestra was playing exciting music behind the girls.

Despite the fact that it was late spring, the flowers were still in full bloom.

Noble young ladies strolled around with their parasols, leisurely chatting.

“I want to go first!”

“No, I will go first!”

“Older brother has already ridden; now it is my turn!”

The boys huddled together in front of the Viking sign, raising their voices at each other. It was a lady nearby who put an end to it.

“You must ride in order! Now, let the younger brother who has not yet ridden go first; there are plenty of seats, right?”

“I want to sit in the front, Mom!”

“No, you already sat there earlier; you should yield.”

The boy reluctantly gave up his seat when he heard the stern voice. The younger brother jumped in with glee.

“It’s the Viking!”

However, the previously crestfallen boy quickly regained his energy. This ride, which they had never seen before, was enjoyable whether he sat in the front or back.

A large artificial lake was located to the west. Around the lake, there were benches to sit on and shops selling a variety of foods.

“Now, go and buy that ‘popcorn.’ Be sure to also buy the ‘Grilled Corn Cheese’ next to it.”

“Yes, miss.”

This amusement park celebrated its grand opening ceremony today.

Almost all of the capital’s aristocrats gathered at the amusement park, accompanied by their families, servants, and maids.

Everyone, whether they had children or not, was intrigued and had to come see it for themselves.

So, regardless of how many shops were set up, they were all buzzing as if they were about to burst.

“No, that ‘butter-roasted potato’ belongs to our young lady!”

“What are you talking about, this is what our young master has been waiting for so long to order since earlier!!”

“Do not you realize my young lady’s family is far superior to your young master’s? Give it to me!”

“No! Our young master has been waiting for this for over 20 minutes!”

This type of arguing and bickering was unavoidable in front of particularly popular stores. 

They brag about their ranks and families, saying things like, “I should go first,” “No, I should go first,” and there was no way to stop such fights. It was thus up to the seller to maintain order. 

“I am sorry, but the ‘butter-roasted potatoes’ will be served strictly in the order they were ordered, so this young master will be served first.”

“Oh, you are ignoring our young lady right now? There will be consequences!”

“Ah, yes, I understand. There will be consequences, but I am more afraid of losing this job, so I will have to give them in order.”

The servant’s eyes widened, but cutting in line was strictly forbidden.

The seller, who was rolling potatoes on a metal plate with a crisp sound, first offered them to the servant sent by the young master.

“There is salt, sugar, and pepper right there; sprinkle whatever you want.”

“Ehem, thank you. You show what justice is.”

The beaming servant artfully sprinkled sugar over the potatoes.

In fact, the young master had already bought and eaten one, but he returned because they were so delicious.

Who knew that potatoes rolled in precious butter could be so delicious?

After the servant had left, the next person in line stepped forward.

When he saw those who wanted to cut in line, he told them off.

“Those who attend the viscount’s young lady should wait quietly in the back of the line over there, as the marquis’ young lady is also waiting for her turn nobly.”

There were a lot of people who were eager to try these exciting new foods.

They may have thought they could bully their way in, but because even higher-ranking customers had to wait their turn, those below them had no choice but to follow the rules.

I felt a great sense of accomplishment as I wandered around the amusement park, watching those events unfold.

This is amazing. Really amazing!

I had spent so much time planning it, designing it, and then working on it. 

I can not believe the amusement park I labored over to the point of collapse has received such a positive response.

I was so proud of myself for coming up with this idea.

‘Just open it like this for now, and later, when I draw a roller coaster and call it out…’

It will undoubtedly attract a lot of money.

Nobles are easily bored.

They will eventually stop coming if the same amusement ride remains the same. So I had to keep coming up with new ideas. It was fortunate that I could create so many things.

It was then.

“Her Highness, the royal princess has arrived!”

“His Highness, the royal prince has arrived!”

A loud voice resounded from the entrance, caused by magic.

Then everyone came to a halt and bowed deeply.

Even the orchestra came to a halt, leaving only the popping sound of popcorn to be heard.

“It appears that I have disrupted your fun; don’t mind us and continue.”

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