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“I’m truly sorry. I hope this doesn’t make our relationship awkward going forward. Can you forgive me?”


“Oh, of, of course.”


“Thank you. I promise to remain a true ally of His Highness Carlyle and the Countess from now on.”


“I’m the one who should be grateful.”


Asha gave Cecilia, who was leaving with a polite bow, an awkward smile.


However, even after she left, the uneasiness she had been feeling since earlier did not go away, and she continued to tilt her head.


‘Why is the future Empress being so humble to me? It’s strange…….’


However, she didn’t think too deeply about it. After all, it would only benefit Pervaz if she had a good relationship with Cecilia, who would eventually become the real Empress.


* * *


As soon as Matthias ascended to the throne, Gabriel gathered the priests who were well-versed in the law and began the work of creating a new imperial law.


The Order, which had previously looked askance at Gabriel and the Golden Bough Brotherhood, quickly changed its attitude when Matthias became emperor and the empress showed a pro-religious stance.


The Holy See was still said to be undecided, but all the temples in Zyro had turned to Gabriel’s side.


“I don’t think it’s bad… what do you think, High Priest Gabriel?”


Archbishop Radrell Otis, who had not been able to speak a word in front of Carlyle, was the same.


Gabriel invited Radrell to be the chairman of the “Imperial Law Reform Committee” and entrusted him with the task of gradually revising the imperial law in accordance with the Elahe Law.


“Hmm……. I would like to change it to match the Elahe Law right away, but to minimize backlash, this is probably the best we can do for now. Thank you for your hard work, Archbishop.”


Radrell, who had been holding his breath and watching Gabriel’s every move, finally sighed in relief and laughed.


“In fact, it is impossible to completely change the imperial law to the level of the Elahe Law. This is enough… .”


“What are you talking about?”


Radrell, who was about to end it at a reasonable point, quickly changed his words at Gabriel’s cold gaze.


“… …there may be some who think so, but that is not acceptable.”


“Ah, I see. I almost misunderstood you, Archbishop.”


Gabriel smiled kindly and sweetly again, and made a gentle threat.


“If there are any priests like that, let me know. Those who are corrupt and compromise have no place to rest in the courts of God.”


“Of course! Hahaha!”


“Anyway, the new imperial law must be kept strictly confidential until the day it is announced. The new law should not be noticed as much as possible.”


Radrell nodded obediently, but he didn’t seem to understand all of Gabriel’s words.


As if he had read his mind, Gabriel whispered.


“We will change it little by little, little by little, without causing much backlash from the nobles. When they come to their senses later, they will find themselves living according to the word of God.”


Gabriel believed that it was truly a kind consideration. He thought it was a matter of gradually leading those who live in a corrupt world to the path of God.


If he had been the old him, he would have pushed the Elahe Law as soon as Matthias ascended to the throne, demanding that he keep his promise.


However, Gabriel had also changed his mind during that time.


‘Even in Pervaz without a single temple, people prayed to God with deep faith.’


They may be ignorant of the Elahe Law, but their hearts were far nobler than the nobles who only threw money away and lived a dissolute life.


‘If we suddenly announce the strict Elahe Law, those people will be punished for breaking the law.’


‘Even Asha was breaking several Elahe Laws right now. Soon, she will also break the law that says ‘a wife shall not betray her husband.’


So far, I’ve only shown her a little bit of what I can do.


“Then I’ll leave the rest of the work to you, Archbishop.”


Gabriel smiled down at Radrell, who had once rebuked him for being “a priest who is also the Empress’ lover.”


Although Gabriel was supposed to be higher than Radrell in the hierarchy of the church, it was clear that Radrell was the one who was currying favor now.


Gabriel turned away from Radrell, who was greeting him, and returned to his room. There were piles of letters on his desk.


“Tsk tsk. They’re all so transparent… .”


A smile spread across his lips, which he could not quite hide as he shook his head. He felt that the world was finally starting to turn the way it should.


‘A country where the servants of God are respected as leaders of the people is the norm.’


Gabriel was sorting through the letters, checking the senders one by one, when he stopped short. He had found the sender of a letter envelope that was of poorer quality than the others.


Asha Pervaz


The handwriting was not very elegant. It was blunt and neat, just like her.


It was also the only envelope that conformed to the imperial postal regulations, unlike the other envelopes that were scented and sealed with expensive wax.


Gabriel opened the envelope with a slightly excited heart.


… I happened to overhear a conversation between His Highness Carlyle and Sir Raphelt last night. As you said, I seem to be about to be abandoned. I am still not fully recovered, and I do not know what to do.


Gabriel’s heart skipped a beat.


What Carlyle and Giles had talked about was not written, but he could roughly guess.


… The only person I could contact in times of trouble was you, High Priest, so I am writing to you even though I know it is rude. The window of the tower where you used to stay is not locked.


Gabriel’s smile widened at the decision of sending a reply by a pigeon.


‘Countess Pervaz has finally made up her mind.’


It was a good thing. For the sake of Asha Pervaz herself, and for Emperor Matthias, who needed to bring down Carlyle.


‘I should be able to get a lot of information about Carlyle’s side through Countess Pervaz. I can reward her for her service by giving her a place in the Imperial Knights.’


And then Gabriel revised his plan a little.


‘No, giving her a place in the Imperial Knights could cause a stir… The Holy Knights would be better.’


And the Holy Knights that Asha led would be guarding the area around where he was staying.


‘She is a person that Libato sent to me, so I must show her my sincerity.’


He wrote a reply without delay.


* * *


After a period of peace and stability in the Pervaz Territory, and Asha’s partial recovery, Carlyle gathered his close aides.


“It’s been a while since we’ve all been together like this.”


He took a deep breath and looked around at Lionel, Giles, Isaac, Asha, Decker, and Cecilia.


The time they had known each other, the things they had experienced together, and what they expected from each other were all different, but one thing was the same: they had all risked their lives for him.


He felt a renewed sense of responsibility.


“It’s time to start our counterattack. Give me a situation report.”


Due to Carlyle’s arrival in Pervaz, the situation in Zyro had become quite ambiguous. Not only the middle class, but even those who had supported Carlyle were wavering. However, there were also some good developments.


Cecilia was the first to report on the atmosphere in the social circles.


“The imperial collateral families sided with us. I didn’t think they would move from their neutral position, but it seems that they have changed their minds after Your Highness came to Pervaz.”


“They weren’t pointing their fingers at me for running away?”


“They are the ones who protect the imperial family itself. If Your Highness had directly attacked the Imperial Palace, they would have accused you of treason, but they seem to think that by coming to Pervaz first, you are ‘a man who knows how to be patient’.”


It meant that they were taking a positive view of the fact that he had, albeit reluctantly, accepted the announcement of the imperial family and the temple.


Carlyle snorted at that.


“What’s wrong with Emperor Matthias? Why would they support me? I’m talking about those who claim to be the protectors of the imperial family.”


“It’s true that the cause of the death of the previous emperor is suspicious.”


“It’s funny that those who suspect that would say they want to remain neutral. They’re just cowards.”


When Carlyle got angry, Lionel and Giles tried to calm him down.


“Anyway, they’ve finally come over to our side. They will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. Once they decide on a direction, they are not easily swayed. That’s what they’re known for.”


“If they become our shield, we will also gain the justification for rebellion. It will also be easier for us to move around in Zyro without the Empress Dowager’s notice.”


Carlyle nodded at their words.


Right now, it was more important to gather his forces and plan how to use them than to dwell on unpleasant things.


“First, we need to start by uncovering the plans of the Empress Dowager and the temple. The nobles will never accept the Holy Empire.”


“That’s right. The nobles have to pay 10% of their income to the temple for no reason.”


Lionel agreed with Carlyle, but Giles was skeptical.


“But do you think the Empress Dowager or the temple will simply accept this?”


The Empress’s greatest source of support was naturally the temple. The temple, contrary to its modest image, had considerable financial resources and used the pretext of divine words to manipulate people’s thoughts.


They had to either take away such temples from the Empress or weaken her power itself, but it was not as easy as it sounded.


However, Carlyle said, meeting Asha’s eyes.


“What if Gabriel, the High Priest, who is the closest aide to the Empress Dowager, admits that fact himself?”

Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^ If you'd like to read my other works, you can check them here


  1. Aren says:

    Thanks a lot 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵

  2. Eclipses says:

    Yesss! Finallyy! Let’s cut apart the limbs of delusional priest!

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