The Abandoned Lady Lives in a Dollhouse

After class, Jupiter and Juno had tea together under the pretense of helping her study.

“Juno, why were you like that today?”

“Huh?” Juno pretended she didn’t understand, but it seemed Jupiter wanted an answer.

“Something felt different.”

“Was it obvious?”

“Mm-hmm, I could tell.”

In order to maintain their superficial relationship as playmates, they spent a lot of time together until Jupiter made his social debut last year. So, Juno knew Jupiter well, and he knew her well too. Of course, Juno couldn’t say he and his father were suspicious to Jupiter’s face, so she mentioned her worries from before they met.

“…It’s just I’ll be an adult in three years.” Juno wanted to see how he would react. “So, Jupiter.”


“Usually, girls get married when they’re eighteen. I’ll most likely have a husband as soon as I’m an adult.”

“…What?” Jupiter’s eyes widened.

Juno was enjoying herself, the corners of her mouth rising. Chuckling mischievously to herself, she continued, “Will my father find me a good marriage partner?”

Jupiter quickly smiled and laughed. “…Why, of course. You are his one and only red-haired daughter.”

What a funny thing to say. His laughter was natural, but Juno couldn’t help but notice how he took a moment to respond.

In any case, even if the marquis didn’t feel that way, it was understandable he was trying to get rid of Juno.

Marquis Robert and Lilith. For the past five years, they regarded Juno as a stranger. There were many days when Juno was upset about being treated like that, but now she wasn’t bothered by it anymore.

It’s not my problem. However, the mansion wasn’t so peaceful because there were no children between the marquis and Lilith. At this rate, he will have to bring in a new mistress or try to get Juno on his side. Between those two options, his position as marquis would be more stabilized if he married a woman from a decent background, and then use that family’s power to keep his title and get a legitimate heir. Even if he married off Juno and had a son-in-law, Juno was no different from an outsider, so he had little influence on her. There was still a chance he could lose to the branch families.

The problem here is Lilith. The marquis had to abandon her in order to get a new mistress, but obviously, he wasn’t going to do that. All he could do was try to have a child with Lilith and maintain a lukewarm relationship with Juno.

Juno chuckled. “If they don’t have a child in three years, I’ll have to marry someone who’s decent.”

She didn’t believe they wouldn’t have children. Is Lilith still struggling to have a baby?

Jupiter touched Juno’s hand. “Why are you talking about this?”

Juno, slightly surprised by his serious expression, responded, “It just suddenly came to mind. I wish I became an adult already, but I’m also afraid of the reality that comes with it.”


She pulled her hand away from his. “It’s not a big deal.” She avoided his gaze. Tea time after class tended to play out like this.

“By the way, here’s what I learned today.” Juno handed him a book before shuddering.

There was a coldness in his blue eyes. Although he wasn’t looking at her as he flipped through the pages, he was deep in thought, and it sent a chill down her spine. It was clear how he acted in front of Juno had something else to it.

Juno, a little unnerved, softly called out, “Jupiter?”

He slowly looked up. There was a warmth permeating from his icy expression. “Juno.”


He took her hand again and kissed the back of it.

He’s quite fond of physical contact. Juno didn’t know if he was like this to others, but ever since they met, Jupiter would show his affection for her without any hesitation.

With a serious expression, he slowly said, “I’ll never force you to do that. Do you understand?”

Juno didn’t expect such a reaction from him. It seemed he cared more for her than she thought.

She was relieved and expressed her feelings honestly. “…Thank you.”

Jupiter smiled brightly; however, a coldness that couldn’t be hidden remained. It wasn’t directed toward Juno, so she pretended not to see it.

Jupiter looked at her book and began to explain. “It discusses specifically…”

For the first time, Juno saw some of Jupiter’s true colors. She still didn’t know why he was nice to her, but as long as he didn’t change, there wouldn’t be a problem.

I’ll be fine. Juno ignored her goosebumps and focused on Jupiter’s explanation.


Juno, who wasn’t a genius, had to review what she learned the next day. She stared at the broken quill pen. “What’s wrong with you, Juno?”

She tried to dip a new quill pen into the ink bottle, but the ink bottle fell over. She sighed and rang the bell to call for a maid. The servant knocked on the door and entered the room.

“Did you call for me, my lady?”

“Yes, I spilled some ink. Please clean it up.”


The maid was about to leave, but an unwanted person appeared at the door.



She didn’t have class today. As Juno checked the calendar, Jupiter strode into the room.

“What happened to your hands?”

Only then did Juno notice they were black. “Ah, I think some ink got on me when I spilled the bottle.”

Jupiter smiled and handed over his simple, lightly scented handkerchief.

Juno wiped her hands with it. “Why are you here?”

It might have been an awkward question, but Jupiter answered, “I wanted to have tea with you since the weather was good.”

“Aren’t you busy today?”

She planned to politely decline. Jupiter wouldn’t know that, yet he didn’t back down so easily.

“Let’s ask Mr. Nereus to accompany us.”

“Mr. Nereus? Are you sure?”

Jupiter made an unexpected proposal. And while Juno cared about Nereus, nobles typically don’t have tea with their servants.

“Isn’t it his day off?” Despite knowing the meaning behind her words, Jupiter responded as if he made up his mind.

Juno walked to the bathroom and washed her hands. “Well, if you insist…” Since she couldn’t refuse at this point, she might as well enjoy it. “But how do you know Mr. Nereus’s schedule?”

Nereus and her father were the ones to decide when the servants had time off.

Jupiter didn’t show much of a reaction. “It’s because I’m a close friend of yours.”

“…How strange.” Juno had a wary look on her face.

“What? I think it shows I care a lot about you.”

Jupiter and Juno weren’t on bad terms with each other, but neither of them was involved in the other’s private life. However, Jupiter was acting differently today. It wasn’t like him to insist on having tea time despite Juno showing she wasn’t interested.

It must be because of what happened yesterday. Juno sighed. “Are we continuing where we left off? Is that it?”

“Yes, but wouldn’t it also be nice to go out for a change?”

Whatever the case, spending time with him was going to happen. Glancing at Jupiter’s smiling face, Juno hurried to Nereus’s room. She was forced to have tea time, but the thought of having tea with Nereus made her feel better. Excited, she knocked on the door.

“Mr. Nereus.”

There was no response. Juno knocked on the door again. “Mr. Nereus?”

Juno and Jupiter looked at each other. Juno murmured, “Is he not in the room?”

She banged on the door. “Mr. Nereus?”

Jupiter turned the doorknob. “Is it supposed to be unlocked?”

The door opened; the silence put Juno on edge. She slowly entered the room. It was rude to walk in without permission, but her instincts told her to go inside. She looked around anxiously but sighed in relief when she saw Nereus laying on the bed.

“Are you still sleeping?” she asked playfully as she approached him. It was strange he had yet to wake up. “Mr. Nereus, you told me before that the early bird catches the worm.” He must be quite tired, for he didn’t move when Juno continued to be loud.

She touched his shoulder. “Mr. Nereus?”

Juno immediately pulled back her hand. His body was stiff. Nereus’s skin was rough, but it was also weirdly cold.

Jupiter entered the room and stood behind her. “Juno?”


“What’s wrong?” He intertwined his fingers with hers, and she squeezed his hand as if clinging for warmth.

Juno looked at Nereus again.


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