The Abandoned Lady Lives in a Dollhouse

John might still be standing behind the thin door, but when Juno felt she was alone, she collapsed. She pretended to be fine, but it was too much to nod and accept she had the qualities of an alchemist.

I have a talent for alchemy? What is that? Why did his hair change color? She also didn’t know what to think of Peter Sergien. I feel like my head is going to burst.

It was ridiculous the marriage took place in a week and that her husband was Peter Sergien, but she accepted what had happened. Then, her husband claimed she had the qualities of an alchemist and left behind a broken doll for her to fix.

What kind of husband is that? It was strange at first, but now Juno found it completely absurd she could also be an alchemist. Do you really want me to study and put the doll back together?

Juno buried her face in her hands. I want to see Jupiter. Up until this point, the most unpredictable person in her life was Jupiter. Now there was someone even more unpredictable than him. She wanted to scream.

How much time had passed? Juno lowered her hands and took a deep breath. Nothing will be solved if I continue to sit here. She already made her choice; she took the alchemist’s hand. It was better to read books and study than sit around and think about Jupiter.

All I’ve done so far was study. Juno stood up. For now, let’s focus on fixing the child.

Juno opened the closet.


As Juno’s gaze flitted between the child in front of her and John, she asked, “What should I do first?”

John handed her a thick book. “I recommend you read the basics.”

With a sullen face, she accepted it. “This one?” It felt heavier than it appeared.

“Yes, you will see what an alchemist is like.”

Juno nodded. There was nothing else she could do. “…I understand.”

“Shall I bring you a chair?”

“Thank you.”

John left the room. As Juno was looking around, the child spoke.

“My lady.”

“What is it?” Juno asked.

“Are you mad at me?”

“Huh? Why would I be?”

“Because of me, my master recognized your talent.”

Juno wasn’t sure why she should be upset that such a thing happened. “Am I supposed to be mad?”


“I’ve discovered a talent even I didn’t know about. The more skills a person has, the better. Especially if it’s a unique, rare one.”


The child’s mood improved. He was more expressive than John. Now that Juno thought about it, she didn’t know his name.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

“I don’t have one yet.”

She looked at him in surprise. “Why?”

“My master has yet to decide on one.”

“Is that so?”

Indeed, Peter Sergien didn’t seem to be the type of person who gave a name to every single doll. But I don’t want to keep referring to him as “the child”.

“Is there a name you’d like to have? Or do you have one in mind?”


“Really? Since you’ll be with me from now on, choose a name you want in the meantime.”

“Is that an order?”

Juno stared at the child. He was just born and already obedient. She smiled and nodded. “…Yes, it’s an order.”


John returned with a large, comfortable chair and table.

“Isn’t that heavy?” Juno asked.

“It’s fine.” John set the chair and table next to her. Then he walked to the door and brought in a tray with a cup of tea. He placed the teacup on the table.

“Thank you,” Juno said.

“Use this if you need me.”

Juno examined the object with a button that John gave her. No matter how many times she looked at it, she couldn’t figure out how to use it. “How does this work?”

“If you press the button, I’ll get a signal.”

Juno pressed the button, and something identical to the object Juno was holding popped out of John’s arm. Oh, so it’s like a bell to call for a maid?

Juno was impressed by the item in her hand. John started to head to the door.

“Where are you going?” Juno asked.

“I have to check on the meal preparations.”

Juno thought it was better to see him as a butler than a handyman. John left the workshop; Juno sat down in the chair.

“My lady,” the child said.


“Are you going to fix me?”


“Will you really do it?”

“Of course.”

The child grinned.

As expected, you look so much like a human. Juno smiled back at the child and returned her attention back to the book.

She wanted to fix the child as soon as possible.


“I did it!” Juno excitedly raised her arms.

The child also raised his arms and shouted, “Yay!”

Juno and he began to dance in a circle around the workshop.

John soon walked in as he saw the two. “My lady.”

“John, look! I fixed him!” Juno grabbed the child’s arm, but then his hand fell off. “Ah…”

The child snatched his hand off the floor and reattached it. “It’s all right, I put it back on.” He moved his hand around again.

Juno nervously laughed. “…O-Of course. John, please forget what you just saw.” She planned to do the same.

“Understood.” John nodded before approaching Juno and grabbing her hair.

“Did it get messed up again?” she asked.

John nodded. He had the same blank face, but she could see he was unhappy.

Juno looked at a nearby mirror. Unlike in the past, where she looked prim and proper in order to not show any weakness, her reflection revealed a woman with messy hair who wore simple clothes. There was no makeup on her face. She didn’t hate her current appearance. I look happy.

John made Juno sit down in a chair. “I’ll tie it up again.”

Her hair was disheveled partially because John was clumsy, but also because Juno moved around while repairing the child.

“I can’t always stop to fix my hair.”

“I’m not an expert in this sort of thing… When Master comes back, I’ll ask him to add the necessary functions.”

“Don’t worry, you’re good at everything else! Look, my hair is pretty now.” Juno smiled at her loosely tied hair. To be honest, seeing John, who appeared to be perfect, not be good at everything made him feel more human.

Juno asked John why he visited the workshop. “Is it lunchtime already?”

“No, my lady.” John shook his head while staring at Juno’s hair in disappointment.

“What happened? Didn’t you say you were busy today?” Juno was pretty sure he said he was busy. Although her perception of time disappeared because she worked all day and night to fix the child in the past few weeks, she didn’t forget what was said yesterday.

The child, who was staring at Juno’s hair while leaning on the chair’s armrest, nodded. “Yes, John said he was busy today.”

The problem was Juno couldn’t remember why he was busy. She was too focused on her work.

“Can you tell me the reason again? I’m sorry, I don’t remember.”

“I haven’t told you yet.”

“Oh? Then why were you busy? Why did you come here all of a sudden?”

John had said he was a handyman, but he was always busy because he managed everything in the household and every doll. It was usually difficult to see him outside of lunch and dinner.

“Master is on his way back from his trip.”

“What?” Juno hurriedly checked the date.

“There are still three days left,” John said.

“But why is he coming back so soon?” She wasn’t prepared at all. I almost fixed the child, but it’s still not perfect. Juno stood up from her seat. Time to get back to work. She recalled the gaze that appeared to be evaluating her. If she didn’t meet his expectations, it was obvious that…

“I do not know. He’ll be here any minute now.”

While Juno was panicking, the child called out to someone happily.


Juno felt like she was about to faint, but she forced herself to smile and take a deep breath. John anxiously looked at her.

I don’t have to be so nervous. If he says it’s not perfect, I can tell him he just came back earlier than expected. The child ran to the old man entering the workshop. Peter Sergien, wearing a black coat, watched him.

The child moved around. “Look, everything’s working again! Even this joint!”

Peter Sergien looked no different from when he left a few weeks ago.

John approached him and took his coat. “Master, you’re back.”

Peter nodded at the child before him. “Yes, the doll has been fixed.” His attention turned to Juno. “Juno Trish.”


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