The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


Chapter 6  Rescue

As soon as the guests left, Su Wan went next door to find Shen Lin’s sister Shen Yaya.

In the book, Shen Yaya treats her sister-in-law Su Wan very well.

Su Wan knew that Shen Yaya didn’t have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear when she was a child because her family was poor.

Before going to find Shen Yaya, Su Wan wrapped the red bean cakes that she had made for Wang Luoxue yesterday morning in oil paper.

The snacks made by Su Wan are delicious. Wang Luoxue likes the red bean cakes made by Su Wan the most and asks Su Wan to make some for her every now and then.

Su Wan didn’t keep any of the red bean cakes and gave them all to Shen Yaya. Shen Yaya is six years old now, which is the age when she loves to eat these sweets the most.

There was no one in the Shen family yard, Shen Yaya was not at home. Su Wan went to the village head, where children often played games, Shen Yaya was still a child, and she would often go there to join in the fun.

Su Wan arrived at the right time. When she arrived at the village entrance, Su Wan saw Shen Yaya, who was dressed in rags, holding a broken chicken feather shuttlecock in her hand and standing there wiping her tears.

A little girl wearing a green flower headband stood opposite Shen Yaya and said arrogantly, “Shen Yaya, you can’t even afford a hair flower, you don’t deserve to play with us.”

The green flower headband girl was the leader of the children. The little girls behind her all wore colorful flower headbands on their heads, but Shen Yaya had nothing on her head.

Su Wan knew this little girl with green flower headband. It was mentioned in the book that since she was a child, she never allowed other girls to play with Shen Yaya and always bullied Shen Yaya. Later, when the Shen family became rich, the little girl with green flower headband became very enthusiastic towards Shen Yaya.

Shen Yaya stood there at a loss, holding her broken chicken feather shuttlecock.

Su Wan was about to step forward to rescue Shen Yaya from the predicament, but she saw a little girl wearing a floral headband who had not agreed to the green headband girl just now said timidly: “I have two more headbands. If I give them to Yaya, she will also have a headband.”

The little girl wearing a floral headband took out another pair of floral headband from her sleeves and walked over to hand them to Shen Yaya.

As soon as the girl with floral headband took a step, she was pushed towards Shen Yaya by the girl with green headband.

The green-headband girl had a stern look on her face that didn’t match her age: “Your headband was made by your mother using rags. You and Shen Yaya are both poor people who can’t even afford a headband. From now on, just go play with Shen Yaya.”

The little girl wearing a floral headband looked at the green headband, then at Shen Yaya, bit her lip, and slowly moved a few steps towards Shen Yaya.

Su Wan didn’t want to observe any further. She had just witnessed a scene of school bullying.

However, Su Wan did not intend to step forward. Instead, she took out a red bean cake from the oil paper in her hand and walked up to Shen Yaya.

“Yaya, I brought you some red bean cakes,” Su Wan said.

Shen Yaya looked up and saw that it was Sister Su Wan from next door. Sister Su Wan often helped her with work, but rarely gave her food. Aunt Wang next door was very fierce, and Sister Su Wan herself could not even get enough to eat.

Shen Yaya looked at the golden red bean cake in Su Wan’s hand and was a little bit unbelieving.

  Shen Yaya looked at the golden red bean cake in Su Wan's hand and was a little bit unbelieving

Su Wan handed a piece of red bean cake to Shen Yaya without saying anything.

The green-headband looked at Su Wan angrily.

Catching a glimpse of Green headband girl’s anger from the corner of her eye, Su Wan opened the oil paper wrapping, revealing the remaining few red bean cakes wrapped in puff pastry.

Su Wan turned around and gave a red bean biscuit to the little girl wearing a floral headband, saying, “You are Shen Yaya’s good friend, right? I’ll give you one too.”

The air is already filled with the oily and sweet aroma of red bean cakes, making one drool.

There are very few snacks for children in the village, and red bean cakes are a good choice.

At that moment, the little girls all looked towards the red bean cake in Su Wan’s hand.

The red bean pastry is golden in color, with a crispy crust that is so crumbly that it falls apart, and it smells fragrant and sweet.

Shen Yaya and Suihua Touhua carefully picked up the red bean biscuit and took a bite. The crust on the outside of the biscuit was so crispy that it crumbled, and the red bean filling inside was sandy and soft. Shen Yaya and Suihua Touhua couldn’t help but eat it bite by bite.

The little girls who were afraid of the green-headband girl and didn’t dare to play with Shen Yaya just now stared blankly at the two people who were eating snacks.

This snack looked even more tempting than those sold in the snack shops in the county town, and the girls couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.

Su Wan raised the remaining red bean biscuits in her hand and said to the remaining girls, “Who among you is Shen Yaya’s good friend?”

Without waiting for them to speak, Su Wan quickly tied up the oil paper wrapped around the red bean cake, and stuffed it into Shen Yaya’s arms: “Give it to whoever is your friend.”

Except the Green headband girl, the little girls who were unwilling to play with Shen Yaya just now surrounded Shen Yaya:

“Yaya, let’s be good friends. Let me have some of your red bean pastry.”

“Yaya, I’m your good friend.”

“I am also your good friend. We are even relatives.”

Su Wan signaled Shen Yaya to share the red bean cakes.

As for whether it’s sincere or not, I’ll talk to Shen Yaya slowly later. The important thing now is to vent my anger.

It’s worth it to teach the cicada a lesson with just a few snacks.

Green-headband girl’s face turned red with anger when she saw her friends turning against her one after another.

Green-headband girl snorted coldly, raised her chin and said to Shen Yaya: Your family is so poor, let’s see what you can share with everyone in the future.

The children were all eating red bean cakes and had no time to pay attention to that girl.

Shen Yaya ignored her and walked to Su Wan, pulled Su Wan’s hand, and whispered: “Sister Su Wan, it would be great if you were my brother’s wife.”

The Shen family was next door to the Wang family, so she could naturally hear Mrs Wang scolding her. She knew that the Wang family was not good to Su Wan.

Su Wan smiled and gently touched Shen Yaya’s head.

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :-


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