The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


Chapter 42 Similarity

Shen Lin, Su Wan and others came to Qingzhou Prefecture, and Shen Lin rented an ordinary but clean inn.

After they had finished their meal, Shen Lin went out to inquire about where in Qingzhou Prefecture he could find famous doctors who could treat difficult and complicated diseases. He also took the opportunity to find out for Su Wan which were the largest restaurants in Qingzhou Prefecture.

Although Qingzhou Prefecture was prosperous, Mrs Shen was still a little tired after a day of traveling. Su Wan did not go out with Shen Lin, but stayed in the inn to accompany Mrs Shen and Shen Yaya.

Shen Yaya is still a child after all. Even though she has been sitting in the car for a whole day, Shen Yaya doesn’t feel tired. She would look here and there curiously, or looks out of  the window.

Su Wan asked the waiter to bring some hot water so that Mrs Shen and Shen Yaya could wash off the dust of the day. After doing this, Su Wan and Mrs Shen leaned on the soft cushions in the inn and talked.

Mrs Shen said to Su Wan, “It’s strange to say, ever since you moved into my house, I actually feel that my body is getting better day by day. If I continue to get better like this, I should be able to get better even if I don’t come to Qingzhou Prefecture.”

Su Wan said: “Even if your body is getting better day by day, you should still find a good clinic to have a good check-up. If you can meet a good doctor, the root cause of the disease will be completely cured, and you will be back to normal as before.”

Mrs Shen didn’t dare to hope for the same as before. She originally didn’t want to come to Qingzhou Prefecture for medical treatment. After all, if she did, it would cost a lot of money, which might not even be enough to cover Shen Lin’s annual harvest from the fields. But Shen Lin and Su Wan had already rented a carriage, and she had no chance to refuse. She was pulled onto the carriage and came to Qingzhou Prefecture overnight.

Shen Yaya said, “Auntie Wang from next door said that Sister Su Wan brought bad luck to her family. She always scolded Sister Su Wan in the past. But in my opinion, Sister Su Wan can obviously bring good fortune.”

“Since Sister Su Wan came to our house, our lives have been getting better day by day, and my mother’s illness has also improved. My grandparents don’t dare to come to our house to cause trouble for us all the time.”

“As for Aunt Wang’s house next door, there have always been noises of quarrels since Sister Su Wan left. I noticed that the vegetables in their backyard have wilted. It is completely different from when Sister Su Wan was here. When Sister Su Wan was here, her backyard was tidy and beautiful. After Sister Su Wan left, even if her family hired a maid, the backyard was a mess.”

Mrs Shen, who never liked to gossip about other people, also said, “I occasionally go to the backyard with my cane and see that the Wang family’s backyard is dirty and messy. It is indeed because Wanwan left the Wang family and no one cares about them so much anymore.”

Mrs Shen looked at Su Wan and said, “Wanwan, everyone used to say that Wang Luoxue was kind and elegant, saying that she could cook, manage the household, and embroider. In fact, you did all these things, right?”

Su Wan smiled: “Aunt saw it.”

Mrs Shen said, “The Wang family is too unkind. For the sake of their daughter’s reputation, they want to say that you are vulgar and have caused you to be talked about in this village for the past few years. Wanwan, don’t blame your aunt for being too nosy. You have to leave the Wang family now. The Wang family is not someone you can trust for the rest of your life.”

Su Wan knew what Mrs Shen meant. Su Wan had done so many things for the Wang family in the past. As smart as Mrs Shen was, she could naturally guess that Su Wan did all these for , Wang Luo Sheng.

Su Wan said to Mrs Shen: “I can see this truth clearly. When I was young, they gave me food to eat, and I did whatever they asked me to do. Now that I think about it, they only treated me as a maid in the family from the beginning to the end. They treated me like three or four people and didn’t care about my life or death at all.”

“Even if the Wang family has done me any great favor, I have already repaid it long ago. Naturally, I will not have any other connection with the Wang family in the future.”

Mrs Shen said: “I can see that too. There is no girl who can compare to you within a ten-mile radius. If the Shen family was still as wealthy as when Lin’er’s father was alive…” Shen paused. She wanted to say that if her family was still as wealthy as when Shen Lin’er’s father was alive, she would definitely propose to Su Wan.

Su Wan said: “Aunt, Brother Shen is also a capable and down-to-earth person. He will definitely live a better life in the future than when Uncle Shen was alive. Don’t worry too much.”

Mrs Shen smiled and said, “You said before that my health would definitely get better day by day, and it really did get better day by day. Now that you say things will get better, then they will definitely get better.”

Su Wan and Mrs Shen had been chatting a lot. After chatting with Mrs Shen these days, Su Wan also understood Mrs Shen’s character. In fact, Mrs Shen was also an extremely intelligent person, otherwise she would not have lived so well with Shen Lin’s father. However, Mrs Shen was a little too kind, especially towards Shen Lin’s grandparents.

After chatting with Su Wan these days, she found that under some of Su Wan’s practices, Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen did not bother her as much as before. Mrs Shen also understood something. This time when talking about Shen Lin’s grandparents, Mrs Shen’s attitude was obviously not as patient as before. She just said that Shen Lin was already grown up, and he would know how to do things in the future. What she taught him might not be right.

Su Wan was very happy that Mrs Shen’s thoughts had completely changed. If Shen Lin and Mrs Shen could be ruthless and completely get rid of the two vampires, Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen, their lives would get better soon even if they didn’t do those businesses.

After two incense sticks of time, Shen Lin came back. Shen Lin had already found out that the largest and best restaurants in Qingzhou Prefecture were Xiankelai and Dongfeng Pavilion. The two restaurants were not far from each other and the competition was fierce.

( One incense sticks of time = half an hour )

Shen Lin also found out about the best clinics in Qingzhou Prefecture for treating leg and foot diseases. Two of them treated high-ranking officials, while the others also treated poor people.

If he went to see the two best doctors, Shen Lin would probably spend all his money as soon as he entered the clinic.

Shen Lin mentioned the names of several clinics and doctors. Among them, Su Wan heard a familiar name, Jiang Wanli. In the book, after the original owner and Shen Lin became rich, they came to live in Qingzhou Prefecture and always went to see Jiang Wanli for medical treatment. At that time, Jiang Wanli was already a famous doctor, but now, Jiang Wanli is obviously still among those who treat poor people.

So Su Wan suggested that they first look for those doctors who were not too expensive but famous. Qingzhou Prefecture had many people and they were able to create a reputation in this area. Even though they were not the best now, they would not be wrong.

Shen Lin nodded. This was the best solution now.

Su Wan suggested going to see Jiang Wanli first, and Shen Lin agreed. Indeed, when asking around, many people also praised Dr. Jiang for his medical skills and ethics.

Shen Lin knew that Su Wan was going to sell her recipe, so he told Su Wan not to act rashly. It would be best for him to travel around Qingzhou Prefecture for a few days to get a feel for the food situation there, so that he could come up with a suitable price. Su Wan nodded in agreement.

Before returning to his room, Shen Lin hesitated for a moment, but still told Su Wan a strange story. Shen Lin was asking about something in the street, and saw a group of distinguished people coming over. In the middle of the group was a sedan chair. When the sedan chair passed by Shen Lin, the person inside happened to stick his head out of the window to look out. It was a girl. This was not unusual, but this girl was of the same age as Su Wan and looked very similar to Su Wan.

At that time on the street, Shen Lin just accidentally glanced at the sedan chair, and when he saw the person in the sedan chair, he was stunned. If he didn’t know that Su Wan was in the inn at this time, Shen Lin would have thought that the person in the sedan chair was Su Wan.

Looking more closely, the girl was dressed very luxuriously, which was different from Su Wan. Her features were not as pretty as Su Wan’s, but she was about 70% similar to Su Wan.

Shen Lin was staring at the girl in a daze. The girl actually noticed Shen Lin in the crowd and smiled gently at him.

Shen Lin quickly withdrew his gaze. The girl must have misunderstood what he meant and thought that he was amazed by her.

Shen Lin told Su Wan that he later made some inquiries and found out that these were people from Prince Yong’s Mansion, and the person in the sedan chair was a lady from Prince Yong’s Mansion.

Su Wan didn’t see this plot in the original book. Su Wan hadn’t finished reading the novel when she came here. She didn’t know if this young lady from Prince Yong’s Mansion would have any stories in the later part of the novel. It wasn’t a big deal at the moment. She was just an ordinary passerby. The most important thing for this trip to Qingzhou Prefecture was to treat Mrs Shen’s illness. Selling the recipe was a secondary matter.


Princess Linkang Zhao Jinyu, the jewel in the crown of Prince Yong’s family, returned to her mansion. She took off the hairpins on her head in front of the mirror while talking to her personal maid Lianqing.

Lian Qing smiled and said, “The princess is so beautiful that no one can rival her. When she was on the road, as soon as she opened the curtain, everyone on the street stopped and stared in amazement.”

Zhao Jinyu covered her lips and smiled: “Have you seen the one wearing gray clothes?”

This question from Zhao Jinyu was not contextual. There were so many people on the street, and many of them were stunned. Most of them were peasants wearing grey clothes.

Lian Qing said: “The princess said it was the young man standing under the big lantern in Heshengzhai.”

Zhao Jinyu nodded with a smile.

Lian Qing said as she combed Zhao Jinyu’s hair, “Of course he saw it. The young man was handsome and stood out among the crowd. He was standing under the big lantern, staring at the princess. I think he was bewitched by your beauty.”

After that, Lian Qing said, “What a pity. Looking at the clothes that young master is wearing, he doesn’t look like a wealthy person.”

Zhao Jinyu twirled her hair with her fingers a few times. That man was definitely not a wealthy person. If not, she would definitely send someone to keep an eye on him to find out his name and where he lived.

Speaking of which, although that man was just a commoner, his appearance and figure were not inferior even to those of the princes who came to the capital.

Although she didn’t have any thoughts about him, this person’s face is unforgettable.


Before dawn the next day, Shen Lin took Su Wan, Mrs Shen , and Shen Yaya to Doctor Jiang’s clinic. Although it was called a clinic, it was not as big as other clinics. It was just a small room in an inconspicuous and remote alley.

However, although the place is small, in addition to the Shen family, there are already three or four other families waiting outside the clinic with their patients.

It can be seen that the doctor’s medical skills are indeed good. People had already lined up before dawn, and Shen Lin was the second one in line.

Although he was the second in line, the first patient who went in to see the doctor stayed there until noon, so Shen Lin also waited until almost noon.

The process of waiting is tormenting, and the unknown result is even more tormenting.

At noon, the first family came out, and Shen Lin, Su Wan brought Mrs Shen in.

Just like the original owner’s memory, Jiang Wanli was a skinny old man. He felt Mrs Shen’s pulse and tried various needles. During the process, he would ask Mrs Shen if she felt sore, sleepy, or painful. Mrs Shen answered truthfully one by one.

Jiang Wanli tested the needle for the duration of two incense sticks.

Shen Lin thought that the consultation fee must be high, but who would have thought that after a thorough examination, Old Man Jiang prescribed some medicine for Mrs Shen, saying that it could dispel wind, cold and rheumatism. If Mrs Shen took it for a month, she would probably be almost cured. She could come back for another check-up and get some consolidating herbs, and she would be well again.

Including the medical consultation and medicine, the total cost was ninety cents.

Shen Lin never expected that, in the past, he had found a doctor in Qingyun County for his mother, and each prescription for medicine would cost at least two or three hundred cents. Unexpectedly, here it only cost ninety cents, and this ninety cents was for a month’s worth of medicine. The doctor said that after taking the medicine for a month, his mother would be almost cured.

At this time, someone in Qingshi Village found out from Yang Wu that Shen Lin had taken Mrs Shen to Qingzhou Prefecture for medical treatment. People in the village were talking about the fact that Mrs Shen’s leg could not be cured. Even though Shen Lin had made money, he would definitely go bankrupt if he treated Mrs Shen.



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