The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


After Village Chief Wan and Old Man and Old Woman Shen left, Su Wan casually stuffed the remaining ninety cents into Shen Yaya’s hand.

  Shen Yaya hurriedly declined, but Shen’s family also did not allow her to accept it. Miss Su had already spent a lot of money on them, and they could not accept any more money from Miss Su.

  Su Wan insisted on giving it, saying that she had to make a living in the future and would have to do some small business in the county town. She would still need Shen Yaya’s help in the future, so this little money would be considered as herwages.

  Shen Yaya had never received so much money before, but she still wanted to return it to Su Wan. Su Wan said, “If you don’t accept it, I won’t be able to ask you for help in the future.”

  Su Wan had said so much, and Shen Yaya had no choice but to accept the money.

  After Shen Lin sent Old Man Shen and Village Chief Wan back, he said to Su Wan, “My grandparents were rude, and I hope you can forgive me.”

  Su Wan understood in her heart that no matter how scoundrelly Old Man Shen and Old Lady Shen were, Shen Lin still regarded them as family members in his heart.

  Shen Lin needs to cure this thought as soon as possible.

  Su Wan didn’t answer, but turned around and started to clean up the leftovers on the table, saying to Shen Lin, “Go get your grandfather’s big bowl back tomorrow. If you don’t, you won’t be able to serve food in the future.”

  Shen Lin hummed, and went to pick up the remaining dishes and wash them in the kitchen.

  Mrs. Shen was in poor health and Shen Yaya was too young, so Shen Lin had always been doing these chores.

  Su Wan did not stop Shen Lin. The current situation really needed to be shared together.

  After wiping the table, Su Wan found a storybook from her luggage and read it to Mrs Shen and Shen Yaya. Mrs Shen had been bedridden for two years and was bored all day long, so she listened to Su Wan reading the storybook with great interest.

  Mrs Shen sighed, “In the past, I could go to the county town to listen to operas twice a year. Now I am in such a bad condition that I can’t even leave the yard. I am dreaming about going to the county town to watch operas. But reading this storybook to me is more interesting than listening to operas.”

  Su Wan said to Mrs Shen seriously, “Aunt, you will definitely get better. You will be able to walk to the county town to watch opera by yourself in the future.”

  Mrs Shen still thought that Su Wan’s words were just to comfort herself.

  But strangely enough, as Mrs Shen listened to the storybook, she felt herself becoming more alert and more energetic than ever before.

  Mrs Shen thought to herself that it was probably because she had eaten meat and listened to the storybook today.

  This Su Wan is such a good child.

  She had heard from Shen Yaya that people in the village were saying that this girl was stupid, but she and her daughter felt that Su wan was not stupid at all, and was much smarter than other girls.

  Shen Yaya also leaned on Su Wan and listened very seriously. In the middle of the talk, Shen Yaya even brought Su Wan a glass of water to prevent her from getting thirsty. Shen Yaya said, “It costs five cents to listen to a storyteller. What Sister Su Wan is telling is much more interesting than storytelling.”

  Su Wan smiled and said, “I will teach you a few words every day. After a while, you will be able to read the storybooks by yourself. You can read any story you want in the future.”

  Shen Yaya was very happy to hear that Su Wan wanted to teach her to read, but she didn’t dare to dream of reading storybooks. Those storybooks were so expensive. Her family could hardly afford food, so how could she have the money to buy storybooks?

  After finishing the storybook, Su Wan lit a candle that she had bought today and began to teach Shen Yaya to recognize words.

  Candles are precious things. In this village, only the Wang family, because they are wealthy and have educated people, would light candles. Other families would not light candles in the dark at night.

  After finishing his work, Shen Lin came in and told Su Wan that candles were too expensive and there was no need to teach Shen Yaya now.

  Su Wan didn’t listen to Shen Lin and said, “Even if I don’t teach Yaya to read, I still have to light the candles.”

  Su Wan’s tone was too decisive, and Shen Lin couldn’t persuade her any further.

  Shen Lin walked outside the house and continued his morning job of collecting wooden boards in the moonlight.

  The room was filled with a warm yellow light, which inexplicably made Shen Lin feel at ease.

  Shen Lin sawed the wood into pieces, and then polished them piece by piece. He did the work quickly and orderly. Perhaps it was because he finally had a good meal today, Shen Lin had extra energy to work today.

  Shen Lin’s family is harmonious, but in the eyes of the people in Qingshi Village, the Shen family is a different family.

  The women who came to the Shen family today all knew that Su Wan bought a lot of food and daily necessities for the Shen Lin family. After leaving the Shen family, they felt sour in their hearts and said to the women who came with them: “I think this girl Su Wan earned some money working in the county town, and now she starts to show off. Look at the new clothes she wears and the things she buys. It’s obvious that she is a spendthrift.”

  Another woman said, “That’s right. Life is lived day by day, not just one day. She spent all her money at once, and she will have to live in poverty in the future.”

  When they heard that Su Wan would continue to live a poor life, the ladies felt relieved. She bought so many things, and it was obvious that she was a spendthrift.

  Everyone came to the conclusion that Su Wan was extravagant and didn’t know how to live.

  Someone said to Mrs Wang: “Sister Wang, it’s a good thing that Su Wan is not your child bride. If she was, she would really ruin your family.”

  Mrs Wang also said: “How could she be my family’s child bride? I just gave her food out of pity.”

  Although she said so, Mrs Wang was still worried about something. Judging from how Su Wan spent money today, Su Wan’s wages should still be in her hands.

  Mrs Wang originally thought that Su Wan would use her own salary to pay for half of the medical expenses, but now it seems that Shen Lin has taken on the entire bill of seven taels.

  In this case, she still has hope of getting su wan’s salary.

  Mrs Wang had spent a lot of money these days and still owed money to the clothing shop. If she didn’t use Su Wan’s wages to make up for it, she would be bleeding.

  These women went back home and told their parents-in-law and husbands what they saw at the Shen family today, exaggerating it.

  But the meaning of this statement changes when it is spoken out loud.

  What they were probably saying was that Su Wan couldn’t make ends meet. As soon as she had a few coins, she impatiently bought clothes and a lot of food. It was obvious that she was someone who neither knew how to budget nor how to live.

  If anyone talks about Su Wan being their daughter-in-law in the future, they will be unlucky for the rest of their lives.

  The women’s parents-in-law and husbands also said that, to be precise, Su Wan was the worst girl in Qingshi Village. She was ugly, clumsy at work, extravagant in her life, and had no parents to rely on. Only a very poor family would consider Su Wan as a daughter-in-law.

  Having said that, Shen Lin is quite down and out. This kid, with such a sickly mother, will never be able to turn his life around in this life.

  Su Wan is now living in Shen Lin’s house again. These two people are a perfect match for each other. It seems that if these two people start to live together, they will have to beg for food in no time.

  The women naturally noticed that Su Wan had become more beautiful, but they automatically attributed her beauty to her new clothes. When she ran out of money and had no money to buy new clothes, how could she be beautiful? In fact, they couldn’t marry such a wasteful daughter-in-law in the future.

  Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen came out of Shen Lin’s house and went to Shen Lao Da’s house with the leftovers.

  Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen have three children in total. The eldest is Shen Lao Da, the second is Shen Lin’s father (Shen Lao Er), and the third is a girl who married into the next village. Among these three children, Shen Lao Er is the most honest and the least liked by Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen. Old Man Shen, on the other hand, loves Shen Lao Da very much, and he also loves Shen Lao Da’s three sons very much.

   Shen Lao Da’s family also wolfed down the braised pork ribs and other dishes that Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen brought over.

  Even though Old Woman Shen put several kinds of dishes into three bowls and the dishes were mixed together, they still tasted good.

  There are four able-bodied men in the Shen family. This little bit of meat and vegetables is just enough for a few people to eat. In the blink of an eye, the three bowls brought by Old Woman Shen were empty.

  The remaining soup in the bowl was also eaten by Shen Lao Da’s three sons using steamed buns to dip in the soup.

  Among all the grandchildren, Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen loved Shen San the most. After Shen San finished the dishes brought by Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen, he said with a sense of unfulfilled desire: “Grandpa and grandma, is there anything else?”

  Old Woman Shen looked at Shen San lovingly and said, “It’s all the fault of that coward Shen Lin. He couldn’t make decisions about the people he saved. Otherwise, that big table of food would be enough for you four to eat.”

  Of course, Old Woman Shen did not include Shen Lao Da’s wife in the calculations. However, Shen Lao Da’s wife did not care. After all, it was all eaten by her precious son, so if her son ate it, she would have eaten it.

  After hearing what Old Woman Shen said, Eldest Shen’s family asked Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen what was going on. Old Man Shen sat on the kang and smoked a pot of tobacco, while Old Woman Shen, with snot all over her face, told them the whole story of the day.

  After hearing what Old Woman Shen and Old Man Shen said, Shen San laughed out loud for a while, until his stomach hurt. Old Woman Shen rubbed Shen San’s stomach out of concern.

  Shen San was about to cry: “Grandpa and grandma, did Shen Lin really bring that ugly Su Wan back home? Hahaha, I’m dying of laughter. I think it would be great for that ugly Su Wan to be Shen Lin’s wife.”

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :-


  1. nopenopenope says:

    ‘Su Wancai’ the cai is a modifier on the word listen, not part of her name.

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