The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


In fact, the food Su Wan cooked was enough. Mrs Shen, Shen Lin and Shen Yaya were already a little full, so it didn’t matter if Old Man Shen and Mrs. Shen ate the rest of the food and went.

Shen Lin was stunned and just opened his mouth: “Grandfather and grandmother, this meal…”

“Unfilial son, get out of the way and don’t disturb us while we are eating.” Before Shen Lin could finish his words, he was rudely interrupted by Old Woman Shen.

Shen Lin looked at Su Wan embarrassedly and made a mouth shape to Su Wan, clearly saying that he would give the money to Su Wan later.

Su Wan did not answer. Shen Lin was a man who was poisoned by feudal ideas and was superstitious.

Mrs Shen, Shen Lin, Su Wan and Village Chief Wan watched Mrs. Shen and Old Man Shen sitting there eating the meal.

Village Chief Wan swallowed his saliva. This Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen were too unkind. They called him over to help out and didn’t even invite him to eat with them. The food on the table, even though it was leftovers from Shen Lin and his family it still looked extremely tempting. Village Chief Wan also wanted to sit down and eat with them.

But he is the village chief after all, and he cannot do such a thing as sitting down and eating without being invited.

Su Wan watched Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen eat for a while, then turned around and said to Village Chief Wan who was staring at her: “Village Chief, I made some ribs today. I thought you were busy with the affairs of the village, so I left a bowl of ribs for you. I thought I would ask Brother Shen to bring it to you after dinner. I didn’t expect you to come over. This is perfect. I’ll bring it to you right away.”

Village Chief Wan was really surprised that Su Wan actually left a bowl for him. Village Chief Wan still had some power in this village, so the villagers would give him some small favors on weekdays, but no one would serve him meat.

Village Chief Wan pushed his hand and said, “No, no, Miss Su.” As Village Chief Wan spoke, his eyes drifted towards the kitchen.

Su Wan smiled secretly in her heart, walked into the kitchen, and brought out a bowl of braised pork ribs. The braised pork ribs had an attractive color and the aroma of meat was so delicious that it made people salivate.

Su Wan did not leave this bowl of meat for Village Chief Wan, but for Shen Lin’s next meal. However, judging from the current situation, it was obvious that Village Chief Wan came here to support Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen.

The book does mention the relationship between the village chief and Old Man and Old Woman Shen. After Shen Lin’s father, Shen Laoer, died, Old Man Shen and Eldest Shen Lao Da came to divide up Shen Lin’s family property. Shen Laoer had already separated from Old Man Shen and Old Master Shen, and Shen Laoer himself had two children. Even if Shen Laoer died, it would not be the turn of Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen to divide up Shen Laoer’s property.

But Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen just split the property. The first reason was that Shen Lin still had a sense of filial piety in his heart and felt that since his father was not around, he should also take care of his grandparents on his behalf. The second reason was that Old Man Shen gave some benefits to Village Chief Wan, so that Village Chief Wan would support him and Old Woman Shen and divide some of the property left by Shen Lao Er.

Village Chief Wan is not a good person who does things fairly.

But he is the village chief after all, and his words still carry some weight. Just like now, it is obviously Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen who are going too far, but since Village Chief Wan has taken benefits from Old man Shen, he will help Old Man Shen to accuse Shen Lin of being unfilial.

For now, let Village Chief Wan be grateful for what she has done.

Su Wan brought the braised spare ribs to Village Chief Wan, and scooped a bowl of rice for him, and said to him, “Since you are here, you can eat here. There are some dishes on the table. If you don’t mind, you can sit down and eat.”

Su Wan knew that in the eyes of Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen, Shen Lin’s things belonged to them. How would the two of them react if Village Chief Wan ate things that belonged to them ?

Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen have always been stingy. The reason they can become good friends with Village Chief Wan is because Old Man Shen is smart and willing to spend money to give benefits to Village Chief Wan. If it were Old Woman Shen and Old Man Shen, they  would never be willing to give them such gifts.

Of course, the benefits that Shen Lao Da gave to Village Chief Wan were also plundered from Shen Lin’s family. So he didn’t feel bad when giving to Village Chief Wan.

Village Chief Wan also sat at the table and started eating voraciously with Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen.

Su Wan brought a whole bowl of braised pork ribs to Village Chief Wan, which was naturally better in color and appearance than the half bowl of leftovers on the table.

Mrs. Shen took a look at the ribs in Village Chief Wan’s bowl, and her face fell a little. This Shen Lin would rather leave meat for an outsider like Village Chief Wan than for his own grandparents. He was really a traitor. And Su Wan was also an outsider, but they actually gave meat to Su Wan instead of herself. Let’s see how they will deal with Mrs Shen and Shen Lin after she finishes eating. These two people completely disrespect their elders.

Village Chief Wan keenly caught the sharp look in Old Woman Shen’s eyes, and he was also unhappy. He knew exactly what Old Woman Shen was thinking. Did Old Woman Shen just dislike him for eating Shen Lin’s braised pork ribs?

Village chief Wan was unhappy. He came out to support her and Old Man Shen, but she thought that he was eating her flesh and was too stingy.

All the villagers in this village were trying their best to fawn on him, but this Old Woman Shen actually dared to give him a cold look.

Village Chief Wan was so angry that he immediately picked up the braised pork ribs and ate them heartily. Didn’t Old Woman Shen  not want him to eat it, but he insisted on eating it.

Village Chief Wan not only ate the braised spareribs, but also other dishes on the table.

Old Woman Shen was so distressed. Every bite of these dishes was gone. Seeing that Village Chief Wan didn’t seem to be restrained at all, Old Woman Shen spoke up and said, “Shen Lin, go get some clean bowls. I’ll put some of these leftovers on your uncle and cousin.”

It was obvious that Old Woman Shen’s words were intended to prevent Village Chief Wan from eating.

The food was bought and cooked by Su Wan. Shen Lin felt embarrassed to eat it with his mother and sister. It was really awkward for his grandparents to come and eat without being invited.

Shen Lin stood still.

Old Woman Shen glared at Shen Lin fiercely, then got up and went to the kitchen to get three large clean bowls. While there were still some leftovers on the plates, she put them all into the clean bowls.

In an instant, all the plates and bowls on the table were empty except for Village Chief Wan’s bowl of braised pork ribs, and even the soup was collected in the bowl by Old Woman Shen.

Of course, we have to serve some of this delicious food to the elderly.

Old man Shen said to Village Chief Wan: “Village Chief, these are just leftovers. You can’t eat these. Eat your braised spareribs.”

Village chief Wan was very displeased. Was Old Man Shen trying to trick him into thinking he was a fool? It was obvious that they just didn’t want him to eat the food, so they found this high-sounding excuse. Fortunately, Su Wan said that the braised spareribs were reserved for him, otherwise Old Man Shen would definitely have taken away his bowl of braised spareribs.

Village chief Wan originally wanted to stand up for Old Man and Old Woman Shen. After all, after they stood up for him, the smart and quick-witted Shen Lao Da would inevitably give him some benefits.

But now, Village Chief Wan doesn’t want to help Old Man Shen and Old Woman Shen anymore. These two people are too ungrateful.

Village Chief Wan’s face darkened, and he ate the bowl of braised pork ribs that Su Wan served him unhappily. He thought to himself, this Su Wan is quite perceptive. If Shen Lin had this idea earlier, his house would not have been emptied by Old Man Shen and  Shen Lao Da.

After putting away the dishes, Old Man Shen and Mrs. Shen remembered why the two people came to Shen Lin’s house. One was to eat braised pork ribs, and the other was to teach Shen Lin, this unfilial grandson, a lesson.

But Village Chief Wan hasn’t finished eating yet, so Old Man Shen will have to wait for a while.

Village Chief Wan was angry and ate the ribs slower. Old Man Shen felt heartbroken as he watched Village Chief Wan put the ribs into his mouth piece by piece.

After a lot of effort, Village Chief Wan finished all the braised spareribs in the bowl. Su Wan quickly handed Village Chief Wan a wet towel for him to wipe his hands, and praised him as much as possible.

After Village Chief Wan finished eating, Old Woman Shen spoke up: “Shen Lin, you are an unfilial person. You eat well at home and don’t even think about your grandparents. Didn’t your family buy other food then move it to my and your grandfather’s yard? We won’t bother with you about this matter.”

Old man Shen also spoke up: “Hurry up and move all the things over. It’s time to teach you a lesson. Let’s see if you dare to forget about us two old people when you eat and drink well in the future.”

Old Woman Shen quickly put the hat of unfilial on Shen Lin: “You are unfilial if you don’t care about us two. The current emperor still rules the world with filial piety. If you dare to be unfilial, we will go to the government to sue you.”

Hearing this, Su Wan smiled and walked out slowly: “Grandma Shen, have you finished eating and taken everything?”

Old Woman Shen was a little surprised. She was talking to Shen Lin. What was that damn girl Su Wan doing out? Oh, she was just busy eating pork ribs. She knew that Shen Lin spent seven taels of silver to pick up Su Wan from the clinic yesterday.

She and Old Man Shen still had to settle the account of the seven taels of silver with Shen Lin. Shen Lin kept saying that he had no money, but he had seven taels of silver to pay for Su Wan’s medicine. It was obvious that he had cheated her and the old man. With this one thing, Shen Lin could be considered unfilial.

Old Woman Shen raised her head and said, “You have no right to speak here. This is our Shen family’s business. Don’t think we don’t know that Shen Lin paid you seven taels of silver in the county town last night. You have to pay the money back to our Shen family. When you pay it back, come to me instead. Do you hear me?”

Old Woman Shen spoke in rapid succession, and every word was aggressive.

Su Wan pretended not to hear and just smiled and asked again: “Grandma Shen, I’m asking if you have finished eating and taken everything?”

Old Woman Shen glared and said, “Why? Shen Lin’s home is my home. What’s wrong with me eating and taking a little?”

Su Wan continued smiling, “Grandma Shen, it’s none of my business if you eat or take things from the Shen family, but what you just ate was not from the Shen family, but from me.”

“I bought these ingredients and cooked the meal, so the food should be mine. If you finish eating and take everything away, I will have to settle accounts with Grandma.”

“You ate and took a total of thirty-two pieces of pork ribs, which cost eighty cents.”

“Half a plate of vegetarian lotus root dumplings, five cents.”

“Half a plate of ham and tofu is ten cents.”

“Four bowls of rice are ten cents, and pickles are five cents.”

“Grandma Shen, the total is one hundred and ten coins. I’ll round it off for you and charge you one hundred coins.” Su Wan said slowly.

Old Woman Shen was very angry: “I am eating the food of Shen Lin’s family, what does it have to do with you…”

Su Wan interrupted Shen’s words: “Grandma Shen, what you said is unreasonable. Many villagers saw that I bought all the meat and vegetables this afternoon. You said that I am an orphan with no one to rely on. How can you have the nerve to eat and drink my food for free? What’s more, I gave you a small portion.”

Su Wan was already crying as she spoke. She then looked at Village Chief Wan with tearful eyes, “Village Chief, you have to make the decision for me. You know, I’m homeless now. I wanted to buy some good meat and vegetables to replenish my body and repay Brother Shen’s kindness. But now all these things have been eaten by Grandpa Shen and Grandma Shen. I have neither been able to replenish my body nor repay Brother Shen. I asked Grandma Shen for the money for the half plate of food. It’s not too much, right?”

The stinginess of Old Woman Shen and Old Man Shen just now offended Village Chief Wan, and Village Chief Wan had eaten Su Wan’s braised spareribs, so he had planned not to help Old Woman Shen and Old Man Shen today. So, Village Chief Wan said sternly, “That’s right, Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen, you can eat Shen Lin’s food, but you have to pay for Su Wan’s food.”

Old Woman Shen was so angry that she almost fainted. She and Old Man Shen had eaten and drank Shen Lin’s food for free countless times, but this was the first time he asked for money.





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  1. N3wr says:

    Thank you for your work!! Really enjoying so far

  2. nopenopenope says:

    This story is hilarious! Thank you for the hard work of translating it!

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