The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


 Chapter 3 Disrespect

  Mrs Wang bought a chicken and a lot of tofu from the market.

  The chicken that Su Wan raised had not grown up yet, and it would be a pity to kill it now, so Mrs Wang bought one.

  The rest of the vegetables were picked by Su Wan from the vegetable garden in the Wang family’s backyard.

  In order to save money on vegetables, Su Wan opened a vegetable garden behind the Wang family’s house, watered and fertilized it, and took great care to take care of it. The vegetables in the garden grew luxuriantly and were enough for the Wang family to eat, which saved the Wang family a lot of money on vegetables.

  Su Wan took the chicken from Wang and killed and plucked the feathers neatly. Then she chopped the chicken into pieces and put it into the casserole together with ginger slices. She also added carrots, wolfberries, red dates and other ingredients. She then added clear well water to the casserole and simmered it slowly on the stove.

  The Wang family’s yard is filled with the aroma of chicken soup.

  After the soup was stewed, Su Wan began to clean the yard, Su Wan fainted in yesterday and no one was working

  After the soup was stewed, Su Wan began to clean the yard, Su Wan fainted in yesterday and no one was working. The Wang family’s yard was messy and would affect the guests’ appetite.

  Wang Luoxue was angry, but she couldn’t cause trouble for Su Wan anymore. After all, Su Wan was preparing to entertain the guests.

  Wang Luoxue had no choice but to find the clothes that Su Wan had embroidered for her before and wear them to meet guests.

  Calculating the time, Wang Luosheng would soon be back with his guests.

  Su Wan took out the rabbit meat that had been marinated last night, cut it into small pieces and blanched it.

  Heat oil in a pan, add onion, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, chili powder and Su Wan’s secret ingredients. She cut a lot of peppers.

  After frying all the seasonings until just right, Su Wan put the blanched rabbit meat into the pot, added firewood to the stove, and stir-fried over high heat, frying the rabbit meat and the seasonings that had just been fried together until the rabbit meat was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and was covered with bright red peppers before serving.

  After frying all the seasonings until just right, Su Wan put the blanched rabbit meat into the pot, added firewood to the stove, and stir-fried over high heat, frying the rabbit meat and the seasonings that had just been fried together until the...

  Wang Luoxue doesn’t like eating chili peppers because of chili peppers she have scolded Su Wan several times.

  But Su Wan didn’t care about her. She didn’t know if Wang Luoxue would scold her in front of the guests because of the chili pepper today.

  Before taking the dish out of the pot, Su Wan added a handful of chili peppers and a broth, poured a spoonful of hot oil on it, and sprinkled a handful of white sesame seeds.

  A dish of spicy rabbit meat is served.

  Su Wan cooked a total of eight dishes and one soup, four meat dishes and four vegetarian dishes. Each dish had its own unique flavor and was very appetizing.

  After all the meals were ready, Su Wan changed into the clothes she had altered yesterday.

  In order to take care of the Wang family, Su Wan had not bothered to clean herself up before. But now it was different, Su Wan did not want to wrong herself.

  After Su Wan changed her clothes, Wang Luosheng also arrived home with his colleagues Duan Jingtian and Li Sheng.

  Among Wang Luosheng’s colleagues, only Li Sheng and Wang Luosheng passed the examination and became scholars. Duan Jingtian wanted to make friends with these two, so he invited Li Sheng to join him.

  Su Wan sprinkled a handful of chopped green onions into the chicken soup and was about to serve the dish when Wang Luoxue entered the kitchen.

  Wang Luoxue wore the dress that Su Wan had embroidered for her, put on exquisite jewelry, and drew her eyebrows and applied powder.

  Seeing Su Wan suddenly dressed neatly, Wang Luoxue glared at Su Wan fiercely, snatched the dish from Su Wan’s hand, then put on a smiling expression and brought it to the table.

  In the past, Wang Luoxue always sat at the table waiting for the food to be served, but today she became more virtuous.

  Su Wan brought the other dishes to the table.

  The Wang’s father and mother welcomed Duan Jingtian and Li Sheng to the seats of honor, and then they all sat down.

  Wang Luoxue sat in the empty seat opposite Duan Jingtian.

  Su Wan did not sit in front of the stove in the kitchen as usual, but sat next to Wang Luosheng.

  Wang Luosheng was disgusted when he saw Su Wan came to the table and sat next to him. This ignorant and rude country girl was really using every possible means to get close to him.

  With guests present, Wang Luosheng couldn’t get angry and wanted to scare Su Wan with his eyes.

  Turning around, he saw that Su Wan was different today than usual, and looked refreshed.

  Wang Luosheng was stunned.

  Duan Jingtian saw two girls sitting opposite him and asked Wang Luosheng, “Brother Wang, are these two girls your sisters?”

  Wang Luosheng hurriedly said, “This is Wang Luoxue, my sister, and this one is Su Wan, the daughter of my father’s old friend, who is staying at my house.”

  Wang Luosheng didn’t want to admit that Su Wan was his child bride.

  Su Wan didn’t want the Wang family to say that she was the Wang family’s child bride.

  Three years ago, Su Wan’s family suffered a misfortune and she was left alone.

  At that time, the Wang family was poor and Wang Luosheng was a poor student. Thinking that it would be difficult for Wang Luosheng to find a wife in the future, Wang’s father and mother brought Su Wan back to be Wang Luosheng’s child bride.

  Two years later, the Wang family became prosperous and Wang Luosheng passed the imperial examination. The Wang family no longer mentioned that Su Wan was the Wang family’s child bride, but everyone in Qingshi Village knew about it.

  If the Wang family could personally deny Su Wan’s status as a child bride in front of people who knew the truth, then Su Wan would be able to completely sever ties with the Wang family.

  In the book, Su Wan was sad because Wang Luosheng did not admit that she was his fiancée, but at this time, Su Wan was thankful for Wang Luosheng’s denial.

  Wang Luoxue pretended to glance at Duan Jingtian casually, but her heart was beating fast at the first glance.

  Duan Jingtian had a handsome face and a slender figure. He wore a sky-blue brocade robe with dark bamboo patterns. He looked both noble and suave.

  Seeing Wang Luoxue looking at him, Duan Jingtian smiled and nodded to her.

  Li Sheng, who was standing next to Duan Jingtian, was also handsome, but he was only wearing ordinary cloth clothes, and one could tell at a glance that he came from an ordinary family.

  Wang Luoxue shyly served Duan Jingtian a bowl of chicken soup, and had no intention of greeting Li Sheng who was also a guest.

  Su Wan scooped a bowl of chicken soup for Li Sheng.

  Duan Jingtian took the chicken soup from Wang Luoxue, took a sip with a spoon, and praised: “This chicken soup is so delicious. I have never tasted such delicious chicken soup.”

  Li Sheng took a sip and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Compared to this chicken soup, all the chicken soups I’ve drunk over the years seem like fail .”

  As soon as Duan Jingtian and Li Sheng finished their conversation, Wang Luoxue smiled and said softly, “Mr. Duan, thank you for the compliment. If you like this chicken soup, it’s worth my effort to make this meal.”

  What Wang Luoxue meant was that she was the one who cooked this meal.

  Moreover, Wang Luoxue only responded to Duan Jingtian’s words and ignored Li Sheng who also praised the chicken soup.

  Wang Luoxue was not worried at all that Su Wan would expose her. She knew how much Su Wan liked Wang Luosheng, and she and Su Wan had always done this. Wang Luoxue was used to it.

  Li Sheng’s brows wrinkled slightly.

  As the host, it is really rude of Wang Luoxue to show favoritism.

  Su Wan knew that although Li Sheng was poor now, he later passed the imperial examination and became a high-ranking official in Beijing, a much higher position than Wang Luosheng. Li Sheng was also a good friend of Shen Lin.

  Anyone who can go from a small place to the capital to serve as an official naturally has observation skills that are different from ordinary people.

  Li Sheng could sense Wang Luoxue’s rudeness.

  ”Mr. Li, would you like to try this rabbit meat?” Su Wan spoke up to relieve Li Sheng of the embarrassment of being ignored.

  Li Sheng raised his head and glanced at the two girls opposite him.

  Wang Luoxue is rude, but Su Wan is considerate.

  The two girls’ clothes are very different, one is dressed flashily and the other is dressed simply.

  The simple and plain one is much better looking than the flashy one.

  Also, Wang Luoxue’s hands were white, tender and delicate, and it was obvious that she had never touched water, while Su Wan’s hands were covered with calluses, and it was obvious that she had been working a lot.

  Was this meal really made by Wang Luoxue who was dressed in gorgeous clothes?

  Li Sheng smiled and picked up a piece of rabbit meat with chopsticks.

  Duan Jingtian drank the chicken soup in one breath and picked up a piece of spicy rabbit meat and put it in his mouth.

  The rabbit meat is fresh, spicy and crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. One bite can make you forget all the worries in the world.

  Duan Jingtian took a sip of tea to ease the spiciness, and said, “Luo Sheng, I want to come to your house to eat with you every day. The food your sister cooks is so delicious.”

  Wang Luoxue’s heart skipped a beat. She didn’t know how to cook. If Duan Jingtian came over to eat every day, she would be exposed.

  However, Wang Luoxue was relieved immediately and thought Su Wan would do it first and say that she did it herself. What’s the harm?

  Anyway, Duan Jingtian couldn’t possibly go into the kitchen to look.

  Thinking of this, Wang Luoxue hurriedly said, “If Mr. Duan likes the food I cook, just come and eat it every day.”

  Li Sheng wiped the sweat from his head due to the spiciness and said, “Miss Wang, this rabbit meat is so spicy and delicious. I wonder if you can tell me how it is made.”

  Duan Jingtian also followed: “Yes, Miss Wang, this rabbit meat is better than the one made by my chef from Beijing. I wonder if there is any secret.”

  ”This rabbit meat…” Wang Luoxue hated Li Sheng in her heart. If she didn’t answer, Duan Jingtian would think she was rude. If she answered, she really didn’t know how this rabbit meat was cooked.

  ”Just fry the rabbit meat and chili peppers together…” Wang Luoxue tried to fool him

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  1. nopenopenope says:

    Broth, not brothel?

    1. Cupcake says:

      Sorry its broth. thank you for letting me know about the error, I corrected it.

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