The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


When cooking at the Wang family, Su Wan has to take into account the tastes of everyone in the Wang family and prepare a variety of dishes. Wang’s father and mother like to eat noodles in the morning, so Su Wan will make different kinds of noodles for them, such as shredded chicken noodles, mushroom noodles, and sour soup noodles.

Wang Luosheng wants to eat something to replenish his body and benefit his studies in the morning, so Su Wan will make some nourishing noodles for him, and then some dumplings, soup dumplings, and pies, plus a boiled egg. Wang Luoxue could have eaten with either Wang’s father and mother or Wang Luosheng, but Wang Luoxue was not an easy person to deal with and always made all kinds of tricky requests to Su Wan.

Moreover, when cooking at Wang’s house, Su Wan needs to carry firewood and fetch water by herself. All the cooking procedures are completed by Su Wan alone, so even making breakfast is not an easy job for Su Wan.

At this moment, Su Wan thought to herself that it was fortunate that the original owner had good luck. If it were an ordinary person, he would have collapsed in less than half a month after working so hard.

It turns out that the luck of the original heroine was all for the service of the Wang family.

Cooking at the Duan family was much easier than cooking at the Wang family. There were special servants who had already prepared all the ingredients for Su Wan, and Su Wan didn’t have to worry about water and firewood. However, breakfast at the Duan family was more complicated than that at the Shen family.

Comparatively speaking, breakfast at the Shen family was the easiest. It was just simple porridge and side dishes, and Shen Yaya was there to help, so it was also very simple.

Su Wan made a total of five pancakes, which contained loofah, eggs, and cornmeal. Although the pancakes were simple and their taste was not as good as those of steamed dumplings, they contained cornmeal to provide carbohydrates, eggs to provide protein, and vegetables to provide vitamins.

Shen Yaya told Su Wan that no one at home had ever eaten breakfast.

People will be too hungry if they skip lunch and dinner, but not that hungry if they skip breakfast, so we never eat breakfast at home.

Su Wan said: “It’s not good to skip breakfast. We must eat breakfast in the morning from now on.”

Su Wan knew that Shen Lin was cultivating more than 30 acres of land by himself, and all the farming procedures were dependent on Shen Lin alone. Moreover, Shen Lin’s grandparents and uncles and aunts always asked Shen Lin to help them with the work on the grounds of filial piety.

So Shen Lin has a lot of work to do every day. How can he skip breakfast when doing such heavy work?

It was just porridge and pancakes, which were a bit light. Su Wan made a cold dish with wild vegetables and cucumbers. Shen Lin had to do a lot of work in the morning and also needed to replenish salt.

After doing all this, Su Wan brought breakfast to Mother Shen’s room.

Mother Shen had already gotten up. As she had been weak for many years, Mother Shen’s strength was just enough to clean herself up and go to the toilet. The rest of the time, she had to lie in bed and rest.

When Su Wan came in with the food, Mother Shen had already tidied herself up neatly.

Mother Shen’s hair was combed meticulously, and although her clothes were patched, they were very clean.

Su Wan knew that Mother Shen was a clean person. In the book, when Su Wan was divorced by Wang Luosheng and married Shen Lin, Mother Shen had already passed away.

Whenever Shen Lin thought of his mother, he would feel sad and blame himself for not letting his mother live a good life. Su Wan thought to herself that she must not let Shen Lin have such regrets this time.

Shen Yaya helped Su Wan put the food on the table, then ran out and said to Shen Lin who was sawing wood in the yard: “Brother, it’s time to have breakfast. Sister Su Wan made breakfast.”

Shen Lin put down the work in his hands, shook off the wood chips on his body, and then walked into Shen’s house.

Shen Yaya told Su Wan that the Shen family used to skip breakfast, but neither Mother Shen nor Shen Lin blamed Su Wan for making breakfast and wasting extra food.

Su Wan could guess what Mother Shen and Shen Lin were thinking. That she would feel wronged if they did not allow her to make breakfast.

Su Wan made five egg pancakes in total. Su Wan gave one to hetself, one to Mother Shen, half of one to Shen Yaya, and two to Shen Lin.

This amount is just right for the appetite of these people.

Before the meal, Mother Shen said to Su Wan, “You must be so tired. You have to get up early to make breakfast for the family. It’s also because I am not in good health. Otherwise, I should cook for you. Alas, I am so sick and useless.”

Shen Yaya said: “Sister Su Wan, let me tell you, my mother used to cook delicious food.”

Su Wan said: “Aunt, don’t say such things. You will definitely get better. When you get better, you can cook for me.”

Mother Shen smiled and picked up the bowl, saying, “I will definitely get better. I will definitely get better.”

Although she said so, Mother Shen knew that Su Wan was just comforting her. She had been bedridden for nearly two years, and despite taking those expensive medicines, her health was getting worse day by day. There was no hope for her to get better.

Mother Shen felt very guilty and regretful. Her husband had passed away, and her son and daughter were already having a hard time. What’s more, she was so seriously ill. Even if her illness was less severe and she couldn’t do heavy work, she could still do the laundry, cooking, and cleaning the house for the two children, so that they could move around more comfortably.

Now, not only can I not do these things, but I have also become a burden to my son and daughter.

Mother Shen also tried to commit suicide, but after being rescued by her son and daughter, and seeing how heartbroken her son and daughter were, Mother Shen never did that again.

Shen Lin told Mother Shen that he never felt that she was a burden to him. As long as Mother Shen was alive, even if she could not do anything, he would feel that he had a relative to rely on. If his mother was gone, there would be no one in the world who truly loved him and her sister.

Only then did Mother Shen give up the idea of committing suicide.

Shen Lin sat down and started to eat breakfast. The porridge was warm and made his stomach feel very comfortable. The egg pancake was soft. Although the cucumber mixed with wild vegetables was just a simple cold dish, it had a special salty and fragrant taste. Eating these foods summoned strength to his whole body.

After finishing his meal, Shen Lin put down his bowl and chopsticks and said to Su Wan, “Miss Su, you don’t have to feel uncomfortable living here, and you don’t have to do those heavy chores every day. Just let me come back and do it.”

Su Wan knew that Shen Lin felt that she would take the initiative to take on these housework because she was living under someone else’s roof.

Su Wan was not doing this because she was living under someone else’s roof. She really wanted to do these things for Shen Lin. She knew Shen Lin’s character. He was the most responsible person and always wanted to take on everything.

But he is not an iron man. Carrying all these things on his shoulders will make him walk slower, even if he can do it.

Su Wan said, “I’ll cook for you. You work in the fields every day, and you have to do these things when you come back. How can your body handle it? Do you want to get sick from working yourself to death?”

Shen Lin was stunned and didn’t answer.

Mother Shen said, “Alas, if my health is better, I can take care of everything at home.”

Mother Shen’s face was full of sadness and loneliness. Although the children did not dislike her for being unable to do anything, She still couldn’t help blaming herself.

There is no relief from this self-blame. As long as she is alive, as long as she can’t do anything for her children, this self-blame will never disappear.

Su Wan said: “It’s just cooking. It’s really simple for me.”

Shen Lin said: “Then you just need to cook. You don’t need to do anything else. My family is not the Wang family.”

Obviously, the Shen family noticed what Su Wan did in the Wang family.

This is the kindness of the Shen family. If ordinary people encounter such a thing, they will definitely think, you are doing those chores in the Wang family, my family treats you much better than the Wang family, you should do more here than in the Wang family.

Su Wan did not refute Shen Lin’s words. She really could no longer do every detail of the housework as she did before.

Right now, the most important thing is not to do all the housework like she did at Wang Family and make everyone comfortable. The most important thing is that the current Shen family is too poor.

You can’t eat wild vegetables every day.

Su Wan also has money in her hands, which can temporarily alleviate the Shen family’s predicament, but she and the Shen family must not live off the savings. Besides, the money is not enough to live off the savings. Earning money is the right way.

After dinner, Shen Lin quickly put away the dishes and brought them to the kitchen. Su Wan followed him to wash the dishes, but Shen Yaya hurriedly said, “Sister Su Wan, I’ll wash the dishes. You’ve already cooked. Usually, my brother cooks and I wash the dishes. The person who cooks and washes the dishes cannot be the same person.”

Su Wan really likes the atmosphere in the Shen family, where the family members understand and share each other’s responsibilities.

Su Wan wanted to become a family with the Shen family from the bottom of her heart. As for whether Shen Lin liked her or not, Su Wan was not too worried.

Now that the Shen family is so poor, and no other girl wants to marry Shen Lin, Shen Lin can only marry herself.

As long as I become Shen Lin’s wife, according to Shen Lin’s character, he will definitely treat me well. Even if he becomes rich in the future, Shen Lin will not flirt with other women.

Su Wan did not compete with Shen Yaya for washing the dishes. She took the rag back to Mother Shen’s room to wipe the table, but saw that Mother Shen had already wiped the table clean.

One can tell at a glance that Mother Shen is a very clean person.

While Shen Yaya was washing the dishes, Shen Lin tidied up the wooden boards he had just dealt with, collected all the broken wood chips in the yard and put them in a square wooden box, then put the wooden box in the kitchen to use for burning firewood.

After finishing all this, Shen Lin took the farm tools and went to work in the fields.

Su Wan walked around the front and back yards of the Shen family’s house. The Shen family’s house was very clean and tidy. Although not as clean and tidy as Su Wan’s, it was still neater than that of ordinary people’s houses.

There is no one in the Shen family who specializes in doing housework, but the fact that they can keep it like this shows that everyone in the Shen family is willing to keep it tidy.

In this way, the task of cleaning up the Shen family’s house would be easier.

When Su Wan was at Wang’s house, it was always in a mess within a day. Wang’s family members threw everything around, but Su Wan would always clean it up.

If you calculate carefully, the Wang family’s housework is four or five times that of the Shen family.

Wang Luosheng saw Su Wan go to the Shen family next door early in the morning, and he felt both contempt and relief in his heart.

The contempt was for Su Wan, a girl, who always came to him.

He felt at ease. If he had any problems or if anything happened at home, he could always call Su Wan over to solve the problem.

If I took the initiative to ask Su Wan to help with work, Su Wan would be so happy that she would go crazy. It was like this in her past life and this life. If I asked her to do something, she would be very happy, as if she had received a great grace.

~~~ At the Wang family.

Wang Luosheng returned to the main hall in the front yard, where the maid hired by the family had already prepared breakfast for him.

The breakfast made by the maid was vegetable noodles.

There were a few slices of green vegetables floating on the noodles in the clear soup, which made people lose their appetite.

Wang Luosheng frowned: “Why noodles again?”

Mrs. Wu, who was cooking, answered honestly, “Sir, the master and the mistress both want to eat noodles, so of course we have to eat noodles at home.”

Filial piety is extremely important. In ordinary families, children should eat what their parents want to eat. There is no right for them to be picky. There is nothing wrong with Mrs. Wu cooking according to what the Wang’s father and mother like to eat.

Wang Luosheng sat down at the table reluctantly and picked up the noodles in front of him. In the past, he ate all kinds of snacks in the morning, as well as various pickles carefully pickled by Su Wan. Now, every morning he eats nothing but noodles. However, Wang Luosheng has no choice. If he doesn’t eat these noodles, he will go to school on an empty stomach. If he goes to school on an empty stomach, he will not be able to learn his lessons well.

Wang Luoxue also came out to eat. In the past, Wang Luoxue got up the latest and was the last one in the Wang family to come out for breakfast. Su Wan would always make a separate breakfast for Wang Luoxue.

But now, Mrs Wu made noodles every day. If you don’t get up early to eat, the noodles will clump together and taste disgusting. Wang Luoxue also had to get up early to eat noodles.

Wang Luoxue wanted Mrs. Wu to make her some more delicious breakfast, but Mrs. Wu said that the Wang family had to eat food three times, if she had to make different breakfast, it would delay other work.

The Wang family does have a lot of housework to do. If Mrs. Wu were asked to make breakfast a few more times, she would have to prepare lunch before she had time to clean the house inside and outside.

So Mrs Wang asked Wang Luoxue to get up early and eat noodles.

Wang Luoxue took a few mouthfuls of noodles and immediately her face fell. She scolded Aunt Wu: “Aunt Wu, you are lazy and only make breakfast once a day, but why is your breakfast getting worse day by day? The noodles you make are worse than pig food.”

Mrs Wu used to serve wealthy families in other provinces. After hearing what Wang Luoxue said,
Mrs Wu replied a little aggrievedly: “Miss, only in wealthy families do the masters eat breakfast separately. In ordinary families, there is no time to make so many breakfasts. It is reasonable for me to make it once.”

“Besides, Madam Wang doesn’t allow me to use more oil and salt, nor does she buy meat for me. I can only cook with vegetables from the backyard garden. Even a skilled cook cannot cook without rice. It’s not easy for me to cook like this.”

Wang Luoxue was stopped by Mrs. Wu and wanted to lose her temper. However, when she thought about the anger and frustration she had experienced when she went to the human horse market to hire a maid, Wang Luoxue could only hold it back again. This Mrs. Wu was really hateful.

Wang Luoxue and Wang Luosheng ate the tasteless noodles painfully. Wang’s father and Wang’s wife also came out to eat breakfast.

Wang’s father and mother naturally knew that the noodles tasted bad, and they were very dissatisfied with Mrs. Wu, but there was nothing they could do. It was so difficult to hire a maid at home, so they could only bear it.

Wang Luosheng saw his father and mother sitting down, and suddenly said, “I was in the backyard just now and saw Su Wan at Shen’s house.”

Mrs Wang picked up the bowl of noodles and said, “I didn’t expect that poor boy from the Shen family would actually bring Su Wan back. I thought he didn’t have seven taels of silver.”

When talking about the decline of the Shen family, Mrs Wang was somewhat excited.

“Back then, Mrs Shen dressed up gorgeously every day. She thought she was better than me in every way. Look at what her family is like now. People are like that. It’s true that things change over time. Wasn’t Shen Lin better at studying than Luo Sheng? But now he can only pick up a woman that Luo Sheng doesn’t want. It’s really laughable.”

The always serious father Wang also said: “It is really shameful that Shen Lin took someone our son didn’t want.”

However, Wang Luoxue had a different opinion. She had been living in a hectic and messy state these days. She originally thought that things would be better if she hired a maid. However, after hiring the maid, her life did not return to the way it was before.

When Wang Luoxue heard that Su Wan was at the Shen family next door, she hurriedly said, “That’s good. If there’s anything going on at home, we can call Su Wan back to help. I think Su Wan is really a mean person who is trying every possible way to chase after her brother.”

Sure enough, Wang Luoxue’s idea was the same as Wang Luosheng’s. The reason why Su Wan went to the Shen family was to be closer to Wang Luosheng.

Wang’s father has always been profit-driven. Hearing this, Wang’s father said, “It’s a good thing that Su Wan can stay in the Shen family. In this way, she can eat and use the Shen family’s things, and she can also work for our family. It’s also a good thing.”

The Wang’s Mother said, “That’s true, but it’s a pity that when Su Wan was working at the Duan family, she could earn so much money every month. Now that she is at the Shen family, how can she earn money?”

In fact, Mrs Wang was also very heartbroken to cut off ties with Su Wan. After all, Su Wan had so much salary money, and when Su Wan went to the Shen family, the Wang family naturally wouldn’t get the money.

These days, because she had Su Wan’s salary, Mrs Wang hired a maid and bought some expensive clothes. These two items, especially the clothes, had already consumed most of Mrs Wang’s savings for half a year.

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