The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


  Chapter 28: Bringing Back the Ugly Monster (Three in One)

  Mrs Wang was completely confused. Wasn’t Su Wan working for the Duan family? How could she have fainted on the street?

  However, no matter what the reason was for her fainting on the street, the Wang family would never pay the seven taels of silver for her.

  Then, Mrs Wang thought of a serious problem. Su Wan’s medical treatment cost seven taels of silver, and her salary was at most three or four taels. After all this, her family would not only lose everything but also have to pay back three or four taels.

  Mrs Wang felt that her family was extremely unlucky and Su Wan was truly a jinx.

  Not being able to get Su Wan’s money was already a loss for Mrs Wang, let alone losing money.

  Mrs Wang: “Her fainting has nothing to do with my family. She is working in the Duan Mansion. If you need money, go to the Duan Mansion to ask for it.”

  Su Wan had already told the guy about Wang’s possible behaviors and words, and had given him a strategy to deal with them.

  The waiter clapped his hands and said, “Oh, right, I just realized that Miss Su was talking about the child bride of Mr. Wang, the top scholar in some school. She must be talking about a child bride.”

  ”Aunt, is Miss Su your child bride? If so, you have to pay the money to take her away. What does it have to do with the Duan family? It’s up to you, Aunt Wang.”

  ”Miss Su is your child bride. You are so indifferent to her. This is too unkind of a scholar family.”

  Mrs Wang’s heart skipped a beat. These past few days her family had been discussing how to clarify that Su Wan was not the Wang family’s child bride. They were also worried that after the clarification, Su Wan would not give money to the family, so they were still hesitating about this matter.

  Now that something like this has happened, it is natural to distance myself from Su Wan.

  Before Mrs Wang could say anything, the waiter spoke again: “Aunt, Miss Su is your family’s child bride, so she is your daughter-in-law. Naturally, your family has to pay to take her back. Aunt, please come with me quickly. If it’s too late, the clinic will close and Miss Su will be asked to leave.”

  Mrs Wang stepped back and said, “What nonsense are you talking about? What child bride? What money? Our Wang family took Su Wan in and gave her food to eat. In the end, good people don’t get good rewards, and we are asked to pay her money. What kind of logic is this?”

  Some village women couldn’t stand it any longer: “Wang family, this Su Wan is your child bride, and everyone in the village knows it. You should spend some money to bring Su Wan back, so that the child won’t be alone in the clinic.”

  Mrs Wang put her hands on her waist and looked at the woman: “Who said Su Wan was my family’s child bride? How could Su Wan be my family’s child bride? My Luo Sheng is very talented and well-educated. He just passed the imperial examination last year and will pass the imperial examinations in the future. How could he take Su Wan, a girl who knows nothing, as his child bride? If you continue to slander my Luo Sheng like this, I will tear your mouth apart.”

  The villagers looked at Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue in disbelief. It was obvious that Su Wan was the Wang family’s child bride. How could the Wang family lie with their eyes open?

  It is obvious that Mrs Wang did not want to pay Su Wan for the medicine, so she distanced herself from Su Wan.

  Wang Luoxue felt a little embarrassed. In the past, she was always praised by others, but now she was being stared at and talked about by the villagers. Wang Luoxue tugged at Mrs Wang’s sleeve and went back to the house.

  As for the matter of throwing a tantrum and refusing to pay, it is the mother who has to deal with it. She can’t let that person down.

  Seeing that all the villagers were staring at her, Mrs Wang said arrogantly, “I’d like to take this opportunity to make it clear to everyone today. Su Wan is not my family’s child bride. She passed by here when she was fleeing famine with her relatives. My family took her in because we felt sorry for her. We said she was my family’s child bride, but that was just a joke.”

  The villagers looked at each other, obviously not believing what she said. Although everyone felt that Su Wan was not worthy of Wang Luosheng now, it was absolutely true that Su Wan was Wang Luosheng’s child bride.

  Mrw Wang said, “When the children were young, didn’t you joke with each other about marrying your children to each other? Do these words count? They don’t count. You can’t joke that Su Wan is my son’s child bride otherwise she will rely on my Luo Sheng in the future. Luo Sheng is a man with a great future. How could he marry that stupid and foolish girl?”

  After Mrs Wang said this, everyone knew clearly that Wang family had absolutely no intention of recognizing this marriage.

  Mrs Wang originally didn’t want to deny that Su Wan was Wang Luosheng’s child bride so quickly because she was thinking about Su Wan’s wages, but now it has come to this point, if she doesn’t admit it, she will have to pay the money.

  The waiter spoke again: “Aunt, even if this Miss Su is not your family’s child bride, she is still a member of your family, you have to take care of it.”

  Mrs Wang was so furious. How could she deny that Su Wan was not my Luo Sheng’s child bride and still ask her to pay for the job?

  Mrs Wang said angrily, “What a coincidence! Su Wan is no longer a member of my family a month ago. She has grown up now and should not rely on my family for her life. A month ago, she severed her relationship with my family and went out to start her own family.”

  ”Everyone in this village knows that Su Wan has been working in Qingyun County these days and has never returned to the Wang family. How can we still say that she is a member of our Wang family?”

  The village women all pricked up their ears and listened carefully. It seemed that Wang wanted to completely sever ties with Su Wan. Even if Su Wan was not Wang Luosheng’s child bride, she had been in the Wang family for two years and could be considered an adopted daughter.

  What Mrs Wang said was that they were staying temporarily, which clearly showed that the Wang family was the Wang family and Su Wan was Su Wan. The Wang family had no reason at all to pay for Su Wan’s medical expenses.

  Several village women felt that Wang was too heartless. Although they heard that Su Wan was a clumsy and not very good at work, Su Wan had done a lot of rough and heavy work for the Wang family in the past two or three years. This was more than what ordinary boys did, and it also gave Mrs Wang a lot of free time.

  Before, they envied Mrs Wang for having Su Wan to help with the rough and heavy work.

  In the past two years, in order to create a good reputation for Wang Luoxue, Mrs Wang said that all the clever work done by Su Wan was done by Wang Luoxue.

  People outside say that Su Wan is clumsy and can only do rough work, so everyone has this impression of Su Wan.

  A white-haired mother-in-law named Li stood up and advised Mrs Wang: Even if Su Wan only did some rough work for your family, she has helped the Wang family a lot. You can’t be so heartless to Su Wan.

  Mrs Wang said angrily: “The Wang family provides her with food and drink, so what’s wrong with her doing some work? She still owes the Wang family a lot.”

  Granny Li said, “Su Wan eats and uses your family’s things, but the rough work she does far outweighs the food and drinks she gets from your family. I think your Wang family, although you have a scholar, is not a decent family.”

  Originally, after hearing what Mrs Wang said, the villagers thought that no matter what, the Wang family had done a great favor to Su Wan. But after hearing what Granny Li said, everyone realized that it was true. Su Wan did a lot of work in the Wang family, and so much work was enough to feed two people.

  In the end, neither of them owes anyone anything.

  Mrs Wang was furious: “Anyway, Su Wan has nothing to do with our Wang family. Whoever wants to go to the clinic to pick her up can go. I won’t go.”

  As Mrs Wang was about to pull Wang Luoxue’s hand and walk into the house, she heard a crisp voice: “Aunt Wang, don’t you want Sister Su Wan anymore?”

  The Wang family and the Shen family are neighbors. Just now, Shen Yaya heard some noise outside the door. When she went out, she realized that it was Aunt Wang who was saying that Sister Su Wan was not from their family and was not their child bride.

  Shen Yaya was very happy that Sister Su Wan always helped her with work. She really wished that Sister Su Wan can be either her sister or her brother’s wife.

  But she heard that Sister Su Wan was the child bride of Mr. Wang, a gentleman next door.

  Shen Yaya was very happy to hear Aunt Wang say that Sister Su Wan had no relationship with the Wang family, so she boldly asked Aunt Wang again to confirm it.

  Mrs Wang waved her hands and said impatiently, “What do you mean by want or not? I’ll say it again. Su Wan has nothing to do with my Wang family.”

  Shen Yaya said: “Then I will let Sister Su Wan become a member of our Shen family.”

Shen Yaya just came over halfway and didn’t know that Su Wan was sick and lying in the clinic, nor did she know that she had to pay seven taels of silver to take Su Wan away.

  A villager nearby teased Shen Yaya: “Then you should take seven taels of silver and go bring your sister Su Wan back from the county town.”

  Shen Yaya was shocked. At this moment, Shen Yaya’s brother Shen Lin returned home from working in the fields.

  Shen Lin was tall and big with an angular face. He was wearing patched coarse cloth clothes and his skin was tanned.

  In fact, Shen Lin is also very handsome, but no one in Qingshi Village looks up to Shen Lin because he is poor and has a bad reputation.

  The villagers quickly called Shen Lin over jokingly: “Shen Lin, come quickly, your sister is going to decide on adding a new member to your family.”

  Shen Lin saw Shen Yaya also standing there, so he walked over.

  Only then did Shen Yaya know that Sister Su Wan was ill and it would cost seven taels of silver to get her out of the clinic. The family was extremely poor, so how could they afford the money to bring Sister Su Wan back?

  Besides, Sister Su Wan is ill, and it must be a serious illness. I wonder how she is doing now.

Shen Yaya was worried about Su Wan and felt that the family had no money, so she cried anxiously.

  Shen Lin walked to Shen Yaya and asked, “What happened?”

  The gossipy young man quickly told Shen Lin the whole story. This young man happened to be Shen Lin’s cousin Shen San. Shen San was a head shorter than Shen Lin, and had a pointed face and monkey cheeks. He always liked to make fun of Shen Lin.

  Shen San smiled evilly: “Shen Lin, why don’t you go find Su Wan to be your wife? Even though Su Wan is ugly and not good at work, it’s better to bring her home than to be single.”

  Shen Lin glanced at his cousin Shen San, who immediately felt his whole body go cold and shivered.

  But Shen San immediately thought, Shen Lin is just an unfilial pauper who is despised by everyone, so why should he be afraid of him?

  Shen San straightened his chest and said, “Oh, by the way, you are so poor, how can you afford the seven taels of silver? I think you should just stay single.”

  Shen Lin lifted Shen San up by the collar of his shirt, and lifted him up to the ground like a kitten or a puppy.

  Then, threw him out.

  Shen San was thrown into the dirt and rolled into a mud man. He immediately started to curse: “Shen Lin, you are a heartless bastard. You don’t respect your grandparents. You beat your brothers. What kind of dog are you?”

  Shen Lin glanced at Shen San coldly.

  Shen San stopped talking and didn’t dare to curse anymore. Shen Lin’s eyes were like those of a wolf, making people feel cold from head to toe.

  Then, Shen Lin picked up Shen Yaya, who was crying like a kitten, and asked the messenger, “Where is Miss Su?”

  The waiter was stunned for a moment. Miss Su did not tell him what to do if someone really followed to pay the money.

  But then he thought, his job was done. Miss Su said that as long as the Wang family admitted in front of everyone that Miss Su Wan was not a child bride of the Wang family and had no relationship with the Wang family, it would be fine.

  Now that the young man wants to follow him, he can’t refuse. If he refuses, he will be exposed.

  Moreover, the young man knew that Miss Su Wan owed seven taels of silver, but he was still willing to follow him to find Miss Su Wan, which showed that he had good intentions towards Miss Su Wan.

  In that case, taking him over there won’t hurt Miss Su Wan’s plans.

  The waiter said, “Okay, sir, please follow me. By the way, what’s your name?”

  Shen Lin said: “My surname is Shen, what’s your surname?”

  The waiter said, “My name is Li Shun, you can just call me Shunzi. Master Shen, let’s hurry to pick up Miss Su before the sun sets.”

  The villagers stared at Shen Lin in amazement. This guy was so poor, how could he even get seven taels of silver? Besides, even if he had seven taels of silver, he should have found a good girl to marry, instead of paying the medicine silver to that ugly girl Su Wan.

  Amid the puzzled gazes of the crowd, Shen Lin led Shen Yaya and the waiter out of the crowd and out of the village entrance.

  Seeing Shen Lin walking away, Shen San started to curse again: “Shen Lin is a bastard. I am his cousin, and he dared to hit me. You all saw it. Shen Lin hit me.”

  Shen San’s father is the elder brother of Shen Lin’s father, so Shen San and Shen Lin are cousins.

  After Shen Lin’s father died of illness, Shen San’s father, as the eldest uncle, relied on the fact that he had three sons and, together with Shen Lin’s grandparents, seized a lot of Shen Lin’s family property.

  When Shen Lin’s father was still alive, Shen San was inferior to Shen Lin in everything. Later, Shen Lin’s family property was robbed, Shen Lin’s mother fell ill and it cost a lot of money, so Shen Lin’s family became extremely poor.

  Since then, Shen San always ridiculed and mocked Shen Lin.

  Shen San also said to several villagers around him: “Shen Lin is going to bring that ugly Su Wan back home. Hahaha, a poor guy and an ugly girl, this is a match made in heaven.”

  ”Oh, by the way, you need seven taels of silver to bring Su Wan back. Shen Lin doesn’t even have a penny. Alas, he can’t even marry an ugly girl.”

  The villagers felt that what Shen San said was too harsh, but no one came out to stop Shen San.

  Shen San has three brothers, and including his father, there are a total of four able-bodied laborers in the Shen family. Moreover, the relatives and clansmen of the Shen family are close to the Shen San’s family. If there is a conflict with the Shen San’s family, their own family will most likely suffer.

  However, although the villagers thought that Shen San was going too far, they also thought that it was funny that Shen Lin went to pick up Su Wan.

  On the way back, the villagers were talking in groups of three or four. Shen Lin’s family was so poor that they could barely make ends meet. They also had an old mother who was sick and had to take medicine all year round. Now that they brought home a sick Su Wan, the family would probably have to beg for food in the future.

  Also, this time the Wang family said that Su Wan had nothing to do with their family, so Shen Lin could take advantage of the situation and ask Su Wan to be his wife. However, Su Wan was so ugly and clumsy that it was not worth spending seven taels of silver on her. Buying a maid would be prettier than her and cheaper.

  Shen Lin and Shen Yaya followed the waiter on the road to Qingyun County.


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