The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


 Chapter 23 Talented Woman

  Wang Luosheng was feeling irritated. These days, his life was a mess. Every day, there were a thousand things waiting for him to deal with. But even though he was busy to exhaustion every day, everything was still a mess.

  Wang Luosheng thought back to his previous life. In his memory, everything went smoothly and he was calm and at ease. He had never been in such an embarrassing situation.

  What’s wrong?

  Wang Luosheng didn’t speak to Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue anymore. He went back to his room and lay down on the bed without washing.

  After reading for a whole day and working in the mill for an hour, Wang Luosheng was exhausted and didn’t care about being clean and tidy as usual.

  What’s wrong? Wang Luosheng fell into deep thought.

  The key at the moment is that the maid they hired is not capable enough. Wang Luosheng remembered that in his previous life, the business of the mill was booming, and the family also hired a maid, but the maid was not capable enough. Later, when Yang Yunyan came to stay at home, she asked her mother to reward the maid with some silver, and the maid began to work hard.

  Speaking of which, Yang Yunyan is capable. After all, she comes from a scholarly family and is very good at managing people.

  Unlike Su Wan, who was ignorant and clumsy in everything she did, Yang Yunyan took care of the household affairs at that time, and Su Wan went to the mill to help.

  The maids in the house all like Yang Yunyan, saying that Yang Yunyan is gentle and kind to others, but the maids all hate Su Wan and often complain about Su Wan in front of her. Every time, Yunyan stops them from blaming Su Wan.

  Wang Luosheng felt that he needed Yang Yunyan too much now. In his previous life, it was Yang Yunyan who took care of the home and outside, so that he could study hard and work hard for his career.

  In this life, without Su Wan’s bondage, he and Yunyan will definitely be able to live a happy life.

  I remember that at this time in my previous life, at the end of the year, the mill at home would receive a large sum of money.

  The family is a mess now, but there is one good thing, that is, Su Wan is not at the Wang family. He can take this opportunity to sever ties with Su Wan and arrange his marriage with Yang Yunyan. This way, Yang Yunyan can take care of the family affairs as soon as possible, and he can study with peace of mind without being disturbed by Su Wan.

  In this life, he wanted Yunyan to be his wife as soon as possible so that everything could be back on track. Wang Luosheng thought about this all night, and during the lunch break at school the next day, he went to find Yang Yunyan.

  Because he was going to find Yang Yunyan, Wang Luosheng specially prepared a new set of clothes in advance. When he met Yang Yunyan, Wang Luosheng looked handsome and elegant.

  In a small bamboo forest near the school, stood a handsome and beautiful couple.

  Wang Luosheng spoke first: “Yunyan, I originally thought that when I pass the imperial examination, I would come to your house to propose marriage and marry you.”

  ”But right now, my family really lacks a manager. We want to hire a maid to do the work, but my mother and sister have never employed a maid, and I’m afraid they won’t be able to manage well. If you can come to our house, you will definitely be able to manage the maid well.”

  Yang Yunyan was wearing a peach-colored dress and her face was as rosy as a peach. After hearing what Wang Luosheng said, her face was even more shy. Wang Luosheng’s family was indeed well-off. Although they were a country family, their mill business was very good. Now, they even wanted to hire a maid.

  The Wang family could afford to support Wang Luosheng, a scholar, to study, and could also afford to hire a maid, which shows how well-off their family was.

  Wang Luosheng is the most promising person in Qingyun County. Her father said that Wang Luosheng is a rare genius, a good student, and has a bright future.

  Yang Yunyan has always been very satisfied with Wang Luosheng.

  Seeing that Yang Yunyan was embarrassed, Wang Luosheng said: Only by marrying you earlier can I study without any worries.

  Yang Yunyan lowered her head: “But you are engaged. I remember that Su Wan was your child bride. I, I absolutely cannot be your concubine.”

  Wang Luosheng was moved. In his previous life, Yang Yunyan also said that she must not be a concubine, but for his sake, she forced herself to become a concubine and lived under the ignorant woman Su Wan for many years.

  Su Wan was ignorant and Yunyan suffered a lot of grievances.

  In this life, I must make Yunyan as my wife and marry her in a proper manner.

  Wang Luosheng looked into Yang Yunyan’s eyes and said, “Yunyan, you know what I mean. I will not let you be my concubine.”

  ”Su Wan was indeed my child bride when she first entered the Wang family, but I never had any feelings for her. She knows nothing, unlike you, who can discuss poetry with me. There is no way I would marry her.”

  Yang Yunyan raised her head and looked at Wang Luosheng’s handsome face: “Luosheng, I understand you. It’s our fault that we met too late. If we had known each other earlier, your family would not have arranged this marriage for you. If you can cancel the marriage with Su Wan, then come to my house to propose marriage.”

  Wang Luosheng said: “I will start to break off the engagement with Su Wan right now, but Su Wan is a difficult person, so I’m afraid there will be some twists and turns. You have to wait for me.”

Yang Yunyan said softly, “Su Wan doesn’t want to break off the engagement with you. I think she loves you too much. When you break off the engagement, don’t hurt her too much.”

 Wang Luosheng nodded.

  After saying this, Wang Luosheng returned to the private school and spent the day in a hectic state as usual.

  After returning home, Wang Luosheng told his mother that he wanted to cancel the engagement with Su Wan and propose to Yang Yunyan.

  Mrs Wang knew Yang Yunyan. She was the daughter of Wang Luosheng’s private school teacher. She was gentle, quiet, well-educated and well-mannered. Half of the young men in Qingyun County wanted to marry Yang Yunyan.

 Mrs Wang didn’t like Yang Yunyan very much. Although she had never met Yang Yunyan, based on the descriptions of people who had met Yang Yunyan, Mrs Wang knew that Yang Yunyan was a weak person.

  Mrs Wang was a little unhappy: “Then Yang Yunyan, can she work?”

  Wang Luosheng said, “Mother, what you said is wrong. There is no need for her to do any housework. She can order the maids around and they will do all the work.”

  Mrs Wang choked and said, “Who doesn’t know how to order a maid around? Why do we need her to order her around? I’m asking you, can she do the work? When we marry a daughter-in-law in the Wang family, we can’t marry someone who is stupid or foolish, let alone someone who is lazy and likes nothing.”

  Wang Luosheng had a headache. His mother said that the maid could be ordered around by anyone. If that was true, then why did the previous maid not stay here ? It was obvious that his mother’s arrangement was inappropriate.

  If Yunyan could come in, she would definitely be able to arrange all these things properly.

  Mrs Wang asked again: “Even if Yang Yunyan can’t work, how much dowry can she bring?”

  Wang Luosheng recalled that in his previous life, Yang Yunyan brought a dowry of 100 taels of silver when she married him. Wang Luosheng replied, “About 100 taels of silver.”

  Mrs Wang’s expression relaxed: “If there is a hundred taels of silver, it’s fine. If there is no dowry and she can’t work, then it’s better to marry Su Wan.”

  ”Su Wan is a little ugly and a little clumsy, but she can still do some work and is not completely useless.”

  Mrs Wang mentioned that Su Wan was ugly, which made Wang Luosheng suddenly remember that Su Wan seemed to have become better looking these days.

  Thinking of this, Wang Luosheng suddenly felt that Su Wan was not so annoying. As soon as this thought came up, Wang Luosheng suppressed it. In his previous life, Su Wan always deliberately approached him and always tried to please him, which made him very annoyed.

  Even though Su Wan has become prettier these days, compared to Yang Yunyan, she is still a country duck compared to a white swan.

  If Yang Yunyan became his wife, all the men in Qingyun County would envy him. If Su Wan married him, all the men in Qingyun County would laugh at him.

  Wang Luosheng said to Mrs Wang again, “Mother, in my opinion, we should go to the Yang family to propose marriage as soon as possible. There are so many eyes on Yunyan in Qingyun County. If we go too late, others will get there first.”

  Mrs Wang said, “Indeed, we need to have another person to work in this family. Let Su Wan earn money outside and let Yang Yunyan work at home, and we will be able to live a smooth life.”

  Wang Luosheng hurriedly said, “We still need to hire a maid.”

  Wang nodded: “Of course we have to hire a maid.”

  These days, when Mrs Wang was chatting with the other women in the village, she had already boasted that her family was going to hire a maid, and that she would be laughed at if she didn’t.

  Wang Luosheng and Mrs Wang discussed it and decided that if they wanted to propose to Yang Yunyan, the most important thing right now was to cancel Su Wan’s engagement.

  There was no written agreement on the engagement between Su Wan and Wang Luosheng, but it was already known to all the neighbors. Therefore, when Mrs Wang was chatting with those women these days, she had to tell everyone that Su Wan was just staying in the Wang family with the help of others, and that Su Wan was Wang Luosheng’s child bride, it was just a joke when the children were young.

  In addition, proposing to Yang Yunyan would also require money. In recent years, the Wang family has been living better and has some savings, so they can propose to the Yang family.

  Thinking about it this way, this matter is going smoothly.

  The next day, Wang Luosheng went to the school and was invited by Duan Jingtian to visit Duan’s house.

  Although Wang Luosheng went to Duan’s house to study every day, Duan Jingtian’s invitation this time was different. Duan Jingtian invited all his colleagues to visit the Duan family.

  These days, the meals that Duan Jingtian brought to the school smelled so delicious that they made people feel itchy and unable to swallow ordinary meals.

  Everyone joked that Duan Jingtian should treat them, and Duan Jingtian, who was always generous, agreed. As a result, he invited all his colleagues to Duan’s house to appreciate the chrysanthemums during their off time.

  It was said that they were going to appreciate the chrysanthemums, but it was also an excuse to go to the Duan family for dinner. However, these people were all scholars, and if they directly said that they were going to have a meal it would sound a bit vulgar. With the name of appreciating chrysanthemums, it would sound elegant and refined, like what scholars should do.

  Duan Jingtian’s mother knew about this chrysanthemum banquet, and intended to ask Duan Jingtian to invite Qiao Yueru, the daughter of the wealthy Qiao family in Qingzhou Prefecture, to come, so as to increase the interaction between Duan Jingtian and Qiao Yueru.

  So the Duan family also invited several girls. Except Qiao Yueru who was from Qingzhou Prefecture, the other girls were all well-known girls from Qingzhou Prefecture. Yang Yunyan was among them. Yang Yunyan was a famous talented woman in Qingyun County. It was inevitable that she would recite poems and paint at the chrysanthemum banquet, which was also normal for Yang Yunyan.

  But Yang Yunyan learned from several students that this chrysanthemum banquet was originally hosted by Duan Jingtian because of Su Wan.

  Yang Yunyan was a little shocked. How could it be possible? Duan Jingtian would not even pay attention to herself as the most talented woman in Qingyun County. How could he hold a banquet because that lowly child bride?

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