The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


Chapter 2 Ignore

Su Wan was preparing ingredients for tomorrow’s cooking. The Wang family raised a few rabbits, so Su Wan was busy slaughtering the rabbits, skinning them and cleaning out their internal organs.

Su Wan was working hard when Wang Luosheng came in with a basin. At night, Wang Luosheng came to get hot water for washing his face.

On weekdays, Su Wan helped Wang Luosheng get water for washing his face. Su Wan felt that scholars should concentrate on studying, and doing these trivial things would distract people.

Every morning and evening, Su Wan prepared water for Wang Luosheng to wash his face, prepared clean clothes, and packed things for the school. Wang Luosheng didn’t have to worry about these trivial matters.

Su Wan, who had traveled through the book, would naturally not do these things for Wang Luosheng again.

Wang Luosheng frowned when he saw Su Wan sitting in the corner of the kitchen, processing a rabbit with blood on her hands.

The country girl in front of him, who was dressed in rags and had dark and rough skin, was his child bride.

Three years ago, the Wang family was poor, and Wang’s father was worried that Wang Luosheng would not be able to find a wife, so he brought Su Wan back to be his child bride.

Seeing Su Wan, who was wearing tattered clothes, Wang Luosheng had only one thought in his mind: in his previous life, if it weren’t for Su Wan, his life would have been perfect.

He and Yang Yunyan were clearly in love with each other, but because of Su Wan, he had to make Yang Yunyan a concubine.

In order to outdo Yang Yunyan, the ignorant Su Wan mixed his career with his family business, which led to all kinds of problems.

If Yang Yunyan, who is well-educated, becomes the legal wife and takes care of these matters, then everything will go smoothly.

A few days ago, Wang Luosheng was reborn back to the time when he had not yet married Su Wan and had just passed the examination to become a scholar.

The first thing Wang Luosheng thought of when he realized that he was reborn to get rid of Su Wan in this life.

He must clarify to the world that Su Wan was not his child bride. In his previous life, Su Wan married him because of her status as a child bride.

Su Wan had already taken out the rabbit’s internal organs and stood up to get water from the water tank to clean the rabbit.

When Wang Luosheng saw Su Wan stand up, he quickly took two steps back and hugged the basin in his hand tightly: “No need, I can do it myself.”

Wang Luosheng had an arrogant expression and a disdainful attitude.

Normally, he didn’t want to pay attention to Su Wan, so Su Wan would get close to him under the pretext of getting him water for washing his face, tidying up his clothes and cleaning his room.

Wang Luosheng knew that Su Wan liked him, but this liking only made Wang Luosheng dislike and hate Su Wan even more.

Su Wan stopped. She didn’t want to help Wang Luosheng fetch water. She just wanted to scoop water to wash the rabbit.

Wang Luosheng’s reaction was as if she was trying to snatch the basin from his hand.

Su Wan sat back on the small stool in the corner.

Wang Luosheng walked to the water tank, scooped two scoops of cold water into the basin, then opened the thermos and added hot water.

This hot water was boiled by Su Wan in the morning. In order to make it convenient for the Wang family to wash and drink water, Su Wan would get up before dawn every day and boil a large pot of hot water for the Wang family to use.

When Wang Luosheng was carrying the basin of water out, he turned around and said to Su Wan, “You don’t have to care about or interfere in my affairs from now on.” After that, Wang Luosheng hurriedly left with the water, not wanting to stay in the same room with Su Wan for another second.

After Wang Luosheng finished cleaning, he lay on the bed and couldn’t help but think of Yang Yunyan’s sweet smile.

After rebirth, Wang Luosheng went to find Yang Yunyan, broke the window paper of ambiguity with Yang Yunyan, and expressed his feelings to Yang Yunyan. Yang Yunyan really liked him.

Wang Luosheng promised Yang Yunyan a bright future. Wang Luosheng said that his family’s mill business was prospering, and he had passed the imperial examination. If he could have a well-educated and sensible person like Yang Yunyan as his legal wife, his family would surely have smooth careers in both government and business.

Wang Luosheng’s words made Yang Yunyan’s very proud. She was a famous talented woman in Qingyun County and must have the ability to help others accomplish things.

Moreover, Wang Luosheng is handsome and has a bright future, so he is undoubtedly a good man.

That day, Wang Luosheng and Yang Yunyan expressed their affection for each other.

The sound of Su Wan fetching water reached Wang Luosheng’s ears, interrupting his thoughts. Wang Luosheng frowned.

Compared with Su Wan, who only knows how to do housework, and Yang Yunyan, who is well-educated and well-mannered, one is a country duck on the ground and the other is a white swan in the sky.

Wang Luosheng fell asleep with disgust and disdain for Su Wan.

Su Wan made preparations to entertain guests tomorrow and returned to her own shabby woodshed.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw a brand new bundle on her bed. Su Wan knew that this was the new clothes that Wang Luoxue had brought and asked Su Wan to embroider peony flowers on it.

In the past two years, the flowers on Wang Luoxue’s clothes were all embroidered by Su Wan. The Wang family has long been accustomed to this. Not only does it not cost money to let Su Wan embroider, but the flowers are also better than those in the store.

Su Wan did not pick up Wang Luoxue’s clothes to embroider, but took out her own clothes from the closet.

Including what she was wearing, Su Wan only had two sets of clothes, one in gray and the other in blue, both very simple.

These clothes were very loose, two sizes larger than Su Wan’s.

Wang Luosheng’s mother, thought that if she bought bigger clothes for Su Wan, Su Wan would be able to wear them for several years, and then she wouldn’t have to buy clothes for Su Wan anymore.

Su Wan lit the oil lamp, took out the needle and thread, scissors and ruler, spread the clothes on the bed, measured them, cut the clothes according to her size, and started to alter the clothes.

Su Wan was concentrating on altering clothes when she saw Wang Luosheng’s mother, walking in hurriedly.

Mrs Wang blew out the lamp with an angry look on her face and cursed: “You are going to be death of me. You actually lighted the lamp and wasted the lamp oil. Our Wang family really owes you.”

In the darkness, Su Wan explained: “Luoxue will wear this dress tomorrow, so she asked me to embroider the flowers tonight.”

Mrs Wang came in a hurry and didn’t see whose clothes Su Wan was holding. At this time, the lights were blown out, making it even harder to see.

When Mrs Wang heard that she was going to embroider Wang Luoxue’s clothes, she understood that there would be distinguished guests coming to their house for dinner tomorrow, so she had to dress up beautifully.

My son’s colleague who will come to our house for dinner tomorrow is the son of the richest man in Qingyun County.

If Wang Luoxue could be favored by the son of the richest man’s, it would be a great honor for her to marry him in the future.

Upon learning that it was to embroider Wang Luoxue’s clothes, Wang agreed to let Su Wan light the lamp.

When Su Wan used the stick to light the lamp, she took Wang Luoxue’s clothes in her hand. After the lamp lit up again, Su Wan had Wang Luoxue’s clothes in hand and covered her own clothes. So Mrs Wang did not suspect anything.

Before leaving, Mrs Wang turned back and dimmed Su Wan’s light, saying, “It doesn’t need to be too bright.”

After Wang left, Su Wan turned on the light, kept Wang Luoxue’s clothes away, and continued to alter her own clothes.

Su Wan used the same color thread to sew the cut clothes together again, and then removed all the patches on the clothes. She also used the extra same color fabric that she had just cut to cut into the shape of petals to use as patches. She sealed the patch with thread, embroidered the petals and stamens on it, and then sewed the patch onto the clothes to fill the hole.

After altering her clothes to make them look nice and neat, Su Wan went to bed.

The next day, after Wang Luoxue got up, she walked straight into Su Wan’s room without knocking and said directly, “Where’s my clothes? Let me see how it’s embroidered.”

Su Wan, who was combing her hair, frowned when she saw Wang Luoxue rushing in so recklessly.

Su Wan glanced at the stool in front of the bed and said, “Knock on the door before entering a room.”

Wang Luoxue was a little surprised. Su Wan had never treated her like this before. Wang Luoxue glared at Su Wan and said, “This is my home. I can do whatever I want.”

As Wang Luoxue spoke, she went to the stool in front of Su Wan’s bed and picked up the bag.

After taking out the clothes, Wang Luoxue rubbed her eyes in disbelief. There was nothing on the clothes, not the gorgeous and exquisite embroidery she had imagined.

The clothes remain the same as they were when you brought them.

“Su Wan.” Wang Luoxue’s voice was full of anger. “What’s going on?”

Su Wan was not in a hurry: “You do know that Aunt Wang doesn’t let me use the oil lamp for too long.”

Wang Luoxue choked. Normally, her mother did not allow Su Wan to use the oil lamp for too long.

But how could it be the same for embroidering clothes? Wang Luoxue went to find Mrs Wang angrily.

Both mother and daughter were anxious to blame each other, and neither of them could explain themselves to the other.

Mrs Wang was so angry that she wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river.

Wang Luosheng was awakened by the noise outside the house. He saw that it was already bright outside. When he saw the bright sunlight shining in, he knew that he was going to be late.

Su Wan was always the one who woke Wang Luosheng up, but today Su Wan ignored Wang Luosheng’s business as Wang Luosheng requested. This was the first time Wang Luosheng was late.

Wang Luosheng hurriedly put on his clothes and shoes, and rushed out the door without even having time to wash his face, without even looking at Mrs Wang who was about to commit suicide by jumping into the river.

Mrs Wang was still waiting for Su Wan to come and hold her as usual, but after waiting for a long time, Su Wan did not move. Mrs Wang stopped awkwardly and thought carefully about why she and her daughter were arguing. It was all Su Wan’s fault.

Mrs Wang started to curse Su Wan.

Su Wan was unmoved and simply told Mrs Wang that she should go buy chicken and tofu to entertain the guests, or else it would be gone if she didn’t go to the morning market near the county town.

The vegetables at the morning market were much cheaper. Mrs Wang was afraid of spending more money if she went too late, so she didn’t bother to scold Su Wan and hurriedly picked up the basket and left.

Wang Luoxue was angry and anxious when she thought about not being able to shine in front of Duan Jingtian, and she cried with tears and snot.

Wang Luoxue said to Su Wan, “If you treat me like this, I will tell my brother and ask him to ignore you. Just wait for him to kick you out.”


Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :-


  1. Ella says:

    Are they sick in their mind or something?
    Blaming a child for everything while they do nothing

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