The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


Chapter 19 Wang’s Excessive Consumption

Li Yapo didn’t blush or feel nervous when she praised Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue for their bookish air. After all, flattery never gets worn out. No matter how many holes there are, she was happy just to praise them.

As expected, when Mrs Wang heard Li Yapo’s words “bookish”, she immediately smiled and started talking to Li Yapo about her beloved son Wang Luosheng, who was very good at studying.

Li Yapo invited Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue into the house to chat.

From time to time, Li Yapo expressed her envy of Mrs Wang for having such an outstanding son, her admiration for Mrs Wang for raising her son to be so promising, and her admiration for Mrs Wang for raising her daughter to be so graceful. After a while, she even became on equal terms with Mrs Wang’s sisters.

Mrs Wang felt that she had met a soulmate. The old women who gossiped about her on weekdays would often say something sarcastic about her, but this Li Yapo was different. In Mrs Wang’s opinion, Li Yapo was someone who truly understood her.

As she was talking, Li Yapo took Mrd Wang’s hand and said, “My dear sister, I am only saying this to you. For a family as good as yours, you and Luo Xue should dress more luxuriously.”

During the conversation just now, Li Yapo already knew that Mrs Wang’s two children were named Wang Luosheng and Wang Luoxue.

Mrs Wang flattered herself: “Why do you need to wear such luxurious clothes? A scholar’s knowledge will naturally bring him elegance. For a family like ours that supports scholars, it is not appropriate to compare food and clothing with others. It is better to live a low-key life.”

Li Yapo patted Mrs Wang’s hand and said, “My dear sister, it’s not wrong to be low-key, but in this world, everyone respects the clothes first and then the people. Look at the woman who just entered the yard. She was just dressed better, but the maids and servants rushed over to her. But, in fact, who knows if she has any money?”

“Once she wears this rich and noble attire, others will praise her as a rich and noble person.”

Li Yapo automatically ignored the fact that the woman was accompanied by many servants.

Mrs Wang thought about it and realized that it was true. She and Luo Xue were repeatedly treated as maids and servants today, wasn’t it because they were not dressed as well as those young ladies?

It’s really because of the clothes.

Seeing Mrs Wang was wavering, Li Yapo said, “A woman’s attire is a symbol of her family. If a woman dresses well, others will know that the family is wealthy, and they will unconsciously respect her even more.”

“Also, Luo Sheng and Luo Xue are also of marriageable age. Sister, you and Luo Xue should wear more expensive clothes so that others know that your family is wealthy. Your son will be more likely to find a good girl, and your daughter will be more likely to marry a good husband. What do you think?”

When Mrs Wang heard this, she found it to be true and she agreed with what Li Yapo said.

Li Yapo smiled at Mrs Wang and said, “Sister Wang, you and Luo Xue should go buy some luxurious clothes now, and then come back to hire a maid. Once you put on good clothes, no other maid will dare to look down on you, and you can hire a more capable maid.”

Mrs Wang was completely convinced by what Li Yapo said, so she stood up and said, “Then Luo Xue and I will go buy some clothes now.”

Li Yapo smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Sister. If you want to buy clothes, I’m the best at it. I know a clothing store. The clothes they sell are all made of the best materials and the best styles.”

“Besides, I know the owner of this store, so I can definitely give you a good discount.”

Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue were very excited about what Li Yapo said, so they followed Li Yapo to a clothing store in a remote alley.

Mrs Wang was just feeling confused, so Li Yapo explained to her that good wine needs no bush, and the clothes in this store were sold to the noble ladies in Qingyun County. These noble ladies did not want ordinary people to have seen the looks of these clothes before they wore them, so this store was deliberately opened in such a remote place.

This clothing store was decorated very luxuriously, with many candles lit inside and a layer of colored glaze covering the outside, which looked rich and bright, and the clothes inside were also sparkling, so luxurious.

The proprietress of the clothing shop, Mrs. Cao, came out personally to receive Mrs Wang and her daughter. She served them tea and water, called them “Madam” and “Miss” all the time, and attentively helped them try on one piece of clothing after another.

The Mrs Wang mother and daughter were treated as guests of honor and were served so well that they felt very comfortable.

This dress is indeed extraordinary. When worn, the person in the bronze mirror looks even more beautiful.

But the clothes in this shop are shockingly expensive.

Mrs Wang backed out, and at this moment, Li Yapo spoke again: “Sister Wang, it’s not easy for us women to have such a hard life. We have to work for our husbands, raise our children, and take care of the household. It’s not easy for us, so we can’t let ourselves be wronged.”

“If you don’t have enough silver, it doesn’t matter. You and Luo Xue can take the two clothes that you like.”

Mrs Wang’s face lit up with joy. Was this Li Yapo going to buy the clothes for herself and Wang Luoxue?

Li Yapo went on to say, “Just because of my reputation, Mrs Cao can give you credit for two or three months.”

Mrs Wang was used to being stingy, so she backed out immediately. She would never buy things on credit.

Mrs Wang declined a few words and pulled Wang Luoxue to leave.

But Wang Luoxue liked this dress very much. Wang Luoxue persuaded Mrs Wang that Su Wan now earned the wages of three or four people.

If they buy the clothes on credit* now and pay them back when Su Wan gets paid, they can wear the clothes a few months earlier. If they wait until Su Wan gets paid, they will spend the same amount of money and buy the same clothes, but wear them a few months less.

It seems that it is most cost-effective to buy it on credit now.

The logic Wang Luoxue used was the same as the one used to persuade Mrs Wang to hire a maid.

Li Yapo praised Wang Luoxue on the side: “This Miss Luoxue is obviously a sensible person who knows how to settle accounts. I wonder which young master will be lucky enough to marry Luoxue.”

Wang Luoxue blushed. She also felt that she was very good at accounting. With such a smart mind, she should marry into a business family like the Duan family. She felt that she could definitely make the Duan family’s business prosper.

Wang Luoxue’s words made so much sense that Mrs Wang took them to heart. However, Mrs Wang was still a little worried and whispered, “What if something happens to Su Wan’s salary…”

Wang Luoxue pulled Mrs Wang aside and said in a low voice, “Mom, you are confused. Su Wan likes brother so much. In order to marry brother, she will definitely use all her wages to honor you. Even if there is any accident, brother will definitely be able to get it back.”

Mrs Wang felt that what Wang Luoxue said made a lot of sense. Su Wan really liked Wang Luosheng. For Wang Luosheng, Su Wan was willing to do anything. If Wang Luosheng asked her for the full wages, she would definitely give it to him obediently with both hands.

So, the mother and daughter decided to buy the two gorgeous dresses on credit.

Mrs Wang could already imagine the fawning faces of the maids when she went to hire one after wearing the gorgeous clothes. She could also imagine the envious expressions of the neighbors after she put on the gorgeous clothes and hired a maid.

The shop owner took out an IOU, and after Mrs Wang put her fingerprints on it, the shop owner Cao quickly helped the two of them put on new clothes. Then she neatly packed up their old clothes and handed them to Wang Luoxue, then walked them out of the alley.

Li Yapo accompanied Wang’s mother and daughter back. After Wang’s mother and daughter said goodbye to the shop owner and turned around, Li Yapo and Cao smiled knowingly.

Credit :-is a system where you pay for goods or services several weeks or months after you have received them.

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