The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


Chapter 17 The Wang Family’s Struggle

When she was in the Wang family before, the work inside and outside the house was too heavy, which made the originally beautiful Su Wan look like a little beggar.

Now that she came to the Duan family, although she still has to work, the work is much easier than when she was in the Wang family, so Su Wan has gradually recovered and become a good-looking person again.

Aunt Zhou said, “Su Wan was raised too roughly before. If she stays in the Duan Mansion for a while longer, she will definitely grow up to be more beautiful.”

A little girl working in the kitchen said, “Su Wan is already very beautiful now. If she becomes more beautiful in the future, I really don’t know how beautiful she will be.”

Another little girl said, “That’s right, when Su Wan wears this dress, she’s not inferior to the young ladies from the wealthy families in Qingyun County. She’s even prettier than them.”

Su Wan smiled and said, “How can I compare with these ladies?”

Although she said so, in Su Wan’s heart, although she was born in a humble family, Su Wan would not belittle herself. Even in front of the princess, Su Wan would only observe etiquette, but would not feel ashamed of herself.

These days Su Wan has combed her hair into a beautiful style, but she only wears a simple hairpin. Su Wan likes to dress herself up beautifully, but she does have a lot of chores to do on weekdays, so the jewelry on her head cannot be too complicated.

That day, Su Wan went to deliver midnight snacks to Duan Jingtian, Li Sheng and Wang Luosheng.

When Su Wan opened the door, the three young men who were sitting and reading looked up and were stunned.

Su Wan brought in a tray of midnight snacks.

Li Sheng stared at Su Wan intently. While staring at her, Duan Jingtian noticed the clothes on Su Wan. Something was wrong. He asked Aunt Zhou to find some nice clothes for Su Wan, referring to the clothes that young ladies wore.

Why does Su Wan’s dress still look so ordinary? Duan Jingtian was a little unhappy. Oh, if Su Wan wore those nice clothes, she would definitely look good. Also, the jewelry on Su Wan’s head was too simple and plain. The girls he met on weekdays all had flowers on their heads, but Su Wan’s head was lacking in jewelry.

Wang Luosheng was stunned for a moment and then lowered his head. The hectic days in the past few days had reminded Wang Luosheng of some of Su Wan’s good points, but at this moment, Wang Luosheng felt contempt for Su Wan in his heart.

Su Wan dressed like this, she must be dressing herself up.

Su Wan’s thoughts made Wang Luosheng look down on her.

In Wang Luosheng’s opinion, even if Su Wan wore better clothes and looked better, she still couldn’t compare with Yang Yunyan.

Yang Yunyan is gentle, well-educated and sensible, while Su Wan, nominally his fiancée, is actually just a slave in his family. When she came to the Duan Mansion, she was nominally an employee of the Mansion, but actually a servant of the Mansion.

I want to pass the imperial examination and become a superior person in the future. Even if Su Wan is beautiful, she is just a pretty inferior person.

Su Wan wore beautiful clothes to please herself and appease herself, which only made him look down on her even more.

Duan Jingtian and Li Sheng both praised Su Wan for her beauty, but Wang Luosheng no longer looked at Su Wan and only concentrated on his studies.

Seeing Wang Luosheng like this, Su Wan was not angry at all. Instead, she felt relieved. Wang Luosheng was quite determined. He hated her as much as before and would not change just because she changed her clothes. This was a good thing. This way, it would not be difficult for her to completely break up with Wang Luosheng in the future.

After eating the midnight snack made by Su Wan, Li Sheng and Wang Luosheng said goodbye to Duan Jingtian.

After leaving Duan Jingtian’s house, Li Sheng had no intention of going separate ways with Wang Luosheng. Li Sheng still walked in the same direction with Wang Luosheng.

Li Sheng said, “Brother Wang, do you think Sister Su Wan is becoming more and more beautiful these days?”

Wang Luosheng said nonchalantly: “Su Wan is indeed prettier, but not to the point of being refined. She is just a vulgar girl, how can she be worthy of the word refined.”

In Wang Luosheng’s heart, in Qingyun County, only Yang Yunyan can deserve the word “unworldly”.

{ Unwordly – more outstanding than any person on the world. He felt that Yang Yunyan was more precious than anyone on this world }

Su Wan has too much vulgarity in her. Others don’t know it, only he herself knows how fussy Su Wan is. She always tells him how to study. It’s really funny to say that this Su Wan didn’t study anything and just knows a few words, but she starts to teach himself, a serious scholar. It’s really ridiculous.

And in Wang Luosheng’s heart, Su Wan was just a maid who was only fit to do odd jobs.

Li Sheng said: “I think Sister Su Wan is the most worthy of the word “unworldly”. The food Sister Su Wan cooks is probably better than that of the chef of the Duan family. Such a refined and elegant mind is beyond the reach of ordinary girls.”

Wang Luosheng sneered in his heart. Li Sheng actually thought highly of the person he looked down upon.

Li Sheng added: “If anyone is lucky enough to marry Sister Su Wan in the future, it would be a great honor.”

Wang Luosheng felt more and more contemptuous of Li Sheng. What he looked down upon, Li Sheng thought was a blessing.

Wang Luosheng said: “Su Wan is just an ordinary girl. There are many of them in Qingyun Town. You don’t have to praise her like this.”

Li Sheng smiled, but did not refute Wang Luosheng’s words. He just said, “Brother Wang, I wonder if Su Wan’s parents or Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang want to arrange a marriage for her.”

Wang Luosheng understood that Li Sheng liked Su Wan. By the way, Su Wan was almost fifteen years old and was about to reach the age for marriage.

Wang Luosheng shook his head: “No, Su Wan is not engaged yet.”

Wang Luosheng thought to himself that he must tell his parents when he got back that they must not tell anyone else that Su Wan and he were engaged.

Li Sheng felt relieved to know that Su Wan was not engaged. His colleagues in the school all liked girls who were well-educated and could write poems and couplets. Li Sheng originally thought that he should also find such a girl.

Although Li Sheng’s family was poor, Li Sheng was handsome and elegant. When Wang Luosheng had not yet won the first place in the exam, Li Sheng’s grades were always better than Wang Luosheng’s. Everyone in Qingyun County knew that Li Sheng was a good student.

Until now, Li Sheng is still more famous than Wang Luosheng, which is also a point that makes Wang Luosheng uncomfortable.

Most of the girls who knew Li Sheng were very fond of him, and there were even a few wealthy families who had openly or secretly suggested to Li Sheng’s mother that they want their daughters to be engaged to Li Sheng.

Li Sheng’s family refused all of them. First, they knew they were poor. If they married a girl from a rich family, it would be inappropriate and they would be restricted by their in-laws. Second, Li Sheng really didn’t have any feelings for these girls.

But the strange thing is that after meeting Su Wan a few times, Li Sheng developed a liking for Su Wan. Li Sheng did not expect that he would like Su Wan, who had not read much.

After Li Sheng and Wang Luosheng left, Duan Jingtian remembered how Su Wan walked in with the midnight snack today. Although she was still dressed simply, she looked like a fairy.

Su Wan is indeed more beautiful than any other girl in Qingyun County.

Wang Luosheng had been disliking Su Wan all the way, but when he returned to that messy home, Wang Luosheng began to miss Su Wan a little bit.

The biggest advantage of Su Wan is that there is someone to do the housework, which doesn’t seem to be completely useless.

Su Wan still has half a month before she gets paid. By then, the family can hire a maid or a housekeeper to do the work, and then they won’t have to suffer like this.

Wang Luosheng believes that Su Wan and maids have the same role. Hiring a maid can solve all the embarrassing situations his family and himself are facing.

Wang Luosheng, who was already very tired, went to the mill to work for an hour after returning home. He had to work because his father had authority as a father and Wang Luosheng, as a son, did not dare to disobey.

After Wang Luosheng returned home from carrying dozens of bags at the mill, Mrs Wang came out to greet him and said, “Luosheng, we have to find a maid tomorrow. If we don’t find a maid, we won’t be able to live.”

Wang Luosheng raised his eyes and saw that the room was in a mess. The dining table was covered with leftovers, plates and bowls were scattered all over the place, and the floor was covered with debris and garbage.

Wang Luosheng frowned and felt resentful towards his mother and sister. As women, his mother and sister should have taken care of everything. How could they let the house become so messy?

However, Wang Luosheng still knew the tempers of his mother and sister. The two of them really couldn’t handle these things. It seemed that he had to find a servant quickly.

Apart from anything else, Wang Luosheng already had no clean clothes to wear. If he wore these dirty clothes to school, he would surely be looked down upon by his colleagues.

Wang Luosheng said, “Then let’s find a maid.”

Mrs Wang said, “Then I will go to the market to find a maid tomorrow. Su Wan’s salary is enough for the family to hire a maid.”

Before Su Wan’s salary was paid, Mrs Wang had already planned how to use it.

Wang Luosheng felt that he saw hope, and he didn’t want to continue living in such a chaotic and disorderly life.

Wang Luosheng picked out a relatively less dirty piece of clothing from a pile of dirty clothes and put it aside to wear to school tomorrow.

Wang Luosheng felt that he had very little time to study these days. If he continued like this, Li Sheng would surpass him in this month’s exam.

Thinking of this, Wang Luosheng shuddered. Once he found a maid at home, he could let the maid work at the mill for him so that he could catch up on the lessons he had missed these days.

Early the next morning, Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue dressed in new clothes and went to the horse market to hire a maid.

When they left the house, neighbors on the road saw Wang’s mother and daughter dressed neatly, and they couldn’t help but greet them and ask what they were going to do.

Mrd Wang tried her best to speak in a normal tone: “Oh, there is too much work to do at home, so I will go out and hire a maid.”

The people living in this street are not poor, but they are not rich either. The money they earn is just enough to make ends meet, so how can they afford to support their maids?

When the neighbors heard that Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue were going to find a maid, they felt envious but also jealous. They thought that the Wang family must be living too well.

Last year, Wang Luosheng passed the imperial examination and became a scholar, so the Wang family no longer had to pay taxes, and this year they could even afford to hire a maid.

Alas, people cannot be compared.

Walking on the street, feeling the envious gazes of their neighbors, Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue both puffed out their chests and looked very proud.

Today they went to Renma City to look for a maid to work for them. What kind of people would go to Renma City to look for a maid? Naturally, only the most powerful people would go back.

Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue have already developed a sense of superiority.

Arriving at the intersection of Renma Market, Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue saw a number of carriages parked at the intersection, and elegantly dressed ladies or young ladies were helped down from the carriages by servants. The ladies were noble and dignified, and there was no doubt that they were here to select servants.

Mrs Wang and Wang Luoxue felt that they were the same as these young ladies. After all, they all came here to select servants, so they were naturally the same as them.

Thinking of this, the mother and daughter straightened their backs even more.

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  1. nyx06 says:

    These people define the word DELUSIONAL

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