The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


Chapter 16  Su Wan Becomes Prettier

Duan Jingtian said that he didn’t listen to the lessons carefully in school and he would make up for it when he came back. Su Wan said that if you didn’t listen to the teacher carefully in school, you would have to spend three times more effort to make up for it when you came back than in school.

Su Wan also said that if you can’t concentrate on listening to the teacher in class, you can improve your concentration by agreeing with what the teacher says and asking more questions to the teacher.

Duan Jingtian scratched his head and said, “When we were young, we would agree with the teacher and ask questions to him. Now that we are older, I think this is not good.”

Su Wan said: “Then do you think you were more serious when you listened to the teacher’s lectures when you were a child or do you think you are more serious when you listen to the teacher’s lectures now?”

Duan Jingtian said: “Of course I was more serious when I was young, but if I always ask questions, it will be weird anyway.”

Duan Jingtian was just casually talking to Su Wan about reading. After all, Su Wan had never been to school, so Duan Jingtian just listened casually to Su Wan’s suggestions on reading.

But the next day when he arrived at the school, Duan Jingtian was distracted again unconsciously. When he came back to his senses, Duan Jingtian remembered Su Wan’s words. The teacher asked a question whose answer was obvious, and Duan Jingtian answered it casually.

The gentleman gave Duan Jingtian an approving look.

Duan Jingtian unconsciously followed the teacher closely throughout the class. Seeing Duan Jingtian’s unusual seriousness, the teacher would look at Duan Jingtian from time to time during the lecture. When encountering difficult parts, he would look at Duan Jingtian directly and ask, “Do you understand this?” Although he was asking everyone, his eyes were on Duan Jingtian, as if he was lecturing to Duan Jingtian alone.

Duan Jingtian’s desire to learn was greatly encouraged, and he has been extremely focused ever since.

After listening to the day’s classes, Duan Jingtian casually flipped through the lessons he had learned today, and surprisingly felt that he understood all the lessons he had learned today. This was a feeling he had never had before.

Su Wan’s method really solved his problem of distraction.

Duan Jingtian discovered that this girl Su Wan was really extraordinary, and he really wanted to have a good chat with her.

That day, Duan Jingtian told Li Sheng and Wang Luosheng that he had other things to do today, so he did not invite Wang Luosheng and Li Sheng to return home to study together.

When Duan Jingtian returned home and ate the dinner made by Su Wan, he called Su Wan to eat with him.

Su Wan felt something was wrong, but Duan Jingtian said that although Su Wan was cooking for the Duan family, Duan Jingtian only regarded Su Wan as a hired worker of the Duan family and never regarded Su Wan as a maid of the Duan family, so Su Wan could sit at the same table with him to eat.

Indeed, in terms of identity, Su Wan was indeed not a maid of the Duan family.

Su Wan did not refuse and sat down to have dinner with Duan Jingtian.

Duan Jingtian is a good man, and Duan Jingtian gave Su Wan the opportunity to escape from the Wang family, so Su Wan was willing to sit down and have dinner with Duan Jingtian, and also gave Duan Jingtian some academic advice. Of course, this was only possible if Duan Jingtian was willing to listen.

Duan Jingtian told Su Wan about the changes that happened to him in school today, saying that Su Wan’s method sounded childish and simple, but it was really effective. Duan Jingtian mentioned the teacher’s praise for him, and said that somehow he seemed to have suddenly become interested in reading. In the past, he got a headache whenever he thought about reading, but now, although he still got a headache when he thought about reading, it was far less severe than before, and mixed with the headache was some expectation.

Su Wan smiled and said, “In fact, I can see that you are smart, so you must have no problem studying.”

Duan Jingtian looked at Su Wan’s smiling face and suddenly realized that during the few days at Duan’s house, Su Wan had become much more beautiful. When she was at Wang’s house a few days ago, Su Wan was dark and thin, and her clothes were rustic. Only her eyes were lively.

Today, Su Wan’s skin has become much whiter and her face is not as rough as before. Although she is still as thin as a bean sprout, she does look better.

Duan Jingtian was stunned for a moment, then he remembered the purpose of chatting with Su Wan, and continued, “You are the only one who said that. During these years of studying, I didn’t do well in my studies, and the teacher always scolded me for being a blockhead.”

Su Wan smiled and said, ” When the teacher scold, it’s just a casual scolding. It doesn’t mean you are really stupid just because he said you are stupid. On the contrary, you are smarter than ordinary people. For example, you are better than Wang Luosheng in chess, and you always win when fighting crickets and cocks with other young masters. This shows that you are smart. As for your poor academic performance, there must be other reasons.”

Duan Jingtian said: “Then why do you think I am not good at studying?”

Su Wan thought for a moment and replied, “I think the reasons why you are not good at studying are probably the following. First, you are too playful. You are so busy with your schoolwork on weekdays, but you always go on outings, play Cuju, and fight cocks and crickets. If there are any new things in the city, you will go to join in the fun. For example, you know that Wang Luosheng’s food is delicious, so you must go to try it. You spend too much time on these things that you think are interesting and fun. It’s not just time, you spend too much thought on these things, so naturally you can’t devote all your attention to studying.”

“The second reason is that you have too many relatives and friends. You have to receive one today and visit another tomorrow, which takes up a lot of time.”

After Su Wan finished speaking, Duan Jingtian seemed to be thinking about something. What Su Wan said today was true. The two reasons explained why he was smart but not good at studying. This also gave Duan Jingtian an epiphany.

Duan Jingtian didn’t expect that this little girl who was not even as old as him and had never been to school could say such words.

It can be seen that Su Wan’s intelligence is also different from ordinary people. By the way, Duan Jingtian remembered that Wang Luosheng’s academic performance improved after Su Wan went to his house.

Duan Jingtian asked Su Wan: “Is it because Brother Wang listened to you that his academic performance improved?”

Su Wan smiled: “I am a nobody and my words don’t count. Brother Luo Sheng thinks I’m annoying, so I won’t say much. I just take care of the household affairs so that he won’t be distracted.”

Duan Jingtian thought about Wang Luosheng’s abnormal behavior in school these days, and wondered if the situation turned out like this because Su Wan came to the Duan family to cook.

However, judging from the way Wang Luosheng treated Su Wan, he did not take Su Wan seriously at all.

Duan Jingtian secretly sighed in his heart, if Wang Luosheng’s abnormal behavior was really related to Su Wan’s departure, then Wang Luosheng was completely ungrateful for what he had.

Duan Jingtian felt that this chat with Su Wan was very enjoyable, happier than his previous chats with any of his relatives and friends, and happier than his conversations with any young lady in Qingyun County.

Duan Jingtian told Su Wan that from today on he would no longer play things that were not related to studying.

After finishing his meal with Su Wan, Duan Jingtian went to the study to review what he had learned in class today.

Unconsciously, Duan Jingtian had been reading until it was time for supper. When Su Wan came in to bring him supper, Duan Jingtian realized that he had been reading for such a long time.

The strange thing is that usually when he reads, he just feels dizzy and needs to take a break after reading for a while. But today is different. Even though he has been reading all the time, Duan Jingtian doesn’t feel tired, nor does he feel the need to stop and take a break.

Duan Jingtian felt that he had lived a very fulfilling life in the past two days. Yes, it was since Su Wan came that his life became fulfilling.

Duan Jingtian felt that Su Wan was blessed.

Two years ago, when she went to the Wang family, Wang Luosheng made great progress in his studies. Now, she came to the Duan Mansion to cook, and his own studies also improved.

By the way, since Su Wan left the Wang family, Brother Wang doesn’t seem to study as hard as before, and he always falls asleep in class.

Su Wan lived a very good life in the Duan Mansion, and got along very well with all the maids and servants in the Duan family. Su Wan often made snacks and shared them with everyone. Except for Chu Wen, the head maid beside Duan Jingtian, all the maids and servants in the Duan family liked Su Wan very much. Some of them even brought clothes that were too small for their daughters from home to Su Wan.

Although Su Wan was not short of money now, she had not yet bought new clothes. The maids brought clothes to Su Wan, and Su Wan did not reject them. She washed them, ironed them with a teapot, and then put them on.

The styles and materials of those clothes were good. After Su Wan put them on, the aunts and maids who usually worked with Su Wan in the kitchen all praised her, saying that her clothes were beautiful and she looked good.

That’s right. After just ten days at the Duan Mansion, Su Wan has become completely different from when she first arrived. In just these few days, Su Wan’s dark face has become much whiter, her frizzy hair has become smoother, and her skin has become smoother.

The paleness on Su Wan’s face had also faded a little. Although she hadn’t fully recovered yet, she was already a pretty girl.

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