The Abandoned Child Bride is a Koi


Chapter 12 I suddenly like studying

What Wang Luosheng was most worried about happened. He didn’t bring any books today, and the article he read was not the one taught by Mr. Du.

Originally, if the teacher asked some simple questions, Wang Luosheng could barely cope with it. However, the questions were so difficult. He didn’t have the textbook, and he only had a vague understanding of what he had heard before. How could he answer them? Wang Luosheng stammered.

Seeing that Wang Luosheng’s state of answering questions today was not as calm and generous as before, Mr. Du took a few steps and walked to Wang Luosheng’s side.

When answering, Mr. Du would walk to the students’ side and listen to their answers, which was a preferential treatment he gave only to good students.

Seeing that Wang Luosheng could not answer, Mr. Du wanted to remind Wang Luosheng a few words. At this moment, he lowered his head and found that the thickness of Wang Luosheng’s book was different from what he said. This kid must have listened carefully because he opened the book incorrectly.

Mr. Du reached out and picked up Wang Luosheng’s book. The weight was different from the book in his hand. He turned to the cover and found it was a book called “Rites”.

Cold sweat broke out on Wang Luosheng’s head.

Mr. Du’s face darkened and he said, “We are studying Zuo Zhuan. Why did you open Li?”

Wang Luosheng had no choice but to answer truthfully: “I had an emergency at home today and didn’t have time to bring the Zuo Zhuan textbook with me.”

Mr. Du looked at his favorite student with a serious face and said, “If you forgot to bring your textbook, you can read a book with your deskmate next to you to keep up with the progress. Tell me, are you afraid that I will know that you forgot to bring your textbook and make you stand in the corner as punishment, so you were fooling me.”

Wang Luosheng was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole to crawl into. He could only utter a few words: “I, I…”

The teacher then turned to look at Zhang Dashi who was standing beside Wang Luosheng and said, “You ignored your colleague’s mistake when he forgot to bring his textbook. This is not what a real man should do.”

Although Zhang Dashi was thick-skinned and could stand being punished and being scolded, he could not stand being called a coward.

Zhang Dashi said, “I told Luo Sheng to see it, but he didn’t want to see it.”

Wang Luosheng had no way to refute it.

Seeing that Wang Luosheng didn’t say anything, the teacher knew that what his deskmate said was true.

Mr. Du bluntly criticized Wang Luosheng for three issues: falsification, evasion of mistakes, and fooling around in class, and then asked Wang Luosheng to stand outside.

It was the first time that Wang Luosheng had embarrassed himself like this, and he didn’t know how his colleagues would view him.

This is the first and last time such an embarrassing thing will happen, Wang Luosheng thought to himself as he stood outside.

Everything that happened today was really unexpected. It shouldn’t have been difficult to sort out these things, but as soon as Su Wan left, he didn’t have time to prepare. If he really did these things, it would be just a piece of cake and it really wasn’t that difficult.

Tomorrow his life and studies will be back in order.

Wang Luosheng stood outside for the whole morning and missed the morning classes. He could only make up for it at Duan Jingtian’s house in the evening and after returning home so as not to fall behind.

Today Wang Luosheng stood outside for the whole morning, but Duan Jingtian was studying surprisingly seriously. Duan Jingtian didn’t know what was wrong with him today.

Normally, he would feel drowsy when he arrived at school, and would feel sleepy or fall asleep when he listened to the teacher’s lectures. But today, when he arrived at the school, he felt refreshed and had sharp eyes and ears.

Strangely enough, Duan Jingtian didn’t enjoy Su Wan’s meal this morning. It wasn’t because the food wasn’t delicious, but because on weekdays Duan Jingtian would eat some buns, dumplings, fried dough sticks, or a big bowl of noodles in the morning and eat until he was full before reading.

Although Su Wan prepared a variety of breakfast today, Duan Jingtian always felt that the food was not satisfying enough and he was not full.

Duan Jingtian suggested that Su Wan cook another bowl of noodles, but Su Wan refused, saying that the breakfast she made for Duan Jingtian was enough for Duan Jingtian to study for the whole morning, and it would be bad for him to eat more.

Su Wan’s attitude was firm, and Duan Jingtian didn’t want to show that he didn’t like the breakfast Su Wan made and hurt Su Wan, so he had to eat half full and then came out.

Strangely enough, he was hungry when he set out, but halfway through the journey, Duan Jingtian didn’t feel hungry anymore, and instead felt an indescribable sense of “lightness”.

When he arrived at the dormitory, Duan Jingtian would take a nap as usual, but he was too energetic today and there was really no need to take a nap.

Bored Duan Jingtian opened a book and happened to be seen by Mr. Du who passed by the dormitory in the morning. Mr. Du walked to Duan Jingtian’s desk, knocked on it with his knuckles, and said, “Not bad.” Then he turned and left, hiding his achievements and fame.

Duan Jingtian originally picked up the book and flipped through it casually, but Mr. Du Yang’s words “not bad” made Duan Jingtian take a closer look at the book.

It’s not a big deal to just read it. He got really into it as he read it. This article doesn’t seem that disgusting to interpret. He read it word by word. If he don’t understand something, he’ll look at the notes below. If it really doesn’t make sense, think about it a few more times and it will suddenly become clear.

Hmm, it’s strange today too, as if his mind was suddenly opened.

Duan Jingtian had a good memory. He translated the lesson he was going to learn today, sorted out the meaning again, closed the book, and memorized the article.

Mr. Du saw Duan Jingtian reciting the article in a low voice. When the class officially started, Mr. Du found that Wang Luosheng had used “Li” instead of “Zuo Zhuan” to fool him, so he asked Wang Luosheng to stand outside again. Then Mr. Du called Duan Jingtian up and asked him to recite the article he had learned today.

Duan Jingtian stood up and memorized the article. Although there were two or three stuck places in the middle, overall, except for those two or three places, he recited it very fluently.

The moment he finished reciting, Duan Jingtian’s blood boiled and his face suddenly turned red. It was not because of shame, and he couldn’t describe what kind of feeling it was.

Mr. Du nodded slightly and said, “Not bad.”

Duan Jingtian felt that Mr. Du’s words were just heavenly music. After so many years of studying, reading had always brought him only troubles, but today, he actually felt that reading was also quite happy.

The students in the dormitory were all stunned. What happened to Duan Jingtian, who usually slept at school, today? He actually memorized such a difficult article.

Today was also strange. The person who usually ranks first was standing outside as punishment, and the person who was usually unlearned was able to memorize such a difficult article.

Is this the legendary 30 years in the east and 30 years in the west?

For the entire morning, Duan Jingtian listened carefully to Mr. Yang’s lecture without missing a beat.

Wang Luosheng stood outside the school for a whole morning, feeling very upset and hungry. He just hoped that time would pass quickly so that he could have a good lunch.

Su Wan went to Duan’s house to cook, so Wang Luosheng had to eat lunch in the private school.

The academy where Wang Luosheng studied provided lunch, and each meal cost only a dozen cents, which was quite cheap.

The food provided by the school tastes average, but is still eatable.

It was not until noon that Wang Luosheng finally returned to the dormitory. Although he felt embarrassed, Wang Luosheng still forced himself to sit back in his seat as if nothing had happened.

The school’s assistant came in carrying two large lunch boxes, and placed a small lunch box in front of each student except Duan Jingtian and Li Sheng. This was the lunch provided by the school.

Hungry Wang Luosheng couldn’t wait to open his lunch box. The meals provided by the school today were cabbage, tofu, and stir-fried vegetables with meat, which were extremely ordinary dishes.

Wang Luosheng was just about to start eating when an overbearing aroma of rice wafted into his nose

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