Tamed or Captured

“I’m sorry! I just wanted to see it…”

Melissa looked around nervously, fidgeting with her fingers, making excuses.

It seemed that it was a precious piano that should not be touched carelessly.

Even though it was less expensive than the jewels she had touched in the dressing room earlier, Melissa seemed unaware of its value.

Karaf approached with a smile on his face, trudging forward.

Anxious about being scolded, Melissa tightly closed her eyes, but Karaf sat on the piano chair.

“I’ll play you a song. Only those with a beautiful soul can play this instrument, like me.”

Asha, who had followed behind, burst into laughter upon hearing his shameless words from outside the door.

Karaf fixed his gaze on the keyboard momentarily and took a deep breath to clear his mind.

Then, he began playing the piano.

His slender, white fingers gracefully glided over the keys.

A beautiful melody filled the space, where a lone piano resided amid the white surroundings.

Asha was so taken aback that she didn’t even think to approach them; she stood in place, listening to his performance.

Karaf played the piano, basking in the sunlight streaming through the white curtains.

His reddish eyes focused on the keys, shining like radiant ruby gems, while his long eyelashes were as captivating as a peacock displaying its feathers.

Three people delighted in the sweet and romantic piano performance.

Karaf, known as a tyrant, revealed an emotional and artistic side for the first time, leaving Jackal somewhat astonished.

In reality, few people knew that Karaf had a deep interest in and knowledge of the arts.

It was one of the finest traits he had inherited from his father, and his artistic sensitivity was also a characteristic of the flower spirit.

Melissa’s attraction to beautiful things led to her interest in the piano for similar reasons.

As Karaf finished playing, he lifted his hands from the keys.

After a moment of silence, applause immediately filled the room.

He glanced at the door.

There, Asha was applauding with genuine admiration.

And next to her, Jackal, wearing a slightly displeased expression, was also applauding.

Karaf shyly stood up from his chair and said.

“I’m not sure if it was a performance worth listening to.”

Upon hearing his words, Mel made a fuss from the side and shouted.

“I never knew the piano could sound so beautiful!”

Karaf’s lips curved slightly upward in response to Mel’s praise.

Asha also smiled calmly and said.

“It was a very beautiful performance. I never knew Your Majesty could play the piano so well.”

“As I have decided never to lie in front of you, I will be honest.”

Karaf looked at Asha and spoke confidently.

“I only know how to play this piece.”

Asha burst out laughing. Karaf smiled gently and continued speaking.

“It’s a song my nanny taught me when I was very young. It’s quite simple, so you could learn it in just two days.”

“Don’t underestimate your talent, Your Majesty.”

Upon hearing her words, Karaf fell silent for a moment, then smiled again and replied.

“I see. Humility doesn’t really suit me, does it?”

“Yes, I’m glad you’re aware of that.”

At Asha’s response, Karaf laughed out loud and added another remark.

“Remembering the piece I learned as a child until now is proof that I’m a genius, isn’t it?”

Jackal stood there, listening to his self-praise with a deeply displeased expression.

Though she didn’t voice it, Asha felt a twinge of sadness, as she understood why he had learned to play the piano.

Being born as the Black Rose, his parents had neglected him from the very beginning.

His father and mother showed little interest in the prince’s education.

Perhaps his mother even wished for him not to learn anything, but the pitiful young prince wanted to play this piano piece for his mother.

He practiced the song repeatedly, hoping that his performance would soothe his mother’s wounded heart. He believed that if he could play the piano for his music-loving mother, she would praise him at least once.

To this day, he could still play it from memory, without needing the sheet music…

While it may have had little impact on previous generations of butterflies, it certainly made a great impression on the current butterfly.

Asha smiled softly as she spoke to him.

“Please play it often when I visit the palace. I want to listen to it frequently.”

Karaf’s eyes widened.

His expression reflected that of someone who had just heard something he never expected.

“…Yeah. I suppose I should practice other pieces now.”

He had a nostalgic expression, thinking that his practice had not been in vain.

“I want to learn the piano too! Will you teach me, please?”

Mel clung to him and pleaded, causing Karaf to laugh.

“Alright. Since you’re a clever kid, you’ll learn faster than me.”

Karaf placed Mel in a piano chair and sat beside her to teach her how to play the piano.

Jackal’s expression softened as he watched Mel learn with great concentration.

Normally, he would never leave the two of them alone in the same room, but he decided to make an exception for Mel’s happiness.

However, just as he turned around, something caught his attention.

“…I’ll send the best piano to your house soon.”

Mel’s eyes widened, and she cheered once again.

Jackal chuckled as he looked ahead.

“I won’t object to that.”

Karaf dedicated a considerable amount of time to teaching Mel how to play the piano.

Even though she was initially clumsy, he patiently waited for her to catch up and provided repeated explanations.

He was exceptionally gentle with her.

But then, a remarkable event unfolded as Mel started playing the piano on her own, without any assistance.

A pink light emanated from Mel’s hands and seeped into the piano, spreading in all directions along with the sound of the instrument.

The flowers began to bloom vividly in the pots when the light hit them.

They watched in awe at what was happening.

The power of flower spirits was commonly based on ‘vitality’.

Mel was already a child who knew how to utilize her innate abilities.

Perhaps it was the first time they encountered someone with a flower spirit, resonating with them and unconsciously awakening her own power.

With each keystroke, the pink light expanded infinitely.

Karaf, who was dumbstruck at this sight, looked at Jackal and spoke seriously.

“The Imperial Family will assign a professional piano teacher to her.”

Melissa, like Asha, who had a talent for dancing, possessed a talent for music.

As Mel happily played the piano by herself, Karaf discreetly called Asha and Jackal into the adjacent room.

However, his expression had become extremely serious, unlike before.

With his hands clasped, Karaf watched the teacup and began to speak.

“Her name is Melissa Hyacinth, right?”

Both Jackal and Asha blinked in surprise at the sudden mention.

Karaf continued speaking.

“Since she is a child born of a butterfly, she must also possess a flower spirit. Her scent will be that of hyacinths, not roses.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Asha felt a tinge of nervousness, unsure of what he was about to say with such seriousness.

After a moment, Karaf raised his gaze and calmly proceeded.

“According to the empire’s laws, I intend to pass the throne to her in the future.”


Jackal exclaimed, jumping up from his seat in surprise. 

To Asha’s surprise, she was equally taken aback.

Karaf looked down slightly and spoke in a composed manner.

“Don’t worry. It’s not happening now. I will consider passing it on when I believe the time is right for me to step down from this position. Currently, there are many responsibilities I must fulfill and changes I need to make.”


As Asha muttered, with a puzzled expression, he added calmly.

“Of course, the child’s opinion will be the most important. On the day she reaches adulthood, I will inquire if she wishes to become the Crown Princess. If she does, I will immediately appoint her, simple as that.”

Normally, the coronation of the Crown Prince or Crown Princess occurs upon reaching adulthood.

However, when he casually discussed the throne, Jackal and Asha were speechless.

“…Your Majesty, if you feel burdened by the succession, you don’t have to go through with it.”

“That’s right. Don’t force yourself unnecessarily.”

“No, I genuinely want to pass on the throne to your child. As a child of a butterfly, she possesses the qualifications.”

Karaf calmly looked at the two of them, as if he had already made up his mind long ago.

“Ask your daughter about her dreams and make those dreams come true. Don’t burden her with the position of Emperor if she doesn’t desire it. Being an Emperor is not as glamorous as it may seem. To be honest, the weight of the responsibility can feel suffocating.”

Asha’s heart ached, and she remained silent, just looking at him.

Jackal also hadn’t anticipated such a decision from Karaf, leaving him unable to respond easily.

With a playful tone, Karaf continued while looking at Jackal.

“Oh, by the way, if your daughter wishes to follow in your footsteps and become a village chief, I won’t impose anything on her. I hope she makes a good choice.”

He held the position of village chief in high regard as well.

The status of ethnic minorities was on the rise, and they constituted a powerful group that could serve as the Imperial Forces when needed, thanks to their ability to harness the power of the spirits.

The position of village chief had a close connection to the Imperial Family, but it also allowed for a freer way of life.

Realizing Karaf’s sincerity, Jackal softened his expression and answered.

“Thank you for considering my daughter’s future. I will carefully consider your proposal.”


The three of them proceeded to have dinner and stayed overnight at the palace.

Melissa’s eyes lit up again at a table full of food she had never eaten.

She wanted to try everything, and even taking a bite of each dish felt like her stomach would burst.

With her belly full, Melissa confidently insisted on having a large room all to herself. However, as dawn approached, she peeked her face through the crack of the door to Jackal and Asha’s room.

The two exchanged knowing smiles as if they had anticipated this.

In a calm voice, Jackal asked.

“What is it, my daughter?”

Melissa replied as she looked around her.

“Well, I can’t sleep… It’s not because I’m scared or anything, it’s just… the room is too big, and if I use it alone, the other maids won’t be able to use it…”

The rooms reserved for guests were never to be used by servants, and the palace had countless unused rooms. However, Jackal smiled and pretended not to notice.

“Come here.”

Melissa came running with a bright face, clutching a pillow.

Melissa lay down between Asha and Jackal, and her expression grew calm and content.

Asha found Mel so adorable and smiled as she and Jackal hugged her from either side, comforting her until she fell asleep.

After a while, Melissa fell into a deep sleep and Asha immediately lay down ready to sleep.

But in the darkness, Asha noticed Jackal staring blankly at the ceiling, wide-eyed.

“Honey, can’t you sleep either?”

It had been a while since Jackal had slept in the palace, so Asha wondered if the bed might be uncomfortable for him.

However, Jackal shook his head.

“No, I won’t sleep tonight.”

Asha asked surprised.

“What? Why?”

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