Tamed or Captured

However, Jackal, who was still inexperienced in love, cautiously said, testing the waters.

“While we go to the Imperial Palace, Sosa, you’ll stay here and guard the village in my place. You’re my right-hand man.”

Hearing those words, Sosa’s face darkened noticeably. Also Sonya’s.

Seeing their expressions, they were completely convinced.

“Yes… then please have a safe trip…”

As Sosa weakly attempted to step down from the carriage, Jackal grabbed his arm.

When he glanced back, Jackal said nonchalantly.

“Just kidding. Let’s go to the palace for a change.”

Sosa asked with widened eyes.

“Can I come too…?”

“Yes, last time I went alone during the festival, you seemed disappointed.”

“Disappointed? I’ve never felt that way. I was simply concerned about your safety as your aide.”

While Sosa pretended to maintain his composure in front of Sonya, Gabe turned his face towards the window and silently expressed his disgust.

Asha and Jackal sat together, while Gabe took the seat by the window, naturally causing Sosa and Sonya to sit side by side next to Gabe.

“Then, excuse me…..”

“Sure…..It’s fine.”

Throughout the journey to the palace, the two of them were too shy to make eye contact.

Jackal shook his head.

Despite Sosa giving him advice on love as if he were an expert, he seemed quite weak when it came to putting it into practice.

* * * * *

After traveling for a while, they finally reached the Imperial Palace in the capital.

Asha felt a sense of nostalgia as she returned with Jackal this time.

“It’s been a while, Lady Vanessa.”

Duran came out to welcome them at the palace entrance with a smile.

As they walked down the hall, Asha couldn’t shake a feeling of tension and quickened her pace, concentrating only on what lay ahead.

With Karaf awakening, her mind became filled with thoughts of what to say first, complicating her emotions.

As they approached his room, Asha’s footsteps quickened even more.

Soon after, the door opened and Asha saw him sitting up in bed.

Her eyes slowly widened.

The room was flooded with sunlight from all directions, shining so brightly it made my eyes squint. Karaf sat there, dressed in a white nightgown, in the same place where he was asleep.

Karaf, who had been staring expressionlessly at the sunlit window, turned his head slightly to glance at them.

Among the people who had entered the room, his gaze immediately fell on her.

His red eyes widened slightly.

Asha said with a joyous smile.

“Your Majesty, you’re awake.”

“Yes… They said I slept for several months, but it seems you haven’t changed much since the last time I saw you.”

Karaf replied softly.

“How are you feeling?”

The moment Asha placed her hand on the back of his hand, a golden energy flowed from her hand and spread throughout his entire body.

Asha and the people behind her watched in awe at the sight.

It was like a vibrant scene where a flower meets a butterfly and blooms once more.

Karaf briefly closed his eyes, feeling the overflowing vitality from his heart, and then looked at Jackal, who had closely followed.

Jackal spoke up.

“You’ve been asleep for a long time. I never knew flowers hibernated too.”

“I knew you would come as well. I could smell the stench of horses all the way from the corridor.”

As soon as they met, they began to argue.

Jackal, engaged in a staring contest with Karaf, averted his gaze first and spoke.

“…..Thank you. Thanks to you, the minorities can now lead prosperous and peaceful lives.”

“I suppose I’m a generous person. Fortunately, it seems even beasts recognize gratitude.”

Jackal snorted, but Karaf smiled mischievously.

However, despite having regained consciousness not long ago, Karaf’s face still appeared weak and pale, and his lips remained pale as well.

Asha said softly.

“The minorities have regained some stability now and have settled on new lands. That is why we plan to assist you once more, Your Majesty.”

Karaf’s face revealed a glimmer of joy at her words.

“I’m just grateful that you’ve come to see my face again… And you want to help me?”

“Yes. We have to see the flowers bloom beautifully until the end. From the moment Your Majesty awakened, that’s when the true journey begins.”

As Asha spoke with a radiant smile, Karaf’s eyes reddened with emotion, and they trembled.

Asha gazed at him with a compassionate expression.

“Rest assured. I have completely forgiven you now, Your Majesty. And you are no longer a tyrant.”

Karaf opened his mouth and asked.

“Did you like my gifts?”

As Asha blinked, he asked again.

“Are you happy?”

His face was full of guilt as he asked.

Although several months had passed for Asha and Jackal, for Karaf, that day’s battle felt as vivid as if it had happened yesterday.

Asha understood his emotions and responded warmly.

“Yes. Among all the gifts you’ve given me, this is my favorite. Those were truly joyful days.”

Karaf’s face also displayed a sense of relief upon hearing her words.

“Good… then it’s settled. If you still didn’t find happiness until the end because of me, I would never have been able to wake up from the punishment given by God…”

Karaf grew nostalgic as he recalled his encounter with God Etzheim.

“Thank you for giving me a gift more precious than anything in this world.”

“What gift?”

“You gave me ‘today’ as a gift. You allowed me to discover a future I didn’t know before. You made me realize that the end of my story was actually a new beginning.”

Asha’s eyes softened.

“Get well soon. Many things have changed since the past.”

Karaf nodded. 

With care and assistance from Duran and Sihan, he gradually resumed his duties. However, as news of his awakening spread among the citizens, they flocked to him, offering praise and celebration at the top of the castle, leaving Karaf blinking in disbelief.

“Am I dreaming right now……?”

Upon hearing his words, those around him stifled their laughter.

Having been unconscious for several months, waking up to find the very people who had once pointed fingers at him now shedding tears and singing his praises was an unbelievable situation.

The chamberlain took out his handkerchief, wiping away his tears, and explained everything that had occurred.

Not yet accustomed to the fact that he had truly become a ruler beloved by everyone, Karaf stood motionless on the castle walls for a while.

Watching him from behind, Asha couldn’t help but feel a tinge of melancholy.

He blushed. The passionate fans seemed exceptionally excited.

“For the sake of the empire, I must work even harder in the future.”

Upon hearing those words, the chamberlain was even more moved while Duran smiled.

Listening to the cheers of the people, Karaf walked confidently inside, his cloak fluttering.

Adorned with roses, his black cloak exuded dignity from his back.

Asha and Jackal stayed in the Imperial Palace for a while, frequently visiting the temple.

According to rumors, Count Fresia had developed an insect repellent.

Unexpectedly, they discovered that the perfume they had developed had an effect on monsters, prompting them to shift their focus from the fragrance business to the insecticide business. 

It seemed that the potent scent was perfect for repelling insects.

Upon hearing this story, Asha and Sonya burst into laughter.

Meanwhile, Nia received the title of Camomile surname from Asha and rose to a higher rank among the Five Great Nobles.

Despite having been manipulated all her life, she handled her work with sharpness, which seemed to have won Karaf’s approval.

He despised everything related to Delphinium, but based solely on her abilities, he elevated her to the position of Countess.

It marked the first time in history that a woman was given the title of a countess among the Five Great Families.

Asha felt proud, and her heart swelled with joy.

The Duke of Lilac was defeated by Duke Sihan and had his head cut off. Duran, taking the remaining position, became the Dandelion family. 

He now held the rank of a count instead of a baron.

It was the first time in history that a commoner had risen to the rank of count. 

Asha felt proud to see everyone around her finding their rightful places.

Karaf had initially intended to offer Duran the position of Marquis, but Duran declined, expressing his desire to continue assisting Karaf by his side.

If Duran were to become a Marquis, he would have to leave the capital and travel far away to defend the borders.

As a result, the Marquis de Iris decided to assume that role while Duran remained in the palace as Karaf’s knight commander.

Now, it was the ‘five petals’ that truly guarded the Imperial Family.

The five clans from the minority emerged as the five petals supporting the flower, creating perfect harmony.

It was the birth of a perfect flower in harmony.

To fulfill her duties as Vanessa, Asha took part in the blessing ceremony at the temple. 

The High Priest greeted her with deep respect upon discovering her.

Vanessa’s status soared to great heights due to her role in blooming the emperor and saving the empire from danger. However, the High Priest was especially grateful to her for forgiving Dart.

Asha asked him.

“Is Priest Dart doing well?”

“Ah, Lady Vanessa… He has left the temple…”

“What? Why?”

Asha’s eyes widened in surprise.

The High Priest, unable to meet her gaze, spoke with regret.

“He felt that he could no longer stay in this sacred temple and chose to depart on his own…”

As Asha’s expression darkened, he added.

“But even now, he must be wandering alone somewhere in the empire, bestowing blessings upon the sick. He said that he had healing powers. It’s probably thanks to you, Lady Vanessa.”

His eyes welled up with emotion.

“I’m just thankful he’s alive… As his father, I will watch over him, seeking redemption for his sins. And I, too, will live in repentance for his sins until the day I die.”

The High Priest concluded, bowing his head in respect to Asha once more.

Asha stood at the altar and prayed to God to guide Dart on the right path.

Having completed all her tasks, Asha returned home, eager to soothe her weary body with a refreshing shower.

While Jackal went to take his own shower, Asha took the opportunity to tidy up the bed.

She knew it wouldn’t be right to meet Karaf, since he was no different than an ex-husband, but she was grateful that Jackal understood and held back.

In return, she contemplated the idea of rewarding him in some way.

Well, perhaps not a traditional reward, but still…

Asha made up her mind and swallowed nervously, preparing something special.

Meanwhile, Jackal came out of the shower with a white towel around his waist while he roughly dried his hair with another towel.

Wrapped in a white towel, his tanned and muscular body stood out even more.

Asha pretended not to notice, lying on the bed with the covers pulled up.

Jackal approached her and asked.

“Are you already asleep? You must be tired. That flower boy must have drained all your energy.”

Asha turned to him with a slightly bewildered expression on her face.

“Drained my energy?”

“Yeah. It is said that when flowers attract butterflies, they drain their energy…”

Jackal couldn’t continue speaking, his eyes widening as he stared at Asha.

Asha, with a hint of mischief, proudly lifted the blanket.

“…Who drained my energy?”

The seductive pose she struck while lying on the bed was undeniably alluring.

Jackal’s eyes widened, his gaze fixated on Asha, who wore a red, see-through slip.

His intense stare seemed capable of piercing through the fabric if anyone were to witness it.

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