Tamed or Captured

“Your Majesty, are you awake?”

When Asha asked, he opened his mouth.


Karaf looked at her face with a weak gaze as he spoke weakly.

“Can I… can I truly become a good emperor?”

Asha observed hesitation, earnestness, and guilt in his eyes, causing her to fall silent momentarily.

But then, she smiled softly at him and spoke.

“Your Majesty, you are already a good emperor.”

Upon hearing those words, Karaf’s face softened a bit, then he looked around.

The aftermath of the battle had everyone in a mess. 

Noticing Duran standing a little apart, Karaf called out to him.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Duran hurried over to him. 

He was a loyal subject who never left his side and protected him…..

Karaf said while looking at him affectionately.

“I have some instructions for you.”

Motioning for Duran to come closer, he moved closer, leaning in to listen.

Karaf raised his hand to make sure only Duran could hear and whispered something.

Duran remained silent for a moment, then bowed his head.

“I will carry out your command, Your Majesty.”

Karaf’s expression grew serious and resolute as he surveyed the desolate surroundings.

Then he turned his head and looked at Asha again.

His gaze scanned her face meticulously as if trying to engrave it in his mind.

Asha suddenly became uneasy by his behavior.

He looked like a man who was about to embark on a long journey.

“Asha Camelia.”

Karaf finally called her name.

“I shall grant you freedom.”

Asha’s eyes widened when she looked up at him.

“You made me blossom, just as you promised, and now it is my turn to repay you. Henceforth, I intend to employ my power for the betterment of the empire. I no longer wish to remain a shameful tyrant. But to be honest, I’m a little worried. Will I be able to awaken again…?”

Asha looked at him slightly surprised.

Suddenly, a memory flashed through her mind, the story of how he saved Duran.

During that time, Karaf lay in bed, unable to wake up for several months.

Just as he had said, if he were to lose consciousness again while using great power, no one would be able to tell when he would wake up.

But Karaf had already made up his mind.

He had no intention of repeating the terrible acts that his father had done to his mother.

He intended to reunite her with the one she loved.

“When I awaken… will you come to visit me again?”

Asha felt tears welling up in response to his cautious question.

However, she soon smiled with teary eyes.

“Of course, Your Majesty. It’s natural to visit a beautiful flower that has bloomed.”

Karaf, too, smiled upon hearing those words.

“Yes… Come and steal the honey from this beautiful flower. I shall prepare an abundance of honey and await your arrival.”

Finally, Karaf turned to face Jackal.

“……You blockhead. Take Asha with you. This time, I will forego the opportunity to accompany her. Make her happy.”

Jackal remained silent for a moment.

It signified that he entrusted Asha entirely to Jackal’s care, placing full trust in him.

“…… Alright. Understood.”

Karaf stared into Asha’s eyes as if conveying his last goodbye.

Asha reciprocated his gaze.

“You must return safely. Many people are eagerly awaiting your return, Your Majesty.”

“Yes. I have only lingered briefly in that enchanting flower garden…”

Upon hearing those words, Asha realized that Karaf had also encountered God Etzheim.

Soon, Karaf began channeling power into one hand, emanating an entirely different energy.

The fragrance of roses permeated the air uncontrollably, and a vibrant life force expanded infinitely.

Instinctively, like a blooming flower, Karaf wielded his power, without needing anyone to teach him.

As he reached his hand towards the sky, a pure white light spread across the world, bestowing blessings upon it.

That white light permeated the earth, the forests, and the seas like falling snowflakes.

As if the cold grip of winter had been lifted, spring arrived, and the illuminated land sprouted with seedlings, blooming flowers that bore fruit.

The ‘harvest season’ had come.

The citizens of the Empire looked up at the fantastic and marvelous sight from where they were standing.

However, Karaf’s body began to convulse, a consequence of exerting an excessive amount of power.

Asha held him tightly, and Jackal also supported his trembling arms with added strength.

Observing the scene, Gabe quickly walked over and held his legs.

Lastly, the fire spirit approached and transmitted warm energy to him.

As the spirits’ power intensified, the flower’s power within Karaf surged even stronger.

A whirlwind of light materialized around the four individuals, growing in intensity and expanding with explosive force.

Amid the dazzling light, everyone temporarily lost their vision, finding themselves enveloped in a pure white world.

As the light gradually faded away, people cautiously opened their eyes.

However, they widened in astonishment at the transformed scenery that now surrounded them.

The once-battlefield now bloomed with vibrant flowers and lush grass, while the sky stretched out a clear, intensely blue, not a cloud in sight.

It was a magnificent and potent “purification” that surpassed the abilities of any priest.

Even the wounds inflicted during the battle had been completely healed.

Asha cried out upon discovering Karaf lying unconscious on the ground.

“Your Majesty!”

Even when she smacked him across the face with the palm of her hand, he remained unconscious, refusing to wake up.

Duran silently paid his respect and took care of Karaf. 

Tears of gratitude welled up in his eyes.

Karaf’s departure brilliantly adorned the final phase of the pilgrimage…..

* * * * * 

The extraordinary events of that day were the talk of the town, constantly on the lips of the citizens.

The news of Karaf’s blossoming and his bestowed blessings upon the empire, followed by his subsequent slumber, moved the hearts of many.

Tears were shed by those who listened to the story.

In particular, the villagers who had witnessed Karaf’s pilgrimage spoke with even greater enthusiasm about his noble character.

As stories of Karaf’s troubled childhood and past spread, topics that were almost considered taboo within the Imperial Palace, the number of people who sympathized with and admired him grew exponentially, along with those who envied him.

The mythical scene of Karaf’s blossoming and achievements became more and more exaggerated, akin to a legend, perpetuated through the hands of countless artists.

Asha’s heart swelled with emotion.

Although no one knew when Karaf would awaken, it seemed that this fervor would not diminish until he did.

Asha remained in the palace with Jackal, taking care of administrative matters in Karaf’s absence.

As she sat at Karaf’s desk, poring over the papers, Jackal observed her with a slightly curious gaze.

Her focused expression, serious demeanor, and graceful handling of the quill pen suited her impeccably, exuding an air of dignity and elegance.

Jackal couldn’t help but think that if Asha had been born with a flower spirit, she would have made an exceptional and wonderful emperor.

Lost in her concentration on the documents, Asha suddenly sneezed as a chilly breeze slipped in through the open window.

It was autumn in full swing now.

At that moment, a coat was draped over her shoulders.

Asha looked up to find Jackal standing there, removing his own coat and placing it around her.

“You’ll catch a cold.”

“Oh, thank you… I kept dozing off, so I opened the window…..”

Jackal securely covered Asha’s shoulders with his coat and offered her a cup.

It was a teacup filled with fragrant floral tea.

“Drink it slowly while it’s hot.”

“Thank you.”

Asha expressed her gratitude, accepting the cup and taking a sip, only to cough it out.

“What’s wrong? Is it too hot?”

Jackal, not knowing what to do, offered a handkerchief, and Asha smiled and asked with a slightly strange expression.

“Where did this tea come from?”

Jackal’s eyes widened in surprise at her question.

“Why? Does it taste bad?”

“Well, I’m not quite sure how it tastes. It seems like a blend of various flowers….”

Hearing her words, Jackal confessed with a slightly defeated look.

“I don’t actually know which flowers taste good… I simply added different flowers that looked beautiful to me.”

As Jackal had a pollen allergy, he had never consumed floral tea before and was unfamiliar with the concept of tea blending.

Asha expressed her gratitude with a smile on her lips.

“Thank you for bringing me this floral tea.”

In response, Jackal gazed at her with a mixture of gratitude and apology.

“If you teach me how to blend tea, I’ll make it for you every day from now on.”


“Absolutely. I promise you.”

Excited by his words, Asha took out a new sheet of paper and showed him which types of tea leaves matched each other with the written recommended ratio.

Reading it, Jackal nodded solemnly and muttered.

“Between Rooibos Peppermint Tea and Lemon Balm Hibiscus Tea, which one do you prefer?”

“Hmm, I’m feeling a bit drowsy right now, so I’m more inclined towards the latter.”

“Good. Hang on, I’ll prepare it for you in a moment.”

Determined, Jackal took the teapot and left the office.

Catching a glimpse inside the kettle he held, Asha restrained her laughter. 

Countless petals were mixed together, resembling splashes of paint.

Yet, she couldn’t help but feel her heart warmed by his thoughtfulness.

While awaiting Jackal’s return, Asha leaned back comfortably in her chair and did some stretching.

And then, it happened.

“Lady Vanessa, the High Priest is currently in the audience room.”

“The High Priest?”

Asha’s surprise was evident as she turned to the chamberlain.

After the final battle, Dart had been imprisoned in the underground dungeon of the palace, receiving treatment for his wounds.

Asha had chosen not to kill him, but instead saved him when he was unconscious and bleeding.

If the High Priest had come to the palace in person, it was undoubtedly to discuss something related to him.

Asha made up her mind and went to the audience room. 

However, as soon as she opened the door, she was taken aback and froze.

The High Priest was there as if he had been waiting, kneeling on the floor with his head bowed deeply.

“Please rise, High Priest.”

“Lady Vanessa… Please punish this unworthy father… I have raised my son improperly……”

The High Priest spoke with a pained expression on his face.

His hot tears ran down his face to the ground.

It was evident that he had been greatly shaken upon learning of Dart’s misdeeds, as his face appeared even more worn and haggard compared to their last encounter.

Asha quickly tried to help him up, but the High Priest remained in his bowed position, his voice filled with deep remorse.

“I am aware that I am unworthy of my position as the High Priest representing the Lotus Temple, but I implore you shamelessly. Please, Lady Vanessa, save my wretched son……”

His tear-filled eyes were no longer able to remain open, and he let out a heart-wrenching cry.

Asha looked at him with a heavy, broken heart.

At that moment, he was not the High Priest but a pitiful father whose son had committed a grave act of treason.

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