Tamed or Captured

[We must gather all the spirits in one place as Cylon wished. If all the spirit contractors come together, we can surely break the curse.]

The curse would only end when the person who placed it had their wish fulfilled.

Despite the cursed person reliving their pain every month on a moonless night, Cylon had made the best decision at the time.

Cylon’s family name meant ‘don’t forget me’ and ‘true love’ in the language of flowers.

Asha recalled a folk tale from a minority group. 

The story told of how the wind spirit brought a seed to the ground, but it took the touch of all the spirits to revive the flower spirit.

Karaf muttered with his head down.

“…… Damn that chief…”

He then lifted his head, trembling with anger,

“I’ve already lifted the order to eradicate minority groups, but I must catch that chief.”

Asha agreed with a serious face.

It seemed necessary to capture the chief to prevent any further innocent minorities from being sacrificed.

They also had to find out why he had done such a thing.

Jackal also murmured seriously.

“I guess I’ll have to negotiate with the chief in the end…”

Asha said.

“We’ll have to find out where the earth spirit is, too, not just the chief.”

As Asha mentioned, among the five elements, only the earth spirit’s whereabouts remained unknown. The wind spirit that resided in Asha’s chest did not confine itself to a form and, like the nature of the wind, remained invisible.

Despite not being able to see the wind spirit, Asha could feel its energy, always by her side like the wind.

The personality of the wind spirit was the complete opposite of the water spirit, who enjoyed showing off its existence by frequently changing shape.

Asha had no idea about the earth spirit’s temperament.

However, Nek spoke confidently.

[I’ll help! Spirits can feel each other’s energy. The earth spirit and I were close. If I contact him, he’ll reveal himself quickly.]

Nek transformed back into his human form and winked mischievously.

“But be careful with the fire spirit. Though it represents ‘sunlight’ for flowers, it has a hot temper and can quickly burn them if you’re not careful.”

Asha’s eyes widened as she realized something.

It’s sunlight……. 

Could Karaf have been wandering in the darkness because the fire spirit had been hostile and trying to harm him?

For a flower to bloom, every spirit had to cooperate.

However, because the village chief was a fire spirit contractor, a spy had already concluded that no one could break Karaf’s curse.

And that must be the secret that the village chief is currently hiding regarding Cylon’s curse.

Jackal nodded and turned to Karaf.

“Leave it to me. I am the only one who can deal with him. Now that I have also become a spirit contractor, my power will be no less than his.”

Karaf looked him in the eye and replied seriously.

“Okay, I’m counting on you.” 

* * * * *

Not long after Jackal departed for the village, news spread that Dart had regained consciousness.

Karaf made up his mind and decided to meet him.

When Dart heard that the emperor had summoned him, he came to the audience room still not fully recovered and bowed politely on his knees at the foot of the stairs.

“I am Dart Lotus, a priest of Lotus Temple.”

Karaf looked down at him from the throne.

“Raise your head. I want to take a good look at the face of the person who saved Vanessa.”

Dart slowly raised his head, and his cold gray eyes met Karaf’s red eyes.

A hidden bloodline of the Imperial Family…

It was the first time the two flower spirit holders had met face to face properly.

Asha, who was sitting next to Karaf, watched the two of them nervously.

Karaf didn’t like Dart’s pure white appearance that looked holy unlike himself, but he spoke firmly without any change in expression.

“Thank you for saving Vanessa.”

“No need to thank me. As a priest, it’s my duty to protect her. Protecting Lady Vanessa is also the temple’s job.”

Despite his courteous words, Karaf sensed a chilly atmosphere and felt uneasy about Dart’s intentions.

Asha was surprised and taken aback by Dart’s cold attitude, which she had never seen before.

He had always greeted her with a bright smile whenever she approached him.

But now, his demeanor towards Karaf was completely different from how he treated her. 

Then Karaf sharply asked Dart with a face that showed no signs of welcoming.

“I heard that you used a special ability at the temple. What is that ability?”

Asha gulped at that question. 

It was like asking Dart if he knew about his flower spirit.

However, Dart answered without hesitation.

“I’m not sure what it is, but I discovered this ability shortly after becoming a priest. I believe it’s a divine power bestowed upon me by God.”

“I see……”

Karaf spoke to Dart in a businesslike manner, considering the possibility that he might be lying.

“The Imperial Family will compensate for all damages to the temple caused by the recent monster incident. I hope the temple will regain stability as soon as possible.”

“I also hope that the palace will regain stability as soon as possible.”

Karaf raised an eyebrow slightly, feeling irritated by Dart’s words.

Dart then glanced at him and said.

“Actually, there was something I wanted to ask Your Majesty for a favor regarding this incident.”

“You want to ask me for a favor…very well, speak up. I was already planning on rewarding you anyway.”

“The reward is unnecessary. However, since Your Majesty is going to help the temple, I would like to ask you a favor.”

“What is it?”

“After the event, the Lotus Temple was preparing to travel throughout the entire empire and perform a purification ritual. The High Priest said that the temple must also use its power to deal with the monster incidents and epidemics occurring throughout the empire.”

Karaf’s face darkened.

“Keep talking.”

“So originally, with the High Priest leading the way, the priests who were taking the High Priest Examination were to go to their designated areas and carry out the purification work, as well as baptize the people. However, as you know, the High Priest has fallen ill and cannot do that.”

As Asha listened to him, she recalled what the High Priest had said in the past.

She remembered how the gentle-tempered High Priest had truly loved Dart and considered him his successor.

The High Priest had probably intended to appoint Dart as the new High Priest, who was no different from his disciple and son, but it was unfortunate that things had turned out this way.

Dart paused for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing to speak.

“So, it would be a great honor if Your Majesty would join us on the pilgrimage and become our strength.”

Asha was surprised by the unexpected proposal, while Karaf narrowed his eyes and asked.

“You mean that I should go on the pilgrimage to see for myself?”

“I believe that by simply visiting the affected areas, Your Majesty can give our people trust and stability and that the land will be blessed with flowers. Wouldn’t Your Majesty, as the representative flower of the empire, put an end to all this unhappiness as soon as possible?”

Dart emphasized his words as he looked at Karaf.

His eyes contained a questioning gaze.

He’s the flower that represents the empire, so why isn’t he doing something? 

Karaf looked back at him straight in the eyes and spoke.

“You are cheeky for a priest.”

“I apologize if my words came across that way, but my father, the high priest who is also my teacher, has collapsed. The main pillar of the temple has crumbled, and as a priest, I couldn’t just sit idly by and watch.”

The two men stared at each other, their auras prickling like thorns, as if preparing for a fight.

Even Duran and the chamberlain could sense the tension in the air and tensed up themselves.

Duran spoke up worriedly.

“But, Your Majesty…the New Moon is just around the corner.”

Karaf’s expression darkened. 

And then, it happened.

“I’ll go to the pilgrimage.”

After the two had a staring contest, their eyes widened slightly as their gazes turned to Asha.

Asha said calmly.

“Your Majesty must protect the Imperial Family. Therefore, I will join the pilgrimage as the butterfly of the Empire on behalf of Your Majesty.”

“That won’t work.”

Karaf cut in firmly.

“As I said before, the Imperial Family and the people of the Empire are important to me, but your safety is more important than anything else. I cannot send you alone to a dangerous place where I don’t know what kind of risks might arise, especially after the monsters attacked the temple.”

“But Your Majesty…”

“Listen. The Empress is in danger, so you should stay here. If you’re the Empress, you should protect the Imperial Palace instead of me. This is a burden I must bear.”

Karaf spoke, staring into the distance with his dark red eyes.

“If you wait, that bastard horse will also complete his mission and return soon, so keep guarding the palace until then. I’ll try to put out the urgent fire as quickly as possible and come back. While I’m on the pilgrimage, I’ll try to find the earth spirit.”

Dart, who had been quietly listening to their conversation, spoke up.

“I know that Lady Vanessa treats the people with warmth and kindness, but please leave the issue of monsters and epidemics to His Majesty and me.”

Asha couldn’t bring herself to follow their request any longer, but strangely, she continued to feel uneasy and uncomfortable, as if something big was about to happen, just like the day when Jackal had gone out on a false commission from the Nasson Clan.

* * * * *

Back in the village, Jackal called the chief and officials down to the valley.

As they arrived, their eyes widened in amazement.

Jackal stood calmly in the middle of the water with his eyes closed, just as Nek had done before.

The village chief let out a hearty laugh.

“Looks like you’ve truly succeeded in making a contract with the water spirit!”

The fact that Jackal had become a spirit contractor so quickly made the officials feel a bit threatened and wary of him.

They knew how powerful the Kelpie clan had been in the past.

Jackal opened his eyes and looked at them.

“Let me show you what you want, chief.”

As if anticipating, Nek spoke inside his mind.

[Is it time to show my skills?] [Yes. How can I use your power?] [Water can change its form freely! Just imagine the weapon you want to use in your mind.]

Jackal closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

Then, a blue energy began to flow around his body, causing the water beneath his feet to sway.

The village chief and officials watched nervously as the spectacle unfolded.

When Jackal opened his eyes, they shone brightly with a brilliant blue light.

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