Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Aunt Ma in the alley has lived in the county all her life, and she knows exactly what happened in the alley.

After Yu Tong settled Yang Yu, she immediately bought something and went to see Aunt Ma.

Aunt Ma already liked Yu Tong, but when she saw what Yu Tong bought, she knew that she was a person who could do things, and she felt even happier.

She said that Yu Tong was wasting, but she happily took the things in her hands, and said: “If you want to know anything, just ask me, I took these things, so I have to tell you!”

Yu Tong laughed: ” What are you thinking aunt, you have been taking care of me and my mother for the past few years, so I should come to see you. It’s just that I have news about my father now, but you also know about Yang Yu’s situation, She can’t speak clearly…”

“Wang Linlin, is the one who received a thousand knives,” Aunt Ma was not happy when she mentioned her, “It’s fine if she die, and she also harmed the child. Fortunately, Yang Yu stays calm, otherwise if she knows she will be depressed that her mother abandoned her!”

Yu Tong followed suit with a sigh. Yang Yu’s situation is not optimistic. If even her mother has given up on her , then what will other people do?

Aunt Ma was right, but luckily Yang Yu didn’t understand the situation. However, I don’t know if this is luck or misfortune.

Yu Tong didn’t have time to worry about other people’s lives, so she went straight to the point, “Who did Yang Yu say Wang Linlin had a fight with? Do you remember this? It was about four or five years ago. Was Wang Linlin ever injured?”

“Injured? No, the form of the meeting was not very good, but the exercise has not officially started. Wang Linlin has been biting since then. Everyone is lying on her stomach, who dares to hit her?”

Yu Tong lowered her head in disappointment.

But Aunt Ma went on to say: “However, there is one thing that impressed me deeply. I mentioned it before. At that time, a man came to see Wang Linlin. The man seemed to be a teacher, and he spoke eloquently. the two of them only said few words, when Wang Linlin suddenly started yelling molestation”

“You understand that, right? It’s the matter between men and women. At that time, our county town was still in charge of this aspect. It’s very tight. Wang Linlin also knows a few captains, and someone came soon. That man is also a man who can’t turn his head. What do you think if he didn’t do will he just admit his mistake? He didn’t, and even yelled a few poems , I heard that they are all forbidden poems. I have no education, so I can’t remember them. Others started to look upright when they saw this, can they bear it? Plus he is still a teacher, so they took him away.”

Yu The more Tong listened, the more she felt that this person looked like Yu Changyong.

According to Lin Xianglian, Yu Changyong’s thinking is also a bit dull. He is a good man and will not cause trouble, but if he is really stubborn, he will not bow his head easily.

It’s just that if this happened, Yu Changyong should be sent down. Even if he was sent down, the old Yu’s family should have heard about him. How could he be missing for so many years?

When Aunt Ma heard Yu Tong’s question, she shook her head: “I don’t know about it. I only know that when the man was taken away, he was beaten so badly that he was so disfigured. He was so dizzy that he couldn’t speak… Tong Tong, do you really think this person is your father?”

Yu Tong nodded: “The time and occupation are both right, but I don’t know why my father came to Wang Linlin.”

At first, Yu Changyong should have come to find her brother, Why did he get involved with Wang Linlin?

But Yu Tong wasn’t surprised that the two of them had a relationship.

Wang Linlin likes to raise the flag high and likes to sue, and Yu Changyong happens to be someone who has read some books, has his own views on policies, and is not willing to compromise easily.

Even if Wang Linlin hadn’t sued Yu Changyong, Yu Changyong’s life in the next ten years would not be easy.

Aunt Ma came up with an idea: “Do you know anyone in the county? Look for someone from back then, maybe you can find out what’s going on, at least find out if this person is your father or not!”

Yu Tong thought The person with the most connections was Xie Wencheng.

After thinking twice, she still sent a telegram to Xie Wencheng. Although she is little embarrassed to disturb his work, the fastest way now is to find Xie Wencheng.

Soon, Xie Wencheng wrote back, asking Yu Tong to find a minister who had worked in the county government before, and heard that he was in charge of this matter.

After hearing the reason for Yu Tong’s visit, the minister was very embarrassed: “I arrested several groups of people to reform, but now they have all been put back… Wait, you say it this way, there seems to be something wrong one year, I I’ll check it out for you!”


Yu Tong found Yu Changyong on a farm several hundred kilometers away from the county seat, and when she found him, he was suffering from a high fever and was confused. He have done too many coolies in these years, and he have basically been hollowed out, and have serious and minor illnesses all over his body.

Most of the people on the farm had already gone home, leaving only a few who had no home or place to go. Yu Changyong couldn’t go home because he had no money for medical treatment and his illness never recovered.

Yu Tong took Yu Changyong to see a doctor as quickly as possible, and finally saved his life.

Lin Xianglian rushed over immediately after hearing the news, crying out of breath in front of Yu Changyong’s hospital bed.

Although Yu Tong saw Yu Changyong for the first time, he looked like a white-haired man in his forties on the bed. The elderly Yu Changyong, she also felt a little sad. Probably she really regarded Yu Changyong as her father.

Yu Changyong was in a coma for three or four days before waking up.

When he woke up and saw Yu Tong, he didn’t recognize who she was. It wasn’t until he saw Lin Xianglian that he suddenly realized that the person in front of him turned out to be his daughter.

After more than ten years, the little girl at the beginning has grown into a big girl. Yu Changyong’s eyes were sour, a big man almost burst into tears.

Thousands of words came together, and Yu Changyong finally only held Lin Xianglian’s hand tightly, his voice was weak and feeble, ” You have worked hard because of me for so many years!”

What would life be like in a family without a man? Especially his sister- in-law is not very good-tempered… Lin Xianglian’s tears flowed like a thread, which could not be broken no matter what.

When the couple were having a heart-to-heart talk, Yu Tong was sitting on the side. Lin Xianglian talked about moving out of Lao Yu’s house, and Yu Changyong didn’t blame her. He only hated himself for being involved in such a thing, for not being able to protect his wife and daughter.

After talking all afternoon, Yu Tong finally figured out why Yu Changyong has been missing. He was in a coma when he was taken away. Several others were arrested that day. Their identity information was wrong. Yu Changyong was mistaken for someone from another village and sent to a distant farm.

At first, Yu Changyong thought it was a good idea, thinking that his family would not be involved, but after a while, even if Yu Changyong wanted to write a letter to his family, no one was willing to deliver it for him.

Yu Changyong is penniless and his home is far away, who wants to go through this muddy water?

Yu Tong understands the firm belief of this age, she smiled and interrupted the two who were about to cry, “Dad, you rest in the hospital for a few more days, and we will take you home after rest.”

“Go to mother-in- law’s house ?? ” Yu Changyong was a little embarrassed, “Xianglian, you can go back, but I’m a big man, can I live with my mother-in-law too? It’s not that I don’t support your decision, and now I want to, as long as there are three of us in the family we will live well , let’s do whatever you want but I’m afraid it will increase the burden on the mother-in-law!”

Yu Tong laughed and said: “Dad, we live in Shanghai now, not in the village anymore.”

Yu Changyong didn’t know why.

Lin Xianglian explained with a smile: “My daughter is like you. She is good at studying. A few years ago, she was admitted to Shanghai University and is still studying in Shanghai. Now I also opened a small shop in Shanghai. Lao Yu, the whole family is waiting for you!”

Yu Changyong was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes became moist without warning. Is there anything better than seeing your children succeed? He gave birth to a good child!

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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