Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 90

Sun Yuying not only brought the latest news to Yu Tong, but also provided her with a shortcut. With Sun Yuying’s uncle here, telling Yu Tong all kinds of precautions, Yu Tong’s path will be much easier.

At the same time, she also had to start thinking about starting a business after the 1980s.

Yu Tong knows that starting a business will be much easier than later generations, and she has the advantage of the right time, place and people, so it is really hard to justify not trying. Even if the business fails, she still has a small supermarket, so she will never be poor in the future.

Yu Tong’s doctrine has been set, and when she is not in class, she starts to inquire about the materials used to make clothes , see where it is cheaper to buy, so she can try mass production.

Fortunately, Yu Tong had been stationed in the black market for many years before, and knew many well-connected people, and asked them to find many cheap sources of goods. However, it still needs to be considered to expand the business of selling clothes.

Yu Tong ordered a book on clothing that was popular in previous years from the man, first looked at the general types of fashion, and then designed it herself. She bought several books on fashion design before, and the clothes she made with the pictures she drew are already very decent.

It’s just that when the factory will be able to start mass production is still a question.

Thinking that she might become an upstart, a rural entrepreneur in the future, Yu Tong was a little bit amused.

In addition, the promotion of the Sichuan cuisine restaurant has already been published. According to the man, someone just happened to make a grand confession while eating in the restaurant, which was posted on the Internet by passers-by. Coupled with the previous promotion, the Sichuan cuisine restaurant became a small hit .

In addition, the prices of the dishes in Yu Tong’s restaurant are reasonable, and the top-level chef’s seasonings are also invited. The Sichuan restaurant’s reputation for high quality and low price is growing, and it has a tendency to become an online celebrity restaurant. The turnover is booming these days.

The daily turnover of the supermarket and the Sichuan cuisine store can reach 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Yu Tong took advantage of the opportunity to buy a few more stores, planning to further expand the area of the supermarket. Yu Tong is much closer to the shopping mall dream!


After another holiday, Lin Xianglian’s convenience store opened slowly. Since it was the only one nearby, the business was very good, and she made a lot of money every day.

On the weekend, Yu Tong took Xie Wencheng who was on vacation to buy goods together, and unexpectedly ran into Yu Ying.

Yu Tong actually didn’t have much impression of her. After Yu Ying got married, she always took care of her husband’s family and only went back to see Mrs. Yu occasionally.

So when the two met, they chatted calmly. Yu Ying came to Shanghai with her husband to do business, and the children stayed in the county to go to school. It has to be said that Yu Ying has the consciousness of doing business now, and her life in the future will not be too bad.

After chatting for a while, Yu Ying frowned as if thinking of something, and said, “By the way, I have something to show you. I thought you were in Shanghai, so I brought it here, but I didn’t bring it today. Why don’t you go and have a look at the house with me?”

Yu Ying brought something for Yu Tong? They didn’t seem to have spoken a few words at all before, did they? Yu Tong was wondering, so Yu Ying explained: “It’s a ring, it looks like your father’s ring, but the style is relatively old. At that time, many people used this kind of ring when they got married. I just think it looks like the details. Others I am not sure.”

Hearing this, Yu Tong was stunned for two seconds.

She never expected that one day she would hear news related to Yu Changyong. In her heart, she always felt that something happened to her father and elder brother, and they had already died, but the body had not been found, or the source of the body could not be determined when it was discovered.

Yu Tong couldn’t tell whether it was excitement or indifference, she hurriedly said: “Can you wait for a while, I’ll go back and call my mother, she may remember better.” Yu Tong was not the original owner, she didn’t know the length of her parents’ wedding ring. What kind, Lin Xianglian never wore.

“Yes,” Yu Ying nodded, “I finished the purchase today, and I have nothing to do. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Let’s have dinner at my house.” Yu Tong nodded, and went home immediately after the purchase to pick up Lin Xianglian.

Of course, she didn’t go to Yu Ying empty-handed. She brought a few catties of meat, grain and oil as a meeting gift. Although the reform and opening up have been implemented, various bills have not yet been scrapped, and the domestic economic situation is not optimistic. These things are still luxury goods.

Yu Ying was very happy to see the things, and her attitude towards Yu Tong and Lin Xianglin was even more enthusiastic.

There is nothing to say, if it were Yu Tong, Yu Tong would definitely like the one who gave the gift more.

Yu Ying rented a small house, and as soon as she entered the house, Lin Xianglian couldn’t wait to ask, “Ying’er, where is the ring you mentioned? Show me Changyong’s ring, I can recognize it even if it turns into ashes.”

Yu Ying knew that the matter was important, so she didn’t bother, she went directly to the back room and took out a copper lunch box, which contained various documents and food stamps, including a worn-out ring.

It can be seen that Yu Ying still has ulterior motives for keeping this ring, “When I went to the county town to send my baby to study, I happened to meet a woman who was wearing it. I think the ring was broken in half, and It looked very similar, so I asked a few more questions, but the woman said that the ring was not hers, so she gave it to me.”

Yu Tong frowned, and the more she listened, the more confused she became. A strange woman wearing Yu Changyong’s ring? Logically, it seems a little unreasonable.

“I also thought there was a problem at first, so I asked a few more questions, but the woman seemed to be in a bad mood, as if she couldn’t understand what I said, and didn’t answer at all.”

Thinking of this incident, Yu Ying looked confused , No matter how I think about it, I can’t figure out what’s going on. Hearing the words “not in good spirits”, Yu Tong shivered.

In the county town, someone’s spirits were not good, so it can’t be such a coincidence… Yu Tong asked: “Sister, have you inquired about the woman’s life?”

“Abandoned, wandering around all the time, counting as… wandering?”

Yu Tong’s heart skipped a beat. It really was such a coincidence, it was really Yang Yu.

But she was abandoned by her own mother… Could it be that Wang Linlin didn’t want her?

Things are a bit strange, it seems that Yu Tong still has to go back to the county to find out the matter. After all, under the influence of Lin Xianglian, Yu Tong also had a good impression of the original owner’s father.

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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