Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Recently, the Yu family hadn’t been a monster, and even Li Xiu was quite honest, so before Lin Xianglian and Yu Tong left, they went to visit Mrs. Yu.

The Yu family was enthusiastic, and Li Xiu didn’t show off. Although Lin Xianglian still looked sour, the two of them spoke a few words calmly, which was already very valuable to Li Xiu.

As for Yu Lele, although her face was still stinky, her mouth was quite honest, and she even called Yu Tong a little sister.

Halfway through the meal, Li Xiu looked at Yu Tong and Lin Xianglian in new clothes, and her heart became more and more itchy. The two of them not only have good clothes, but also spend a lot of money. This time they came to bring a lot of good things to the old lady. Just from the clothes, the two of them are decent city people, unlike their village ones, who still wear patched clothes?

Moreover, both of them have grown a lot of flesh. They were too thin before, but now it is just right. After Yu Tong gained flesh, her little face looks better than before. This shows that their life in the city is really good.

Li Xiu was envious and jealous, she couldn’t help but said: “If you meet a man of good character in the city, don’t forget to introduce him to Lele.”

Yu Tong raised her eyebrows: “Auntie, you want Yu LeLe to marry into the city?”

Li Xiu blushed, “What nonsense, I didn’t think so. Good character is enough, it doesn’t matter if the family has money or not, as long as they treat Lele well.”

She really doesn’t care now she hope Yu Lele will marry a good family, they will be able to turn around, now she is used to a normal life, as long as she doesn’t die, Yu Changzhi will be good to her, although she wants to live a good life, she must live a good life with her husband, so she decided not to toss anymore.

It’s just that Yu Lele has reached the age of marriage, but the surrounding villages are unwilling to marry her, so Li Xiu can only look further.

Yu Lele felt a little unhappy when Li Xiu made it sound like she couldn’t get married.

But this is also the truth, Yu Lele still wants to marry, so she didn’t refute Li Xiu, just listened silently.

Yu Tong smiled: “Auntie, if you want to find a good family, there are many in the village, but Yu Lele doesn’t have a match? If she goes to the city, you two won’t be able to see each other anytime in the future, don’t you want to?”

“Oh, why don’t you think about it. After all, it’s a piece of meat that fell off my body. Although I have a bad personality…” Before Li Xiu could finish chanting, Yu Lele interrupted angrily, “Mom, what are you talking about!”

Li Xiu Startled for a moment, thinking about it carefully, “I didn’t say anything wrong.”

Yu Lele: “…”

Yu Tong was sitting on the sidelines watching the fun, almost being teased to death by this mother and daughter, this is really a fight to the end , I can’t even feel the internal mutual damage.

Yu Tong said: “Families with a good character also count on a daughter- in-law with a good character. Yu Lele was before… If she changes in the future, everyone can see that she will definitely not be right again because of the past. She has an opinion.”

Li Xiu thought about it, and felt that what Yu Tong said made sense. So what if Yu Lele finds a good family now? If she doesn’t change her temperament, she will still be rejected by others in the future.

Li Xiu pinched Yu Lele’s waist, “Damn girl, work harder in the future!”

Yu Lele said “Ouch”, just about to cry out in pain, Li Xiu glared and said, “Why, don’t you want to marry?” Yu Lele immediately held back her words.

She looked at Li Xiu with grievances, and chose to marry between being quick and marrying. Or… it’s better to be married.

The meal was not bad, it was a happy meal, and before leaving, Yu Tong left some money for Old Madam Yu as a tribute to her. Although they used to spend another holiday, but now that Mrs. Yu has turned around, Yu Tong doesn’t want to worry about the past anymore.

After all, she is Yu Changyong’s mother. Although Yu Tong hasn’t met this father, judging from Lin Xianglian’s attitude, this father is still very good.

After the people in Zhaojia Village knew about this incident, they praised Yu Tong even more, saying that she is not only promising, but also not forgetting her roots. In the past, when there was such a quarrel with Lao Yu’s family, they were able to let go of their grievances and ignore the past, and ask themselves, how many people can do this?

Yu Tong once again became the “children of other people’s family” in the villagers’ mouths, and he enjoyed a good time.


After returning to the county seat, Yu Tong took Lin Xianglian to dispose of all the property in the county seat, and exchanged everything that could be exchanged for money, and gave away those that could not be exchanged, and threw away those that were completely useless.

Lin Xianglian was still a little reluctant, “Tongtong, these things are still usable, so wht just threw them away…”

” Mom, it’s inconvenient for us to take these to Shanghai. Live directly.”

Afraid that Lin Xianglian would think too much, Yu Tong didn’t dare tell Lin Xianglian that she bought the house. They can buy a house in Shanghai, that’s really amazing.

After agreeing with Lin Xianglian, the two headed to Shanghai without packing.

Although Lin Xianglian had already been to Shanghai once when Yu Tong started school, she was still amazed this time. She raised her eyes to look at the tall buildings, as if she couldn’t get tired of seeing them, and she was reluctant to blink.

“Tongtong, is our house as good as these houses?”

Yu Tong smiled and took Lin Xianglian’s arm, “Our house is a one-story house, but it will definitely be demolished and replaced by a new building in the future. Mom, if we have spare money , just buy a few houses, and keep them for sure to exchange in value in the future.”

Buying a house can increase in value and make a lot of money? Lin Xianglian couldn’t believe it.

Yu Tong didn’t explain too much, but based on Lin Xianglian’s current thinking, it must be difficult for her to believe that the house will increase in value in the future. Anyway, Yu Tong is here, as long as Yu Tong pays more attention.

When Yu Tong took Lin Xianglian to her new home, Lin Xianglian never mentioned the building again. Although the building is nice, her house is not bad either. Not to mention the bright and spacious room, the decoration is also very nice. There are a few pots of flowers and plants in the living room. When the warm sunlight shines in, the small flowers absorb the sunlight and bloom more happily.

Lin Xianglian looked at it and touched it, she liked it very much. “Tongtong, you did all this?” Lin Xianglian was amazed in her heart. Fortunately, she listened to her daughter’s words at that time, so she was able to get to where she is today, otherwise she would still be working at Lao Yu’s house until now!

“I made it with Wen Cheng.” Yu Tong poured hot water from the thermos for Lin Xianglian and handed it over, “It’s mainly him, he knew we were coming back today, he came here to clean it yesterday, and even boiled hot water for us.

Lin Xianglian grinned from ear to ear, “Wen Cheng is careful, mom can rest assured that you are with him.”

Yu Tong looked at Lin Xianglian with a smile, and her mood improved accordingly.

Seeing Lin Xianglian happy, she was very satisfied.

Yu Tong took Lin Xianglian to the front room, “Mom, there is also your convenience store, the shelves are ready for you. Let’s go and have a look.”

The layout of convenience stores these days is different from that of future supermarkets. The shelf Yu Tong was talking about was actually a glass-covered table, the merchants were behind the table, and the row next to the wall was the shelf.

This is actually quite a waste of space, but there is no way, Yu Tong still doesn’t dare to push the old and bring forth the new.

As for Lin Xianglian, after seeing such a small-scale convenience store, she was almost dumbfounded. She knew that Yu Tong wanted to open a store for her, but she didn’t expect it to be realized so soon. It would cost a lot of money to buy so many goods, right? And is it possible to open a store openly now?

Lin Xianglian was both pleasantly surprised and worried.

Seeing the worry in Lin Xianglian’s heart, Yu Tong explained: “I’ve already been inquiring about the matter, now it’s a new era, we are allowed to do some small business. But we sell food, it may be more troublesome, After the certificate is obtained, we can sell it openly.”

Lin Xianglian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Living such a good life with my daughter, she has nothing to say, in short, just listen to Yu Tong! only…… Lin Xianglian said: “Tongtong, Mom knows you are filial, but you should not just spend your money on me, you should also think about yourself. In the future, when you marry Wencheng, there will be more places to spend money. It’s time to save money.”

Yu Tong touched her head, feeling uncomfortable.

Why did Lin Xianglian start talking about marriage? Is she… really old? ! Yu Tong laughed, “It’s early, don’t worry.”

Seeing that Yu Tong was embarrassed, Lin Xianglian also laughed, “You, don’t worry. At Wen Cheng’s age, there are already two children in the village. I’m like you. When I was growing up, your brother was already born, so you have to hurry up.”

Yu Tong pretended not to hear, and changed the topic, “What do you want to eat tonight, you just came to Shanghai, we have to do something good…”

Lin Xianglian was helpless shook her head. This kid is going to be shy.


After much thought, Yu Tong still decided to focus on single dogs and couples for the promotion of the Sichuan restaurant. Singles can get out of singles, and couples can feel better when they come. Now that there are many kinds of Valentine’s Day, Yu Tong can use this to launch various marketing points.

The names of the dishes and the like also have to be changed to make them more interesting and attract attention.

After confirming, Yu Tong called the man and asked him to help arrange it. Publicity also needs money. Yu Tong took advantage of the holiday to draw a few more paintings, and dragged the men together to sell them.

During this period of time, her paintings have been selling better and better. With the title of “Zhang Yezhong’s Apprentice”, she has attracted a lot of attention as soon as she “debuted”. Now with the improvement of her painting skills, her paintings are becoming more and more valuable ,and one was even photographed for two million.

After Yu Tong arranged the publicity, she took a few pieces of meat and fresh vegetables from the supermarket and prepared to make dinner.

For dinner, Yu Tong planned to cook golden needle beef. She had been craving it for a long time, and when Lin Xianglian came, she was finally able to satisfy her craving. Halfway through dinner, there was a knock on the door.

Yu Tong looked in the direction of the gate curiously, not expecting anyone to come at this time. Xie Wencheng is on duty today, and he is not off work yet, so he will definitely not come.

Before Yu Tong could figure it out, Lin Xianglian wiped her hands with her apron and went to open the door. Yu Tong looked over and saw Lin Xianglian opened the door and Sun Yuying came in.

Seeing Lin Xianglian, Sun Yuying said sweetly, “You are Tongtong’s mother, right? Hello, I am Sun Yuying, Tongtong’s friend.”

Lin Xianglian smiled and said, “Come in, it happens that we are having dinner, so you can have some too ”

“No need,” Sun Yuying walked back into the house, “I have something to do with Tongtong, I’ll leave after I finish talking, my house is still waiting for me to go back to eat.”

Yu Tong came out curiously, “What’s the matter?” Ah, you come here so late.”

When Sun Yuying saw Yu Tong, she was even happier. She ran over in two or three steps and grabbed Yu Tong’s hand, “Tongtong, I just heard that my uncle’s family has applied for a business license. When are you going to apply, I’m still waiting to buy your clothes!”


T/N :- Hey guys , Please let me know if you are okay with me locking up next 5 chapters , which are also the last 5 chapters of the novel.

also these chapters can be opened up using moonies which are avaliable when you login on our website ” Moonlight Novels”

Thank you !!!

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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