Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 88

Xie Wencheng tugged at the corner of his clothes, clenched his fists tighter and tighter, and with a little force, he almost failed to unbutton the clothes. However, although his body was tense, his expression was a little dull. Looking at his expression alone, it was completely unexpected that he had so many small movements.

After living for more than 20 years, the woman he was closest to was Grandma Xie. It is conceivable how shocked Xie Wencheng was at the moment.

No, it’s not just shock, his heart is beating faster and faster, almost popping out, the roots of his ears are hot, and there is sweat on his forehead.

For two seconds, his previously calm gaze was in a trance.

It took Xie Wencheng two minutes to regain his senses, his Adam’s apple rolled, and he looked at Yu Tong silently.

It’s not that he didn’t want to talk, but that he didn’t know what to say. His clenched fist never loosened, and he opened his mouth again and again, without uttering a single syllable. He looked down at the smiling Yu Tong, and the heat on his cheeks rose again.

Compared with his shock, Yu Tong’s reaction was too flat. Her pretty face is even more beautiful under the cold moonlight, especially her eyes, which are glistening with water, and there is a playful smile at the tip of the eyes.

Xie Wencheng rubbed his head, trying to appear calm, “Well, I…”

Xie Wencheng was always a thoughtful person, but he suddenly became innocent, and Yu Tong was still a little uncomfortable. But… it seems to be quite interesting. Yu Tong put her hands behind her back, took a step back slightly, and looked at him slyly, “You are so blushing, Brother Cheng, you are quite easy to be shy.” The sun is out.

Yu Tong deliberately said: “It’s okay, you are innocent, I understand, I will consider your feelings.”

The roles of men and women seem to be completely reversed.

Xie Wencheng’s ears moved and his scalp tingled.

How could he be such a man as to let Yu Tong take the initiative? Xie Wencheng coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, he took a step forward and took Yu Tong’s hand, “Let’s go, it’s too late.” , and continued to look at her from the corner of the eye.

Tsk, my face is so red, I really can’t tell it’s the usual Xie Wencheng.

Yu Tong also didn’t want to flirt too much, appearing to be frivolous, today’s contact was enough to make her happy for a long time. People in this age are conservative, so take your time, don’t rush. For the next few minutes, the two remained silent.

The two of them didn’t meet anyone along the way, but Yu Tong was not surprised. If she hadn’t been sure that there was no one at this time, she wouldn’t have dared to make a bold move just now. It would be too much to hold a small hand outside, let alone kiss. .

When they were about to arrive at the school, Yu Tong just wanted to tell Xie Wencheng to go back to rest earlier, but Xie Wencheng suddenly dragged Yu Tong into a small alley near the school.

The narrow alley was naturally empty, Xie Wencheng pressed Yu Tong against the wall without saying a word, the protruding part of the wall almost hit Yu Tong, before Yu Tong could cry out the pain, there was a warm breath on her lips.

Xie Wencheng leaned over, put his arms around Yu Tong’s waist with one hand, while fixed Yu Tong’s hands above the wall with the other, and kissed Yu Tong’s lips fiercely.

Yu Tong stared, her breathing froze instantly. The touch of his lips was so good that she couldn’t struggle, she could only smell the masculine breath on Xie Wencheng’s body and let herself sink. She closed her eyes, opened them again, leaned limply on Xie Wencheng’s body, looked up at the sky in all directions, the moonlight was beautiful.

It turns out that kissing…has this feeling.


On the second day after returning from Xie Wencheng’s house, Xie Wencheng told Yu Tong what his family thought of Yu Tong. Consistent with Xie Wencheng’s thinking, everyone likes Yu Tong very much, especially Grandpa Xie, who is full of praise for Yu Tong’s understanding of military affairs.

He said that it is not easy for a little girl to be interested in these things nowadays, and saw that she knew the general. Yu Tong, who was cramped temporarily, was quite embarrassed. Time passed quickly, and the meeting that Yu Tong had been looking forward to was finally held. After the meeting, Yu Tong began to try to inquire about applying for an individual business license.

But everyone saw that she was young, so they didn’t take her words to heart. In the end, the clerk told her that Yu Tong’s current situation could not apply, and she at least had to have a permanent storefront.

Looks like it’s time to take over Lin Xianglian.

Yu Tong began to inquire about the house.

She finally chose a street not far from where Xie Wencheng lived now. This row of houses is on the street, and one of the rooms can be converted into a front door room in the future. It is no problem to open a convenience store.

As for the hotel that Yu Tong thought about before, it needs to buy a bigger house, and Yu Tong can only open a small supermarket for the time being with the money she has.

On weekends, Yu Tong took half of her property and wanted to buy a house. But she has no connections, so she can only watch and talk, adapting to the situation.

This street is considered to be in a relatively good location, the traffic flow is good, and the houses are not cheap. However, if you can buy it, it will be very worthwhile, because the house price of this street will increase exponentially in the future.

So Yu Tong’s thinking is that if you can buy a big house, you should buy it. But she went around and found that every household was living well, and no one seemed to want to move out.

While worrying, Yu Tong suddenly saw a grain seller in front of her who looked like Chu Jie.

At this time, many people tried to sell things, and Chu Jie was one of them. Yu Tong knew that he would become a business tycoon by relying on his own ability in the future.Yu Tong thought for a while, walked over to greet him, “Long time no see, selling food?”

Chu Jie worked so long, his edges and corners were worn away a lot, and he had to greet people with a smile when he saw Yu Tong, his first reaction was It was funny, the second reaction was to hand her some food, “Good quality rice, come and taste it.”

Yu Tong didn’t answer, and asked instead: “Will you not be arrested if you sell food here?”

“Come and then run away “Chu Jie said helplessly, “Last time a policeman told me that I can now prosecute, but it takes time to get the certificate, and I don’t have my own house.”

Chu Jie came to Shanghai alone to work hard. No, unlike Yu Tong who still has a dormitory to live in, one can imagine how difficult it is for him.

Yu Tong couldn’t bear it, she thought that Chu Jie would make a fortune in the leather business in the future, and said, “You don’t have to just think about the food business, you can change your mind, for example, the leather business, I think it’s pretty good . Anyway, it’s open now, and there are business opportunities everywhere. You’ll definitely be able to do a lot in the future.”

Chu Jie’s lips curved slightly, and he said helplessly, “I don’t expect to be successful, as long as I can take good care of my mother, I’ll be satisfied .By the way, what are you doing here?”

“I’m going to see if there is anyone selling a house, and I want to take my mother over, but I don’t know much about it, so I don’t know where to buy it.”

Chu Jie lowered his voice, “I often sell things around here, and I know there is one that might have to move out.”


With Chu Jie’s help, Yu Tong successfully bought a house. It was a big house with three bedrooms, one was converted into the front room, and the remaining two could be used as bedrooms for Lin Xianglian and Yu Tong.

The most important thing is that this house has a yard, and they can grow some vegetables in the future, and it is no problem to raise chickens.

But this house cost Yu Tong a lot of money, in order for the supermarket to open smoothly, Yu Tong had to save money as soon as possible. In the future, when the whole country is open, it will be easier to sell things.

Just got the house and taking advantage of Xie Wencheng’s vacation, Yu Tong took Xie Wencheng to clean up the house together.

The previous owner left a lot of rubbish to clean up, and Yu Tong had to buy some more furniture. She couldn’t do these jobs as a girl, so she had to rely on Xie Wencheng.

Yu Tong and Xie Wencheng worked for two days in a row, and finally finished the bed and cabinet. Of course, Yu Tong was mainly responsible for cheering Xie Wencheng up.

Xie Wencheng’s hands are really skillful. Although he has been living in good conditions since he was a child and has never done carpentry, the things he makes are quite decent.

On the last day, the work was done, Yu Tong looked at the warm and cozy little home, and her whole body came alive.

She hasn’t been working in the fields for a long time, and the work these few days is enough to kill her. Yu Tong locked the door and dragged Xie Wencheng to a restaurant to celebrate.

When she went out, she happened to meet a neighbor. The neighbor looked at the two with a smile and asked, “Has the new home been renovated? You two are really hardworking, and it was done so quickly. The old Zhang’s house is big. How good is it for you young couple to live in?” , you can live there even if you have children in the future.” This is to treat Yu Tong and Xie Wencheng as newlyweds.

Yu Tong blushed and explained: “Auntie, we haven’t registered yet, I plan to live in this house with my mother.”

The neighbor was stunned for a moment, and then she found the place for herself in the next second, “So you didn’t register, then you two have to hurry up, get married early and have children!”

Yu Tong dealt with it vaguely. Although she knew that she was enthusiastic, Yu Tong was still a little embarrassed to hear that, especially now that Xie Wencheng was still around.

But if she and Xie Wencheng get married…she will probably put more effort into building a new home, right?


During the winter vacation, Yu Tong went back to celebrate the New Year with Lin Xianglian. Xie Wencheng has a special job, and he has to be on duty during the Chinese New Year. The holiday is divided into several parts. Obviously, he can’t go back with Yu Tong this time. Yu Tong is not in a hurry, besides going back to celebrate the New Year, her most important task this time is to bring Lin Xianglian to Shanghai together.

Although the individual business license has not yet been obtained, she has purchased all the products, and after the certificate is completed, she can open the store openly.

During this time, Yu Tong has been posting money to her family and her grandmother’s house in Linjiacun, which made everyone even more envious.

When Yu Tong and Lin Xianglian returned to the village this time, more people came to say hello to them. It is said that Yu Tong is promising, and that when she goes to college, her family pays for it, but Yu Tong can still take care of her grandmother’s family. Whether it is ability or friendship, it is very good.

Yu Tong also learned from her experience, and this time she came back with enough candy to distribute to the children in the village.

After everyone knew that Yu Tong was going to take Lin Xianglian to Shanghai, they couldn’t sit still anymore.

Now Lin Xianglian is going to Shanghai City, Shanghai City is not a county seat, Yu Tong has completely given face to the village head of the Lin family. Soon, someone with a heart blew the news into Lao Yu’s house.

At that time, Li Xiu was worrying about Yu Lele’s marriage. She asked a matchmaker to tell Yu Lele several families, but the other party was unwilling, and she didn’t even give Yu Lele a chance to refuse, so she directly denied it.

The people in the nearby villages would not marry Yu Lele, so Li Xiu could only go further a field to find Yu Lele’s in-law’s house, but the distance of her in-law’s house meant that Yu Lele and her husband would have no place to stay when they quarreled in the future.

At such a time when news came that Yu Tong was going to take Lin Xianglian to Shanghai, Li Xiu’s tongue was green with regret.

No wonder the older generation said that a mistake would cause eternal hatred, she simply missed a big gold ingot!

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