Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 86

After returning to the county seat, Xie Wencheng went back to work in Shanghai by car, while Yu Tong stayed in the county seat for the summer vacation. She spent a summer vacation learning to paint and make clothes. When the summer vacation was about to end, the supermarket was completed andopened for business. Yu Tong finally had a fixed income again. After thesecond floor was built, there was an extra staircase in the supermarket.

This staircase can only be used by internal employees. In order to operate theSichuan restaurant, Yu Tong hired chefs and waiters. Fortunately, she now has the money from the auction of the Red Book, otherwise it would be really hard to maintain previous operations.

She just graduated from university and she was really too young. However, the income of the Sichuan restaurant has been bleak these days. Yu Tong distributed leaflets and organized promotions, but the income of the Sichuan restaurant has not been good.

After deducting the water, electricity and labor costs every day, the net income is only one or two hundred, which is a thousand miles away from the supermarket.

That is to say, she doesn’t have to pay rent, otherwise she will go bankrupt sooner or later.

Increasing turnover is a top priority.

One week before the start of school, Yu Tong visited Zhang Yezhong. In order to express her gratitude, she specially drew a sketch for Zhang Yezhong and gave him a souvenir.

Before leaving, Yu Tong saved some meat and food for Lin Xianglian, and bought her biscuits and honey food as snacks, fearing that Lin Xianglian would treat herself badly because she wanted to save her money.

Lin Xianglian looked at Yu Tong who was busy all day, and she burst into tears: “How time flies so fast, I finally have a vacation, and you are leaving so soon.”

After getting along for such a long time, Yu Tong has long since treated Lin Xianglian as her own mother, she held Lin Xianglian’s hand and comforted her:

“Mom, don’t be sad. After a while, when the policy becomes looser, I will save money to take you over.” Lin Xianglian hesitated: “Tongtong, don’t you always takes Wencheng’s money, Wencheng is a good boy, hecan’t ask for money from his family, you…”

Seeing Lin Xianglian’s misunderstanding, Yu Tong quickly explained: “I didn’t ask for his money, didn’t I tell you before, I sell blueprints, and this time I learned how to use a sewing machine from you, so I’ll try to make clothes and sell them later.”

Although this is Yu Tong’s own money, Lin Xianglian still thinks of the older generation and says she’s not worried is fake. But no matter how worried she is, she will support Yu Tong’s decision. In her heart, there is no more reliable child than Yu Tong. Lin Xianglian gave a few more instructions, and finally mentioned Xie Wencheng: “Tongtong, you and Wencheng should be good, it is not easy to meet someone who respects us women, don’t be petty, don’t…”

Lin Xianglian said Halfway through, she hesitated and didn’t want to say it anymore, Yu Tong was curious, and was about to ask again, but Lin Xianglian was already unwilling to say: “Anyway, just handle it yourself.” Yu Tong laughed.

Occasionally she lost her mind, but it was useless for her to think about it, Xie Wencheng had to think about it. This guy Xie Wencheng would only hold her hand at most, and he was even more embarrassed than Yu Tong every time.

After the long talk, when it was time for Yu Tong to get in the car, Lin Xianglian had no choice but to let Yu Tong go. Looking at Lin Xianglian’s lonely figure, Yu Tong made up her mind that she must earn money when she goes back, and take Lin Xianglian back as soon as possible!


As soon as she returned to Shanghai, Yu Tong wholesaled a batch of fabrics. Available in pure cotton and modern polyester at all prices. She also wholesales buttons and zippers, as well as a few other trinkets.

According to het design drawings, Yu Tong tried to make a few dresses and showed them to Sun Yuying and others. They liked them very much, and Yu Tong had a good eye. Sun Yuying pestered Yu Tong to ask when the second batch could be made,

Yu Tong shook her head: “I won’t work in a short time, there is an exam recently, I have to review it .” Sun Yuying was extremely disappointed. But there is nothing she can do about disappointment. Yu Tong made these clothes to sell in supermarkets. Before mass production was possible, Yu Tong made clothes by hand, which was time-consuming and laborious, and she couldn’t sell them at a high price. It’s different in the supermarket. She can sell her own brand and set high prices.

This time selling to Sun Yuying and the others, Yu Tong just checked her own aesthetics, and now she is still worried that the aesthetics of Sun Yuying and others is too different from that of later generations.

After returning to school, Yu Tong went to the supermarket to get the goods, and planned to take them out and sell them secretly the next day.

She has to be more diligent recently, there will be a meeting soon, and it is estimated that she will be able to apply for an individual business license in 1979.

After arriving at the supermarket, Yu Tong was picking things up when the phone rang suddenly. Yu Tong picked up the phone, and a man’s voice came from the other end: “My God, you just told me about Zhang Yezhong’s apprentice last time, and someone found his apprentice’s painting yesterday!”

Zhang Yezhong’s apprentice…is it her? Strangely, she has never painted any formal works.

Yu Tong was wondering, and the man couldn’t wait to explain: “Yu Xiaoer’s drawing is a sketch, and Zhang Yezhong’s drawing has caused quite a stir. Can you get it? If you get it, it should be able to sell for a lot of money.”

Yu Tong: “…”

She knew that the name “Yu Xiaoer” was processed by the system, but it was…too rough, right? ! snort.

“I can’t get sketches, but I can get other works, can I sell them?”

Anyway, they are all drawn by her, so you can draw as many as you want. The man hesitated, “But there is only one sketch on the market now… Forget it, you can do it first, and I will try to sell it if I get it.”

Yu Tong happily agreed. With the reputation of Zhang Yezhong’s apprentice, Yu Tong’s paintings will definitely raise a lot of money, and she…is about to give it away!


In the next month, Yu Tong has been busy studying his homework. Although she is very happy to earn money, she must not lose cultural knowledge, which will be of great use in the future.

Yu Tong spent a whole day reading in the dormitory, and when it was almost time for dinner, Xie Wencheng asked her to go out for dinner together.

Recently, Xie Wencheng’s work has become more and more busy. Xie Wencheng has a strong work ability.

Yu Tong is not often sees him. Yu Tong cherished this rare date opportunity, put down her books and rushed downstairs, the roommates looked at her and smirked: “Look at you sweet ones, when are you going to meet your parents?” Others waited eagerly for Yu Tong’s answer, including Yu Ying.

Since Yu Tong started to change Yu Ying’s appearance and told her some chicken soup not to feel inferior, Yu Ying has changed a lot, and now she can talk to her roommates normally, and occasionally she can have a good chat with her favorite topics .

The roommates have good personalities, don’t hold grudges, and are willing to accept Yu Ying. Yu Tong feels a sense of accomplishment for Yu Ying to develop in a good direction.

Yu Tong smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely invite you to our wedding party.”

“Wedding party?” The girl who has the best relationship with Yu Tong snorted, “You should hold him first, you can’t even hold hands Here!”

The others roared with laughter.

Yu Tong: “…”

This friend is really helpless. The weather was a bit cold, Yu Tong put on a coat and rushed downstairs.

There were other young couples on campus who came out for a walk in the dark, so Xie Wencheng and Yu Tong weren’t too conspicuous.

“It’s cold, and you still wear so little,” Xie Wencheng shook Yu Tong’s hand, “Hands are cold.”

Originally, Xie Wencheng was just testing the temperature of Yu Tong’s hand, who knew that he would not let go after pulling Yu Tong, Yu Tong looked at him with a smile, as if she had succeeded in doing something bad, “It’s not cold at all, even if it’s cold, Isn’t there still you?”

Xie Wencheng laughed, he held Yu Tong’s hand, Yu Tong’s little hand was soft, and he was not willing to let go. Squeeze lightly, hold tightly, turn around and continue walking outside the school, “Go to the market to eat hot pot?”

” Forget it, let’s go to the cafeteria to eat casually. Your salary is not particularly high, so you have to save it.”

“Right now thinking of saving me money?” Xie Wencheng stopped, smiled and leaned over to pinch Yu Tong’s face, “Don’t worry, I can still afford to support you. Let’s go, eat hot pot.”

Yu Tong raised her face and obediently nod.

“One more thing,” Xie Wencheng said quietly, “My dad knows about us, and wants to see you.”

Yu Tong was startled, the relaxed atmosphere just now disappeared, and she became nervous, “Meet your parents?” But I’m not ready yet, in case your father doesn’t like me…”

Asking Yu Tong to meet his parents right now, Xie Wencheng is also afraid that something will happen.

But Grandma Xie was all about her great-grandson and wanted them to get married early, so she told Xie Wencheng’s parents about it.

Xie Wencheng’s father didn’t say anything, only said that he wanted to see Yu Tong. What made Xie Wencheng unacceptable was his mother’s attitude.

After she knew that her son had someone to get along with, not only did she have no opinion, she didn’t even ask a word, and went to do her own work.

Now Xie Wencheng understands that his family probably won’t have any problems with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and whether his mother will talk to them or not is still a matter of opinion.

“My mother may not be easy to get along with, she is not cold or warm to me at home, so don’t think too much about it then,” Xie Wencheng vaccinated Yu Tong in advance, “Also, my grandpa may say some military topics. You can just listen to the topic of the matter, the old man just wants someone to listen to, so you don’t have to understand.”

Yu Tong nervously jotted down one by one. She originally thought that it would be a long time before she went to see her parents, but she never thought that she would go now, and she had to prepare quickly.

As Xie Wencheng talked, he sighed first, “My family is very complicated, besides my parents, there are also uncles and aunts, and they may all go there, or else we will procrastinate…”

Yu Tong shook his head, “It’s okay, didn’t we already agree? Anyway, we just went to see each other.”

Xie Wencheng frowned: “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Yu Tong smiled easily: “Of course, who am I? Is this kind of thing overwhelming ? Don’t worry, just tell me at a certain time.”



After dinner, Xie Wencheng sent Yu Tong back to the dormitory. Yu Tong said goodbye to Xie Wencheng calmly, then turned and went upstairs, as if she was not affected by the upcoming meeting with his parents at all.

Xie Wencheng sighed in his heart, maybe it was just that he was thinking too much, Yu Tong was still calmer than him.

After Yu Tong went upstairs, she immediately got under the covers and didn’t even have time to wash up.

She entered the supermarket and went straight to the phone, “Give me a military book! It’s from the 1979s! There are other books on how to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, folk customs are fine! Come on!!”

Mom, she was scared to death .

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