Take the Supermarket to Seventies


After calling Yu Tong to sit down, Lin Xianglian looked at Xie Wencheng, who was behind Yu Tong with a gentle smile, and her heart skipped a beat. She had a bad premonition, and she didn’t want it to come true, so after the two settled down, Lin Xianglian immediately went back to the kitchen.

She cooked a lot of good dishes today, including stewed pig’s trotters, roasted carp, and the grilled short ribs with scallions that Yu Tong had mentioned to her earlier.

In order to grab these things, Lin Xianglian lined up early in the morning, and finally went to the black market to go around before buying everything. Yu Tong used to be in charge of buying meat and food, but now that Lin Xianglian buys it herself, she realizes how much meat is in short supply, and the queues every day are scary.

Yu Tong used to be able to buy meat frequently, which was also a skill. Lin Xianglian held a fan in her hand, fanning the fire in the stove while worrying.

Why did my daughter come back with Xie Wencheng? Shouldn’t they be really good friends? Ever since Lin Xianglian knew about Xie Wencheng’s return to Shanghai, she felt that something was wrong, and now Xie Wencheng came back with Yu Tong… The more Lin Xianglian thought about it, the more frightened she became. She is not afraid of anything else, except that her daughter, who loves freedom, will be wronged when she marries into the Xie family, and Lin Xianglian will not be able to help at that time.

But while she was afraid, Lin Xianglian was also relieved. Xie Wencheng was a good young man, and Lin Xianglian was very relieved to have him take care of Yu Tong for the rest of her life. The more Lin Xianglian thought about it, the more entangled she became.

It wasn’t until Yu Tong exclaimed, “What’s mushy?” Lin Xianglian came back to her senses.

She quickly turned over the pig’s trotters that were stewed in the pot. Fortunately, the area of the paste was not large, and it could be eaten after a little treatment.

Yu Tong was really sleepy, she tidied herself up a bit and went back to the room to rest, while Xie Wencheng rolled up his sleeves and came to the kitchen to help Lin Xianglian.

Lin Xianglian hurriedly said: “You are also tired from the car ride, go back and rest quickly, I am almost fine here.”

” It’s okay,” Xie Wencheng smiled gently, “I’m not tired, I’ll do the rest, you go to rest Well, it’s been a busy day.”

With that said, Xie Wencheng reached out to take the fan from Lin Xianglian’s hand, and sent her back to the house.

Lin Xianglian looked at Xie Wencheng’s skillful look when watching the fire, and felt emotional in her heart.

Not to mention, Xie Wencheng is really a good man, even better than Yu Tong’s father. If Yu Tong can follow him, she will definitely not have to worry about the future… Lin Xianglian was stunned for a long time.

Xie Wencheng filled the pig’s trotters, looked up and saw that Lin Xianglian hadn’t left, and smiled kindly: “Auntie, is there anything else?”

” Ah? Oh, it’s okay,” Lin Xianglian recovered, a little embarrassed, she pointed pulling on the apron, she stammered, “Wencheng, Auntie wants to ask you, this time you came back too …do you have any important things to do? If you need help, just let us know, and we will try our best to help you.”

She was still entangled in the fact that Xie Wencheng accompanied Yu Tong back.

As long as Xie Wencheng said that he had something to do when he came back, Lin Xianglian could feel relieved. However, when Xie Wencheng heard Lin Xianglian’s question, he straightened up, stood up, and said solemnly: “Auntie, me and Tongtong have a very good relationship and we are dating.”

Lin Xianglian was stunned. She, she was just asking casually, why did Xie Wencheng tell the truth? !

At least give her some time to prepare mentally! Lin Xianglian frowned slightly, her fingers clutched the apron and did not move. This… How does this make her answer?

She definitely wouldn’t interfere with Yu Tong’s relationship, but she was really worried.

When Lin Xianglian was worried and didn’t know how to speak, Xie Wencheng said again: “I know you must be dissatisfied. Whether it is me or my family, we have not been able to do our best. I have always wanted to come to visit you officially. I want to tell you that I am serious about Yu Tong, and I hope you can trust her to me.”

“I know my family is a kind of pressure to you, and I’m not sure that my family will like Yu Tong. What I can guarantee is that when Yu Tong is being bullied, I will definitely stand by her side.”

Xie Wencheng’s words were solemn, and Lin Xianglian gradually entered the role of “mother-in-law”.

Her complexion was serious: “But if your family is not satisfied with Tongtong, how can you protect her? Can you still fight against your family?”

Xie Wencheng thought for a moment, and said: “Tongtong’s character is actually very likable, I believe my family will like her. If someone is dissatisfied with her and conflicts with her, I believe that she has a kind heart and will not do excessive things, so I will still stand by her. Please rest assured, although I don’t know if my family will like Tongtong, but they are all people who know right from wrong and will not bully her for no reason.”

Hearing what Xie Wencheng said, Lin Xianglian was a little relieved.

At the same time, she also understood that Xie Wencheng came back this time just to reassure her.

The son-in-law-to-be has already reached this point, being careful and considerate, Lin Xianglian has nothing to say.

She nodded: “As long as you two live well, I have nothing to say, I just hope you can treat her well. I owed her in the past, and she suffered all grievances in the first fifteen years of her life. Now I hope she can live a more comfortable life.”

Xie Wencheng smiled slightly and nodded solemnly: “I will do my best.”


After dinner, Yu Tong and Xie Wencheng went to the dormitory to find Lin Feng. She heard from Lin Xianglian that Lin Feng has been very busy recently, so he didn’t have time to come over. Xie Wencheng and Yu Tong had nothing to do, so they went to find Lin Feng. On the way there, Yu Tong saw Lin Huan.

Lin Huan was standing at the door of a family, and the two were talking mysteriously. The atmosphere was very harmonious at first, but the conversation turned into a quarrel after a while.

“What’s the matter with you little girl? Why are you stealing from me?! You can’t be like this!”

Although angry, the woman still suppressed her voice, trying to avoid being heard by others.

Lin Huan also seemed annoyed, “I just took it away by accident and didn’t notice it at all. How can this be considered stealing.”

“I swear?! You put all the buttons in your pocket What if I didn’t see it?!”

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Yu Tong hurried over and persuaded in a low voice, “Stop arguing, what should you do if others see it?”

A piece of black cloth was pulled on the ground in front of the woman. , with scattered things on it, it is obvious that the woman is selling things at her door. Selling things at your own door is also good. If someone comes to check, you can pack up your things and go home immediately without fear of being caught.

So people who don’t go to the black market on purpose will use this method if they want to sell things.

Although it is now 78 years, a certain meeting has not yet been held. Yu Tong remembers that the first individual industrial and commercial certificate was issued in 1980, so Yu Tong is still very cautious about such things.

Hearing Yu Tong’s words, the woman’s voice was obviously quieter. Lin Huan looked at Yu Tong in surprise, and rushed over, “Tong Tong, why are you back? Why didn’t you tell me when you come back, so I can pick you up at the station!”

“It’s holiday, so I just came back today.” Yu Tong lowered her head and glanced at the woman’s stall, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

The woman had been kind to her when she heard Yu Tong’s reminder, but now seeing that Yu Tong and Lin Huan were in the same group, she immediately stared, “Why, you want to help?”

Lin Qing was furious: “This is my friend, what kind of helper! Why can’t I tell you clearly, I have already bought so many buttons from you, and why don’t I buy them? Missing this one? This button just accidentally fell into my pocket, and I didn’t even know it!”

Yu Tong gradually understood. This was a misunderstanding between the two when they were shopping.

Yu Tong said to the woman: “Auntie, my friend really didn’t do it on purpose, don’t get me wrong.”

The woman snorted coldly: “How do I know if the two of you are in the same group? It’s useless for you to talk, let her return my buttons.”

Lin Huan was even more angry when she saw that the woman couldn’t get around this detour. Put all the buttons in the woman’s hand, “I don’t want to buy it?! You give me back the money!”

” Don’t buy it?!” Lin Huan bought a lot of buttons, catching up with the quantity she sold all day today, this business can’t just run away like this.

“Then what do you want to do?” Lin Qing was about to be laughed at by the woman, “If you say I stole your things, you must let me buy them, why do you listen to everything?” The woman probably couldn’t change her mind. Come on, she frowned and muttered, obviously she meant that Lin Qing was a thief.

Yu Tong got a headache from hearing the conversation between the two, and she smiled kindly at the woman: “Auntie, my friends have already bought so many buttons from you, this one is definitely not bad, trust me, she definitely didn’t steal from you thinking.”

The woman squinted at Yu Tong: “Who are you, why should I trust you? A little girl with no hair yet wants to come out to solve the case?”

“What are you talking about?” Hearing the woman look down on her Yu Tong, Lin Huan is not happy, “She is a student of Shanghai University, she can pass the university, why can’t she solve such a case?!”

The woman was stunned, and looked at Yu Tong in disbelief : ” her? Shanghai City University?”

Lin Qing snorted, “What do you think?”

The woman was dubious: “Are you really a college student?”

Yu Tong nodded. She didn’t understand why she was suspicious of being a college student. Did college students have any privileges?

Within a second, the woman showed Yu Tong the privileges of college students.

“Oh! You should have told me earlier! It’s all a misunderstanding. Since this little girl is your friend, she certainly won’t steal anything!” The woman put the button back in Lin Huan’s hand, “Put it away, I’ll give it to you on cheaper price !”

Lin Huan was dumbfounded. What she said just now was so dry that she almost gave the woman the logic one by one, but the woman didn’t listen. Why did her attitude change so quickly after she heard that Yu Tong was a college student? !

In fact, the woman didn’t really have trouble with Lin Huan, she just couldn’t turn her head around this corner, she just thought that Lin Huan “stealed” the button and didn’t pay for it, then it must be stealing. There are a few scholars in the woman’s family.

She has been envious of brains since she was a child. In her heart, people who can go to college are the best brains. What’s more, Yu Tong was admitted to Shanghai City University! College students are good, so college students’ friends must also be good. The truth in women’s minds is as simple as that.

Yu Tong was also dumbfounded. During the time she was dumbfounded, Lin Huan had already settled the bill with the woman quickly. Before leaving, the woman hadn’t forgotten to shout to Yu Tong: “Little girl, study hard and fight for the country. Make a contribution!” Yu Tong agreed dazedly.

After walking out of the alley, Yu Tong asked incredulously: “Is the title of college student really so useful?!” Lin Huan was very frustrated: “It seems to be.”

Xie Wencheng smiled and said: “It is not easy to be admitted to a university. From a county , How many people are really admitted? You are a rare species.”

Yu Tong touched her head, really not understanding.

In future generations, even the students of the 985 University will be uncountable. What’s so strange about it? But this matter is not worth looking into, Yu Tong didn’t think much about it, she looked at Lin Huan: “Why do you buy buttons for men, are you sewing clothes for men?” Just as Yu Tong finished speaking, Lin Huan’s face suddenly changed, she lowered her head and said nothing.

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