Take the Supermarket to Seventies


In the evening, Yu Tong took the opportunity to go to the supermarket. It was very late, and the construction team had already called off work. From the fact that workers were injured, we could see how realistic the simulated environment was. The construction team would definitely not work overtime for Yu Tong.

Due to the construction upstairs, the dust downstairs has always been very heavy. Usually, the first thing Yu Tong does when she comes to the supermarket is to clean it, but she has no free time today. She rushed to the clothing area first and picked out a white shirt and straight-leg jeans. Yu Tong wanted to find a pair of flared jeans. After all, this type of pants was more popular in this era, but modern people don’t like flared jeans. She didn’t buy many of them, and they were sold out, so she had to find straight- leg jeans to make up for it.

After picking up the clothes, Yu Tong dug out a new lipstick without a trademark from her makeup bag. The lipstick is the most radiant and easy to change, which is most suitable for a novice like Ying. The way many straight guys tell if a girl is wearing makeup is to see if she’s wearing lipstick.

Of course, Yu Tong also knows that Yu Ying’s biggest problem is actually her own, she can’t think about it, and Yu Tong has nothing to do. But she has already received so many benefits from others, at least she has to change Yu Ying’s appearance. After packing up the things to be given to Yu Ying the next day, Yu Tong called the man and told him about the Red Book.

“You tell me the date of publication, and you have to take a picture of the whole book, and I’ll upload it to the website to see.”

Yu Tong wondered, “But I don’t have a camera.”

The man immediately took up the conversation, “I just recently There is a new camera, Nikon’s latest SLR camera! Consider buying it!”

Yu Tong: “…”

Didn’t he do it on purpose to sell the camera?

Yu Tong gritted her teeth: “It’s okay to buy a camera, but you know my current situation. You have to sell the Red Book and then I’ll give you the money for the camera.”

“Damn!” the man yelled, “You’re extorting money!”

Yu Tong sighed: “I still owe you 5,000 yuan, why don’t you sell it and see if it’s worth the money?” The man said without hesitation: “It’s definitely not worth it, what are you thinking?! ”

Yu Tong: “…” “Or you can advance the money for me first, and when the supermarket reopens, I will return the money to you after I have saved enough. I can’t escape here, are you still afraid that I will renege on my debt?”

The Man after thinking about it, thought this is indeed the truth. Only he dumped Yu Tong’s share, and Yu Tong still counted on him to buy goods, how could she run away? What’s more, he and Yu Tong are quite close, even if they are friends, it seems that there is no problem in borrowing money.

The man nodded: “Okay, I can lend it to you, but you must not tell others that I borrowed it. If my wife finds out, she will beat me to death…” Yu Tong laughed out loud .

This virtual environment is set up too realistically. Even if the NPC has a wife, she is still a strict wife? !

The man thought that Yu Tong was laughing at his wife’s strict control, and blushed: “You are still young, and you don’t understand the importance of coaxing your wife, and you will understand in the future.”

“I will also be the one being coaxed in the future,”

Yu Tong said. Suppressing a smile, “Okay, I’ll leave the camera to you, and it must be delivered to me tomorrow. I will hurry up and take pictures for you… Wait, you are here to deliver the goods, so can’t you just look at it with your eyes.” you can read the Little Red Book?! Why You still want to sell cameras!”

The man: “Yeah, you found out.”

Yu Tong: “…”


Early the next morning, Yu Tong avoided other roommates and pulled Yu Ying aside and handed the things to her.

Yu Tong didn’t think the other roommates were unreliable, but was afraid that Yu Ying would be embarrassed. This kind of person who suddenly wants to change herself will be ashamed to see others in a short time even if she puts on new clothes, especially Yu Ying, who is a contradictory body of extreme self-confidence and extreme low self-esteem.

Yu Ying looked at these new clothes in amazement, her eyes almost popped out, “You bought this for me?”

“Yes, I have to do something practical after taking your things. Don’t worry, the source of the clothes is absolutely fair ”

Yu Ying bit her lip, and did not answer Yu Tong’s words. Her mind is now on the clothes, so how can she care about what Yu Tong said about the source? Even if there is a problem with the source of the clothes, Yu Ying still likes them!

Yu Ying stared at the white shirt for a long while, and couldn’t help stretching out her hand to touch it, but she retracted her hand halfway, rubbing her palm against the shirt vigorously, as if there was something dirty on her hand. After rubbing for a long time, her palms turned red, Yu Ying took the clothes and held them for a long time.

Finally, she asked cautiously: “Can I really wear these clothes?”

Yu Tong smiled and said: “Of course, these are for you. There is also a lipstick in it. If you are not used to it now, you can get used to it later Use it again, keep it for now. You can come to me if you need something in the future.”

“You can buy it all? Did you buy it in a department store?”

Yu Tong said vaguely: “Well, that’s right, Wen Cheng also helped I’m a little busy, don’t worry about where you bought it.”

Yu Ying nodded ignorantly. Looking into Yu Ying’s clear eyes, Yu Tong felt that Yu Ying was actually a simple little girl. It’s just environmental problems and a bit of psychological deformity, so it’s best to get back.

After Yu Tong repeatedly urged, Yu Ying went back to the dormitory with her new clothes in her arms, and her roommate came over curiously, “I saw the two of you talking all the time last night, and you hid here again today, when did your relationship suddenly improve?”

Yu Tong said: “She asked me some questions, it’s nothing.”

“Be careful with her,” the roommate lowered his voice, “I always feel that she is plotting against Xie Wencheng. I noticed that when we were talking , She doesn’t usually listen, but as soon as Xie Wencheng is mentioned, she listens more seriously than anyone else. She also told me about Xie Wencheng’s going to the ballroom dance last time.”

Yu Tong didn’t expect the people in this era to have such a strong awareness of catching mistresses. She was both moved and amused.

Yu Tong held her roommate’s hand, and said solemnly: “Okay, I understand, I will be careful, don’t worry.”

“Hey, speaking of Xie Wencheng,” the roommate shook off Yu Tong’s hand, smiling wickedly, said, “How far have you two progressed? It’s okay, there is no one else here, only me, so you can speak up boldly, I will never speak out and damage your reputation!” Yu Tong took a look of her roommate.

After a while, “What are you talking about, we just… well, last time I secretly held his hand.”

“What?!” The roommate was horrified, “Sneaky !! Let it go.”

Roommate: “…, no, there was a female educated youth in our village who fell in love with a young man from this village before, and they went to Baomi Field not long after, and you two actually hold hands?! That to secretly ?!”

Mentioning the imaginative thing , Yu Tong felt a little embarrassed, “He is conservative, and so am I. ”

” Let’s eat, you have to have some snacks yourself. Xie Wencheng is a good man who is one in a hundred. He have a good family background and looks. Don’t you hurry up? There are some things that you can’t do in front of outsiders, and you can do it when you go home !!”

Yu Tong: “…”

In terms of openness, she was actually educated by people in the 70s. shame. Every day that followed, the roommate instilled in Yu Tong the idea of catching up with Xie Wencheng. Yu Tong felt that the progress between her and Xie Wencheng was a bit slow. Or… She thinks of a way?


Summer vacation is coming soon, Yu Tong is busy reviewing homework and has no time to find Xie Wencheng. Xie Wencheng’s test scores came down. He is very smart and knows a lot. It is a certainty that he will be admitted to the police. But he hasn’t joined the job yet, he said that he will accompany Yu Tong back to the county, and he will go to work after meeting Lin Xianglian.

Before the exam, the man also brought good news to Yu Tong. Her Red Book was the best year and edition, and it was well preserved. It was sold at the auction for 2 million yuan, and the money had already been deposited into Yu Tong’s account.

Yu Tong not only paid off all her debts, but also had a lot of money left over. When the restaurant opens, she is not afraid that the business will not improve.

After Yu Tong finished her exams, the summer vacation was just around the corner, and Yu Tong had 40 days off. Before returning to the county seat, Yu Tong took Xie Wencheng to the department store to do some shopping. ” I have to meet a lot of people when I go back, so I have to buy gifts. ” On the way to the department store, Yu Tong kept thinking about what gifts to buy them.

“Buy a Parker pen for my brother. He and my aunt have helped me a lot. I haven’t bought them any decent gifts yet. And Lin Huan, she introduced me to a big client, so I have to buy something good …What do girls like more?”

Xie Wencheng followed Yu Tong with his hands behind his back. He didn’t have anything to buy, but it was purely for Yu Tong to work as a coolie, so he was very discerning and wore a clothing that was convenient for exercise. He wore a long-sleeved T-shirt and loose pants. Because of his good looks, he didn’t look dirty.

“Ask me what girls like?” Xie Wencheng felt that he might be deaf. Yu Tong frowned, and said in confusion: “Yes, don’t you know girls well?”

Xie Wencheng frowned, “How do you know that I know girls?”

“How many girls like you?” Yu Tong counted with her fingers, “Yu Ying, Su Xiaoya, Yu Lele… Oh, by the way, you had dinner with Su Xiaoya’s parents before. ”

Xie Wencheng said helplessly: “I explained to you that it was just a casual meal between friends. My parents insisted that I go, so I couldn’t help it. Besides, Su Xiaoya is going to get married soon, what do you think she is doing?”

Yu Tong became a little happier, “That’s right, Su Xiaoya can move on quickly, it seems that you are not that good, so I can rest assured.”

Xie Wencheng: “…”

What is this nonsense? Xie Wencheng accompanied Yu Tong to shop around the department store all day, bought a lot of gifts, and made good friends with Yu Tong. At the end of the shopping, even the salespersons were familiar with Yu Tong.

Fortunately, Xie Wencheng was there, so they didn’t find it strange. Yu Tong thought that if she came to the department store again in the future, shopping would probably be much more convenient.

After shopping, Yu Tong followed Xie Wencheng home to pack his things. She is already on vacation, and she will sleep directly at Xie Wencheng’s place tonight. Anyway, she doesn’t know her neighbors, so she is not afraid of their gossip.

Xie Wencheng opened the door with the key, turned back and said, “You sleep in the bedroom tonight, I’ll make do with the staying outside, the dog will be sent away tomorrow, and I’ll pack up all the luggage today.”

“Is there a lock for the bedroom?” Yu Tong was more concerned about this issue .

Xie Wencheng knocked on her head with his hand, “Of course there is a lock, if you don’t trust me, just lock the door.”

Yu Tong said “Oh”, in a tone full of disappointment. Why put a lock on it if you have nothing to do…

Xie Wencheng didn’t hear anything wrong, he put all the things in his hand on the table, turned around and asked: “What do you want to eat tonight, I’ll make it for you, you can order now. ”

“I don’t want anything to eat.” The goal was not achieved, and Yu Tong was not very interested. She is a serious descendant, and the aboriginal education in the 1970s was about to open up. Can’t she be very interested?

Sitting on the sofa, Yu Tong secretly glanced at Xie Wencheng, feeling like she hated iron for being weak.

Why does Xie Wencheng have to be a gentleman all the time, can’t he go too far? Just… just hold hands seriously. She had forgotten what it was like when she secretly pulled him last time.

At this moment, Xie Wencheng had no idea what Yu Tong was thinking, he was busy tidying up the house and choosing vegetables for cooking.

With Grandma Xie’s education, Xie Wencheng would not dare to let Yu Tong work. His wife is married to the family for pain, how can she be allowed to do so much work?

So Xie Wencheng has always been very conscious about this kind of thing.

Seeing that Xie Wencheng really didn’t intend to “do anything” to her, Yu Tong couldn’t help but follow him to the kitchen, laying on the door frame, looking at him eagerly.

Xie Wencheng was chopping vegetables, and seeing Yu Tong looking at him, he asked curiously, “is there anything on my face?”

“No,” Yu Tong frowned, “Xie Wencheng, what do you think of me? I mean… Is there any charm?”

Xie Wencheng stopped the knife in his hand and looked up.

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