Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Thinking about it, Yu Tong has lived happily for 25 years in these two lifetimes together, but now because of the joy of holding a man’s hand, she felt shameful. But Yu Tong quickly abandoned the shameful thoughts and continued to immerse herself in her beautiful world.

In the late 1970s, the feeling of falling in love was pretty good. Everyone really liked each other, and holding hands felt amazing, pure and amazing.

Of course, there are those like Zhao Lili and Liu Mingwei who can’t help it, but they can’t help it in the dirt, and Yu Tong also admires them.

Of course, there was also a bad point in the 1970s, that is, communication was underdeveloped, Yu Tong could not write letters to Xie Wencheng, and there was almost no communication between the two when they did not see each other. Only then did Yu Tong understand why the ancients never saw each other every day, but for those who just fell in love like them, it seemed like several autumns.

Yu Tong started school in the spring, and now she is about to go on vacation, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Yu Tong didn’t have class, so she couldn’t help looking for Xie Wencheng. Before she went, she took a bag of dog food from the supermarket, poured it into a canvas pocket, and planned to take it to Xie Wencheng. Dogs now eat human food. Human food is too salty, which is not good for dogs. If you eat too much, you will get sick.

She was not afraid of Xie Wencheng asking when she took the dog food, just measure it like this, and the dog would probably finish it if Xie Wencheng was not around. On the way to find Xie Wencheng, Yu Tong saw a wooden box selling freezers, so she couldn’t resist buying an old popsicle.

Popsicles cost 10 cents each, which is basically a big ice cube, not worth it, but Yu Tong has nothing to do to relieve the heat.

Xie Wencheng has just finished the exam and is still waiting for the results. He basically has nothing to do these few days, except to figure out what to cook for Yu Tong at home. Yu Tong handed Xie Wencheng’s share to him, and squatted in the yard to play with the dog.

Xie Wencheng asked her in the room: “What do you want to eat at noon, I’ll go grocery shopping.”

“Anything is fine, I’m not picky,” she emphasized, “I am easy to feed.” Xie Wencheng went out with a smile. Yu Tong teased the dog in the yard for a while, the silly dog was played around by Yu Tong, Yu Tong got a little tired, she took out the dog food she brought earlier and fed it to the dog. Yu Tong didn’t enter the house until the dog had finished eating. She had nothing to do and could only wander around.

Turning around, she suddenly found a camera on the table. Cameras are also a rarity in this era, and people with cameras are basically wealthy. And Xie Wencheng’s camera is not an ordinary point-and-shoot camera, but a SLR camera. For people with SLR cameras, it is no longer a problem for money.

Yu Tong used to like photography very much, and she also spent a lot of money on SLR cameras. Anyone who plays SLR knows that photography is a bottomless pit, and the lens is too expensive. It’s just that after coming here, she hasn’t taken a photo for a long time because there is no object. Yu Tong couldn’t help but reached out and poked the camera. She didn’t dare to poke too hard, because she wouldn’t be able to afford it if it was damaged.

With the remaining time to wait for Xie Wencheng, Yu Tong sat beside the camera, staring at him without blinking. She looked at the camera and suddenly had an idea, she knew how to raise money.

When Xie Wencheng came back, Yu Tong immediately ran over and asked excitedly: “Do you have a camera at home? Can you use it? Can you use it?!”

” Camera? Oh, it belongs to my father. I borrowed it for two days. You Want to use it?” Xie Wencheng put down the vegetables he just bought, and looked at Yu Tong with admiration.

Knowing that Yu Tong is smart, she can learn everything at once, and she can also draw at ordinary times, so she is very versatile. But Xie Wencheng never expected that Yu Tong could even use a camera.

Yu Tong nodded frequently, “I want to take a few photos, can you lend me a few? Or you can help me take pictures.” Xie Wencheng didn’t understand what Yu Tong wanted to do, but nodded: “Of course, I will teach you in a while. You can use it however you want. It was given to my father by someone else, and he doesn’t use it very much, he doesn’t like it, so it belongs to me now.” Yu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn’t know if her idea could be realized smoothly, she had to try anyway. This was the fastest way she could think of to raise money.

Back in the dormitory, Yu Tong immediately went into the supermarket with a camera, took out Zhang Yezhong’s painting, and took a big picture of it. After shooting, she immediately took the camera to develop the photos.

The photos were black and white and very small. They were obviously just developed, but they felt retro. Yu Tong didn’t delay for a moment, went back to the dormitory immediately after getting the photo, and then went to the supermarket to call the man.

“I just got a few old photos of Zhang Yezhong’s paintings,” Yu Tong pretended, “It looks like they are from the 1970s, and they should be taken when Zhang Yezhong first painted them. Can you help me get in touch? See if anyone is willing to buy it? By the way, doesn’t your boss like Zhang Yezhong’s paintings very much, will he buy them?”

The man listened patiently to Yu Tong’s nonsense. In fact, he knows Yu Tong’s situation. After all, he is dedicated to serving Yu Tong. How can he not know her current living environment. So when Yu Tong’s nonsense is finished, men will admire it.

Returning old photos from the 1970s, really capable of tigers. But BOSS probably really likes it.

The man said: “Okay, let me ask for you. The painting you gave me yesterday was also sold, not much, 500 yuan, 19,500 away from 10,000, come on.”

Yu Tong: “… ” This oil is very worrying. In fact, Yu Tong still has some spare cash in her hands and has a total of 3,000 yuan, which is 7,000 yuan short of the goal. She didn’t go back to the dormitory either, and just waited in the supermarket for the man to write back to her.

Not long after, the man called, but he brought bad news, “Our boss said that the old photos are worthless, but he likes Zhang Yezhong’s paintings, and he is willing to buy the photos because of the content of the paintings ,2000 yuan, how about it?” If the photo can sell for 2,000 yuan, she is still 5,000 yuan short. Although it is not as high as expected, it seems to be good. “Deal!”

In the next few days, Yu Tong began to look for everything that could be sold for money. Not to mention, she really found it. On Sunday, the rest of the people went out to eat out, Yu Tong stayed in the dormitory to clean up, and Yu Ying was with her.

Although Yu Ying has a bad personality, she can still do what she should do in the dormitory. She was born in a rural area, and sometimes in order to show that she is hardworking, she would do a lot of extra work. After all, she had also been in the field before, and this job was much worse than being in the field.

Yu Tong scanned and heard a “pop” sound from Yu Ying’s side, it should be that something fell off the bed. Yu Ying was sweeping the cobwebs in the corner, Yu Tong saw that she was inconvenient, so she went over to help her pick up the things.

Yu Tong walked over and realized that what fell from Yu Ying’s bed was a little red book. The spiritual pillar of this era.

Yu Tong remembered that the year of publication was earlier, and well- preserved red treasure books could fetch a lot of money, at least starting from one million. Yu Ying’s Little Red Book meets the requirements no matter its age or newness. Unfortunately, the owner of this book is Yu Ying.

If it was someone else, Yu Tong could still negotiate to buy it at a high price, but Yu Ying is definitely not willing.

So Yu Tong only wanted to think about it, but didn’t implement it. She has saved enough 5,000 now, and the money comes in much faster than expected, so she shouldn’t have to wait until she comes home from vacation to find Lin Xianglian.

Thinking of this, Yu Tong put the book on the bed directly, and went to do what she should do. Yu Ying glanced at Yu Tong twice, feeling uncomfortable.

She has always felt that she is inferior to her roommates in other aspects, but she must be the best in terms of work, but now looking at Yu Tong, she realizes that everyone seems to be doing a good job. Yu Ying couldn’t help but said: “You young masters and ladies, do you usually work at home?” Most of them are from the countryside, like me, I have worked in the fields for many years, so I can’t be a lady.”

Yu Ying frowned, feeling even more frustrated. It turns out that everyone’s growth experience is the same? But why can’t they see that they are rural people? On the other hand, I have been disheartened all day long, and I can see that I am from the countryside, and no one wants to approach her. Yu Ying squatted on the bed, depressed.

After the short conversation ended, Yu Tong didn’t take it seriously and continued to do her own thing. She has been painting after cleaning, and there is still 5,000 yuan short, and at least 5 paintings have to be painted. It takes two days to paint one painting. When she collects enough money, it will take 10 days.

But to Yu Tong’s surprise, Yu Ying actually found her during lunch time. She lowered her head, her tone was as gloomy as ever, and her voice was much lower: “I have something to ask you…”

Yu Tong almost got goosebumps hearing Yu Ying’s gloomy tone. She touched her arm, “What’s the matter, tell me.”

“You…” Yu Ying hesitated for a long time before she could piece together a complete sentence, “Can you tell me how you usually dress up?”

Yu Tong was startled: “Dress?” Yu Ying blushed a lot, this time the voice was not only not gloomy, but also a bit shy of a girl: “My clothes are too rustic, and my hairstyle is not good-looking. It’s ugly. I used to think you were from the county, but you said you came from the countryside and worked in the fields like me, why is your appearance different from mine? ” Not wanting Yu Ying, the melanin was almost deposited.

What’s more, Yu Tong’s clothes are also very good-looking, they are either neat or playful, and each collocation has an ulterior motive. Everyone says that Yu Tong is the most beautiful girl in the school. Although Yu Ying usually doesn’t talk about it, she is a girl after all, and she also loves beauty.

After finishing talking, Yu Tong suddenly understood why Yu Ying had been estranged from them all this time. She still has low self-esteem in her bones.

Probably seeing that Yu Tong hadn’t spoken for too long, Yu Ying was anxious, and she added: “I don’t want you to teach me for nothing, don’t you like that “Quotations from Chairman Mao/ChairmanXi” very much, as long as you teach me well , I’ll give you that book!”

Seeing that Yu Tong helped her pick up the book, she saw it, and Yu Tong stared at the book for a long time. It’s not surprising that Yu Ying also likes the famous sayings in this book, and Yu Ying thinks it’s normal for Yu Tong to like this book. Yu Tong was startled when she heard this.

She was thinking about where to find a little red book to auction, but now it seems that she is going to sit and collect millions?

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