Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 76

Raising money became Yu Tong’s problem again. Could it be that she is really going to start making clothes? Handmade clothes can indeed sell for a good price, but she can only do some painting and doesn’t know how to use a sewing machine. No, it takes money to build a sewing machine, and she spent all the money if she didn’t care about it. Or, she went to a tailor?

Sun Yuying should have known her, but she had blown it out before, and now she says she doesn’t know how to make clothes, which seems to be a shame.

Yu Tong squatted in the dormitory writing and drawing, worrying all day long.

In the end, she decided to give Lin Xianglian a try with her sketches during the holidays. The holiday is less than a month away, so she can only procrastinate this month, or find something with commemorative value to take sold.

It’s a pity that her knowledge in this area is really weak. If she becomes an antique dealer, she will probably be able to pay herself for it. Yu Tong spent a whole day painting in the dormitory, probably because of worrying about money, and her paintings also have a strong literary style of sadness. Yu Tong stared at her painting for a while, and finally realized that the artist was a little troubled, like the paintings she drew when she was silly and happy, how could they have such a style?

Satisfied, Yu Tong stuffed the painting into the supermarket.

It was still dark at this moment, Yu Tong looked at the time, the school cafeteria should still be open, so she got up and put on her shoes, planning to buy two buns.

During this period of time, she couldn’t eat any good food. Anyway, she was used to eating fine grains, and coarse grains tasted better to her. In addition, the steamed buns made by the chef in the cafeteria are not bad, they are not black noodles, and they are quite delicious when chewed, so Yu Tong does not reject the steamed buns.

She put on her shoes and went downstairs. As soon as she got downstairs, she saw Xie Wencheng walking here from a distance.

After confirming their relationship, they haven’t met each other yet, Yu Tong suddenly saw Xie Wencheng, recalling the embarrassing “confession” that day, Yu Tong blushed. But it was only red for a moment, Yu Tong quickly adjusted her mood, raised her legs and ran towards Xie Wencheng.

It’s a good thing to fall in love with Xie Wencheng. It’s too late for her to see Xie Wencheng happy, so she has no time to be shy.

Yu Tong ran to Xie Wencheng in two or three steps, staring at the things Xie Wencheng was carrying. It is an aluminum lunch box wrapped in a square towel. Yu Tong didn’t need to think too much, she knew why Xie Wencheng came.

Yu Tong’s eyes lit up: “I’ll trouble you to come again, thank you.”

Before Xie Wencheng could speak, the lunch box was snatched by Yu Tong, and she couldn’t wait to open the lunch box like a hungry wolf. The kung pao chicken, the liver is crispy. “I just told you something casually, did you really do it?” A few days ago, Yu Tong was greedy, so she chatted with Xie Wencheng, who knew that Xie Wencheng really wrote it down.

Seeing Yu Tong’s excited appearance, Xie Wencheng raised his lips. His dark eyes turned slightly, his pupils shone brightly, and he smiled lightly.

“From the seasoning to the cooking process, you have said it three or four times, but it’s really just a random sentence?”

Yu Tong pretended not to understand, “There are yellow, white, and green, all kinds of colors, flavors, and flavors, you really have the talent to be a chef. ”

“Forget it,” Xie Wencheng fumbled his pocket, and replied lazily, “I’m satisfied with feeding you, and I don’t expect to be a chef.”

Yu Tong curled her lips and muttered softly. Is she that hard to feed?

Wait, why did he say feeding?

For the sake of having dinner, Yu Tong didn’t care about Xie Wencheng any more. She dragged Xie Wencheng to a corner, let Xie Wencheng watch, and gorged herself with the lunch box. Halfway through the meal, she still didn’t forget to explain myself: “I know you must have come here after eating, so I won’t let you. It’s not that I don’t have you in my heart.”

Xie Wencheng raised his eyebrows, with a half-smile: “Well , I’ll just pretend you have me in your heart.”

After a pause of two seconds, he couldn’t help but ask: “But Yu Tong, after all, we have just confirmed… that’s all, don’t you want to maintain your image a little bit?”

It’s not that he doesn’t know girls who are about the same age as Yu Tong. The little girls are not all ladies, but they have one thing in common, that is, when eating in front of other people, they always chew slowly, even if they eat meat, they have to chew two more bites before swallowing.

Unlike Yu Tong, he was swept away by Yu Tong before he even had time to see what was in the lunch box.

Yu Tong ate and drank enough, wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and said seriously: “Of course not, I have to let you have a psychological expectation of how much it will cost to raise me. Otherwise, you will find out that I can actually eat well later, and you can’t raise it. What should I do then ?”

Xie Wencheng was amused by Yu Tong’s strange remarks. He was able to meet Yu Tong, it was really a treasure.

“What can I do, I’ll work hard to earn money, but…” Xie Wencheng changed his subject, “Do you want to talk to Aunt Lin and your brother about our matter?”

Yu Tong stared at him: ” Why do I think your family is more difficult to deal with? My mother is absolutely fine, as long as I live well, she can do whatever. But your family… Brother Cheng, will your grandpa be very fierce, and your mother, I haven’t heard you mention her.”

Xie Wencheng accepted it with a smile.

It is a lie to say that he is not worried about his family, Xie Wencheng is very worried, especially his mother, who has a weird personality and does not want to associate with others. His mother only has him as a son, and he will definitely provide for her in the future. He is really afraid that his mother and Yu Tong will not get along.

But these words cannot be said in front of Yu Tong, he smiled: “Whether you can make them like you depends on your ability.”

Yu Tong said “Oh”.

No one has taught her to please her in-laws, so she doesn’t know how. Besides, she is a descendant at heart, and she can’t accept the idea of patriarchy at all. If Xie’s family is a typical patriarchal family, and she is asked to support her husband and teach her children at home, she will probably choose to jump into the Yangtze River.

“Okay, don’t think so much.” Seeing that Yu Tong was unhappy, Xie Wencheng realized that his words could not reassure Yu Tong, so he comforted him, “My father is very easy to get along with. You have a cheerful personality, and they must all like it. Even if they don’t like you, I’m still here, what are you afraid of?”

Yu Tong’s face flushed red. I don’t know if it’s because she has known Xie Wencheng for too long and been friends for so long, she always forgets that she and Xie Wencheng are already in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

Hearing Xie Wencheng’s words, Yu Tong’s whole body began to show red hearts, and only then did she realize that there was really something different between her and Xie Wencheng.

Yu Tong raised her head secretly, carefully sizing up this man who might spend her whole life hand in hand with him.

Xie Wencheng has sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a casual and kind face, but there is a noble temperament in his bones that cannot be ignored.

No matter what happens, he is always smiling, his smile is warm and indifferent, when Yu Tong sees him smiling, there will always be more strength in her heart.

She felt that with Xie Wencheng around, she would not be afraid no matter what she did. This is probably the so-called sense of security.

Yu Tong made up her mind that no matter what happens in the future, she will do her best to hold on to this man.

There are too many people in the world, and the chance of meeting like- minded people is too small. She is lucky to be one of them, so how dare she not take it seriously. It’s just that…

Yu Tong said sullenly: “I’m not afraid when you’re here, but…do you know who you are?” he doesn’t know how to hold hands, how to kiss, and what to worry about outside in this age.

Xie Wencheng was taken aback by Yu Tong’s question, and his cheeks turned red. He crossed his fingers, and his index finger was twirling nervously, “Is there anything I don’t know about this, just, just say there.”

Yu Tong questioned: ” Then when should we hold hands?”

Xie Wencheng, a big man, couldn’t utter a word when asked by Yu Tong. Although his thinking is influenced by foreign countries, he is relatively open, but it does not mean that he is also open about this kind of thing.

He was stunned when Yu Tong said that Zhao Lili became pregnant out of wedlock. How could anyone go to the field to do this? They…don’t feel panicked? !

Xie Wencheng coughed lightly, and changed the topic: “I’ll talk about this later, it’s getting late, you go back first, I have to go home to see grandma.”

Yu Tong reluctantly said “Oh”

The two got up and walked back. Xie Wencheng sent Yu Tong downstairs in the dormitory, and was about to leave after saying goodbye, when Yu Tong suddenly said, “Wait a minute, I’ll go up and get something, and I’ll be right back.” Xie Wencheng looked at Yu Tong suspiciously, and then she has already run upstairs.

Yu Tong took the opportunity to go to the supermarket, and took out some nutritional products and snacks from the supermarket.

She has established a relationship with Xie Wencheng, so she has to be filial to Grandma Xie, right? We don’t have a chance to meet each other now, so let Xie Wencheng bring something there first.

When Yu Tong handed the things to Xie Wencheng, Xie Wencheng raised his eyebrows, “Take it out of the dormitory?”

” Yes,” Yu Tong nodded with a serious face, “If you hide it, you won’t be able to hide it anymore, so hurry up and give it to Grandma for me ”

Xie Wencheng nodded thoughtfully, he decided to be a competent pot, and it would be better to keep some doubts in his stomach.

“Okay, then I’ll go, you should rest early, don’t be too tired, your body is important.” Yu Tong nodded.

This time Xie Wencheng really wanted to leave, Yu Tong stared at his back eagerly.

His figure is thin but not thin, and the faint muscles on his body form a smooth arc. Just looking at his back is very seductive. Yu Tong thought about it for two seconds, then she suddenly quickened her pace and ran behind Xie Wencheng, grabbing Xie Wencheng’s hand with her little hand.

His fingers are long and slender, not working hands, and his palms don’t have many calluses, but they are extremely gentle.

Xie Wencheng was taken aback by Yu Tong.

He turned around, only to see Yu Tong looking at him with a smile, “This counts as holding hands, um, our progress is quite fast.” Xie Wencheng was stunned for two or three seconds before slowly realizing what Yu Tong meant. Immediately afterwards, the roots of his ears turned red.

What progressed so fast, he felt a soft thing in his palm, and then everything was gone. Is this considered holding hands? But…it feels pretty good.

It was rare for Yu Tong to do something “deviant”, her heart was pounding, she pretended to be calm, teased Xie Wencheng, turned and walked to the dormitory, with the image of a veteran soldier behind her. No, she is a fighter. Waiting for someone like Xie Wencheng to take the initiative, how long will she have to wait.

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