Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 64

After Yu Tong finished distributing the gifts she brought, everyone in Lao Yu’s family had their own gifts. Yu Tong picked the gifts, and the quality was the best, so everyone couldn’t put it down. The atmosphere was joyous, and those who didn’t know it thought it was New Year’s Eve.

Yu Lele looked at Lao Yu’s family and Yu Tong happily chatting, as if she didn’t notice Yu Lele in the corner at all, and felt even more uncomfortable. But so what if she is unhappy, no one will care about her in the current situation.

After leaving Lao Yu’s house, Yu Tong walked to Zhao Dazhu’s house with her things in her arms.

She bought cigarettes for Zhao Dazhu, a beautiful silk scarf for Fang Cuilan, and some eggs and food. In short, send as much as you can. After all, Zhao Lili is Zhao Dazhu’s daughter, and Zhao Dazhu is still willing to be fair and just, which is really rare.

When she arrived at Zhao’s house, Yu Tong stood at the door with a basket in her hand, beamingly greeted Fang Cuilan who was drying clothes in the yard, “Auntie, are you still busy?” Fang Cuilan turned her head and looked over, seeing Yu Tong, she immediately said “Hey” in surprise with a sound. She wiped her hands with the apron on her body, and ran over quickly, “Come in, what brought you here? You are very busy now! I haven’t gone to congratulate you on your admission to college, why did you come here first?”

” What a busy person,” Yu Tong smiled embarrassedly, “I’m just lucky, besides, although my household registration has been moved to Linjiacun, I grew up in Zhaojiacun after all. Jiacun is kind to me, why don’t I come back and have a look?”

Fang Cuilan was very happy when she heard this. That’s right, although Yu Tong’s household registration has been moved, she grew up in Zhaojia Village after all. She was admitted to university, and Zhaojia Village is also very beautiful!

Yu Tong is about to go to a big city to study, and she still thinks about them, which shows that she has not forgotten her roots, which is a good thing.

The more Fang Cuilan looked at Yu Tong, the more she liked it, “Of course you can come back, you can come to our house to play often in the future, the room is small, you sit first, I’ll get you a glass of water!”

Yu Tong originally wanted to stand at the door and leave, but now Fang Cuilan forcibly dragged her into the room, so she had to find a place to sit down. As Fang Cuilan said, although Zhao Dazhu is the head of the brigade, and her family conditions are considered good in the village, her house is not spacious.

Especially after Zhao Lili got married, instead of leaving, she lived here with Liu Mingwei, making it even more crowded.

As soon as Yu Tong entered the room and sat down, Zhao Lili came back angrily.

When she was working outside, she heard a word from a woman in the village. It seemed that Liu Mingwei had been in frequent contact with the widow in the east of the village recently, and could speak several words a day. Although the widow at the east end of the village is not young, she is still quite beautiful, mature and affectionate, and still has charm.

Zhao Lili was terrified. Although her married life was not as happy as she imagined, although Liu Mingwei listened to her, but because he was afraid of Zhao Dazhu, he wanted to go back to the city. The common topics between the two became less and less, and the gap between them grew wider and wider. Zhao Lili has a bad temper, and Liu Mingwei lacks patience, and the two often quarrel.

Of course, the quarrel was when Zhao Dazhu was not around, and when Zhao Dazhu was around, Liu Mingwei could only endure it, and the anger accumulated to a certain level, and every time the two quarreled, it was extremely violent.

At this moment Zhao Lili was angry, she was already angry, but she saw Yu Tong when she entered the room. A trace of embarrassment flashed across Zhao Lili’s face, and she subconsciously wanted to hide.

She had already heard about Yu Tong. Yu Tong not only gained a firm foothold in the county, but also took the college entrance examination and was admitted to a university. At the beginning, Zhao Lili believed with confidence that with Yu Tong’s qualifications, even if she had the opportunity to study in the county, it would be a waste of money.

Unexpectedly, if she didn’t pay attention, Yu Tong flew up the branches and turned into a phoenix. Compared with her unhappy marriage, Zhao Lili feels that she is incomparable with Yu Tong. But she wanted to retreat and had no place to retreat, Yu Tong had already seen Zhao Lili.

Yu Tong’s principle has always been that people don’t offend me and I don’t offend others. Although she and Zhao Lili met head-on, Zhao Lili didn’t do anything now, so she didn’t say much. Of course, she would not take the initiative to say hello to Zhao Lili, after all, the festival is here.

Fang Cuilan came out with water, and when she saw Zhao Lili, she quickly greeted her, “Lily, you’re back, come on, Yu Tong is back, and she brought a lot of things. I’ll cook eggs for the kid in a while. He is getting more and more hungry.”

Fang Cuilan was smiling when she said this. She tried to moderate the atmosphere on purpose, she still remembered the festive between her daughter and Yu Tong, but after all it had been so long, and it was her daughter’s fault at that time, so Fang Cuilan hoped that their relationship could be eased.

Yu Tong smiled slightly: “Auntie, I still have some milk powder at home, and I’ll bring it to you later, so that the children can taste it.”

Fang Cuilan immediately refused: “What’s the matter, I took your eggs and cigarettes, Dazhu has to scold me when he comes back. I’m dead, so I can’t ask for your things anymore. Listen to me, drink some water here, and I’ll cook two dishes later, and you eat here tonight!”

“Don’t bother,” Yu Tong said with a smile , “My grandma has already cooked dinner and is waiting for me at home. I just came back, so I have to go back to accompany the elderly first.” Fang Cuilan thought about it, and felt that what Yu Tong said was also reasonable, and it was more important to accompany the elderly.

Anyway, Yu Tong will stay here for a few days, and there will be a chance to invite her to dinner in the future.

“That’s fine, you must come some other day.” In Zhao Lili’s eyes, the normal conversation was all about Yu Tong showing off. What to drink milk powder, she can be good for the child? Zhao Lili almost killed her because of this child! Didn’t she just say that to show that she is in the county town, has great powers and lives a good life?

When Zhao Lili thought of Yu Tong living a good life in the city, she felt uncomfortable. She walked over unhappy, and said deliberately: “No need, I am usually taken care of by MingWei at home. He takes good care of me and keeps me healthy. Well, there is no need to feed the child milk powder. Besides, don’t feed my child gluttonously, and he won’t eat rice porridge in the future, will you send milk powder every day?”

Liu Mingwei was “robbed” by Zhao Lili from Yu Tong, so Zhao Lili must create the illusion of a happy marriage, as if this is the only way to defeat Yu Tong.

Hearing Zhao Lili’s choking words, Yu Tong smiled slightly, but was not angry. Fang Cuilan is in a hurry, this daughter has been at odds with Yu Tong, how long has passed now, Zhao Lili is already a mother, why is she still like this? !

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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