Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 62

Yu Lele held the broom tightly, and couldn’t figure it out no matter how much she thought about it, she also took the college entrance examination, the questions were so difficult, and she didn’t solve a few questions at all, why did Yu Tong pass the exam? She is really so powerful, she can do everything?

The more Yu Lele thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. Yu Lele and Yu Tong have only been separated for a short time, is the gap between her and Yu Tong already that big? Not only in the college entrance examination, but also in terms of relationship, Yu Tong is much better than her…

The man proudly praised Yu Tong and walked away.

Old Madam Yu and Zhou Xiaofeng’s family were very happy, even Yu Changzhi looked happy, after all, it was Old Yu’s family who had the brightest faces in this kind of thing.

Li Xiu was not happy seeing this scene. Not long ago, they flattered Lele and pestered her to ask about the college entrance examination, but now they only have Yu Tong in their eyes?

She said sourly: “Why are you all so happy? Yu Tong has long since ceased to feel that she is from Lao Yu’s family. Heh, you are the only ones who are putting on hot faces and cold asses.” Her words made everyone frown. Needless to say, Zhou Xiaofeng’s family, the old lady’s complexion is not very good,

Even Yu Changzhi reprimanded in a low voice: “Xiuer, it is a good thing that Yu Tong is admitted to university, it is to bring honor to our old Yu’s family, don’t worry about it.” While making sarcastic remarks. Not everyone can go to this university. LeLe didn’t pass because she is not a material for studying, and not because you forced her to go to school. Look at her now, she can’t do study or work !”

Yu Lele burst into tears. Li Xiu can’t take care of Yu Lele now, and opened her mouth to retort: “Is she my child alone? I let her go to school, and you agree, what’s the use of you talking like this now!”

The two quarreled more and more fiercely, accusing each other of being wrong.

Yu Lele buried her head and stood aside, aggrieved and angry.

This Yu Tong was fine, why did she do so well in the exam, causing her to be scolded!

The two of them quarreled more and more fiercely, the old lady couldn’t help but said: “It’s a good thing for Tongtong to be admitted to university, we both have good faces, so please stop arguing here.” The two of them closed their mouth reluctantly.

During this time, Li Xiu listened more and more to the old lady’s words. Her mother told her that Li Xiu gave birth to two daughters one after another, but the old lady didn’t say anything, which meant that the old lady was a good person, and she had to be filial to the old lady.

Li Xiu also thought that it was a shame for a woman not to have a son, so she felt that what her mother said was very reasonable, since she gave birth to a daughter, she has become a lot more honest.

Although Zhou Xiaofeng failed to give birth to a son, who made her boast before. Li Xiu obediently went to work.

Seeing that Li Xiu had no intention of speaking up for her, Yu Lele was angry and anxious. With tears in the corners of her eyes, she was thinking about how to surpass Yu Tong. She couldn’t stand being stepped on by her Yu Tong again like this.

By the way, doesn’t the factory have recruitment exams every year? Otherwise, she would take the exam and work as a worker in the factory, which is a very respectable thing. And after Yu Tong went to Shanghai to go to school, she definitely didn’t have many chances to see Xie Wencheng! So she won’t have any chance to meet him!


Traffic is not developed at the moment, and it is very troublesome to go to the city, so before Yu Tong goes to Shanghai to go to school, she has to go back to Linjia Village to visit her grandmother.

Going back this time is different from the past. Now that Yu Tong is a college student, she can bring her things back aboveboard. Anyway, she has something to say.

Therefore, as soon as she received the admission notice, Yu Tong began to think about what gift to bring back for them. Everyone must have a gift, with so many people in the Lin family, plus those who are kind to Yu Tong, she has to think carefully about what to give.

It’s easier for grandpa and grandma, just send some nutrition. The key is that these young people have different preferences.

Sun Shuhui is still young, and she is pretty. She loves beauty, so Yu Tong plans to make the best fabric for Sun Shuhui to make a beautiful dress.

As for the other sisters and brothers, Yu Tong plans to give them the same things. Girls get creams and the like that are good for the skin, and boys get cigarettes. Zhonghua is a good cigarette these days.

Then there are people like Zhao Dazhu, Zhao Dazhu has helped Yu Tong a lot, Yu Tong has to think about what to give him.

Yu Tong counted her savings. In the past two years, she has saved nearly 1,000 yuan by selling things, and there is a small one million yuan in the supermarket. No matter how you look at it, she is not a poor person.

Yu Tong took part of the money and happily went shopping. Always happy when spending money. In addition to gifts, Yu Tong also bought 300 catties of grain and 5 catties of meat. Everyone at the scene has a limited supply of tickets per month, so she dare not buy too much meat for fear of arousing suspicion.

In the end, she went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a bunch of daily necessities for Lao Lin’s home.

When Yu Tong went to the supply and marketing cooperative, Zhou Yutian was not there, and Xie Wencheng looked at the counter. He watched Yu Tong pick this and that, and he laughed in his heart: “You can’t get it? You are wasting money here.” Yu Tong pouted, feeling that money was wasted in her heart. She has these things in the supermarket, but unfortunately they are not from the same era, so Yu Tong can’t give them away. It still hurts her heart to spend so much money for no reason.

But those who should be repaid must be repaid, and those who should be given gifts must also be given gifts.

Yu Tong’s face was serious: “Comrade Xie Wencheng, this is your fault. How can you call it a waste of money when you give it to someone? Your thinking is very dangerous!”

Xie Wencheng raised his eyebrows: “Is this still my fault?”

Yu Tong acted like you are right.

Xie Wencheng laughed: “Okay, pick well, pick more, and be a person with progressive thinking.”

Yu Tong hummed.

In the end, she picked up a lot of goods and went back, borrowing Xie Wencheng’s bicycle to carry them home. Yu Tong can afford a bicycle now, but unfortunately she doesn’t have a decent status, so she can’t show her wealth even if she has money. She can’t help but look forward to the coming of 78 yr soon.

After sorting out the things to be delivered and the food to be brought back to the Lin family, Yu Tong and Lin Xianglian found a carriage and set off alone.

On the way back, the driver saw that Yu Tong and Lin Xianglian were not very old, and they brought so many things back, and felt a little puzzled. How could anyone get so many things at once? Not only was there food, but he also saw Yu Tong carrying a bag.

Because Yu Tong asked an acquaintance to find the coachman, so the character of the coachman is still guaranteed, and now he is simply suspicious of the source of the things.

Walking on the bumpy dirt road, the carriage became more and more unstable. In order to relieve the tension between the two, the coachman took the initiative to say: “Don’t be nervous, this section of the road is like this, although you have a lot of luggage, it will definitely not turn over. ”

Yu Tong smiled and nodded.

Seeing that Yu Tong was quite easy-going and that Lin Xianglian was a nice woman , the coachman didn’t say anything more. Although he didn’t know where the two got so much food from, but with the guarantee of the middleman, and these two really don’t look like bad people, so the coachman just turned a blind eye.

The carriage went all the way to Lin’s Village, and Sun Shuhui led Lin Dahu to pick them up. The driver knew Lin Dahu, so he realized that Yu Tong and Lin Dahu were relatives. Lao Lin’s family recently had a big happy event, that is, his family’s little granddaughter was admitted to Shanghai City University. People in several surrounding villages knew about this. Could it be that this little girl is the little granddaughter?

He accidentally came into contact with college students from Shanghai City University? ! Wow !! The coachman was so happy that he was speechless as if he had encountered a great happy event. Not to mention the college students of Shanghai City University, even ordinary college students, he has never seen it before.

The coachman beamed and said, “Little girl, you have to study hard after you go to school, so you can win honor for our county!”

From the coachman’s tone, it seemed that this was a matter of life and death for the county.

Yu Tong was amused by the serious look of the coachman, she smiled and said: “I know, I will work hard in the future.” There were a few people standing at the gate of the village, and when they heard the conversation between the coachman and Sun Shuhui’s family, everyone knew it was Yu Tong who came back.

Immediately, several people gathered around and asked all kinds of questions, most of them asked if Shanghai City was good and what it looked like.

People of the older generation here may have never even been to the county seat, let alone Shanghai, and they also yearn for big cities. Yu Tong answered one by one patiently.

But what Yu Tong didn’t expect was that more and more people came around, and several people from nearby villages rushed over after hearing the news. Everyone’s enthusiasm for college students was unusually high.

Yu Tong thought of the era she lived in, where there were college students everywhere, and there were many people here who hadn’t even received the most basic education, and couldn’t help but feel emotional.

With these painful years creating conditions for the new generation, she should cherish life even more.


The entrance to the village is sunny and lively, even if you don’t know why, you have to take a look when you pass by. Among them is Liu Mingwei.

Liu Mingwei and Zhao Lili have been married for a while, and their child have already been born. Now all the educated youths in Zhaojia Village have returned to the city. Only Liu Mingwei, because he has already married and had children in the village, has lost the opportunity to return to the city.

Liu Mingwei and Zhao Lili were together for the convenience of their return journey, but now all their wishful thinking is empty.

Now not only can he not go back to the city, but he has to do all kinds of hard work in the field every day, and most importantly, he has to watch Zhao Dazhu’s face from time to time.

The father-in-law was terrible when he was strict. Liu Mingwei’s life was extremely aggrieved.

He stood at the entrance of the village and watched for a while. He wanted to step forward to ask questions, but he really had no position. After all, he made a move to silence her the last time, so he turned and left sadly.

Liu Mingwei and Zhao Lili didn’t have a house when they got married, and the two are still living in Zhao Dazhu’s house. In this case, it is usually the man’s marriage. It would be a great shame.

The machismo Liu Mingwei can’t lift his head up every day, let alone whether he can live a good life.

As soon as Liu Mingwei entered the house, Zhao Lili rushed over. Although she is now a mother, she is still unstable and often acts impulsively.

“Liu Mingwei, why did you come back so late ? Is there something going on outside?!”

Hearing Zhao Lili’s question, Liu Mingwei was upset. Although he has a lot of flirts, but now he lives in Zhao Dazhu’s house, how can he dare to be presumptuous, but Zhao Lili seems to be possessed, thinking every day that he will cheat, and has to run a full body check every day to be at ease.

“What can happen to me?” Liu Mingwei said impatiently, ” I came back late because of work.”

Probably because he was afraid that Liu Mingwei would think blindly, every time Zhao Dazhu assigned him a heavy task, so Liu Mingwei’s words were justified and mean to complain.

“Just because of work?” Zhao Lili was full of disbelief, “I’ve heard that Yu Tong, who was admitted to Shanghai City University, is back, and everyone is hanging around her, so you didn’t join in the fun?!” Zhao Lili said To her , Yu Tong’s existence is still very worrying.

Speaking of Yu Tong, Liu Mingwei became even more impatient.

If it wasn’t for Zhao Lili, he and Yu Tong would definitely be fine now, and maybe they would be reunited in the city. It’s not like now, Liu Mingwei has a family and can’t go back, so he can only nest in a small mountain village.

Liu Mingwei was a little annoyed, why did he choose Zhao Lili instead of Yu Tong because of his short-sightedness? Now Yu Tong is a college student.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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