Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 60

Fortunately, the rest of the attention was on dinner, and no one noticed this little episode. It’s not surprising, no matter whether it’s Lin Huan or Lin Feng, even if they are already living a good life, they don’t spend a lot of money at home every day, so everyone’s eyes are full of gold after eating this meal, and they haven’t calmed down yet Well, who cares what Yu Tong and Xie Wencheng say.

Xie Wencheng pursed his lips and pointed at the book: “The notes are quite serious. It seems that you have already made up your mind about this exam. You will be admitted to Shanghai City University? Will you stay after graduation?”

“Keep as much as you can. ” , Yu Tong smiled, “How many people in the village want to enter the big city? If they have the conditions, of course they will stay.”

Even so, Yu Tong is still quite sure, and she must have studied hard for so long . Moreover, she has planned her future well, so she will be admitted no matter what.

Speaking of this, Yu Tong suddenly thought, when she went to school, Xie Wencheng would still stay in the county, wouldn’t it be that there would be no chance to meet each other in the future?

Thinking of this, Yu Tong felt a little lost.

She can’t say the reason, but it’s empty. She used to be happy when she thought of going to a big city to develop, but now she is not so excited. Yu Tong hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, “What about you, do you intend to stay here forever?”

Xie Wencheng frowned and remained silent.

After a while, he asked softly: “Let’s go for a walk?”

Yu Tong froze for a moment, then nodded slowly.

She didn’t understand why Xie Wencheng suddenly proposed to go for a walk, but she knew that the meaning must be unusual. Yu Tong’s EQ is actually not low, she can vaguely feel that there is something wrong with the atmosphere at the moment.

Still, she nodded in agreement.

The rest of the people were still chatting, no one noticed the two of them, and they left the house one after the other.

It was already a bit cold in mid-October, but the night was beautiful, the moon was bright, the stars were dotted, and the black night sky was so black that it shone like a picture. Although this is a county town, there are still many dirty roads at this time.

The two of them walked on the small road without anyone, and neither of them spoke first. The night wind blew past, causing a burst of coolness, Yu Tong grabbed her clothes and buried her head even lower.

Xie Wencheng caught a glimpse of Yu Tong’s expression from the corner of his eye, and felt a little embarrassed at the moment.

Just now he just suddenly thought of his embarrassing situation, and he was full of thoughts at the moment, wanting to resolve it, the first person he thought of was Yu Tong. Although Yu Tong looks young, Xie Wencheng always feels that when he and Yu Tong are together, he can show his true self more.

Maybe it’s because he’s used to thinking about others first, but with Yu Tong, he doesn’t have to think so much at all.

“That…” Xie Wencheng touched his head, feeling that it was not an option to continue walking. At this speed, if you go any further, you will reach the village.

Xie Wencheng said: “Actually, I… don’t want to be the director of a supply and marketing cooperative.”

After thinking about it, Xie Wencheng still felt that this topic was the least ambiguous. Although he understood his own intentions, he also knew how to respect women, so Xie Wencheng did not dare to act rashly until he knew what Yu Tong was thinking.

“Why?” At this moment, Yu Tong’s thoughts were not too fast, “Isn’t the director of the supply and marketing cooperative not good? He can be the first to get everything in the cooperative. How many people dream of working here.” Xie Wencheng frowned. Said: “Some things are not easy, I really feel unwilling to work.”

Yu Tong glanced at Xie Wencheng. Xie Wencheng lowered his head with his hands behind his back, his handsome face looked a little lonely.

Yu Tong had heard before that Xie Wencheng went to the army with all his heart. Men in this era always have a strong sense of responsibility to protect their families and the country.

However, Grandma Xie has lost several sons and grandchildren on the battlefield, and even her two brothers died heroically on the battlefield, so other matters can be discussed again, except for the matter of Xie Wencheng going to the army, Grandma Xie is resolute to oppose it.

Xie Wencheng must be very sad that his dream cannot be realized.

Yu Tong couldn’t help but comfort and said: “You and grandma are both right, don’t think too much, the big deal is to work in a supply and marketing cooperative for a while, and then go to the army when you find an opportunity. Talk to grandma Xie, and I don’t think there will be any dangerous tasks in the future. ”

Xie Wencheng smiled wryly: “It’s easy to say, grandma has experienced many things. She told me when I was young, when buglar broke into their village, there were constant gunshots, but what should they do? There is no panic at all, they are used to this kind of scene, so it is not realistic to let her believe that there will always be peace…”

This time even Yu Tong sighed. The era that Grandma Xie experienced was too special. She had mixed feelings when she saw that period of history from textbooks, let alone Grandma Xie who experienced it herself?

Some things are really hard to say. Yu Tong hesitated: “So in the last few years, you will definitely stay in the county, right?”

Xie Wencheng couldn’t help but look at Yu Tong, hesitating, “You…wish me to go back to Shanghai? ”

Since college, Xie Wencheng has been thinking about this issue, but returning to Shanghai means he has completely compromised. He must accept the arrangement of his grandfather and walk step by step according to the road paved for him by his grandfather.

Although he got his job now because of his grandfather, at least he can still dream now, as if he hasn’t given up on his dream.

This is a question that has no correct answer, and Xie Wencheng is extremely entangled.

Yu Tong naturally didn’t know the meaning behind this question. She pondered for a moment, and then answered solemnly according to her own thoughts: “From my point of view, I certainly hope that you can return to Shanghai City. I only have you as a friend in Shanghai City. But I think this kind of thing is useless, it depends on your own wishes, your thoughts are the most important.”

Xie Wencheng stopped in his tracks, looked at Yu Tong silently, his eyes gradually darkened.

After hearing Yu Tong’s answer, Xie Wencheng found that his heartbeat was a little abnormal again.

How lucky he was to meet a girl with the same temperament as him. Just when Xie Wencheng was about to say something, there was a sudden push from the haystack not far behind him, “Hey, what are you doing? Move over there, my head is almost exposed.”

” You have been exposed for a long time, and you should go there!”

Yu Tong looked over curiously, and saw Lin Huan, Lin Feng, and Zhu Xiaosu squatting behind the bushes in embarrassment, because they were fighting each other, and there was no shelter at the moment Things can stop them.

Yu Tong: “…, what are you doing?”

Lin Feng quickly got up.

He doesn’t do bad things very often, and now Yu Tong caught him out, his face flushed: “I, we just came out for a casual stroll, don’t get me wrong.”

Zhu Xiaosu was also very nervous: “Yes, we definitely didn’t follow you two.” As soon as it fell, the rest of the people fell silent together.

It was Lin Huan who came out first, and said, “Let’s be honest, we just want to see what you two want to do when you come out alone. What kind of society is it now? We value free love, why are you two embarrassed? ”

Yu Tong blushed, she whispered: “Don’t talk nonsense, we are just going out for a walk.”

Lin Huan smirked, “Well, then we are just going out for a walk.”

Yu Tong was even more embarrassed . She lowered her head, tugged at the corner of her clothes with her fingers uneasily, and looked at Xie Wencheng from the corner of her eye.

Compared to Yu Tong, Xie Wencheng was much calmer. At this time, he really looked like a small cadre of a supply and marketing cooperative, and he didn’t even blush. The man was quite calm at this moment.

Yu Tong bit her lips, and hurriedly said: “Go then, I’m going back to review.”

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and rushed forward.

Xie Wencheng looked at Yu Tong who left suddenly, he was taken aback for a moment, but the next second, his lips couldn’t help but bend. I thought Yu Tong was a different girl, so she shouldn’t care about this kind of thing, so she is also embarrassed?

It’s even more interesting.


Yu Tong returned home in the name of reviewing, and after a hasty wash, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep. She had to go to the black market every day for the past two days to save more money to live in Shanghai, so she went to bed very early.

In fact, the market in Shanghai should be much bigger than this small county, but Yu Tong is not familiar with the situation in Shanghai, so it is better to save more money in the county for peace of mind.

Yu Tong lay on the bed for nearly an hour, tossing and turning without falling asleep.

Her mind was in a mess, thinking about Xie Wencheng, and also thinking about the future.

After failing to fall asleep for the hundredth time, Yu Tong ordered to get up and go to the supermarket to settle the score.

During this period of time, she was too busy, and she hadn’t done the accounting properly, and she didn’t know how much savings she had now.

She had already paid off the loan from the painting, and when the boss returned the painting, he asked a man to express his reluctance to Yu Tong, and asked Yu Tong in a roundabout way if he could transfer the painting.

Yu Tong naturally refused. Yu Tong has made a lot of money these days, and she is thinking about whether to continue to expand the store and hire two cooks to open a restaurant. This line of business should make more money.

Her idea of opening a big shopping mall was irresistible.

Yu Tong did the math. Although the turnover of the supermarket during this period was not as good as when the clerk first came, the overall income was not bad. She has now saved a small 1 million, which is enough to open another store.

But the man’s answer this time made her very disappointed. There is no shop nearby for transfer, so Yu Tong has money and no place to spend it now, so he has to hold back.

With this result, Yu Tong suddenly felt that life was hopeless. She counted her savings several times, locked it in the cabinet, and left with a few pieces of lean meat from the supermarket. Although the exam is about to take place, she still has to replenish her body.

People regard food as their heaven.

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