Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Yu Tong and Lin Huan held hands and left the black market happily. While the two were walking, Yu Tong asked, “By the way, you just said that you work in a factory? I remember that you are not from this county. ” There is my relative, and I am here to join him, otherwise I would not be able to pass the exam in such a short period of time. The questions are extremely difficult, and I have been studying for a long time.”

Although she is dressed in fashion and looks beautiful, Lin Huan’s character hasn’t changed.

Yu Tong said happily: “That’s great, my brother and my mother both work in the factory, you can come to my house with my mother for dinner in the future, and I will cook for you.”

“Wow,” Lin Huan said with a smile on her face with Admiration, “You know how to cook? I’ve been learning for so long, but I can only roll out noodles.”

” Don’t you know my family’s situation? If you don’t know how to cook, it’s okay, you’ll starve to death.” Mentioning the past, Yu Tong’s expression was calm, and she was still in the mood to joke, and it was obvious that she didn’t care.

Lin Huan was completely relieved after noticing this. She was really afraid that Yu Tong’s tigress aunt would leave a shadow on Yu Tong’s heart.

The two of them still have to go to school and work today, so they can’t talk too much. Lin Huan went to the black market to buy some wild game, but this time she didn’t buy any. I’ll show you some clothes from here, and you pick the one you like.”

Lin Huan said briskly, “Okay, I’ll contact my young ladies in a while, they must like it! Don’t you go tonight You forgot to cook something delicious for me!”

Yu Tong smiled and nodded.

After meeting Lin Huan, her “career” really went much smoother. But in the future, she will have to learn to make clothes by herself, or if she draws design drawings, Lin Xianglian will do it, so she can no longer “plagiarize” other people’s ideas. Besides, the wholesale fabrics of later generations are cheap, and it is more cost-effective for her to make wholesale fabrics herself.

Making money is the last word. Yu Tong hugged her bag and left happily. Lin Huan looked at Yu Tong’s back, feeling inexplicably relaxed. Yu Tong was able to go to the county to study, and she was doing well, knowing how to make money by hetself, it seems that she really got rid of the old days. Seeing that Yu Tong is getting better and better, Lin Huan is also happy, as long as she is alive, the bad guys can’t be the only ones running rampant, right?


The following days passed quickly, with Lin Huan acting as an intermediary, the few dresses that Yu Tong brought were sold out.

Lin Huan’s friend really liked these clothes, and clamored to order Yu Tong’s new clothes. Yu Tong was so frightened that she hurriedly bought a few design-related books, combined with the characteristics of the era, and drew a few design drawings.

According to what she thought before, she wholesaled the fabrics and handed them over to Lin Xianglian. Lin Xianglian is actually very smart. She can understand the drawings, and the clothes she made almost resembled the design drawings.

Yu Tong made a fortune for this. With a regular source of customers, even if Yu Tong’s supermarket closes down, she doesn’t have to worry about running out of money to eat. However, the clerk she hired was obviously very dedicated. After the clerk came, the supermarket’s turnover soared, and a lot of clothes were sold. Now it can almost have a net profit of 4,000 yuan a day, catching up with a chain with a general location in the future.

Yu Tong sat in front of the cash register, happily calculating the income.

If this continues, she will be able to pay back the money and get the painting back within two months! However, the cost of buying clothes is too high, and Yu Tong has to find a way to create her own brand.

Creating a brand also involves the issue of mass production, which is too troublesome. It seems that the business over there should be taken care of first.

In the 1970s, Yu Tong also saved a lot. After the reform/reform/open/release, it will not be a problem for Lin Xianglian to start a small business.

It’s just that Yu Tong’s main problem now is the college entrance examination. She feels that she cannot put the cart before the horse. Even if starting a business was easy in the 1980s, she must first enrich herself. This university is a must.

Therefore, in the next few months, Yu Tong still only sold clothes and her own paintings on a small scale.

The peaceful days lasted until the end of October 1977, when an explosive news was finally announced through the major media, and the entire county was blown up. People from all walks of life wanted to sign up for the college entrance examination.

There are even new slogans on the walls, saying that the motherland expects the needs of the people, and they all promote the college entrance examination.

Yu Tong was originally worried that she did not have enough education, but seeing that the 35-year-old next-door uncle who graduated from primary school had signed up, Yu Tong was completely at ease.

Anyway, she still has Xie Wencheng, the backer. On the eve of the college entrance examination, the workers worked overtime to print “Algebra”. The number of books was not enough, and they might not be able to buy them after queuing for a long time. At this time, Yu Tong calmed down a lot, holding the “Algebra” she had bought in advance, and read it with relish.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Yu Tong’s friends gathered at Yu Tong’s house to cheer her up.

In fact, there is nothing to cheer for. Yu Tong has been preparing for the college entrance examination for almost two years. She studied hard and studied hard. In addition, she already has a college degree, so it is not difficult to review.

It’s just that this is everyone’s wish, and it’s hard for Yu Tong to refuse. Taking advantage of the gathering, Yu Tong cooked a big meal for them.

All the sweet and sour pork ribs and stewed trotters are on the table. A total of four people came from Yu Tong’s family, Lin Feng, Lin Huan, Xie Wencheng and Zhu Xiaosu. These four people have met each other before, and now they are considered friends, and getting along is not awkward at all.

This time, Yu Tong did not shy away from Wang Linlin, and the table was bustling with people.

Aunt Ma was relieved to see Yu Tong’s house bustling.

This mother and daughter are not easy at ordinary times. Although it looks like nothing on the surface, it is different after all if there is no man in the family. Tongtong studies hard and is always the first in the class in the exams. Now that the college entrance examination has finally resumed, she can spread her wings and fly high.

Wang Linlin felt as if grass had grown in her heart, and she felt uncomfortable.

They ate stewed, boiled, fried, and fried meals for this meal, as rich as they wanted, the aroma almost seduced her gluttons, why is their family’s life so good? !

What annoyed Wang Linlin the most was that the neighbors didn’t react at all, and they all seemed to be blessings. Yesterday, just wishing Yu Tong the title of the gold list almost broke the threshold of her family. Is there really a good relationship between these two girls? !

Seeing Wang Linlin’s unconvinced face, Aunt Ma sneered, “Some people really don’t know what to do, they deserve it!” After saying this, Aunt Ma walked away, not giving Wang Linlin a good look.

Wang Linlin was even angrier. Just as she was about to explode, she saw her daughter looking at her expressionlessly not far away.

I don’t know when it started, when Wang Linlin scolded Yu Tong in private, Yang Yu looked unhappy, why, even her daughter was bought by them? ! Annoying!


After dinner, Yu Tong took out “Algebra” to review. Before this book was not printed, she didn’t dare to take it, so she had to read it secretly. Now that this book is printed, she can finally read it openly. Lin Huan was very surprised when she saw the book in Yu Tong’s hand, “Tong Tong, you can even get this book? God, my friend couldn’t buy it through someone else, it’s too hot.” Yu Tong smiled gently: ”

” I queued up a long time in advance, and I’m very tired.”

Hearing this, Xie Wencheng walked over, flipped through a few pages of the book, and smiled meaningfully: “You just bought it for a day, and you took so many notes? Not bad, you really love learning.”

Yu Tong : “…” This guy didn’t want to blame her, why did he come to expose her? !

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