Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Yu Tong thought it might be that every request she made was too weird, which scared the man, otherwise how could the man say such… two-year-old words? Thinking about it carefully, she still blamed her, Yu Tong said embarrassedly: “You misunderstood, I don’t eat human flesh.”

The man was dubious: “Really?”

Yu Tong: “…”

There is no doubt about it!

Yu Tong explained: “It’s like this. The sales volume of my clothes is very poor, so I want to find a clerk to watch the store. If someone comes, he will explain briefly and set the price.”

Usually, stores that buy clothes need such a role , Selling clothes is not selling daily necessities, just clearly mark the price, customers must choose the style and bargain. And finding a clerk who can speak well can sell a lot more.

Yu Tong also had this experience when she went shopping in the mall before. When she met a skilled shop assistant, Yu Tong really want to buy it.

The man suddenly realized “Oh”: “So that’s the case. You said it earlier, and I was shocked.”

Yu Tong smiled politely, and said in her heart, you surprised me.

However, this also proves that the existence of men and supermarkets does not exist in the real world of 2018. This is a space where all data are on par with reality. How can normal people think of slaughter? !

The man said: “We have our own clerks here. You can hire them if you want. Let ‘s see what level you want to hire?” The clerk is 3,000 per month, the salary is different, and the level of ability is naturally different, but they are better than nothing. You can go back and think about it, and then tell me later.”

“Don’t think about it,” Yu Tong gritted her teeth, “It’s 6,000 .” Although spending money made Yu Tong heartbroken, Yu Tong still knows how to have foresight in this kind of matter. Junior clerks may seem to have a low salary, but correspondingly, they earn less money. Yu Tong can now afford a salary of 6,000, so it is better to try to find a more capable clerk.

“Yes, she will report for duty tomorrow. But let me tell you first, when you go to the supermarket, she will leave by herself, so you won’t meet at the supermarket, understand?” Yu Tong had already thought of this, and she agreed without hesitation.

After confirming the clerk, Yu Tong read the information she had just received today to the man. She read it word by word, for fear that the result would be different if she missed a word. Human life is at stake in this kind of thing, so you can’t be careless.

After the man heard it, he said: “Okay, tomorrow I’ll go to the hospital and ask the doctor, and I’ll prescribe a good medicine for you.”

Yu Tong hesitated and said, “You just listened to it once, remember? Why don’t you take notes, This kind of thing can’t be sloppy.”

“Remember, remember, you can rest assured.”

” Really? I’ll read it to you again, in case you…”

“you don’t know that mobile phones have a kind of the function called recording?! Tomorrow I will play the recording for the doctor to listen to!”

This person must have been stupid in the 1970s! Yu Tong just patted her head and remembered.

Living in the 1970s for a long time, she has forgotten how high-tech the later generations are. But…

Yu Tong said pleasantly: “You reminded me! Why don’t you sell me a few mobile phones? If the mobile phones become popular in the future, I will definitely make a fortune. Oh yes, there are also tablets and Smartphone… I won’t become the mother of mobile phones, right?!”

The man was completely dazed by Yu Tong’s bizarre request.

The mother of what mobile phone, he is also the father of the rooster. “Okay, okay, I will definitely deliver the medicine to you tomorrow, there will be no mistakes, okay? Hurry up and go to bed, your mind is muddy.”

The man complained and hung up the phone .

Yu Tong curled her lips, not paying attention, she was still immersed in the beautiful blueprint she had conceived. This kind of thing does not need to be practiced, just thinking about it, it will be cool!


The next morning, Yu Tong got up early, picked out two cotton dresses with retro style, and sold them on the black market.

Ever since Zhang Yezhong’s painting was mortgaged, Yu Tong’s mind was full of making money. After all, that painting was a huge fortune. But Yu Tong didn’t know if selling clothes on the black market would work. After all, little girls seldom go to that kind of place, and the black market sells more food and game. She is anxious and looking forward to it, if it sells well, she can try to make it herself in the future!

After all, Lin Xianglian has studied tailoring, and now she is very good at sewing, as if the sewing is made by a machine, without any flaws.

Yu Tong arrived early, and she took the most favorable position, holding a dress on her arm, waiting for someone to come.

Gradually, the number of people in the black market increased. But everyone comes here to shop and eat related things. In this day and age, many people can’t even afford basic food and clothing. How can anyone care about whether the clothes look good or not? Those who love beauty are all young people, but why did young people go to the black market so early in the morning? Yu Tong is already an exception.

So Yu Tong stood with her clothes in her arms for nearly an hour, without anyone asking a question.

Standing not far from Yu Tong was a pheasant seller. Looking at Yu Tong’s posture, he thought that this girl might be stupid. Even if she was selling clothes, she also sold some clothes for middle-aged and elderly people. She couldn’t tell that they were all in the black market. Let alone an hour, even if you stand for a few more hours, no one will necessarily buy it.

But looking at the style of the little skirt, the egg seller is a little tempted. There is a ten-year-old daughter in his family, who is just the age of Youth, who pesters him all day long to tear cloth and make clothes. It’s just that although his family is living a good life, they are not considered wealthy, and what they can give their children is limited after all.

Seeing that this little girl is not very old, she should be… pretty good at bargaining, right?

The man who sold the eggs approached, “Girl, why are you selling this on the black market? No one will want it, so go back and rest.” The man is using a roundabout tactic, first hitting Yu Tong’s self-confidence, and then pretending If he kindly “helped” Yu Tong, wouldn’t Yu Tong have to sell it to him at a low price? The more the man thought about it, the more beautiful he became, and he seemed to have seen his daughter’s happy face when she saw the new clothes.

Yu Tong glanced at the man, she was no stranger to this kind of opening remarks.

After all, she is also a frequent visitor to the black market, so how can she not know these routines?

Yu Tong calmly said: “It’s okay, I’ll wait, if someone buys it, sell it, if no one buys it, let it go.

” You are a poor little girl, you have come out to be a tailor at such a young age, and your family life is very hard, right? I have goose eggs here, and I will use goose eggs to change clothes with you, so you go home and rest, how about it?” The Man gave a look of thinking for Yu Tong.

Yu Tong glanced at Shandan, and her thoughts moved. Although eggs are common, mountain eggs are still quite rare. If the man bids properly, it seems good to switch back and try something new.

Anyway, she just came here today to try it out. Besides the clothes, she also brought snacks that are sure to sell, so she won’t pay for it.

Yu Tong said straightforwardly: “Okay, how many eggs do you want to exchange, let’s make a price!”

The man pretended to hesitate, and after a long while, he stretched out 5 fingers, “How about 5 eggs?” Yu Tong looked at the man’s basket Immediately took it back.

Now the eggs are sold in small state-run shops, and one can sell for 6 cents. This is a black market, and with the addition of wild eggs, the price must be a little more expensive, but it will not exceed 20 cents. People who work in the city can get 1 zhang of cloth every month, which is a little more than 3 meters. Nowadays, cloth tickets are hard to find, and Yu Tong’s style is unique. The man wants to trick her, right?

With a cold face, Yu Tong said politely: “If you don’t really want to do business, don’t waste each other’s time. You should understand the rules of the black market.”

Seeing that Yu Tong was not fooled, the man became anxious: “Hey, you little girl , I’m kind enough to help you, why don’t you appreciate it? With your way of selling, I can see what you can sell!” The man who was exposed became furious, and immediately turned around and returned to his seat.

This little girl has no eyesight! Definitely can’t sell anything! Yu Tong was not in a hurry, and stood and waited for a while. A few familiar customers bought some nutrition and snacks from her, and the business was better than men.

In fact, Yu Tong didn’t want to meet people she was familiar with, but there was nothing she could do. There were only a few black markets in the city, and she walked around, and sooner or later she would become acquainted. Fortunately, we are all grasshoppers on the same boat, and no one will expose anyone.

The man watched Yu Tong sell things one after another, and the process was still very skillful, and he felt a little regretful.

He originally thought that Yu Tong was too young to be deceived, but looking at it now, Yu Tong is considered a veteran in the black market!

If I had known earlier, I would have added a few more eggs!

Although he regretted it, his self-esteem made the man not want to face Yu Tong again, not to mention that she only sold some snacks, and no one asked about her clothes!

So his analysis still makes sense. If you sell a dress here, you will definitely not be able to sell it. Why don’t you come to discuss it with him in the end?

The man raised his chin, thinking a little arrogantly, if Yu Tong came, he would give her a few more eggs, anyway, to please his daughter, he would not miss these eggs.

However, before the man had a perfect dream, his wish came true. He saw a fashionable girl in flared jeans and a white shirt coming into the alley.

The girl took only a few steps, and immediately ran towards her as if she saw Yu Tong

After walking over, she didn’t talk to him, she directly grabbed Yu Tong’s arm, and said pleasantly, “Why are you here? I’ve been looking for you for a long time!”

The person who grabbed Yu Tong was Lin huan. Because Lin huan’s family conditions are good, among the educated youths who returned to the city, they came back earlier. Communication was not well developed at this time, Yu Tong didn’t know about this, and she couldn’t get in touch with Lin huan. And because Lin huan left in a hurry, she didn’t have time to go to Lin Family Village to inquire, so she was sent back to the city directly. So seeing Yu Tong here, Lin Huan’s joy can be imagined. Lin Huan looked at the clothes in Yu Tong’s arms curiously, “Are you selling clothes here? Hey, your clothes are so beautiful, how can you sell them!” Seeing Lin huan, Yu Tong was also a little excited. After all, after coming to the 1970s,

Besides Lin Xianglian, Lin huan was the first person to treat her well. Seeing that Lin huan likes clothes, she quickly handed them over, “I want to design clothes, and I’m just selling them for fun today. If you like them, I’ll give you the clothes.” After Lin huan arrived here, the man kept listening , Immediately became anxious when he heard this.

He agree with exchanging 5 eggs for Yu Tong, so why give it away for nothing now? !

Although Yu Tong wanted to give it away, Lin huan disagreed, “That’s not okay, you worked so hard to make the clothes, how could I have any reason to ask for them for nothing? Besides, the clothes are so beautiful, if you sell them, they will definitely sell for a lot of money. I can’t delay your getting rich! How much money you say, I’ll give it to you, don’t worry, I’ve been admitted to the factory as a regular worker, and I don’t need money.”

“If I don’t need money, I don’t need money,”

Yu Tong deliberately pulled her face down, “Are you still being polite to me? If you are like this, don’t see me again in the future.”

Lin Qing bit her lip, struggling. After a while, as if she had thought of some great idea, she cheered and said, “Okay, I’ll take this dress from you for nothing, but how much stock do you have? I’ll sell it for you! I’m surrounded by little girls , they cute and beautiful, your clothes are so well made, and you designed them yourself, so why dont you sell them for 7 yuan?”

Hearing the word “7 yuan”, the man’s eyes almost fell out.

Why are these clothes so expensive? No wonder she didn’t want to talk to Him when she heard that he had laid 5 eggs!

Yu Tong was also very excited after hearing Lin huan’s words. She was worried that no one in the black market would like this type of clothes, and she couldn’t go out to sell them.

Now that Lin huan is the middleman, it will definitely be much easier to sell in the future! After all, Lin huan’s family background is good, and the friends she knows are all in good condition.

“That’s great! I have a lot of them, you choose first, pick the one you like the most!” Yu Tong hesitated a little while talking, “But if they don’t want to buy it, don’t force them.”

Lin Qing rolled her eyes: “Who do you think I am? Let me tell you, they are a group of young ladies, it’s okay to buy clothes. And your clothes are so beautiful, which girl won’t be tempted?”

Yu Tong only then can I rest assured. With a buyer, Yu Tong didn’t have to wait any longer, she packed up her things and left with Lin huan.

The man looked at Yu Tong’s leaving back, regretting too much. That dress is really pretty. Seeing that the two girls like it, his daughter must like it too. Why was he so focused on deceiving people just now? ! Why.

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