Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Yu Tong has to go to school the next day, so after returning home at night, she only went to the supermarket to have a brief look, and didn’t continue to organize. When she was arranging clothes today, she put them casually, without paying too much attention, this is to display the products as soon as possible.

Probably because the clothes are not well placed, none of the clothes in the supermarket have been sold all day today. Yu Tong had thought of this result a long time ago, and she was not disappointed. After all, her career has just started, how could it be so easy to succeed? So after she turned around, she went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Yu Tong ran into Zhu Xiaosu on her way to school.

As soon as Zhu Xiaosu saw Yu Tong, she couldn’t wait to embrace her arm, and asked in a low voice, “Tong Tong, do you think the college entrance examination will be resumed in the future? I’m going home this weekend, and I’m about to quarrel with my father about it. ”

“What’s the fuss about it?”

“My dad said studying is useless, he let me go to school, it’s because I insisted on it,” Zhu Xiaosu was a little melancholy, “If I didn’t insist on going to school, he might have made me drop out of school a long time ago. Well, fortunately my father still loves me.”

Even though he said this, Zhu Xiaosu was still a little confused.

Most of the people in the village said that a person who is useless is a scholar, and one must have the strength to work in the field. Now that the situation has changed, Zhu Xiaosu doesn’t know what to do.

“It will definitely be restored. In any era, someone needs to learn knowledge. I believe that one day in the future, education will be popularized in every family.” Yu Tong persuaded, “Xiaosu, I have persisted until now. At worst, when the factory recruits workers, you can take the exam. In this way, you can not only enter the factory as a worker, but also transfer to the urban household registration.”

Zhu Xiaosu thought for a while, and felt that what Yu Tong said made sense.

Being a worker is much better than working in the fields, at least the workload is different.

Working in the field is so tiring, and you can’t rest even when you are pregnant. Zhu Xiaosu has seen women in the village who persist in working after pregnancy, working with their big bellies, it is so miserable. Zhu Xiaosu made up he5 mind and said, “Okay, I’ll wait for the college entrance examination with you. I’ve already started to learn, and it must be useful. If it’s just a case, I’ll wait for it!” Yu Tong smiled and said nothing.

The college entrance examination will of course resume, and it will resume soon, just next year.

She also knew that because of the urgency of the notice to resume the college entrance examination, many candidates took the college entrance examination unprepared, and the hit rate was very high. Yu Tong had already learned the algebra that the workers printed in order to expedite the college entrance examination. She believed that her grades should be good.

Yu Tong’s goal is to be admitted to Lucheng University. After graduation, it is best to stay in the school to be a teacher, and then start a small business.

If she can’t have both, then she can also be a teacher at school and go back to the supermarket to do business. Just think about it.

About a week later, Yu Tong received good news from Lin Feng, saying that Su Xiaoya seemed to have figured it out and was going back to Shanghai. Yu Tong reckoned that Su Xiaoya couldn’t afford it anymore.

Recently, more and more people knew that there was a girl in Shanghai who was chasing a man. It was embarrassing.

When Lin Feng said this, he looked relieved, as if he had accomplished something important.

Hearing that Su Xiaoya had left, Yu Tong was also a little happy. This kind of emotion is inexplicable, but it does exist.

In order to celebrate, she also specially made dumplings with bread, dumplings filled with pure meat.

Since Wang Linlin was scolded by everyone last time, she never troubled Yu Tong again, and no one dared to monitor Yu Tong anymore. But Yu Tong is still cautious, she cooked the dumplings in the supermarket to prevent the smell from wafting out.

After cooking, Yu Tong served it to Lin Xianglian. Yu Tong also specially used very fresh soy sauce, paired with some vinegar, chili oil, and garlic sauce.

Lin Xianglian dipped in the seasoning, ate it in one bite, and said in surprise: “Tongtong, you actually made dumplings filled with pure meat? Also, what is this seasoning, why haven’t I eaten it before?”

This soy sauce is only divided into dark soy sauce and light soy sauce. It was many years before Yu Tong tasted very fresh. She thinks it is best to go with dumplings.

Yu Tong smiled mysteriously: “Of course it’s my exclusive secret formula. Mom, look at my skills, can I become a chef?”

“Of course, my daughter is the best,” Lin Xianglian praised Yu Tong. Tong said a few words, and then worried, “But you made dumplings filled with pure meat, won’t you be caught by Wang Linlin again?”

“No, brother Cheng gave the meat, what can she say?” Yu Tong Habitually put the blame on Xie Wencheng.

Lin Xianglian was worried after hearing this.

She has heard what Lin Feng said, Xie Wencheng even rejected the girl of the right family, maybe…

She didn’t dare to continue thinking, so she could only beat around the bush, “Tongtong, you are a girl, you still have to be careful outside. You have to think about everything you do, but don’t regret it later, you know?”

Yu Tong didn’t know that Lin Xianglian had already played a scene in her heart when she said, “Sent by brother Cheng”, and she didn’t know why Nodding: “Understood.”

Halfway through the meal, Yu Tong was not yet full when she heard crying from the next door.

The next door is Wang Linlin’s house, and the crying should be Yang Yu’s. During this time, Yu Tong has often heard crying, and she is used to it.

There is only one reason why Yang Yu cries, and that is because she is hungry.

After careful questioning, Yu Tong found out that it turned out that Wang Linlin regarded her abandonment by her husband and son as a disaster caused by Yang Yu, and she was usually not kind to Yang Yu. Often Wang Linlin was full, but Yang Yu was hungry.

In addition, Yang Yu’s intelligence can’t keep up, and she can’t tell the good from the bad, so no one finds out.

Yu Tong thought for a while, picked up a few gnocchi, threw them into the pot to cook, and planned to feed them to Yang Yu.

It wasn’t that she felt sorry for Dumplings, but that she was afraid that Yang Yu’s own mother, Wang Linlin, would find out.

But Yu Tong didn’t just cook the gnocchi, she also put eggs and vegetable leaves in it to make a pimple soup.

After it was done, she knocked on the wooden fence as usual, and Yang Yu quickly ran over, took the bowl and ate it hungrily.

Yu Tong hurriedly urged: “Eat slowly, go back and drink some water, don’t choke. Just return the bowls and chopsticks to me before your mother comes back.”

Yang Yu could still understand some people’s words, she nodded seriously , turned and went back to the house.

Yu Tong clapped het hands, going back to continue eating.

Towards evening, Yu Tong took away the bowl for Yang Yu, cleaned up the house, and continued to squat in the supermarket.

In the past two days, she only sold one piece of clothing, the simplest white T-shirt, and the money she earned was not enough to pay the electricity bill. A few days ago, she had carefully designed the clothing part, but for some reason, she couldn’t catch the eyes of these customers.

Yu Tongjin’s clothes are made of very good materials, most of which are branded goods. She firmly believes that luxury goods make more money than ordinary people’s prices, so the initial positioning is to sell high-end goods.

Could it be…the price is set too high? It was only then that Yu Tong realized that she bought the clothes with her eyes closed, so she didn’t know the market around her at all. But how can she know how much her peers sell?

Yu Tong sat on the office chair, thinking hard.

She bought the new shop with Zhang Yezhong’s paintings as collateral, so she couldn’t even pay for the paintings in the end.

After much deliberation, Yu Tong decided to remove some clothes and buy more food before finding a solution. One is to make it easier for her to eat, and the other is to pay off the debt first.

When leaving the supermarket, Yu Tong came out with a small half bag of rice.

It’s northeast rice, the fastest-selling rice in the store, and it’s so delicious, Yu Tong wants to try it.

Although there is still grain at home, the grain bought at that time was not as fine as this one.

After taking care of everything, Yu Tong left the supermarket.

For the next few days, she kept thinking about how to sell the clothes. In addition to thinking about this matter, she also had an important task, which was to get Zhang Yezhong’s case, know the specific conditions of his disease, and then consult modern doctors to prescribe the right medicine.

This was the only thing Yu Tong could do for him.

Yu Tong took Xie Wencheng to visit Zhang’s house again, and asked about Zhang Yezhong’s condition in a roundabout way.

However, this did not reassure her completely. After leaving Zhang’s house, Yu Tong dragged Xie Wencheng to the hospital again.

On the way to the hospital, she was still feeling emotional: “It is convenient to have a car. Fortunately, you are here with me.”

Xie Wencheng smiled helplessly: “I joked with you that I am a driver, do you really think of me as a driver?”

Yu Tong made a face in the back seat, “You don’t want to?”

“How dare I not?” Xie Wencheng was even more helpless, “I’m your full-time driver, so I’m on call, okay?” Yu Tong raised her lips , smiling brightly.


Li Xiu came to the hospital to take her younger daughter to see a doctor. The younger daughter has been in poor health since she was born, and she fell ill every now and then.

After giving birth to this daughter, Li Xiu has no face in front of others. Back then she boasted that she would definitely give birth to a son, which was the only way to get the old lady’s obedience. Now she is walking in the village without daring to lift her head.

Everyone said behind her back that she couldn’t give birth to a son and dreamed every day.

Therefore, even for medical treatment, it was Li Xiu who brought her youngest daughter here. She would not let others intervene, for fear of losing face.

When Li Xiu hugged her youngest daughter in the queue, the youngest daughter was not honest at all, either crying or making trouble, which made Li Xiu very impatient. She was tired of coaxing, so she said angrily: “With me as a mother, you can be content. You don’t know your little aunt back then, but she didn’t even dare to ask the old lady to take money to treat her own daughter. Now you are sick Well, at least the money is taken by the old lady.”

Li Xiu thought it was because she had done well recently that the old lady agreed to be treated.

What she didn’t know was that the old lady was exhausted and resigned to her fate. The generation of Lao Yu’s family – probably had no boys.

Since it was destined by God, the old lady can’t lose her faith just because she has to support the family to survive.

As soon as Li Xiu finished talking about Lin Xianglian, she saw a familiar figure flash past out of the corner of her eye, it was Yu Tong and Xie Wencheng.

Li Xiu was shocked. She knew that Yu Tong was studying in the city and had the opportunity to meet Xie Wencheng, but she didn’t expect that the relationship between the two of them was already so good that they both came to the hospital to see a doctor?

Look… Maybe it’s gynecology.

Li Xiu felt uncomfortable.

Obviously they are all from the old Yu’s family, Yu Tong can not only go to the city to study now, but also find a good family, life is good, and when She gets married in the future, she will definitely become a phoenix immediately. On the other hand, Yu Lele is still working in the fields until now, and she is completely out of school, and no one in the village dares to find Yu Lele as a wife. I don’t know what will happen in the future.

The more Li Xiu thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. If she knew this, why did she confront Yu Tong in the first place? It’s also good to go directly to curry favor!

Zhou Xiaofeng knew how to flatter, and Yu Tong often helped their family. Later, when the relationship between Yu Tong and the old lady eased a little, she also helped the old lady, but Yu Tong didn’t express anything to the eldest family.

Thinking of this, Li Xiu regretted it, it was all food and meat, she let the food and meat fly by herself!

***************** After entering the outpatient room, and Yu Tong went to Zhang Yezhong’s attending doctor and expressed her intention to come.

The doctor was a little embarrassed: “But you are not a family member of the patient, so we can’t disclose the patient’s information casually.”

” Grandpa Zhang is very good to me,” Yu Tong said sincerely, “I also know something about his condition. Find someone to buy something useful, and I have to come back to confirm with you. Please tell me about Grandpa’s condition, what can help Grandpa Zhang recover?”

Seeing Yu Tong’s serious face, the doctor couldn’t help laughing. A filial person is always likable. The doctor said: “It would be great if you really know people in Shanghai. The hospitals in our county are not as good as those in big cities. In my opinion, you’d better take the patients there to see a doctor. Of course, I know it’s very difficult. So let me tell you about it.”

Yu Tong talked with the doctor for half an hour, and she wrote down what the doctor said in detail, more serious than taking notes in class. During the whole process, Xie Wencheng stood aside, watching Yu Tong quietly.

The appearance of her serious record, as if shrouded in the golden light of the sun, is fascinating.

Xie Wencheng leaned against the window frame, knocking on the concrete window sill with his hands, his thoughts drifted away. The doctor has noticed Xie Wencheng for a long time. After holding back for a long time, he finally couldn’t hold it back: “Little girl, is this your brother?”

Folded it, stuffed it into his pocket, and said happily, “No, he is the Shanghainese I mentioned. I plan to ask him for help, so let him listen along.” The doctor nodded thoughtfully.

This little girl doesn’t seem to have to worry about the future, does she?

Leaving the hospital, Xie Wencheng said with a smile, “Tell me, how many times have you used me as a gun? ”

” Don’t you want to?”

“How could it be?” Xie Wencheng answered casually, copying his pockets. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that Yu Tong can even get Difficult medicine?

It seems that he has to pay attention to this matter and ask someone to go back and inquire about it. After Yu tong and Xie Wencheng parted, Yu Tong immediately got into the house and went to the supermarket to call the man.

She didn’t know if the medicine she needed was a prescription, as long as the man could get it.

After entering the supermarket, Yu Tong glanced at the empty clothing section, and suddenly a thought flashed through het mind. She seemed to suddenly understand why the clothes couldn’t be sold.

Yu Tong stopped where she was and stared blankly at the clothing area for a few seconds, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was the reason. She patted her head, quickly ran to the cashier, and called, “Hey, I want to order someone this time!

” Say it.”

Yu Tong: “…”

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