Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 56

Yu Tong made the hand-rolled noodles by herself, and also made egg soup as a marinade. The egg soup is smooth and refreshing, and the hand- rolled noodles are delicious. This time, Grandma Xie did not hesitate to praise her, and quickly praised Yu Tong as a flower .

Su Xiaoya was on the sidelines, getting angrier the more she watched. For the egg feast that she worked so hard to make just now, grandma Xie, don’t talk about boasting, that old face is almost pulled down to scold others, and now she praises Yu Tong so much? Did she embarrass her on purpose? ! Su Xiaoya was extremely aggrieved, she had worked so hard to come here from Lucheng, wasn’t it just for the word freedom of love?

What’s wrong with that? Why is everyone targeting her? !

Her eyes were hot, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled down, tears were about to flow down.

She quickly lowered her head, picked up a noodle and stuffed it into her mouth to hide her embarrassment. However, after such a short period of time, she suddenly discovered that the hand-rolled noodles made by Yu Tong were so delicious!

She don’t know how to make it, but it’s different from the ones she usually eats, even the ones made by Lucheng Hotel are not as delicious as those made by Yu Tong!

Su Xiaoya stared intently at the good-looking hand-rolled noodles in the bowl in front of her, feeling extremely entangled in her heart.

Although the hand-rolled noodles are delicious, this is made by Yu Tong. Yu Tong is her rival in love and just laughed at her for making black eggs.

Under such circumstances, how can she eat this bowl of hand-rolled noodles? ! She should take two token bites, and then pick out a bunch of faults, so that she can win the round. With a cold face, Su Xiaoya made up her mind to eat noodles with chopsticks.

It’s nothing to lose someone, who hasn’t lost someone a few times, it may not be possible to encounter a second time, after all, Yu Tong doesn’t seem to be able to cook for her alone.

The more Su Xiaoya ate, the more excited she became. In the end, she almost ate with a bowl in her hand. Regardless of what other people are talking about, let’s talk about it after eating to our heart’s content.

Yu Tong looked at Su Xiaoya’s innocence when she was eating, and suddenly felt that she was not that annoying, but she was raised by being hugged since she was a child, and she developed a temperament of a young lady, and she was used to looking at people from a certain height.

Even if she didn’t climb to this height by herself, being born well is capital. She couldn’t help laughing, feeling ridiculous for the childish behavior of herself and Su Xiaoya.

Who doesn’t know what’s going on, why did she say such vicious words just now?

Yu Tong decided to make amends, she said nicely: “There is still some in the pot, if you don’t have enough to eat, you can fill it up.” Hearing this, Su Xiaoya immediately put down the chopsticks, she hurriedly wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and said angrily : “Yu Tong, do you want me to eat fatter so that I won’t fight with you about Xie Wencheng? Let me tell you, dream on.

After dinner, Xie Wencheng usually sent Yu Tong home, but today there were two girls, so it became a problem who to send home. Of course, Su Xiaoya was the only one who struggled, Xie Wencheng didn’t think much about it.

He held the coat in one hand, and said directly: “Let’s go, it’s getting dark, it won’t be safe any later.”

Su Xiaoya looked at him anxiously, “I’m a girl too, and it’s not safe if I go back late, why don’t you care about me?”

“Did I say I invited you here?” Xie Wencheng spoke bluntly, “Since You are afraid it’s not safe to go back, don’t come here in the future.”

Yu Tong: “Pfft.” She feel that Xie Wencheng can do it he have written a monograph on how to reject girls.

Seeing Yu Tong sniggering, Su Xiaoya was a little angry, “Yu Tong, don’t be complacent, don’t you just cook better? In addition to cooking better, you look better and younger, what other things do you have?!”

Yu Tong said “wow”, “I didn’t even know I was so good, thank you.”

How can there be such a way to grow others’ ambitions and destroy one’s own prestige? When a person is stupid enough, Yu Tong is too lazy to argue with her, she said: “I know you don’t like her, but it’s really late now, you should go see her off, or let’s go together first to send her, then send me off again.”

Xie Wencheng frowned, and although he was not very happy, he still nodded.

Yu Tong was right, even if Xie Wencheng didn’t like Su Xiaoya, he still had to send her off, who made Su Xiaoya go to Xie Wencheng’s house today.

If it were someone else’s family, he would definitely not even ask, and he would do whatever he likes. Xie Wencheng finally nodded reluctantly.

Su Xiaoya could naturally tell that Xie Wencheng was actually unhappy in his heart. For the first time since she chased after Xie Wencheng, she began to wonder if Xie Wencheng really didn’t like her.

In her opinion, with her lively personality and beautiful appearance, coupled with her good background, there should be no man who would dislike her. After all, the men she met since she was a child all stared at her eagerly.

Only Xie Wencheng, not only would not take the initiative to talk to her, but now he clearly showed that he hated her.

Su Xiaoya bowed her head in silence, it was rare that she didn’t bluff. The three of them walked all the way, Su Xiaoya followed behind, and Yu Tong was chatting with Xie Wencheng. “I have to go to Zhang Yezhong’s grandpa’s house recently. Do you have time?”

When Yu Tong asked himself, Xie Wencheng was inexplicably excited, and immediately nodded, smiling like a spring breeze: “Of course, when? If I don’t have a holiday, I can ask for it.”

Yu Tong smiled and said, “Do you really want to work hard? If you ask for leave every few days, what will happen in the future.”

Xie Wencheng bent his lips and did not answer. If he could do what he wanted to do, he wouldn’t go to the county town to work in a supply and marketing cooperative.

Although working in a supply and marketing cooperative can lead a good life, it is not his pursuit after all.

Xie Wencheng said, “It’s not that you want a free driver.”

Saying so, Xie Wencheng was quite happy in his heart, and Yu Tong was more happy than anything to remember to ask him to go. Does this mean that in Yu Tong’s heart, his position is different from that of others?

Yu Tong shook her head and said, “How can I be this kind of person? I originally wanted to go by myself, but Grandma Zhang insisted on letting you go together, saying that you look good and look lucky. Oh, yes, you were laughing just now What?”

Xie Wencheng: “…, casually smiled.”

Seeing the harmonious and well-matched backs of the two, Su Xiaoya felt more and more blocked.

She dawdled on purpose, trying to stay away from them, but Yu Tong seemed to be doing it on purpose, and called her back on purpose: “Hurry up, you walk so slowly, it will be a year and a half by the time I get home. You don’t want to sleep ,Never mind, but I’ve been sleepy for a long time.”

Su Xiaoya was so wronged by Yu Tong’s words that she almost shed tears.

But she couldn’t say anything, she was the one who walked slowly today, and she was the one who had to go to Xie Wencheng’s house.

Su Xiaoya stomped her feet, feeling unwilling, but did not dare to attack.

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