Take the Supermarket to Seventies


Chapter 54

Yu Tong didn’t have time to think, and ran over to answer the phone. The man’s voice was extremely excited: “BOSS agreed! He likes this painting so much, he not only agreed, but also said that as long as you are willing, he is willing to buy this painting at twice the market price! It’s a good deal! “

Tong was still happy when she heard the first half of the sentence, but she was a little embarrassed when she heard the second part, “This is not good, this painting was given to me by a good friend, and I want to keep it as a souvenir, and I don’t want to sell it directly.That’s it ” The man’s tone was slightly disappointed, “That’s okay, the boss said, you can lend him the painting for a few days, he can transfer the shop to you first, and you can pay the money whenever you want.” Of course, if you don’t pay the money, then the painting will belong to the boss.”

Yu Tong was completely excited. Buying the store next door means that she can expand the supermarket business and make money faster! “Don’t worry, I will make enough money as soon as possible! But can I order now?”

“Of course, you can put the painting in the designated place, and I will pick it up tomorrow and deliver it to you by the way.”

Speaking of this, The man paused for two seconds, “Besides, the store hasn’t been cleared yet, so you won’t be able to see until it’s cleared up tomorrow. Don’t worry.” Yu Tong nodded repeatedly, “Okay, okay, I’ll listen to you. I want to buy a batch of clothes , Are there any pictures of styles? Oh yes, the most important thing is to send me some pure cotton white shirts and white T-shirts, I will use them a lot.”

“No problem.” Yu Tong explained a few more words, hung up the phone and finished Get down to business and leave the supermarket.

She didn’t sleep well all night and was always agitated.

Although the man told her to take it easy, how could she not be in a hurry? This is a big deal to expand your business!

Yu Tong’s heart is now completely occupied by making money. The next morning, she didn’t sleep much, and took a bunch of things to sell on the black market before dawn. There are several black markets in the county.

Yu Tong has to go back after a while every time she sells out, and has to change places every time, so she has never been caught. This time she went to the black market in the north of the city, and as soon as she approached, she saw Su Xiaoya standing not far away, bargaining with a dark and thin man.

The man is holding a basket in his hand, it looks like it contains eggs, what if Su Xiaoya wants to eat eggs? Yu Tong didn’t have time to think about it, before Su Xiaoya notice her, she turned around and ran away. This kind of thing can’t be seen by Su Xiaoya, if Su Xiaoya finds out, She will hold it against Yu Tong.

The things failed to sell, Yu Tong was a little depressed, but she had no choice but to go home.

As soon as she walked into the alley, before she got to the house, she saw Wang Linlin locking the door. Wang Linlin always got up very early, and Yu Tong hardly saw her in the morning, and she came back today because she couldn’t sell anything, and the timing was just a coincidence.

Fearing that Wang Linlin would be troublesome, Yu Tong hid aside with her bag in her arms, and waited for Wang Linlin to leave before heading home. Just as she walked to the door, she heard low cries coming from Wang Linlin’s house.

Out of curiosity, Yu Tong took a look through the large gap in the fence, probably because Yang Yu was standing too conspicuously, Yu Tong saw Yang Yu crying at a glance.

Although Wang Linlin was disgusting, Yang Yu had never done anything wrong, so Yu Tong had a good impression of Yang Yu. She paused for two seconds, hesitating whether to meddle in other people’s business, but Yang Yu suddenly asked, “You, do you have anything to eat?” She walked to the fence, stretched out her hand timidly, her small face was sallow, as if she was extremely hungry .

Yang Yu’s appearance is actually much more mature than Yu Tong’s, but probably because Yang Yu is ill, when Yu Tong faces Yang Yu, she always feels that she is facing her little sister.

Yu Tong thought for a while and said, “Wait, I’ll get it for you.”

Saying this, Yu Tong hurried into the house.

Lin Xianglian was getting up sleepily when she entered the door, she was startled when she saw Yu Tong, “Why did you go there so early in the morning ? “

Lin Xianglian yawned, “Would you like to go to sleep for a while, isn’t today still a holiday? I’ll make breakfast, you can just eat it when you wake up.”

“No, I’ll make today’s breakfast, Yang Yu is outside, She seems to be very hungry and crying all the time, I want to make some for her too.”

Saying this, Yu Tong has already begun to lift the lid of the pot to see what is left at home.

There was still a lot of rice left over from the spicy hot pot last night, Yu Tong thought about it and decided to make fried rice with eggs.

In fact, she doesn’t have many eggs at home. She doesn’t know what’s going on recently. The eggs in the supermarket have been selling very fast, and the men don’t deliver many eggs each time. Now Yu Tong can only eat a dozen or so eggs.

The man said that the eggs could not be delivered in a short time, so he asked Yu Tong to save some money.

Yu Tong suspected that there might be another flu over there. But even though there were not enough eggs, Yu Tong still took three eggs to fry.

Anyway, she has enough food and meat, and she is not afraid of going hungry. On the premise of ensuring that she eats and drinks well, Yu Tong also wants to help the people around her as much as possible. After all, this era is difficult, and Yu Tong has been here for so long, and she has more or less a sense of belonging.

Yu Tong also put cucumbers and carrots in the egg fried rice, a plate of colorful rice, very beautiful colors, full of color, fragrance and taste. Yu Tong filled a bowl of fried rice with eggs and gave it to Yang Yu.

When Yang Yu saw the fried rice with eggs, her eyes almost went straight.

Probably due to mental retardation, she started licking her lips like a child, and took it away with her hand, without being polite to Yu Tong. She took the meal, sat on the threshold, and ate it in big mouthfuls, not to mention how fragrant it was. Seeing this scene, Yu Tong felt extremely satisfied in her heart. Sure enough, it is good to do something good, and she will have to do her best in the future!

Thinking of this, Yu Tong wished Yang Yu to eat slowly, don’t tell Wang Linlin, and went back to the house humming.

Lin Xianglian looked at Yu Tong and smiled: “Tong Tong, Mom is really happy that you are willing to help Yang Yu. You are better than Mom, and you are very clear about everything.”

“It’s nothing.” Yu Tong was a little embarrassed by Lin Xianglian’s compliment, “By the way, Mom, isn’t our yard still empty? How about we raise two chickens, so we don’t need to buy eggs in the future.”

” Okay Ah, I have had this idea for a long time, and there is still an open space in the yard where I can grow some vegetables.” Lin Xianglian mentioned these things, her face flashed with happiness.

What could be better than having a daughter by my side, a good job, and farming and raising chickens?

Yu Tong is also very happy. She likes this kind of farming life very much.

Even if farming does not make money, it is very happy to watch the vegetables she grows grow day by day.

After Lin Xianglian went to work, Yu Tong immediately went into the supermarket. This time the man worked very fast. When she arrived at the supermarket, the storefront had already expanded. This thing was like a small game she played in the past. Expanding the house directly drew the grid without even leaving the middle wall, so now The store is a complete store, and Yu Tong does not need to cut open the middle wall.

The painting was also taken away by the man. The BOSS handled the matter properly and drew up a contract for Yu Tong, which roughly meant that after Yu Tong paid off her loan with bank interest, the BOSS would return the painting to her.

The man also sent a batch of clothes, the styles of which were selected by Yu Tong on the computer yesterday.

She is quite confident in her own aesthetics, so she is not worried that the clothes will not sell.

She picked out two vintage clothes and planned to try selling them on the black market.

As for the pure white shirt and white T-shirt she specially asked for, Yu Tong plans to design the clothes by herself after a period of time when she can start a business, paint them by hand, and sell them there and in the supermarket, just in case. What about your own brand?

If someone really likes the clothes she designed, she will directly talk to the man about mass production, and then there is no need to draw, saving time and effort, and she can also start a small business.

Thinking of the future, Yu Tong is full of hope.

In the 1980s when the success rate of doing business was much higher than in 2018, maybe Yu Tong get rich because of it? !


Yu Tong has been busy in the supermarket all day, busy decorating her newly opened storefront.

She found that selling clothes requires a lot of tools, such as small lamps and full-length mirrors that can illuminate the clothes beautifully.

After she finished decorating the store, she called men to order these things. By the time she left the supermarket, she was basically a useless person. She just want to lie on the bed and don’t want to move.

However, God did not fulfill her wish. As soon as she lay down, there was a “bang bang” knock on the door. Yu Tong had no choice but to put on her slippers and went down to open the door.

As soon as she walked out of the house, she heard someone shouting at the door: “Tong Tong, open the door, I’m your Grandma Xie.”

When Yu Tong heard the words “Grandma Xie”, she was startled, and immediately ran over.

She opened the door, looked at the graceful and luxurious old lady outside, and quickly helped her into the house, “Grandma, why are you here? Is there something wrong at home?” Yu Tong’s tone was anxious and frightened, Xie Grandma is getting old , It’s inconvenient to go out, she will come here, it’s definitely not a trivial matter.

Could it be that something happened to Xie Wencheng?

Yu Tong was inexplicably nervous. But fortunately, Grandma Xie quickly dispelled her doubts, “What could happen to me? Wencheng will take care of me, I’ll be fine. It’s because I haven’t seen you for so long and I miss you, so I came to you. How long has it been since you came to grandma’s house? Today you must have dinner at my house, and I came pick you up in person, you can’t let my old woman go so far in vain, can you?” Yu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not that something happened to Xie Wencheng.

But… grandma came so far, just to invite her to dinner?

Yu Tong didn’t quite believe it. However, Grandma Xie has already spoken, she is usually so kind to her, Yu Tong definitely cannot refuse, she nodded, “Okay, I just happen to be on vacation today, let’s go now? Is Brother Cheng at home?” When Xie Wencheng was mentioned, Grandma Xie’s face had a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across her face, and she snorted,

“He’s also on vacation today, so I’ll let him cook at home.”

Thinking of Xie Wencheng’s cooking, Yu Tong couldn’t help but bend her lips, this man is handsome, It looks great when he is cooking.

She smiled and said, “Then let’s go now.”

Speaking of this, Grandma Xie was unwilling, “Hey, no, don’t worry. You have to dress up before you go. Hurry up and change your dress and braid your hair again , Is there any new item or something? Put them all on!”

Yu Tong: “…”

Is this asking her to have dinner, or to go on a blind date?

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