Take the Supermarket to Seventies


It was not easy for Xie Wencheng to enter the female dormitory, so he had to wait near the dormitory, and asked someone to go in to find Yu Tong. After waiting for about three minutes, he saw a little girl reluctantly coming out with her luggage in her arms. There was a lot of luggage and no one helped her. Just as Xie Wencheng wanted to help, Yu Tong came over.

She came jogging over, waving at him as she ran, “Brother Cheng.” Xie Wencheng glanced at Liu Min and said nothing more. And Liu Min had already seen Xie Wencheng’s actions from the corner of her eyes, because Xie Wencheng looked good, she even took a second look at him, but she didn’t expect that because Yu Tong called him, he would not help! Girls in this day and age are all precocious. Although Liu Min is one year younger than Yu Tong, she knows everything. She doesn’t even look right at Yu Tong now.

But no matter how wrong it was, she had to give up the dormitory. Liu Min kept a cold face and walked home without saying a word. As she walked back, she thought about how to explain this to her parents. There is an older sister and two younger brothers in her family. The older sister is already working and pays her salary to the family on time every month, but the two younger brothers are still in school. The six members of the family live in two small room , and it is really hard to live in. She just went to the school dormitory to live, and now she returns suddenly, and her mother will definitely be angry. Thinking of her mother’s angry face and her younger brothers’ unhappy faces, Liu Min sighed heavily.


There are a lot of willow trees planted on the campus, the sky is blue, the clouds are floating, the green trees are full of vitality, and the scenery is very good. Yu Tong ran downstairs and gave Xie Wencheng a big smile. Now Xie Wencheng is her savior, she has to be good to Xie Wencheng.

Xie Wencheng smiled when he saw Yu Tong’s appearance, “How is the new dormitory? The conditions are not very good, just bear with it and look for a house later. By the way, isn’t Aunt Lin here with you?”

” She helped me make the bed,” Yu Tong said flatteringly, “As soon as I heard you coming, I would be the first to come out to greet you!”

Xie Wencheng: “…”

It was good that I didn’t know Yu Tong’s secrets before, but now I understand a little bit, why did this little girl…become a different person?

“Can you stop talking like that?” Xie Wencheng was slightly disgusted, “I won’t dare to come here in the future.”

“Don’t!” Yu Tong said with a cute face, “I will still count on you to pick up my mother to the city from now on.”

Xie Wencheng smiled: “Have you considered what to do? What kind of work will Aunt Lin do?”

“Maybe go to the factory to sweep the floor or something, or go to the cafeteria… well, the cafeteria The job is too hot, so it’s definitely not good for mother . But it’s okay, I’ll save money first, and get her to the city first, it seems that I have to have a job to rent a house, right?” The last sentence was Yu Tong asking Wen Cheng, as she still doesn’t understand some things very well.

Xie Wencheng nodded: “Or a letter of introduction is fine.”

Yu Tong’s eyes lit up. It turns out that with a letter of introduction, you can rent a house in the county seat. Isn’t that difficult? Just ask Zhao Dazhu to open one!

But… Lin Xianglian will not have a job at that time, and the two of them will die of hunger, which will definitely arouse others’ suspicion. Or look for job insurance.

Yu Tong sighed: “Brother Cheng, I’m afraid it will be a long time before I can pay you back the money I owe you. I have to save some money to take care of my mother’s work.”

“No hurry,” Xie Wencheng said with a smile “It’s fine if you don’t die of hunger. By the way, Lin Feng will come over at night. Tell Aunt Lin not to leave, and go to the dormitory to pack up then I’ll take you to find Lin Feng and have dinner together.”

Yu Tong smiled and said: “I found out why you always hang out with us.”

Xie Wencheng said in distress: ” it’s that I’m too a jerk, and I don’t have any friends here, only Lin Feng knows me and I’m bored so I have to join the crowd to have some fun.”

Yu Tong doesn’t believe Xie Wencheng’s words, he has such a good personality, he must have a lot of friends, Yu Tong made a grimace: “Isn’t grandma still there?”

“Grandma?” Xie Wencheng blinked, realizing that Yu Tong was talking about his Grandma, he asked in a low voice, “I just remembered you mentioned grandma, do you have any good things to sell to me?”

Xie Wencheng asked too bluntly, and Yu Tong was a little embarrassed, It’s a big deal in this day and age, and it’s over if you catch it.

Yu Tong blushed, paying attention to the people around her, and also said in a low voice: “Well, don’t tell others, Brother Feng can’t know it either, I have… eggs.”

“Eggs?” Xie Wencheng never heard of that.

Yu Tong nodded: “It’s a very nutritious thing, protein, eggs or something,it’s specially made to nourish the body of the elderly, but I can’t give it to you now, I have to go get it.”

It looks like a small warehouse. Otherwise, I can’t… Tell Xie Wencheng, I brought a small supermarket here, right? Alas, these days, things can’t be presented openly, life is really hard!


As the evening approached, Lin Feng got off work and came to join Yu Tong and the others. They went to the state-run restaurant together, the one that Lin Feng took Yu Tong to eat last time.

Probably because Lin Xianglian was here, Lin Feng beckoned for a few big dishes, afraid that he won’t have money Lin Xianglian stopped again and again: “Xiao Feng, this much is enough , don’t order too much.”

“It’s okay, you can eat as much as you want,” Lin Feng smiled gently, “I’ll listen to you here.”

“But this money…”

“My salary is still enough.” Lin Feng said, “Aunt, in the future, Tongtong will be admitted to a good university, and you will be able to live a good life accordingly. Don’t worry.”

He looked at Yu Tong, “Show your mom.”

Yu Tong immediately sat up straight, with a serious face: “I will study hard, get admitted to university, and come back to honor you!”

Xie Wencheng was amused by Yu Tong’s serious look, and he asked: “You go directly to the second year of junior high school, can you keep up with the curriculum?”

Although he has seen Yu Tong’s ability, Xie Wencheng is still somewhat worried. “Why don’t you take some time to teach Tongtong?” Lin Feng was also a little worried, “Tongtong hasn’t been to school for so many years, I’m afraid she won’t be able to keep up and struggle. Didn’t you get good grades when you went to school? Help her Make up lessons?”

Xie Wencheng looked at Yu Tong: “Do you want to make up lessons?”

Yu Tong thought about it, and felt that making up lessons seems to be quite reliable, after all, what she knows now is all modern studies. If there is any difference in her knowledge points, it will be bad if she gets it wrong.

But Yu Tong can’t act too “hungry”, she smiled shyly: “No, it’s too much trouble for you.” Xie Wencheng was amused by Yu Tong: “If I follow your words, what should I do ? Not help you ?”

“How is it possible!” Yu Tong raised her eyebrows, smiling cutely, “You should definitely say it’s no trouble.”

Now, everyone at the table laughed. Lin Xianglian looked at her daughter with a smile, and she was glad that she had listened to her daughter, otherwise how would she have a good life today? This little clever ghost, I really don’t know who she inherited it from.


After dinner, Xie Wencheng sent Lin Xianglian to his uncle’s house, while Yu Tong went directly to the dormitory to rest. The teacher’s dormitory is not far from the student dormitory, and the teacher came to check every night.

There are a total of 6 little girls living in the dormitory, all of them are from the village with good conditions, are willing to study themselves, and passed the exam through hard work.

Except for Zhu Xiaosu, none of the others had spoken to Yu Tong. After Yu Tong returned to the dormitory, she gave them the dumplings packed in the restaurant one by one.

She knows how to please people, and in a new environment, she doesn’t want to repeat the old Yu’s life, so it’s better for everyone to be harmonious.

Zhu Xiaosu is a carefree woman, and Yu Tong gave things over and over again, so she felt guilty to only eat yu tong’s, hence took out the biscuits that she had treasured for a long time,

“Come on, let’s eat together, to welcome Tongtong tonight, and it will be Chinese New Year. ”

Indeed, some things are only available during the Chinese New Year, and biscuits are not cheap either. They are all fourteen-year-old girls. They were originally shy and embarrassed to say hello because they didn’t know each other. Now that Zhu Xiaosu is leading the line, everyone slowly came together and chatted with Yu Tong.

“Why do you have so many good things? My family is in a good condition in the village, still I dare not go to a restaurant.”

“That’s right, the candy at noon is really delicious. I ate half of it and kept the other half in my pocket.”

“Oh No, the sugar will melt in such a hot day, you should eat it quickly.”

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Yu Tong was relieved, and she smiled and replied, “My brother bought it for me. , he works in a factory in the county.”

“It’s so good,” someone envied, “I don’t have any relatives in the city, and don’t have a place to go every holiday.”

Yu Tong said: “In the future, we will work hard together and stay in the city and bring our parents over here.”

“Yes! We must study hard! My parents support me to study.”

” Yes, at my age, girls have to go to work in the village ”

“Hey, it’s lucky to be able to go to school, we can’t just hang around.”

I have to say that people in the 1970s were still very excited about being positive, and living with this group of people, Yu Tong felt that The whole body is full of energy. After eating “Supper”, Yu Tong washed her face and went to bed contentedly.

Living in a dormitory has both advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that she can no longer get things from the supermarket casually, so she has to work hard to bring Lin Xianglian back.

Yu Tong was tired all day, and as soon as her body touched the bed, she was extremely sleepy.

She was thinking about these things in a daze, and was about to fall asleep, when she suddenly heard a “prick” sound from the bed board under her body. Yu Tong was startled in sleep, turned over, and forced herself tosit up. , the sound of wood breaking was even louder, and before Yu Tong could react, the bed board under her was completely broken.

Fortunately, the wooden planks were not completely cracked, and Yu Tong’s bed was low, which prevented her from falling, but one side of her body sank, which was a bit scary. This accident made her have a psychological shadow on the bed of this era. The quality is so bad? The sound of wood breaking woke up the rest of the dormitory. Everyone got up from the bed and looked at Yu Tong under the moonlight. Afraid of disturbing the sleep in the opposite dormitory, they could only ask softly: “What’s wrong, what happened?”

“The bed is broken.” Yu Tong was a little depressed. It was too unlucky for this to happen on the first day of school. “It seems to have collapsed, and I couldn’t sleep.”

Yu Tong got out of bed in the dark and turned on the light. At Lao Yu’s house, the lights were turned off collectively. Yu Tong was not used to going to bed early, and had always lived by kerosene lamps. Now that she could use electricity at this hour, Yu Tong was a little touched.

However, in the 1980s, no one wanted to do it after the division of electricity, and they didn’t want to lose money. Everyone lived without lights for a few years.

The light was weak, but it could fill the entire room. Yu Tong turned on the light and realized that the bed board didn’t seem to be broken naturally. There are no signs of corrosion, but instead there are almost straight scratches, as if someone had deliberately scratched them with a sharp object who can do such a thing?

As soon as Zhu Xiaosu saw the scratch, she immediately took to the street and scolded: “Damn, Liu Min is too vicious. How could she do such a thing?! She can’t live in herself, and won’t let others live in?!” Yu Tong’s heart skipped a beat

Strangely, her first reaction was not to be angry, but to think about how big a crime it is to destroy public property in this era. It seems not light.

Among them, Zhu Xiaosu had the straightest temper. She really wanted to go directly to the teacher and the principal to complain, but she hesitated considering the serious consequences of the incident. This is vandalism, If I let the principal know… Liu Min’s future is probably ruined too.

Yu Tong picked up the mattress, looked at the bed board that was about to break down, her brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

She thought that Liu Min would be unhappy, and she also understood her unhappiness. Although the dormitory was not her home, she lived there all the time, and it was inevitable that she would feel emotional when she was suddenly moved out. People are selfish, and so is Yu Tong herself. It’s just that she didn’t expect Liu Min to do this.

Yu Tong asked: “What’s the situation with Liu Min, why did she do such a thing?”

Zhu Xiaosu also had a sad face: “her family has a lot of children, and her parents are patriarchal so she doesn’t want to go home. Her family condition is actually very difficult, and she has no status in the family. We all know this, but she is high-spirited and doesn’t want us to know. We all pretend that we don’t understand anything. Now to go home, she probably…would be uncomfortable.”

That’s how it turned out. From what it sounds like, Yu Tong understands why Liu Min’s temperament is so extreme. Human growth is inseparable from the original family. If Yu Tong’s original family was like this, her temper would probably not be much better.

Just as she was thinking about it, there was a scolding voice in the corridor: “Why are the lights still on at this point?” Ordinary county middle schools do not have dormitories, and dormitories are a luxury, but the economic conditions of this county are slightly better than other counties.

The principal is also a good principal who truly considers the children, so the students can live in two rooms. Fearing that something might happen to the students, the principal arranged for the teachers to take turns on duty. It is estimated that the movement in the room startled the teacher on duty. Hearing the scolding, none of them opened their mouths, and ran to the bed tacitly.

Yu Tong was no exception, but she half supported her body and did not dare to lie on the bed, for fear that the bed would collapse even more. Zhu Xiaosu, who was the closest to the light, quickly turned off the light and jumped back into the bed. The teacher opened the door and came in just two seconds after the light was turned off.

“What are you doing?” It was Zhu Xiaosu who poked her head out to speak.

The teacher laughed angrily at her: “why did you get up and turn on the light are you not feeling well?” The teacher walked in while talking, and reached out to touch Zhu Xiaosu’s forehead, ” you don’t have fever.”

“I have a stomachache,” Zhu Xiaosu hugged the quilt, A look of pain.

It can be seen that Zhu Xiaosu pretended to be sick and was already familiar with the road. Although the teacher saw that she was not sick, she didn’t say much, just smiled and blamed: “How many places can supply you with such electricity these days? Our principal is going bankrupt because of you, please save some money for him, okay ?”

Zhu Xiaosu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. The teacher straightened up, looked around, and when her eyes passed Yu Tong, she stopped for two seconds on her body.

Yu Tong’s heart was suspended in an instant, she didn’t dare to move, she put her legs on the quilt to cover the sunken part of the bed, for fear that the teacher would see the flaw. However, the teacher looked at Yu Tong as if she saw something.

Although Yu Tong did not do this, but thinking of the terrible consequences, Yu Tong was also terrified. For the first time, she was so nervous that her back started to sweat and the mattress was wet.

With a simple and innocent little face, Yu Tong looked at the teacher, trying to get away with her suspicion. The teacher’s brows became tighter and tighter. This made Yu Tong feel even more guilty. She was in a hurry to go to bed just now, and she didn’t know whether she was covering up tightly. If the teacher saw it, it would be really bad.

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