SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire


Chapter 41

The sound of Yu Yi was not too high and not too low, just enough for everyone to hear.

The dropping temperature in the room caused Tang Mi to shake the hand with the chopsticks and smiled dryly: “CEO Yu is so humorous.”

“I am not kidding.” Yu Yi picked up a spoonful of tomato roast beef and handed it to Tang Mi’s mouth. “The sauce is very rich and the taste should be good.”

Tang Mi: “…”

The eyes of the surrounding female colleagues were tied to her, and the male colleagues looked at them with a look of watching an opera.

Tang Mi picked up the water cup next to her and sipped: “I don’t like to eat tomatoes, CEO Yu eat it yourself.”

Yu Yi silently held the spoon, and took back the tomato roast beef into his own mouth: “Well, the quality of the staff meal is not bad.”

The chef who received the praise stood proudly: “Thank you for your compliment, I will continue to work hard!”

Female colleagues use their eyes to make silent communication – was CEO Yu here to examine the quality of employee meals?

Because of the appearance of Yu Yi, people who had been particularly energetic when they eat, at that moment did not dare to talk casually. This lunch was particularly quiet.

After the meal, he returned to the office, but before he left, he added another sentence: “Tang Mi came to my office.”

Tang Mi: “…”

This kind of “come to my office after class” made Tang Mi miss the head teacher in junior high school.

In the eyes of her colleagues with envious or examining or sympathetic looks, she like the clouds drifted into the office of CEO Yu.

Yu Yi was looking at the laptop in front of him. When Tang Mi came in, he called her to sit opposite. Luo Hao went out appropriately and did not want to be a single dog that was slaughtered.

He now only wanted to hurry to find someone to talk about love, otherwise he may not be able to continue.

After Luo Hao left, there were only two people in the room, Tang Mi and Yu Yi.

The feeling of oppression from Yu Yi was too strong, and Tang Mi uncomfortably moved her ass.

The gaze of Yu Yi was mixed with unpleasantness: “Are you not willing to let others know about our relationship?”

Tang Mi’s heart jumped and said: “No, it’s just that your identity is a bit special. I don’t know how to face the people around me.”

Looking at her, the beautiful eyes cast a layer of shallow fog. He closed his eyes for a while and said to Tang Mi: “If you are not ready, I can temporarily not disclose our relationship. But since I confess to you, I have no intention of falling in love with you secretly.”

Tang Mi felt like that she was insulted , eagerly clarifying: “Of course! I am not that kind of person who is not responsible after eating!”

Yu Yi paused and smiled softly: “What have you eaten?”

“Hey…” Tang Mi’s ear tip gradually became red, and said strongly “After all, we kissed!”

Yu Yi smiled. He got up from the boss’s chair, walked around the desk, and held his hands on the armrests of Tang Mi’s seat and circled her in his arms: “Our relationship can go further.”

Tang Mi subconsciously shrank into the chair and smiled at him: “I think it’s good now, huh, huh.”

“I don’t think it’s good…” Yu Yi slowly approached her, as if he was tempted by the faint creamy aroma of her body and covered her lips.

Tang Mi’s lips were softer than the hurricane cake, he took a bite, and gently opened her teeth, and the tip of his tongue dipped in.

Tang Mi’s heart beat like a drum. She had been tempted by the tip of his tongue for countless times. When she watched him taste the cake, her heart was always itchy. Now the most critically-accepted tongue in the sector was just picking around in her mouth, and Tang Mi can’t help but wrap it up.

After the long kiss, both people were a little breathless.

Tang Mi panted and smiled and looked at Yu Yi: “How is the taste? Can you pass it?”

With a sneer, the lips of Yu Yi inadvertently rubbed the corners of Tang Mi’s mouth: “It’s sweeter than any cake I have ever eaten.”

Tang Mi listened with joy, and he gently licked her red lips and asked, “What is the taste of my kiss?”

Tang Mi said: “Mustard flavor.”


“Well, I want to shed tears, but I can’t stop.”

Yu Yi thought about it and looked at Tang Mi and said: “I will give you a strawberry-flavored kiss next time.”

Tang Mi couldn’t help but laugh : “Can you give me every taste of kiss?”

“As you wish.” Yu Yi said, and bowed his head and kissed her lips.

When Tang Mi came out of the office, Luo Hao’s eyes swept from her lips intentionally or unintentionally. Tang Mi’s face burned and squinted and ran away.

Luo Hao: “…”

Even if he stood so far, he can’t avoid the fate of eating dog food.

It seemed that falling in love was imminent.

Yu Yi stayed in Sweet Dream for three days, and all kinds of rumors finally spread throughout the company. Among them, the most circulated, it is that he had a romantic relationship with a certain employee of Sweet Dream.

As the highest suspect of “a certain employee”, Tang Mi received greeting from all sides. She insisted on the attitude of not admitting and not denying.

This rumor even spread to the ears of Yu Yi’s parents. After all, this move of Yu Yi was really out of place.

Yu Yi’s mother asked Yu Yi’s father to discuss this matter, fearing that rumors would spread to Bai Xiao’s ears, which would affect the marriage of the two families.

Yu Yi’s father didn’t worry much, and he was indifferent from Yu Yi’s childhood. He didn’t believe that he would love a certain employee in the restaurant. So he comforted Yu Yi’s mother. This was just a rumor, and he believed that Bai Xiao would not care.

Yu Yi’s mother didn’t have such a inclusive heart, and she knew woman better. Even if she didn’t say, it didn’t mean that she really didn’t mind. Some things were still good to be prepared for the rain.

On the fourth day of Yu Yi working in the Swetlet Dream, Tang Mi persuaded him and analyzed the pros and cons from all aspects, and finally Yu Yi returned to the company head office.

When Yu Yi went, his face was not so good. After sitting in Bentley, he did not say a word. Luo Hao did not dare to provoke him, silently let the driver drive.

Tang Mi watched his car go far and sneaked to the side to edit the WeChat to him: “Gou Dan, good boy …”

After editing these four words, Tang Mi was quickly emptied it in horror, Jesus, she almost called CEO Yu Gou Dan! so dangerous!

So the WeChat Yu Yi received was only the second half –

Sweetheart: I will Give you a strawberry flavoured kiss! =3=

Yu Yi’s brow moved and edited a reply.

Gou Dan::(

Tang Mi looked at this pitiful expression and almost laughed to stomachache.

The phone in her arms shook again. Tang Mi opened, and saw that it was still a message sent by Yu Yi.

Gou Dan: Add a creamy flavor and repay it the next time we meet.

Tang Mi smiled and edited a kiss, plus four characters: “Working hard!”

During this time, Fu Xin’s magazine just reported the plan of the dessert site, and the Yu’s group suddenly became the center of the topic, and even the stocks continued to rise.

Although the decoration of Starlight Plaza was almost completed, there were still many issues in each dessert site that needed to be decided by Yu Yi himself. It was too inefficient to stay in Sweet Dream. Therefore, despite the unwillingness of Yu Yi’s heart, he returned to the head office under the persuasion of Tang Mi.

The plan of the dessert site was unanimously optimistic by the major media and sector insiders. As a magazine that disclosed the news, the sales volume had also turned over several times. Tang Mi thought, Fu Xin finally set sail on the journey of promotion and salary increase!

However, things were not as good as she imagined.

On this day, she came home from work happily and found that the lights in the living room turned out to be black. In the past, when she got off work, Fu Xin was already sitting in the living room watching TV.

She turned on the lights in the living room and shouted at Fu Xin’s room: “Fu Xin, are you back?”

No one answered her, Tang Mi frowned, thinking that she had a promotion and a successful salary increase, so she invited colleagues to go out for fun?

If this was the case, she should call to inform her, although they are still in the cold war.

Tang Mi stood in the living room for a while, or gave Fu Xin a call. The phone rang for half a minute before it was picked up by Fu Xin: “Tang Tang …”

Tang Mi: “…”

Even if she ignored the noisy back sound, she can hear the sound of Fu Xin then, and knew that Fu Xin were drunk again.

Tang Mi sighed and asked: “Where are you? Are you with your colleagues?”

Fu Xin made another hiccup and replied: “No, I am alone, in Qingnan Lane.”

A famous bar street in A city.

The bar that Fu Xin went to was the highest-end. It was said that it required three digits to go in just for a cup of boiled water.

This girl really acquired promotion and salary increase, right?

Although Tang Mi did not like a place like a bar, she can only go to find Fu Xin now. Before leaving, she also specially changed a set of less rustic clothes, for fear that she was stopped at the door of the bar.

The bar was the same as the rumor, looking at many foreigners, the black-skinned, white-skinned green-haired green eyes…

It was because of such a rich resource that the consumption of this bar was particularly expensive.

Tang Mi found Fu Xin on a small circular sofa. She had two empty bottles in front of her. Tang Mi walked over to her and sat down, raising her voice and asking, “What happened to you?”

Fu Xin was half-awake and looked at her with a half bottle of wine left in her hand: “Come, drink with me!”

Tang Mi frowned. This look was not like a promotion and a salary increase. It was more like to drink for comfort.

Tang Mi put down the glass and asked again: “What happened to you? Did your boss not give you a promotion and a raise? Even if you don’t have it, you needn’t be like this.”

She didn’t expect to mention this, Fu Xin’s temper suddenly came up: “Hey! She won’t give me a promotion and a raise, but gave other people a promotion and a raise! I know that the old woman is jealous of me!”

Tang Mi: “…”

Fu Xin continued: “I worked hard to get an interview, and they all took advantage of me! I got a ‘Continue to work hard’ and a red envelope of 3,000 Yuan ! What is this! Sealing fee?”

Tang Mi frowned and lifted her from the sofa: “Let’s go back and talk, it’s too messy here.”

Fu Xin swayed and threw off her: “I won’t leave, let me get drunk here and die!”

Tang Mi: “…”

Fu Xin was now emotional, she can’t drag her, so she had no choice but to sit next to her for a while.

A black man followed the beat of the bar music and walked over to them, saying to them in awkward Chinese: “Ni Hao(Hello).”

Tang Mi smiled awkwardly and pretended not to understand. Fu Xin was drunk and dreamed of death, and she did not pay attention to him. The black man saw that they didn’t respond, so he smiled and showed a white tooth: “A Ni Assei~(Hello)”

Tang Mi: “…”

This bro tried so hard to pick up.

Tang Mi stood up from the sofa and dragged Fu Xin out: “This place is not appropriate to stay for long time, we should go home and lead a befuddled life as if drunk or in a dream!”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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