SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire


Chapter 38

Yu Yi turned his head, pretending to look at the scenery outside the window, Tang Mi pulled the corner of her mouth, and she asked angrily: “Why do you always pretend that you didn’t have Yu Xin’s memory?”

Yu Yi worried that she was really angry. When he looked back, his look was a little embarrassing, but he explained: “At that time, Yu Xin suddenly kissed you. I didn’t know how to deal with the relationship.”

“So you pretended to lose your memory?”


Tang Mi looked at him with a squint and said: “You lied to me for so long, Is it enough to say sorry?”

Yu Yi said: “What do you want?”

Tang Mi looked at him so seriously, and suddenly she couldn’t bear to tease him: “Smile and I will forgive you.”

Yu Yi did not seem to think that she would make such a request, and there was a slight smile in his eyes. Tang Mi looked at him and added: ” laugh out with the dimples!”

Yu Yi was silent and said: “If you kiss me, I will do it.”

Tang Mi: “…”

Obviously he was asking for forgiveness! How dare he ask for it!

Tang Mi glanced at him indignantly, but she were afraid of not taking advantage and quickly closed to him and touched him on his lips.

Yu Yi stunned for a moment, then the lip line slowly pulled apart like a silk, and the best-looking arc was raised.

Two familiar dimples appeared on the face of Yu Yi. Tang Mi actually felt moving. She quickly took out her mobile phone and pressed the shutter against Yu Yi.

“CEO Yu’s smile is like a flower, it’s a rare one to see in a hundred years.” Tang Mi shook her mobile phone screen against Yu Yi as if to show her treasure. “If you sell this photo to a magazine, you will be able to earn a very high price.”

Yu Yi said: “Do you want to sell to a magazine?”

“No, no.” Tang Mi kept the phone in her arms. “I will go to a print shop later, and put it on the wall of the bedroom, exclusive collection hahaha.”

Yu Yi smiled unconsciously: “If you like it, I can smile for you often.”

Tang Mi heard the words, and she covered her chest: “Then I must exercise my heart more.”

Yu Yi smiled, did not speak.

Tang Mi collected the mobile phone and thought for a while and then said: “Oh, yes, my roommate is working in a magazine. She always wanted to get  an exclusive interview of you.”

Yu Yi’s eyebrows froze, looking at Tang Mi, and said: “Is that roommate called Fu Xin?”

“Yeah.” Tang Mi felt a little embarrassed. She just came with Yu Yi and asked him for this. However, Fu Xin also asked her for a long time. She was embarrassed to drag her. “That, I know you. you don’t like to be interviewed by magazines. I just want to ask you for her. If you don’t want to, then don’t do it.”

Yu thought and said: “I can accept a brief interview, I will let Luo Hao arrange it.”

“Really?” Tang Mi was a bit overjoyed, and if Fu Xin knew it, she would be happy and crazy.

“Well, I will let Luo Hao contact you when I have arranged the time. I also want to see your roommate.”

Tang Mi raised her eyebrows and looked at him: “Why do you want to see my roommate?”

“She is your roommate, of course I have to know what kind of person she is.”

Tang Mi stunned for a moment, then she laughed. “Are you afraid that she will cheat me? If she wants to do that, I would have already been cheated  out. We have known each other for more than ten years.”

Yu Yi said: “Then I should know her more, isn’t it?”

Tang Mi smiled: “You are right, but she is a huge fan of yours. You can see her with anti-wolf spray on that day.”

At this time, Fu Xin, who was far away from them , made a loud sneeze.

The Rainbow Welfare Institute had a history of more than 50 years in A city. In the past ten years, the house had been renovated several times, and the facilities and equipment had become more modernized with the support of all walks of life.

In the middle of the welfare home was a large lawn with a lot of entertainment facilities. Tang Mi and Yu Yi walked over and the children gathered around.

Tang Mi’s last visit to the welfare home was already before she went to France. After a long time, most children of the welfare home seemed to have changed. Most of them were new faces, and some she knew disappeared. The dean said that they were adopted by people.

The old dean of the Welfare Institute had a high age and was now recuperating at home. The current dean was his daughter. Tang Mi introduced the dean to Yu Yi, and turned to the dean. “This is CEO Yu Yi. He came with me to teach the children to make biscuits today.”

The dean looked at Yu Yi and then smiled and said: “Mr. Yu’s name is heard worldwide, and every restaurant in your company is very good.”

Yu Yi said out of politeness: “Thank you.”

The dean smiled and did not ask Tang Mi about the relationship with Yu Yi. She took them directly to the activity room: “The activity room has been arranged. The children heard that there are pastors who are coming here to teach them to make biscuits so they are excited.”

The children in the welfare homes were of all ages. Everyone gathered in the activity room and looked at Tang Mi and Yu Yi with great interest.

The dean introduced them: “This is the brother and sister who want to teach you to make biscuits today. Everyone welcome them.”

The children enthusiastically applauded, a little girl raised her hand and asked: “Brother, are you the sister’s boyfriend?”

Yu Yi habitually did not react, Tang Mi smiled and said: “Yes, he is my boyfriend, do you envy that your sister has such a handsome boyfriend?”

The little girl hadn’t talked yet, and a little boy next to her screamed: “Sister Tang Mi, you obviously said that when I grow up, you will marry me!”

“Do not talk nonsense, Gou Sheng, when did I promise you?”

The little boy said: “I have said that only my future wife can call me Gou Sheng!”

Tang Mi: “…”

Yu Yi bowed slightly and looked at the little boy. The little boy looked up, and he look at Yu Yi eye to eye.

After two seconds, Gou Sheng cried out.

The crying of the children was contagious, and the dean was afraid that he will be out of control and hurried to comfort him. Gou Sheng wiped his tears and looked at Tang Mi with a sigh of relief: “Sister Tang Mi, don’t marry him, he is so fierce, there will definitely be domestic violence with you.”

Tang Mi: “…”

She thought that the children now know quite a lot.

The dean smiled and wiped the Gou Sheng’s snot: “The brother didn’t do anything, why do you say he is fierce?”

Gou Sheng surely said: “I saw murderous look in his eyes!”

Dean: “…”

Tang Mi: “…”

She seemed to understand a little bit about why Gou Sheng had not been adopted for so long.

The staff came over and distributed the apron to everyone. Tang Mi looked at Yu Yi putting on an apron and suddenly laughed.

Yu Yi looked up at her: “What happened?”

Tang Mi smiled and shook her head: “Do you remember that Yu Xin took me to make a cake in happiness before? I was thinking, if you wear an apron, what’s it would look like? Now it seems quite handsome! “

Yu Yi smiled and did not speak, just walked behind Tang Mi and helped her tie the strap of the apron.

Obviously there was no physical contact, but Tang Mi’s ears were red.

When everyone wore the apron, Tang Mi took all the things she has prepared out: “Today, I want to teach everyone to make model cookies. I have prepared a lot of cute biscuits moulds.” Tang Mi has already prepared for it. She sent the dough to the children. “Everyone can make a cute pattern on the mold after thinning the dough. I will show it to you first.”

Tang Mi talked about the problem that needs attention, and when it comes to that she was happy, she sang directly: “Follow my left hand, right hand, a slow motion~”


The activity room was quiet, but Tang Mi also finished the dough in her hand: “Well, everyone will do as I have just done, be careful not to press your fingers.”

The children all started to move, and Tang Mi and Yu Yi were in charge of helping them to make dough. When everyone put the dough into a rectangle, then they went to the part of the children’s favorite …… printing mold.

The biscuits of various shapes were sent into the oven. Tang Mi took out the oblong cut paper and teach children to fold it into a conical paper bag. “This paper bag can be used to hold icing after folding. The icing is like a colored pen. Everyone can use it to paint a variety of decorations on the biscuits you just made.”

The children all made a cry of anticipation. After Tang Mi put the icing into the paper bag, everyone used it to squeeze out various decorations.

Stars, Christmas trees, cute clothes, small flowers of various colors…

Tang Mi made a red heart biscuit and gave it to Yu Yi next to her: “This is for you.”

Yu Yi took the biscuit on his hand and looked at it for a while and asked: “Is this your heart?”

Tang Mi blinked: “Yeah, you have to keep it safe.”

Yu Yi gently smiled and gave her a little biscuit that he had just made.

Tang Mi studied it the said: “Is this you?”


“Then I will take care of it, rest assured.” Tang Mi said, eating the biscuits, “Hey, the taste is not bad.”

Yu Yi looked at her with black and dark eyes, and Tang Mi said without shame: “If I eat it, it will not be taken away by anyone.”

Yu Yi was silent and ate the heart of Tang Mi.

When leaving the welfare home, Yu Yi handed his business card to the dean: “If you have any needs, you can contact me at any time.”

The dean accepted his business card and smiled and said: “I thank you for your kindness to the children.”

Yu Yi did not say anything, took Tang Mi away, and there were still shouts of Gou Sheng left behind.


Bai’s house, Bai family’s two brother and sister was sitting in the small garden to have afternoon tea from a busy life.

Bai Ce smeared some jam on the small bread and bit it down: “Hey! Where did you buy this strawberry jam? It tastes so good.”

Bai Xiao said: “It was made by Tang Mi. She gave me a bottle last time. Oh, it was made with strawberries from our house.”

Bai Ce looked at Bai Xiao on the ground and slowly swallowed the small bread wrapped in his mouth: “Today, I went to the Yu’s company. I heard Luo Hao say that Yu Yi and Tang Mi went to the welfare home.”

Bai Xiao’s eyes moved a bit, calmly said: “Oh.”

Bai Ce thought about it and put down the spoon in his hand: “Yu Yi mentioned it to me before that he loves Tang Mi.”

Bai Xiao was in a daze, looked up at him: ” Are they together as a couple?”

“Yeah.” Bai Ce nodded. “I think he told me about it, just so that he wants to let you know it through me.”

Bai Xiao didn’t talk, Bai Ce said: “Hey, I know that you have feelings for Yu Yi, but I have known him for so many years. He is a good partner. I don’t want to break because of this thing. …”

“Don’t worry,  brother.” Bai Xiao interrupted him. “I also think that he is a good partner. In fact, if he can find someone he likes. I am very happy for him. Although he does not like me, I will always meet someone who likes me.”

Bai Ce said with a smile: “It is best to think so, but if you want to lesson him, I don’t mind making a big profit from him next time, I don’t think he will say anything.”

Bai Xiao smiled: “We are not so stingy.”

Bai Ce blinked at her: “This is not necessarily. You know that the old man and old lady of our family has long been eyeing the old man and old lady of the Yu family, they are waiting to drink the festive wine of yours.”

Bai Xiao slightly frowned, this was indeed a question: “What should I do?”

Bai Ce picked up his eyebrows: “Of course Yu Yi will deal with this kind of thing, you needn’t worry about him.”

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