SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire


Chapter 37

Perhaps he was used to the appearance of Tang Mi wearing a chef’s suit. At this time, Tang Mi, who appeared in front of Yu Yi, gave him a feeling of a new outlook.

“You are very beautiful today.” When Tang Mi got into the car, Yu Yi unexpectedly praised her.

Tang Mi paused a moment, then smiled at him: “Thank you, mainly the clothes you sent are good-looking.”

Luo Hao sitting in the front row was thinking of how should he get off now? Anyway, there was no share for him to eat.

The car took them to Tian Xian Restaurant, Tang Mi came to eat here last time, on the alumni association. She followed Yu Yi to the private room on the ninth floor. After sitting down, he handed the menu to her.

Tang Mi did not look at the name of the dish, but first glanced at the price behind it, then shook hands and returned the menu to Yu Yi: “You order dishes.”

Yu Yi looked at her, took the menu and ordered some dishes, and the waiter politely went out.

After he and she were the only people  left in the private room, Tang Mi felt nervous and a little breathless. Yu Yi had not spoken and l seemed to be thinking, Tang Mi grabbed the tea cup in front of her, took a sip of the good green tea, and moistened the scorpion: “CEO Yu, do you have anything to say to me? ?”

Yu Yi’s face changed a bit, and then took a sip of the cup in front of him: “Well…”

“What is it?”

“That, that…” Yu Yi squinted, as if the next words were difficult to say.

Tang Mi was more nervous when she saw him like this. If he didn’t make it clear now, she would not eat it properly.

The mouth of Yu Yi was moving, but still didn’t make any noise. He was about to drink another cup of tea. His heart suddenly sounded a voice of Yu Xin: “If you can’t say it, let me go, I will come.”

Yu Yi’s brows slammed together, and the left hand of the cup was about to hit the table, splashing a few drops of tea.

“CEO Yu, what’s wrong ?” Tang Mi was shocked and hurried to his side, how can he easily become ill!

“I’m fine…” Yu Yi’s fingertips pressed against his temple, and the voice was depressed. Tang Mi saw that he seemed to be very uncomfortable, and quickly took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Luo Hao.

“It’s nothing, I’m fine.” Yu Yi held her hand and gasped a few breaths, gradually calming down.

Tang Mi observed him for a while, and saw his face gradually turn better, and she walked back to her position and sat down.

After this episode, the atmosphere that had just been brewed seemed to have been destroyed. Tang Mi saw Yu Yi’s expression of rethinking how to open his mouth, Tang Mi thought about it and asked him: “CEO Yu, since you haven’t thought about it, can I ask you a few questions first?”

Tang Mi’s words undoubtedly gave the time of buffer to Yu, and Yu Yi nodded his head: “Yes.”

Tang Mi blew her cheek and picked up her eyebrows and asked with a smile. “The person who gave me flowers before was actually not Yu Xin, but you, right?”

Yu Yi stunned, obviously this problem was beyond his expectation: “What are you talking about?”

Tang Mi looked at him and blinked: “When I went to the amusement park with Yu Xin, I saw the words he wrote, which was different from the words on the cards.”

Yu Yi’s eyeballs moved: “Maybe he asked the people in the store to help him write the card?”

“If he want to write a card for me, he will definitely write it himself.”

This sentence made Yu Yi a bit unpleasant, but he was just silent.

Tang Mi smiled: “If you don’t talk, I will consider it as yes.” She paused and asked, “And when I was sick last time. Was the person who came to see me also you?”

Yu Yi suffered another shock: “How did you know?”

Tang Mi raised her eyebrows and gave a look that said that I saw through you: “You really should look in the mirror, you don’t know how hard it was for you to smile.”


Yu was completely immersed in silence.

Tang Mi’s words scrabbled Yu Yi’s little heart and  asked: “But I don’t understand, why are you doing this?”

Yu Yin indulged a bit, a pair of black eyes did instantly looked straight into her eyes: “Don’t you know that I am chasing you?”

In a single sentence, Tang Mi was shocked.

She never imagined that Yu Yi to  always be a straight-forward style.

Yu Yi was still looking at her, just the beating of his heart in the chest only he felt it.

This was the first time that he felt his heart so accurately. Every one of the accelerated beating was only for Tang Mi.

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

His tone was as smooth as usual, but Tang Mi could hear his nervousness.

She slightly compressed her lower lip and looked at Yu Yi and asked, “What kind of girlfriend are you talking about?”

The brow of Yu Yi wrinkled a bit: “What kind?”

“For example, just play, and…”

“Do you think I am just playing with you ?” Tang Mi did not speak, and Yu Yi interrupted her impatiently.

No one knew better than him, how difficult it was for him to like someone.

Tang Mi saw that his face was not so good, and quickly explained: “No, but I heard that you are going to marry Bai Xiao…”

Yu Yi raised his brow and asked: “Who did you listen it from ? Bai Xiao?”

“No, it’s Lin Che…”

Lin Che… This two words made Yu Yi’s face even worse: “You believe what Lin Che said? I am his love rival, of course he will say bad things about me in front of you.”


Tang Mi answered calmly, so that Yu Yi’s brow was even tighter: “Do you believe in Lin Che or believe me?”

Tang Mi answered in a second: “Of course it is you!”

The look of Yu Yi was slightly calm: “Then you remember, my marriage is not a bargaining chip for my career. The wife I choose will only be the one I love.”

After the sound of the voice of Yu Yi fell, the private room was quiet and only heard a slight breathing sound.

Tang Mi pressed her heart that beat quickly, and whispered a question: “So…  you love me?”

The soft voice, like a cat’s claw, scratched the heart. There was a glimpse of awkwardness on Yu Yi’s face, and he felt shy: “Well.”

Although it was not romantic “I love you”, but a word was probably the limit for Yu.  Especially when his ears were a little bit of light beige color, so cute that people can’t help but want to take a bite.

Tang Mi couldn’t help but smiled: “Well, then I promise to be your girlfriend.”

Yu Yi looked up at her, and gradually smiled.

This time, his laughter was very natural.

Tang Mi looked at the two shallow dimples on his face and asked with a wink: “You have nothing to ask me?”

Usually potent man had to entangle about “do you like me or my money”?

The eyes of Yu Yi moved and asked: “Can I kiss you?”

Tang Mi: “…”

Why didn’t he play cards according to common sense!

Tang Mi flattened her mouth: “You wanted me as a girlfriend for this kind of thing!”

Yu Yi said: “Of course not. When you were not my girlfriend, I was already doing this kind of thing.”

Tang Mi: “…”


“Just I want to kiss you especially now.”

A gentle sentence of Yu Yi killed the heart of Tang Mi.

The waiter outside the door knocked the door stiffly and smiled sadly: “Excuse me, Mr. Yu, the food you ordered is here.”

“Hmm.” Yu Yi regained his gaze and faintly responded.

The two waiters quickly came in and cooked, and then fled out as if they had escaped.

Tang Mi didn’t have breakfast in the morning, and now she saw the delicate dishes on the table, and the locusts climbed up. She just picked up the chopsticks, Yu Yi in the opposite direction said: “Then I will change a question.”

… Tang Mi put the chopsticks back.

“Do you still like Lin Che?”

Tang Mi shook her head firmly: “Of course not.”

“Yu Xin and me, who do you like?”

Tang Mi stunned for a moment, looking up to Yu Yi.

Yu Yi was also looking at her, beautiful eyes staring at her direction, clearly reflecting her figure.

Tang Mi took a deep breath and said: “Yu Xin is like the sun. If I’m with him, I will feel very warm and comfortable. In front of him, I can speak freely without any scruples. You are just the opposite of him, if he is the sun, you are like the moon, cold and lonely, it’s exclusive, and if you’re angry, I’ll feel scared.”

After Tang Mi said these words, Yu Yi’s face was already very bad. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask if she was promised to be his girlfriend because of Yu Xin.

Tang Mi suddenly smiled: “But if You are the moon, I am Li Bai. Do you know Li Bai? He was a famous moon-watching lover in the Tang Dynasty.”

The faint glimmer of Yu Yi’s eyes flashed a bit, then smiled out.

Tang Mi opened her eyes in surprise: “Do you remember when we first met, I told a cold joke that you had no reaction at all? Now you can laugh out loud, it is a leap forward.”

“Because this joke makes me happy.” Yu Yi picked up the chopsticks on the side, and said to Tang Mi, “Eat, are you not hungry?”

Tang Mi smiled with a low head and picked up the chopsticks and ate it.

After a while, the door of the private room was ringed by the waiter. This time they brought in a big cake: “CEO Yu, the cake you ordered was delivered.”

“Okay, thank you.” Yu Yi waited for the waiter to go out and got up and uncovered the cake box on the table. “This is the macaron cake that I asked Jonathan to do for you. Happy birthday.”

Tang Mi was pleasantly surprised to see the birthday cake decorated with macarons

Tang Mi was pleasantly surprised to see the birthday cake decorated with macarons. She was happy to say: “It’s so beautiful, thank you CEO Yu!”

Yu Yi’s eyebrows moved: “If you are not in the company, don’t call me CEO Yu.”

Tang Mi turned her eyes and asked, “What should I call you?”

Yu Yi said: “I have a name.”

Tang Mi smiled and yelled, “Yu Yi.”

Yu Yi’s eyelashes trembled twice, whispering: “Well.”

Tang Mi seemed to be somewhat addicted, and again called out: “Yu Yi!”


“Yu Yi~”

“…eat the cake.”

After lunch, there was still work in Yu Yi’s hands, hence the driver directly drove to send Tang Mi home.

When the car stopped, Yu Yi’s brows moved invisibly: “So fast?”

Tang Mi laughed and said to him: “Then I will go first.”

“Yeah.” Yu Yi nodded. After watching her get out of the car, he stopped her. “Call me when you want to enjoy the moon next time.”

Luo Hao in the front row felt it was without rhyme or reason, but Tang Mi couldn’t help but laugh. She stood outside the door and smiled for a while before she said to Yu: “Do you have WeChat? We can send WeChat.”

Yu Yi said: “Luo Hao helped me register one before, but I don’t use it very much.”

“Then let’s add each other!” Tang Mi took out the mobile phone with great enthusiasm, and after adding Yu Yi’s WeChat, she waved goodbye to him.

Yu Yi looked at her with the cake she had not finished eatingand disappearing upstairs, and changed her WeChat note name to sweetheart.

After Tang Mi went upstairs, she also revised the note name of Yu Yi and saved it as Gou Dan.

After Yu Yi’s withdrawal from WeChat, he told Lu Hao: “Help me to invite Lin Che, I want to talk to him.”

Luo Hao’s eyes flicked twice and then nodded: “I know, I will arrange the time as soon as possible.”

Luo Hao said that as soon as possible, it was really very fast. The next day, Lin Che appeared in front of Yu Yi.

Kisscatcafe had not a lot of guests today, and Yu Yi was sitting in the corner, but he occupied the sight of each passing person.

Lin Che looked at him from afar, and blinked, before he walked forward and smiled and said hello to him: “CEO Yu.”

Yu Yi listened words looked up and his eyes swept away from him: “Hello.”

Lin Che smiled and took care of his clothes. He sat down opposite him: “I don’t know why CEO Yu is looking for me?”

Yu Yi said: “Just want to tell you, Tang Mi is now my girlfriend, I hope you will not bother her in the future.”

Lin Che’s expression was stiff for a moment, and then gradually closed up with a smile: “CEO. Yu, you are the potent man of the Yu’s group. If you want to play, there are many women who are willing to play with you, but please don’t look for Tang Mi.”

Yu Yi looked at him, and the dark black eyes had a sporadic chill: “Why does Mr. Lin insist that I am playing with her? I treat my feelings more seriously than you.”

Lin Che couldn’t help but sneer: “Tang Mi is simple but it does not mean that I am also as easy as her to fool. Bai Xiao has always been a daughter-in-law of the Yu family. Can you marry Tang Mi into the Yu family?”

Yu Yi said: “Maybe you don’t know much about Yu group, it was created by me, not a family business. I want to marry whoever I want and it doesn’t need the consent of others.”

Lin Che looked at the man with a sense of oppression in front of him. After a moment of silence, “Marriage is not just a matter of two people, but a matter of two families, not to mention a big family like Yu. I think Tang Mi also hopes her marriage can get the blessing of each other’s family.”

“This does not require Mr. Lin to worry about.” The voice of Yu Yi was cold and did not give away any word to refute.

He called the waiter to check out, but he stopped at Lin Che’s side before leaving: “Mr. Lin, since you have discarded it by hand, then don’t expect to find it again.”

Lin Che’s body was slightly shocked, and Yu Yi continued: “What you have given up is the most precious thing in the world for me. For this I should thank you.”

Yu Yi was grateful, but his attitude was cold and without sincere.

Lin Che frowned and stood up from the seat: “I didn’t give up, I always liked her, but I was not good enough at that time, could not give her the best happiness. But now it is different, I am confident that I can give her the same happiness as you or even better than you!”

Yu Yi’s deep eyes stared at him and said with a blank expression: “Because you were not good enough at the time, you chose to leave. Three years later, you are a high-ranking master of Chessington, a baking prince who is highly sought after by the media. You feel that you have become good enough, so you come back to find her. But why do you think that after you become the best self, should she wait for you in the same place?”

Lin Che was dumbfounded.

Yu Yi regained his gaze and left the cafe without returning.

Tang Mi had been studying the new flavor of ice cream cake for a few days. She discussed it with the manager and decided to try the durian and chocolate-flavored ice cream cake.

 She discussed it with the manager and decided to try the durian and chocolate-flavored ice cream cake

Tang Mi did not like the taste of durian, but as a pastry chef, sometimes it can only be involuntary. After all, durian flavor was a classic taste.

After being devastated by the rich smell of durian, Tang Mi returned home with exhaustion. After taking a shower, she lay in bed and turned to WeChat.

Although she has officially confirmed the relationship with Yu Yi, but these days, Yu Yi did not take the initiative to find her, and did not send her some sweet or romantic messages, Tang Mi was a bit doubtful that he did not understand what was called love. .

But thinking about it, if Yu Yi really sent her sweet and romantic messages every day, she may be more frightened than happy.

But when it comes to love this kind of thing, it always needs to have someone to take the initiative. Since Yu was still in the groping period of infants hence she the predecessor of this kindergarten should take the initiative.

So she edited a WeChat to Gou Dan: “I will take a break tomorrow, I am going to the Rainbow Welfare Institute to teach the children to make cookies, do you want to go with me?”

After a while, WeChat received a new message: “Yes.”

Tang Mi stared at the screen and smiled with her pillow.

After laughing for a while, the phone vibrated. Tang Mi glanced, oh, Gou Dan called.

She picked up the phone and sat up: “What’s up?”

“Nothing, just suddenly wanted to hear your voice.”

Tang Mi blinked and asked, “Do you miss me?”

The phone was silent for a moment, and it came with a cool but sweet voice: “Well.”

Tang honey smiled: “If you miss me, why don’t you call me?”

Yu Yi said: “The last time I left, I said, if you want to enjoy the moon, please contact me, but you have not contacted me.”

Tang Mi thought a few secs and connected her brain circuit: “So you think I don’t want to see you?”

Yu Yi did not speak, Tang Mi tried to say: “You did you wait for my phone call these few days?”


Tang Mi: “…”

She slammed her lips and said: “When you fall in love, men should take the initiative.”

Yu Yi was silent and said: “I know.”

It was not until later that Tang Mi saw what Yu Yi was when he took the initiative, Tang Mi regretted that she should not have said this sentence.

When two people agreed to meet the next day, Tang Mi hung up. She turned over the mask in the cupboard and put it on her face, went out to prepare for the things to go to the welfare institute.

Fu Xin was lying on the sofa watching TV. She stared at a mask on Tang Mi’s face and was keenly aware of something: “Tang Mi, to be honest, have you been in love recently?”

Tang Mi’s heart jumped and said: “No, why are you asking?”

Fu Xin wrinkled her nose and sat up with her pillow: “You have recently had a higher hormone secretion than the past, and you often put on a mask. You used to do it only a  few times a month!”

Tang Mi told to her: “Then dont you put the mask three times a week? Isn’t your hormone fried?”

Fu Xin: “…”

Tang Mi found some cute molds, and after packing them, she walked back to the bedroom.

Fu Xin looked at her back and thought that she must be hiding. When she was free, she will ask her seriously! She didn’t believe Tang Mi would not tell the truth.

When Fu Xin went to work the next day, Tang Mi also woke up. She looked around in the closet and thought about making biscuits conveniently, she gave up the beautiful skirt and chose t-shirts and shorts.

After receiving a call from Yu Yi, Tang Mi carried a large bag of things and went downstairs.

Yu Yi stood alone outside the car and seemed to be waiting for her.

Tang Mi smiled and walked up. She looked up and asked him: “Why didn’t you wait in the car?”

This angle was just convenient for Yu Yi. He bent down and slightly kissed on Tang Mi’s lips: “Because I miss you.”

Tang Mi’s face was red, this was downstairs of her house! People were everywhere!

Yu Yi was calm, he opened the door to let Tang Mi sit in.

Today, Luo Hao did not follow, and there was only one driver in the car. After Tang Mi put things in place, the driver drove to the Rainbow Welfare.

Yu Yi looked at the things in Tang Mi’s backpack and asked: “How come you suddenly want to go to the Rainbow Welfare Institute to teach children to make cookies?”

Tang Mi smiled and said: “In fact, it is my father. He has a very good relationship with the old dean of the Rainbow Welfare Institute. He used to pay for two living expenses every month. One is mine, one is the institute’s and he would let me send it to the welfare home, and take a look at the children in the welfare home. I had my birthday few days ago so he sent a postcard and money and urged me to go to the welfare home. It’s has been a really long time since I have been there, I’m a little embarrassed.”

Yu Yi nodded: “I thought your father was a rough photographer. I didn’t expect his thoughts to be so delicate.”

Tang Mi moved his eyebrows and asked: “How do you know that my father is a photographer?”

“Didn’t you say that?”

Tang Mi said: “I said it, but I said it to Yu Xin.”

Yu Yi’s eyes moved and was silent.

Tang Mi squinted: “Did you always had Yu Xin’s memory?”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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