SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire


Chapter 36

After the procurement meeting in the new quarter, Yu Yi and Bai family’s brother and sister came out from the conference room together.

Bai Ce raised his left hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist. He suggested: “Let’s go and have lunch together?”

Yu Yi nodded: “I want to eat Italian food.”

Bai Xiao was in a daze next to them, Bai Ce looked at her sideways and asked, “What’s wrong? You don’t want to eat Italian food?”

Bai Hao shook her head and smiled and said: “No, let’s eat Italian food.”

Bai Ce raised his eyebrows and walked to the side of Yu Yi and chatted with him about the stock. Bai Xiao followed behind them, silently watching their back.

He just used the word “want”, this was the first time she heard Yu Yi’s willingness to express himself.

Although she had not had much contact with Yu Yi in private, but they had cooperated in the business field for so many years, Yu Yi had always made the most correct decision through rational judgment – from the company’s decision to what to eat at noon.

He was like a robot that can never go wrong, indifferent to humanity.

But this cold man, just said that he wanted to eat Italian food.

Italian cuisine had such a great charm that it can make him interested in it. Bai Xiao’s eyeballs moved, no, there was something else, that let him to  gradually have the same feelings as ordinary people.

what is it?

Bai Xiao always felt that she seemed to know the answer.

When he was eating, Bai Ce had been talking about stocks with great interest. Yu Yi occasionally answered two sentences, and Bai Xiao sat alone and silently. When the meal was settled, Yu Yi took the initiative to express his request to split the bill and Bai Ce accepted it with pleasure.

Only after the wallet was opened, his eyes quickly grasped the wrist of Yu Yi: “What is posted on your wallet?” Bai Ce was so surprised that his eyes were falling out. “The person on the photo sticker is you? You actually have dimples?! No, the focus is on the girl next to you. Isn’t she a pastry chef who teaches cakes?”

Bai Xiao also stretched her neck and looked at the wallet. It did have a photo sticker on it, which was incompatible with the wallet that had a high price. What surprised her the most was that the man who was on the photo sticker, whether appearance or behavior, had no similarities with Yu Yi. If they didn’t have same face, she would not think that this person was Yu Yi.

Speaking of it, she seemed to have seen such a Yu Yi during his last birthday.

For the first time in the life of Yu Yi, he felt a little embarrassed, but with the help of the iceberg face, he still took back his hand with ease and handed the card to the waiter.

Bai Ce looked at him with a smile. His eyes were full of jokes: “Don’t you want to explain?”

Yu Yi said: “Why explain to you? You are not my boyfriend.”

Bai Ce: “…”

He felt that the earth was probably destroyed, or how can Yu Yi say a  joke? !

Yu Yi completely ignored his expression of the collapse of the three views, and returned to the company directly after the lunch.

Bai Ce looked sideways at Bai Xiao beside him, smiled and patted her head: “If you are not comfortable, go home and rest.”

On Bai Xiao’s face, there was a glimpse of the shackles that were pierced by the mind, and at the same time it was a bit of a touch of thoughtfulness. She stopped a taxi and returned home early.

Lying in the room for a long while, she couldn’t help but sit up and call Tang Mi.

Tang Mi had returned to work after recovering. When she saw the call from Bai Xiao, she quickly picked it up: “Miss Bai, is there anything?”

Bai Xiao paused and replied: “Oh, I heard that you came back from Japan. I want to ask you when you have time and continue to teach me to make cakes.”

Tang Mi counted the time and said to Bai Xiao: “oh so this is the case. I just took a day of sick leave. The manager said that I was given a day off, so she won’t deduct my salary, but I have to work for a overtime. “

“Oh, that sad, then I will wait. We can schedule the meet when you have time.”

Bai Xiao’s voice sounded a bit disappointing. Tang Mi thought for a moment: “If you don’t mind, we can do a simple and not time-consuming cake. It will be done in the time after work.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Anyway, she was going to collect money.

Tang Mi’s work off time was seven o’clock. Bai Xiao sent her driver early to wait outside the restaurant and he took Tang Mi to Bai’s home after work.

Because there was not enough time in the evening, Tang Mi proposed to make a roast cloth bud: “This one hour can be done.”

“Okay.” Bai Xiao nodded and followed her. The practice of baking the cloth buds was very simple, and the baking time was not long. The two quickly went to the last step.

“Be sure to pay attention when sprinkling brown sugar powder. If the amount of sprinkling is not enough or uneven, the caramel on the surface will not be beautiful.”

“Yeah.” Bai Xiao was on the side, while carefully filtering the brown sugar with a universal mesh screen. After the brown sugar covered the entire surface, it was heated to a brownish brown color with a gas spray gun.

“It’s very beautiful!” Tang Mi praised the work of Bai Xiao, and she sat down with roast cloth buds to eat in the living room.

“This card is really easy to addictive.” Bai Xiao used a spoon to tap the caramel surface and smiled and said to Tang Mi.

Tang Mi nodded in agreement: “CEO Yu also said that the crisp sound of caramel cracking is fascinating.”

Bai Xiao’s action  paused, picking up a spoonful of roast cloth buds with a spoon, and asked inadvertently: “Are you in a relationship with Yu Yi?”

“Cough, cough!” Tang Mi almost squirted out the roast cloth buds in her mouth. “No, no, how do you think so?”

Bai Xiao raised her brow slightly and contained the spoon in her hand: “I saw your photo sticker in his wallet.”

Tang Mi: “…”

Although the words of Bai Xiao were ambiguous, she can understand clearly.

CEO Yu….. did not tear the stupid photo sticker down!

“That …. it was on the spur of the moment.”

Bai Xiao squinted and looked at her: “His previous depression seems to have changed a lot.”

Tang Mi responded stiffly: “Is it?”

“Yeah.” Bai Xiao smiled. “But it’s all a good change, so I am quite happy.”

“Ohh.” Tang Mi nodded with a spoon and said nothing.

She ate the roast cloth buds in the dish, wiped her mouth and said, “Its late now, I will go back first.”

“Okay, I troubled you today.” Bai Xiao sent her to the door and asked the driver to send her back.

After arriving home, Tang Mi was thinking about it. Bai Xiao was looking for her today. Was it mainly to ask if she was in relationship with Yu?

She thought of Lin Che’s previous words of the marriage between Bai family and Yu family, and she licked her mouth and took her pajamas into the bathroom to take a shower.


On July 13th, it was Tang Mi’s birthday. Lin Che started calling her about two days in advance, and was rejected by Tang Mi on the grounds that she had to go to work.

On this day, Yu Yi also suddenly told Luo Hao: ” Tell Qi Xuan to arrange a leave for Tang Mi tomorrow.”

Luo Hao stunned for a moment, and soon he laughed as if he understood something: “Ok, I am going to inform her now.”

After Tang Mi received a notice from the manager about a day of rest, she was stunned for a while. The manager looked at her standing there dumbfounded and couldn’t help but say, “Isn’t its your birthday tomorrow?”

Tang Mi nodded: “Yes.”

The store manager said: “The company gives employees this benefits to take vacation on their birthdays.”

Tang Mi: “…”

Although she had no work experience, but the company that can give a vacation on her birthday, it was  definitely the first one to do so.

“Ah, but this benefit is random, not every employee gets it, so don’t tell others.”

“Oh…” Tang Mi nodded again. It turned out to be hidden benefit. No wonder. So, was she supposed to buy a lottery ticket?

“If there is nothing else, go out and enjoy, happy birthday.”

“Thank you, manager.”

After Tang Mi left, the restaurant manager thought sadly that it was already not easy for them to be workers, but they also have to help the boss to conquer his girlfriend.

Although Tang Mi had a day off, but tomorrow was not a weekend, Fu Xin could not accompany her. She thought about it for a moment, and finally decided to sleep at home for one day, and then ask Fu Xin to go out to eat at night.

As a result, just after the shower, she received a phone call from Yu Yi.

Seeing the number on the screen, she first thought that it was Yu Xin, so she asked: “Yu Xin?”

The person at the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and said: “It’s me, Yu Yi.”

Tang Mi was shocked, she hadn’t recovered yet when Yu Yi said again: “Do you really want me to be Yu Xin?”

Feeling the little disappointment in his tone, Tang Mi quickly said: “No, because you used to find me through assistant Luo and only Yu Xin would call me by himself, so I thought…”

Yu Yi was silent for a while and said: “I will call you directly from now onwards.”

“Oh.” Tang Mi sighed, but smiled, “CEO Yu, do you have any orders ?”

“Well…” A short pause made Tang Mi feel a hint of embarrassment. “That, I didn’t take you to eat in Japan last time, so I want to find a chance to make up for it. Are you free tomorrow?”

Tang Mi quickly blinked and smiled and said: “Oh, the restaurant manager just gave me a holiday tomorrow.”

Although Yu did not speak, Tang Mi felt that he seemed to be more embarrassed now. She smiled silently and asked, “Do you want to invite me to dinner tomorrow?”

“Well, I will pick you at 11 o’clock in the morning .”

“Okay, thank you CEO Yu.” Tang Mi cheerfully hang up the phone and laughed at the quilt.

This evening, she specially asked Fu Xin for where the mask she brought back from Japan were , put it on her face, and slept early.

The next day when Fu Xin went out to work, she also woke up and went to take a shower, then opened the closet to pick clothes.

The clothes that Yu Xin bought for her last time had finally come to use !

She tried several skirts and finally put on her favorite vertical striped bib, with a white shirt, and after looking at different angle in front of the mirror, she combed her hair.

After the styling was finished, Tang Mi did a light makeup for herself, and soon she received a call from Yu Yi. This time she learned, and she said sweetly: “Hello, CEO Yu!”

Yu Yi paused, and the low-pitched voice passed through the receiver: “I am downstairs of your house.”

Tang Mi smiled: “Okay, I will come down immediately.”

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