SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire


Chapter 35

After returning to China, Tang Mi rested at home for a day and was involved in the busy work of the restaurant.

After arriving at the restaurant in the morning, she first reported the situation of the exchange program to the restaurant manager, and then distributed many handmade biscuits and special products brought back from Japan to everyone.

Supervisor Yu received the gift and looked at her with a smile: “I saw the picture of the exchange meeting made by the authority, the hawthorn yoghurt mousse cake that you made felt tasty only from the pictures I can’t imagine how tasty it must be in real.
Can you please make one for all of us to eat ?? “

This proposal quickly received the response of all the colleagues in the restaurant. With such high enthusiasm, Tang Mi was somewhat embarrassed: “This cake is already tasted by CEO Yu at the program and he has decided to sell it as a new product.”

“Great!” After the crowd cheered, but supervisor Yu asked, ” CEO Yu also went to Japan?”

Tang Mi nodded: “He went to Japan to inspect.”

“Oh.” The supervisor said with a deep meaning in her eyes and looked at Tang Mi.

In the afternoon, Tang Mi changed the hawthorn yoghurt mousse cake into a cup cake according to what she said to Yu Yi before, and the decoration of the coral sugar wings became more eye-catching and refined. Colleagues in the store ate happily, and even Lu Yu heard that, and took a photo while wishing to get a cake.

 Colleagues in the store ate happily, and even Lu Yu heard that, and took a photo while wishing to get a cake

{ T/n: Imagine the cupcake as above except the fish tail it has wings }

During this time, Tang Mi’s exposure on Yu Zhi’s official blog was very high, and she became a spokesperson for Yu Zhi’s. Every day, the restaurant also had guests who come to eat the cake she made.

The restaurant manager can already foresee that when this cake was on sale, it will trigger a large craze.

Tang Mi got off work on time today. When she got home, she found Fu Xin lying on the sofa with an ice bag on her head.

Her eyelids jumped up and asked, “What happened to you?”

Fu Xinqi is very weak: ” I Heavily caught a cold and have a fever…”

Her voice was completely dumb, and she was scared so Tang Mi quickly went up to check her temperature and asked: “Have you taken medicine?”

“I took a shot downstairs and the medicine should be eaten after dinner.” She finished and watched Tang Mi, Tang Mi went into the kitchen without any word to cook wheat porridge.

Fu Xin smelled the porridge and finally got a little blood. Tang Mi handed the porridge to her and sat down beside her: “Why do you have a fever?”

Fu Xin blew a few porridge in the bowl and took a sip: “I worked overtime for the these two days and slept directly in the office. Maybe it was cold at that time… Ah, what happened about the Yu Yi’s exclusive interview that I asked you ?”

“Oh…” Tang Mi really didn’t want to hit her at this time. ” When I have a chance to ask I will do it.”

Fu Xin looked at her with sorrow: “If I  can’t get an interview again, I may be tortured to death by the editor.”

“No, you weren’t killed when they were collecting debts. You are not so vulnerable.”

Fu Xin: “…”

Why does she have to talk about her  debts when she was sick?

Fortunately, Tang Mi was a conscient roommate. Under her careful care, Fu Xin quickly transmitted the disease to her, and then Fu Xin jumped again.

This day, after the opening of the company’s regular meeting, Yu Yi was sitting in the office in a daze, suddenly he remembered that Yu Xin told Lu Yu to promote his relationship with Tang Mi.

It’s been so many days from that, how come he hasn’t heard a little bit of rumors?

He thought for a while and pressed the phone on the table: “Sang Lan, help me call Lu Yu of the publicity department.”

“Okay, CEO Yu.”

Lu Yu, who was suddenly summoned by the big boss, knocked on the door of the president’s office sincerely and walked in: “CEO Yu, Are you looking for me?”

It would not be obvious that half of the Japanese culture she wrote last time was copied.

Yu Yi watched her not saying a word, Lu Yu was even more worried in her heart, just as she was preparing to plead guilty, Yu Yi suddenly spoke : “Before at the hotel, I let you publicize… “

“Don’t worry, CEO Yu! Tang Mi has talked to me!” Lu Yu quickly showed her loyalty, “I know that is the nonsense after you were drunk, I promise not to let it out!”

After her passioned remarks ended, the office was surprisingly quiet. Yu Yi was silent for a long time, only nodded and said: “Okay then , you go out first.”

“Ok, CEO Yu.”

Lu Yu sighed in her heart and walked to the door. She was suddenly stopped by Yu Yi behind her: “Well, the Japanese culture Paper you handed over before, delete all the copied parts, rewrite and give it to me.”

Lu Yu: “…”

So! What is this!

After Lu Yu left sadly, Yu Yi sat alone in the office for a while, then dialed the phone to Luo Hao: “Are you finished with the things on your side?”

Luo Hao said: “When it is finished, I will gp to the company right away.”

“Well, after you arrive at the company, ask the driver to wait for me downstairs. I have to go to Sweet Dream.”

Luo Hao paused for a moment before he raised his mouth and said: “Okay Boss.”

Sweet Dream was in the opening hours. After entering the restaurant, many guests curiously looked at him. Supervisor Yu squeezed a waiter around and rushed to the front of the Yu Yi: “Hello, CEO Yu!”

CEO Yu nodded to her and looked at the restaurant.

Foreman Yu blinked: “Is CEO Yu to visit the restaurant?”


Yu Yi politely asked a guest about the evaluation of the dishes. The guests stared at him and said: “The scallops are very fresh, and the taste of the steaks is also great. Unfortunately, there is no new product of hawthorn yoghurt mousse today. I originally intended to eat this dessert.”

Yu Yi’s eyebrows moved a bit, and after telling her to have a happy meal, he walked in the direction of the baking room.

There was no one in the baking room. Yu Yi was puzzled and asked the supervisor who was always with him. “Didn’t Tang Mi come to work today?”

The foreman said: “Oh, Tang Mi is sick today.”

“Sick leave ?” Yu Yi’s brow screamed. “Is she sick?”

“Well, listening to the manager , she said that it is a cold, it seems that it is still something serious.”

Yu Yi’s heart jumped abruptly, and he then walked out without looking back. Luo Hao next to him saw that his face was not quite right, and quickly followed up.

After getting into the car, Yu Yi held on the seat and held his forehead in one hand: “Do you want to come out this time…?”

Luo Hao quickly got into the car and looked at him anxiously: “What’s wrong? You need to find Dr. Zhang?”

“No…” Yu Yi panted, as if talking to himself, “I don’t need you to come out, I can solve it myself…”

After a while, Yu Yi gradually calmed down in the back seat. He sorted out his clothes and said to the driver: “Drive.”

Tang Mi has been lying in bed and sleeping because she has eaten cold medicine. There was a sudden knock outside the door which woke her up. She turned over and covered herself with a quilt, but she still couldn’t ignore the knocking of the door.

Tang Mi finally couldn’t help but open the quilt, sat up in dismay, put on the slippers and walked to the door: “Who is it?”

The person outside the door was silent and replied: “Sweetheart, it’s me.”

Tang Mi shocked, she felt that her whole person was full of energy. She opened the door quickly and saw Yu Xin.

He didn’t wear a suit jacket, the neckline of the white shirt was open, and the tie was loosely hung around his neck. The right hand supported the door frame, and the bangs in front of his forehead lazily covered his eyes.

Tang Mi swallowed silently.

When she looked at the person, the opposite person was also looking at her.

Because she just got up from the bed, Tang Mi was wearing pajamas, black long hair draped over the shoulders,not very docile, some squatting. She didn’t know if it was because of a fever or just woke up. There were two rounds of unnatural blush on her face. She looked special…

Two people admired each other’s beauty at the door, when Tang Mi finally remembered to invite him into the house.

She stood in the living room and smiled a little embarassedly: ” Yu Xin, how come you are here ?”

Yu Xin also smiled and replied: “I heard that you are sick, is it better?”

“Well, it’s much better after taking a shot in the hospital. It’s just that I am  more sleepy.”

Yu Xin’s eyebrows moved, and he pulled her into the house: “If you are sleepy, sleep for a while.”

Tang Mi: “…”

But… what about you? Want to watch me sleep ?

…how can she sleep?

Yu Xin apparently did not realize this problem. He took Tang Mi into the bedroom and saw the pink plush doll on the side of the pillow, and subconsciously paused.

“What’s wrong?” Tang Mi looked at him with a sigh of relief.

Yu Xin pulled up his lips and said to her: “Do you put this doll here?”

Tang Mi nodded: “Yeah, generally it is here.”

“Yeah.” Yu Xin slightly licked his lips and pulled her to the bedside. “It takes a lot of rest to get well.”

“Oh.” Tang Mi got into the bed and looked at the person standing on the side. “What about you?”

Yu Xin seemed to think about this problem now, and said embarassedly: “Well… I will watch you rest next to you, don’t worry, I will not do anything to you.”

Tang Mi blinked quickly and pointed to the computer chair next to him: “You can sit there.”

“Yeah.” Yu Xin pulled the chair and sat down next to her. Seeing Tang Mi looked at him with a squint and asked: “What happened?”

Tang Mi said: “How do I feel that you are a little different today?”

Yu Xin stunned a bit, then smacked his mouth and smiled at Tang Mi: “What is different, sweetheart?”

Tang Mi didn’t talk, but her eyes blinked.

Yu Xin coughed and changed the topic: “How come you are suddenly sick? Don’t you know how to take care of yourself?”

Tang Mi flattened her mouth: “It’s not because of that, that Fu Xin sent to this disease to me. She got well, but infected me.”

Yu Xin looked at her for a while, suddenly bent down to get close to her, and lowered his voice: “Then you infect me, so you can be good.”

Tang Mi looked at the him who was close to her, and her heart beating violently, she could not help but smile: “you are so childish, do you still believe this?”

Yu Xin slightly raised his eyebrows: “Don’t you think I am a child? Children are of course childish.”

Tang Mi did not speak, just bent her eyes and smiled, the darkness of the Yu Xin’s eyes became deeper, and his lips swept gently on her lips: “Do you want to infect me?”

The sly tone and shallow breathing made Tang Mi nervous and laughed. Suddenly leaning forward, he hit the soft lips of Tang Mi.

He tentatively put out his tongue and licked it, gently biting Tang Mi’s lower lip.

The kiss had been careful, and Yu Xin had broken into the mouth of Tang Mi, when she loosened her lips.

Tang Mi opened her eyes and looked at him with a bit of instability: “After this kiss, you have not changed back to CEO Yu.”

Yu Xin gently rubbed her lower lip and asked: “Do you want me to change back to Yu Yi?”

Tang Mi’s eyes moved and smiled, but did not speak.

Yu Xin helped her to lie down and touched the black hair on her forehead: “Sleep.”

“Oh.” Tang honey closed her eyes obediently.

Yu Xin looked around and watched her breath become even and long and got up and kissed her on the cheek and left her room.

After hearing a slight closing sound, Tang Mi quietly opened her eyes. She lay quietly for a while, then climbed up lightly and walked to the window and looked out sneakily.

Yu Xin just entered the Bently , and after the car door closed, the car quickly drove out of the area.

Tang Mi turned back, and jumped on the bed, laughing with a quilt.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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